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History of English Language

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1. Indo European language are believe to derive from a hypothetical language

known as……………..
A. proto – indo- european
B. germanic
C. indo- iranian
D. avestan

2. The earliest possible end of Proto- Indo- European linguistic unity is believed to
be around
o m
A. 3300 b c e
. c
B. 3400 bce
C. 3000 bce
D. 4000 bce

q M
Mthat forms part f the Iranian group
3. …………… the language
A. avestan
B. english
C. dutch
D. german

4. The earliest surviving written evidence of a Greek language is………….

A. mycenaean
B. avestan
C. indic
D. germanic

5. In which language most of the ancient Greek poetry and prose were written?
A. mycenaean
B. greek
C. attic
D. indic

6. Insular celtic flourished in………….

A. england
B. ireland
C. germany
D. france

7. ……………is the last branch of Indo European languages to appear in written

A. latvian
B. danish
C. albanian
D. lithuvanian

8. The term applied to certain changes in vowel in accented syllables owing to the
influence of neighbouring sounds
A. umlaut or mutation
B. ablaut
C. consonant shift
D. vowel shift

9. Most of the important literary works of the Old English period were written in
the ………. dialect
A. mercian
B. kentish
C. northumbrian
D. west saxon

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10. Beowulf was written in ………..dialect
A. mercian
B. west saxon
C. kentish
D. northumbrian

11. …………was the dialect of the Jutes who were the earliest settlers in Britain
A. kentish
B. mercian
C. west saxon
D. northumbrian

12. Which among are the dialects of Middle English?

A. mercian, northumbrian, northern
B. west saxon, kentish, east midland
C. northern, the midland, the southern
D. kentish, midland, mercian

13. The dialect of Middle English in which Chaucer wrote his poems
A. east midland
B. west midland
C. south midland
D. central midland

14. During the Middle English period English came under the strong influence of
the ………..language.
A. latin
B. french
C. german
D. greek

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15. Identify a word from French language which is common in usage.
A. ox
B. calf
C. sheep
D. beef

16. “ It is melancholy to think what English dinner table would have been like had
there been no Norman Conquest” Whose words are these
A. chomsky
B. f t wood
C. a c baugh
D. macaulay

17. The influence of Renaissance is most clearly seen in the introduction of a large
number of …….. and …………… words into English during the early modern
English period.
A. greek and latin
B. french and latin
C. greek and german
D. german and latin

18. The term Inkhorn term refers to………..words and expressions borrowed
indiscriminately from the classical languages
A. french
B. latin
C. german
D. west saxon

19. The Anglican Prayer Book was first issued in………….

A. 1456
B. 1540
C. 1549

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D. 1500

20. ………….had translated the Bible in 1588

A. king james
B. coverdale
C. tyndale
D. purvey

21. The history of the English Bible begins with the work of ………… 1526
A. tyndale
B. purvey
C. coverdale
D. king james

22. Authorized version of Bible was published in…………

A. 1600
B. 1611
C. 1612
D. 1687

23. The authorized version of Bible was made according to the suggestions of
A. coverdale
B. dr johnson
C. king james i
D. king james ii

24. The vocabulary of the authorized version of the Bible adopted mainly from…..
A. kentish
B. latin
C. french

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D. anglo saxon

25. “ After reading St. Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews, Homer and Virgil are
disgustingly tame to me Milton himself barely tolerable” Who said these words?
A. tennyson
B. coleridge
C. wordsworth
D. arnold

26. Printing was introduced into England in 1476 by …………….

A. william bailey
B. coverdale
C. william caxton
D. william jones

27. Which dialect was used by William Caxton for printing ?

A. west midland
B. east midland
C. kentish
D. central midland

28. The remarkable changes in the pronunciation of vowels which took place
during the transition from Middle English to Modern English are commonly
referred to as the ………
A. great vowel shift
B. consonant shift
C. addition
D. mutation

29. The Old English Period has been called the period of …………
A. leveled inflections

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B. lost inflection
C. less inflection
D. full inflection

30. The Middle English Period has been called the period of ……………
A. leveled inflections
B. lost inflection
C. less inflection
D. full inflection

31. The New English Period has been known as……………

A. leveled inflections
B. lost inflection
C. less inflection
D. full inflection

32. “ How barbarously we yet write and speak. Your lordship knows, and I am
sufficiently sensible in my own English” Whose words are these?
A. tennyson
B. dryden
C. johnson
D. wordsworth

33. in the 18th century the need for standardization and regulation of English was
summed up in the word………..
A. standardization
B. addition
C. ascertainment
D. regularization

34. Who defined ascertainment as a “settled rule, an established standard.”

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A. dryden
B. tennyson
C. swift
D. dr. johnson

35. “ A proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue”
is the title of the letter by ………….
A. swift
B. dryden
C. tennyson
D. dr. johnson

36. Dr. Jonhson’s “ A Dictionary of the English Language” was published in

A. 1765
B. 1766
C. 1755
D. 1789

37. Who is the author of “ A Dictionary of the English Language?

A. jonson
B. dr. johnson
C. swift
D. king james

38. Who is the author of the book “Practical Grammar of the English Tongue”
A. william jones
B. werner
C. dr. johnson
D. william loughton

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39. “The Rudiment of English Grammar” was written by………
A. joseph priestley
B. william loughton
C. werner
D. dr. johnson

40. Who is the author of “ The British Grammar”?

A. robert lowth
B. james buchanan
C. loughton
D. swift

41. Who of the following announced that many languages came from one old base
A. sir william jones
B. sassetti
C. jacob grimm
D. joseph greenberg

42. What was the second earliest form of language seen on earth?
A. cave drawings
B. cuneiform
C. english
D. indo- european

43. Which f the following words might be of Vicking Descent?

A. skate
B. crabby
C. rate
D. a and b

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44. Around how many words did Shakespeare invent?
A. 20.000
B. 9, 000
C. 10,000
D. 8000

45. During the Middle English period, many words were borrowed from which two
A. celtic and old norse
B. latin and french
C. urdu and iroquoian
D. spanish and latin

46. Which Anglo- Irish writer proposed the creation of an English Academy to
regulate English Usage and “ascertain” the language?
A. jonathan swift
B. samuel johnson
C. dryden
D. oliver goldsmith

47. The Philological society’sNew English Dictionary on Historical Principles,

begun in 1879, was eventually published under which title in 1928?
A. roget’s thesaurus
B. the king’s english
C. oxford english dictionary
D. webster’s dictionary

48. “The Ecclesiastical History of the English People”, a key source f information
about Anglo Saxon settlement is the work of ……….
A. william jones
B. venerable bede
C. king james i

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D. william langland

49. Who is the author of The First English Dictionary?

A. dr. johnson
B. robert cawdrey
C. john wilkins
D. thomas sheridon

50. The First English Dictionary “ Table Alphabeticall” was published in…..
A. 1608
B. 1700
C. 1678
D. 1604

51. Who is the author of the essay “ Essay Upon Projects” that proposes an
academy of 36 “gentlemen” to dictate English usage?
A. daniel defoe
B. jonathan swift
C. oliver goldsmith
D. john wilkins

52. The Authorized Version of English Bible was published in which year?
A. 1607
B. 1611
C. 1612
D. 1600

53. Which language is the most closely related to Modern English?

A. frisian
B. german
C. gothic

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D. islandic

54. Which language is the most closely related to Modern English

A. frisian
B. islandic
C. gothic
D. german

55. Cynwulf wrote during which stage of Old English?

A. prehistoric
B. late old english
C. primitive
D. early old english

56. Who wrote the “ Essay towards a Real character and a Philosophical
A. john wilkins
B. james hermes
C. thomas sheridan
D. william jones

57. When part of one word is combined with part of another in order to form a
new word , carrying with it the ideas behind both the original terms, is known as a
A. loan word
B. noun word
C. portmanteau word
D. blend word

58. Which among is an example of Portmanteau word

A. melodrama

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B. tragedy
C. nickname
D. forlorn

59. Which among the following is the contribution of Shakespeare?

A. utopian
B. idealism
C. multitudinous
D. fairy tale

60. Identify the word that derived from Greek language

A. formula
B. phenomenon
C. fableaux
D. stratum

61. Identify the word that borrowed from Latin to English

A. formula
B. phenomenon
C. criteria
D. analogy

62. Identify the word that borrowed from French to English

A. phenomenon
B. guillotine
C. theatre
D. genius

63. Who is the author of the book “The Growth and Structure of the English
A. otto jespersen

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B. robert lowth
C. william bullokar
D. willaiam cobbett

64. Name of the group of related languages all derived from vulgar Latin within
historical times and forming a subgroup of the italic branch of the Indo –
European language family.
A. italic languages
B. sardinian languages
C. romanian languages
D. romance languages

65. Identify the language that is included in Romance languages

A. spanish
B. sanskrit
C. german
D. arabic

66. Identify a word that is originated from Dutch language

A. rainbow
B. landscape
C. shampoo
D. water

67. The word……………has been derived from Indian Language

A. rainbow
B. water
C. shampoo
D. skipper

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68. In linguistics ………….is the study of words , how they are formed, and their
relationship to other words in the same language
A. ontology
B. morphology
C. phonology
D. etymology

69. The branch of linguistics and logics concerned with meaning

A. morphology
B. ontology
C. semantics
D. etymology

70. ‘Immediate Constituent Analysis’ was first introduced by…………

A. zelling harris
B. roulon wells
C. bloomfield
D. norm chomsky

71. Transformational-Generative Grammar was developed by……

A. bloomfield
B. norm chomsky
C. m a k halliday
D. henderson

72. ………..put forward a theory called ‘Scale and Category Grammar’

A. bloomfield
B. j r firth
C. norm chomsky
D. m a k halliday

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73. The Firthian or Hallidayan theory may be said to represent the………..School
of Linguistics
A. american
B. british
C. french
D. german

74. ……….is an example of Freak formation

A. air- raid
B. teetotal
C. aviator
D. daisy

75. ………… a semantic process by a term which at one time had a specialized
and restricted meaning comes to have a wider application.
A. specialization
B. generalization
C. deterioration
D. polarisation

76. A very large number of words have undergone a peculiar kind of change of
meaning which consists in the addition of what has been called …..
A. generalization
B. specialisation
C. emotional connotation
D. deterioration

77. …………occurs when a word gains association with a negative stimulus, to then
hold negative connotations.
A. elevation
B. shift
C. deterioration

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D. generalization

78. ……………is a type of semantic change that happens when a word’s meaning
improves or becomes more positive over time .
A. deterioration
B. amelioration
C. generalization
D. specialization

79. ………… a polite word or expression that is used to refer to things which
people may find upsetting or embarrassing to talk about.
A. anaphora
B. euphemism
C. hyperbole
D. metaphor

80. ……………is a grammatically simplified means of communication that

develops between two or more groups that do not have a language in common.
A. pidgin
B. creole
C. romance
D. patois

81. The dialect of a particular region, especially one with low status in relation to
standard language of the country is known as………..
A. pidgin
B. creole
C. patois
D. romance

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82. ………….have resulted from the interactions between speakers of nonstandard
varieties of European languages and speakers of no- European languages
A. pidgin
B. creole
C. patois
D. romance

83. What is the dialect of the working class of East End London ?
A. east anglian
B. lancashire
C. cockney
D. yorkshire

84. American English derives from …….. century British English.

A. 16th
B. 15th
C. 18th
D. 17th

85. Who is the author of “Decolonizing the Mind”?

A. ngugi wa thiong
B. chinua achiba
C. salman rushdie
D. bill ashcrofthe

86. Who wrote “ Nation and Narration”?

A. gayatri spivak
B. homi k bhabha
C. salman rushdie
D. harish trivedi

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87. “Imaginary Homelands” is the work of ………….
A. gayatri spivak
B. homi k bhabha
C. ranajit guha
D. salman rushdie

88. The institutionalized study of English in India began with the …………of 1835
A. macaulay minute
B. charter act
C. wood’s despatch
D. government of india act

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