BSDS405.Monitoring and Evaluation

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BSDS 405 Monitoring and evaluation

Assignment 1
Discuss various challenges faced in the process on monitoring and evaluation of development
projects. Use examples.

Aspect Details Mark

A Introduction 5

Students should show an understanding of the concept of monitoring and

evaluation in the context of development .They may highlight examples of
challenges which will be expanded in the assignment

B Definition of terms: 10

Candidates should define at least 2 key terms. Some of the terms that should be
defined are

 monitoring

 evaluation

 Development

C Students should demonstrate clear understanding of how the identified 75

challenges may impinge the development projects. Some of the challenges may

 data gapes,
 insufficient data,
 falsified information,
 lack of committed participation
 Political or organizational interference.
Students must produce a balanced argument
Examples must be used and must be drawn from development projects
D Conclusion: 5

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Summarise the main points or arguments.

E Referencing 5

Students should use APA referencing system.

F Total 100

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BSDS 405 Monitoring and evaluation


Assignment 2
Critique the rationale for carrying monitoring and evaluation in development work. Use case studies
in your examples. (100 Marks)

Aspect Details Mark

A Introduction 5

Students should show an understanding of the concept of monitoring and

evaluation in the context of development .They may highlight the rationale for
monitoring and evolution in development work. Candidates must state take their

B Definition of terms: 10

Candidates should define at least 2 key terms. Some of the terms that should be
defined are

 monitoring

 evaluation

 Development

C The justification for monitoring and evaluation may include the following. 75

 checks the relevance of project initiatives ,strategies, policies,

programmes and projects designed to combat poverty and support
desirable changes) to national development goals within a given
national, regional or global context,
 checks on the effectiveness of development assistance initiatives,
including partnership strategies,
 looks at the contribution and worth of this assistance to national
development outcomes and priorities, including the material
conditions of programme countries, and how this assistance visibly

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improves the prospects of people and their communities,
 determines drivers or factors enabling successful, sustained and
scaled-up development initiatives, alternative options and comparative
advantages of UNDP,
 identifies efficiency of development assistance, partnerships and
coordination to limit transaction costs,
 identifies risk factors and risk management strategies to ensure
success and effective partnership and
 shows the level of national ownership and measures to enhance
national capacity for sustainability of results.

D Conclusion: 5

Summarize the main points or arguments.

E Referencing 5

Students should use APA referencing system.

F Total 100

BSDS405 Page 4

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