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DB Assignment

Spring 2024
CSE 301
Supervisor: - Dr.Hanafy M. Ali
ENG : Hassan

Name iD
Kareem Mohammed Elsayed 200030812
A conceptual data mode
is a technology-agonistic, high-level, abstract representation of the data
an organization uses, or intends to use, in its business operations. It
provides a big-picture view of an organization's data requirements without
diving into technical details of how the data will be stored or manipulated.
The goal of the conceptual model is to create a shared understanding of
the business by capturing the essential concepts of a business or

ER Diagram :-
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram, also called an entity-relationship model,
is aptly named: it shows the relationships between entities. ER diagrams are
most commonly used to organize data within databases or information
There are two kinds of ER diagrams: conceptual and physical. Conceptual
diagram models can provide the foundation for logical data models or show
commonality relationships between ER models as a basis for data-model

EER Diagram :-
Enhanced entity-relationship (EER) diagrams are basically a more expansive version of ER
diagrams. EER models are helpful tools for designing databases with high-level models.
With their enhanced features, you can plan databases more thoroughly by delving into the
properties and constraints with greater precision. The Enhanced Entity-Relationship
(EER) model extends the ER model by incorporating additional features such as subtypes,
supertypes, inheritance, and specialization/generalization, allowing for more complex
relationships and constraints to be represented
Relational Database
A relational database is a type of database that stores and provides access to
data points that are related to one another. Relational databases are based on
the relational model, an intuitive, straightforward way of representing data in
tables. In a relational database, each row in the table is a record with a unique
ID called the key. The columns of the table hold attributes of the data, and
each record usually has a value for each attribute, making it easy to establish
the relationships among data points.

There are generally three types of relational models in DBMS :

1. The One-to-Many Model

2. The One-to-One Model
3. The Many-to-Many Model
conceptual model

EER Diagram: -
Relational model

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