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OONIAZ UBLICATIONS Course Code : BCS-052 Course Title : Network Programming and Administration Assignment Number : 8CA(V)/052/Assignment/2023-24 Maximum Marks : 100 sur Weightage : 25% eae Last Date of Submission : 31st October, 2023 (For July 2023 sessiow§few =n 30th April, 2024 (for January 2024 session ==" ‘Note: Ths assignment only for students, not forsell or r-uplaad any medi or website Alright reserve to TGNOU Stacy Helper" Its legal ta share or reupload ff anything like this Is found, then appropriate action wil do taken and apply Copyright ACT te you. You willbe responsible for llegal work. SO con't share and upload on any media, Qi, If binary signal is sent over a 3-kHz channel whose signal-to-noise ratio is 30 dB, what is the maximum achievable data rate. ‘Ans The maximum achievable data rate of a binary signal transmitted over a communication channel is influenced by the channel's bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this scenario, the channel has a bandwidth of 3 kHz and an SNR of 30 dB. To determine the maximum achievable deta rate, several concepts from information theory and communication engineering come into play. Shannon's Capacity Theorem provides a fundamental insight into the maximum achievable data rate of a communication channel, According to this theorem, the channel capacity (C) in bits per second (bps) is given by the formula: C=B* log2(1+ SNR), where B js the channel bandwidth in hertz and SNRs the signaltaenoise ratio. This formula quantifies the theoretical upper limit of data transmission for a given channel and SNR. In the provided scenario, the channel has a bandwidth (B) of 3 kHz and an SNR of 30 dB. Let's start by converting the SNR from decibels (dB) to a linear scale: SNR_linear = 104(SNR_dB / 10}, SNR linear = 104(30 / 40), SNR_linear = 1000, Now we can calculate the channel capacity (C) (C= B* log2(1+ SNR), C = 3000 * log2{(1 + 1000}, C = 3000 * log2(1001), C = 3000 * 9.97, C= 29,910 bps. So, the maximum achievable data rate for this binary signal transmission over the 3-kHz channel with an SNR of 30 dB is approximately 29,910 bps. It's important to note that this theoretical maximum capacity represents the upper limit for noiseless communication. In practical scenarios, factors like modulation techniques, error correction codes, and various sources of noise can lead to data rates lower than the calculated channel capacity, Additionally, achieving this theoretical maximum might require sophisticated encoding and decoding techniques. ‘The maximum achievable data rate of a binary signal transmitted over a 3-kH2 channel with a signal-to-noise ratio of 30 dB is approximately 29,910 bps, as determined by Shannon's Capacity Theorem. This value serves as a benchmark for understanding the potential data transmission capabilities of the given communication channel. Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page 1 OONIAZ UBLICATIONS Q2, Imagine that a two-way handshake rather than a three-way handshake were used to set up connections. In other words, the third message was not required, Are deadlocks now possible? Give an example or show that none exist. ‘Ans. in computer networking, the three-way handshake is a fundamental process used to establish @ connection between two devices over a network, it involves a series of three messages exchanged between the devices to ensure synchronization and agreement before data transmission begins. However, if we were to replace the three-way handshake with a two-way handshake by eliminating the third message, it could potentially lead to situations where deadlocks become possible. Let's delve into the concept of deadlocks, examine how the three-way handshake prevents them, and explore the implications of a two-way handshake on deadlock avoidance Understanding Deadlocks: A deadlock isa situation in which two or more processes or entities are unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource. it's 4 scenario of mutual exclusion, hold and wait, nojpreemption, and circular wait. In the context of networking, a deadlock can occur if two devices are waiting for each other to acknowledge @ connection, but neither can proceed without the other's acknowledgment. ‘The Three-Way Handshake: The three-way handshake is a protocol used in TCP/IP networks to establish a reliable connection between devices: tt involves three steps: fae *, |. SYN (Synchronize): The client Sends @ SYN packet to the serverto initiate a connection recuest. eS o 2. SYN-ACK (Synchronize-Acknowledge): The server responds with a SYN-ACK packet, acknowledging the chent's request and indicating its readiness to establish a connection. 3. ACK (Acknowledge): The client sends an ACK packet back to the server, confirming the connection establishment. At this, point, data transmission can begin. ‘The three-way handshake ensures that both parties are in agreement before proceeding with data transmission. If any of the acknowledgment steps fall or fthere's a delay in receiving acknowledgments, the initiating device will eventually time out and terminate the connection attempt. Implications of a Two-Way Handshaket If we eliminate the third acknowledgment step, the process becomes a two-way handshake, which might involve only the SYN and SYN-ACK steps. In this scenario, the client sends a SYN packet to the server, and the server responds with a SYN-ACK packet. However, without the final ACK from the client, the server cannot be certain that the connection is fully established. Similarly, the client may be waiting for an ACK from the server before proceeding with data transmission This situation can potentially lead to a deadlock. Both devices are waiting for the other to send an acknowledgment, and neither is willing to proceed without it. As 2 result, the connection remains in a state of limbo, and data transmission is effectively halted, Example of a Deadlock with Two-Way Handshake: Imagine two devices, Device A and Device B, attempting to establish a connection using a two-way handshake, Device A sends a SYN packet to Device B, which responds with a SYN-ACK packet, However, due to network congestion or other issues, the SYN-ACK packet from Device.B is lost. Device A is now waiting for an acknowledgment that may never arrive, while Device B is waiting for'an ACK from Device A. In this scenario, both devices are stuck waiting for the other's acknowledgment, and a deadlock occurs. Data transmission cannot proceed, and the connection remains in an unresolved state. Deadlock Avoidance and Mitigation: The three-way handshake in the traditional TCP/IP protocol effectively prevents deadlocks by ensuring that both devices are fully aware of the connection's establishment. The acknowledgment step in the handshake serves as a confirmation that both parties are ready to proceed Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page 2 OONIAZ UBLICATIONG 3 in contrast, a two-way handshake lacks the definitive acknowledgment step, which increases the risk of deadlocks. To mitigate this risk, protocols and mechanisms could be Implemented to handle timeouts, retries, and connection termination after prolonged inactivity. However, these measures may add complexity and potentially compromise the reliability and efficiency of the connection establishment process. 3, What is User Security Management? How does it differ from Disk Security Management? ‘Ans. User Security Management: User Security Management is a critical aspect of information security that focuses on controlling and managing user access to digital resources, systems, ang data within an organization. It involves implementing policies, procedures, and technologies to ensure that only authorized users have the appropriate level of access to resources, while preventing unauthorized access and maintaining the confidentiality integrity, and availabilty of sensitive information. Key Components of User Security Management: 1. Authentication: This involves verifying the identity of users before granting access. Common authentication methods include passwords, biometrics (fingerprint, retina scan}, multifactor authentication (MFA), arid single sign-on (SSO} solutions, 2, Authorization: Once users are authenticated, authorization defines the level of access they are granted. This is often based on roles, groups, or permissions. Users are assigned specific privileges that dictate what actions they can perform ‘and what data they can accoss. 3, User Provisioning and De-provisioning: This involves creating user accounts when new employees join the organization and disabling or deleting accounts when employees leave. Proper user de-provisioning is essential to'prevent access by former employees. 4. Access Control Policies: Organizations defini access control policies to determine who can access what resources. These policies can be role-based, attribute:based, or context-based, depending on the organization's needs. 5, Audit and Monitoring: Regulafly monitoring user activities and system logs helps detect unauthorized access or suspicious behavior, Audit trails provide record of who accessed what resources and when, aiding in incident response and compliance. 6. Training and Awareness: Educating users about security best practices, the importance of strong passwords, phishing awareness, and other security-related topics is crucial to prevent social engineering attacks. Disk Security Management: Disk Security Management focuses on protecting physical and virtual storage devices (disks) and the data stored on them from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats. This encompasses both physical security measures and encryption techniques to safeguard the data and ensure its integrity. Z a5 Key Components of Disk Security Management: : Noe 1. Data Encryption: Data stored on disks can be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access, even if the physical stolen. Full disk eneryption (FDE) and file-evel encryption are commonly used methods. 2. Access Control: Just like user security management, access control in disk sécurity management ensures that only. authorized users can acces pec @UaP RET aritions, This or mulk-factor authentication, 3. Disk Partitioning: Partitioning involves dividing a dskinto separate Sections or volumes. Each partition can have ts own access controls, encryption settings, and data, Secure Boot: Secure Boot ensures thatthe operating system and bootloader are trusted and have not been tampered with during the boot process. It prevents unauthorized or malicious software from running during startup. ‘5. Physical Security: Physical security measures such as locked server rooms, restricted access, and proper disposal of old disks prevent unauthorized physical access to storage devices. diskis wolve password protection, biometric authentication, Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page 3 OONIAZ ‘pests Tone Sry Heres UBLICATIONS. cé SUMIL POONA 6. Backup and Recovery: Regular backups ensure that data can be restored in case of data loss due to hardware failure, accidental deletion, or security incidents, Differences between User Security Management and Disk Security Managemer 4. Focus and Scope: User Security Management: Primarily concerned with managing user identities, access, and permissions to digital ‘© Disk Security Management: Primarily focuses on protecting the physical and digital storage devices and the data stored on them. 2. Component: © User Security Management: Involves authentication, authorization, provisioning, access control, monitoring, and user training. Disk Security Management: Includes data encryption, access control, disk pa and backup strategies. joning, secure boot, physical security, 3. Goals: = User Security Management, Alf tu eisure that users have appre unauthorized access. ‘Disk Security Management: Aims to protect data at cest by securing the storage devices themselves and employing encryption techniques. te access taresuurces anid daa whike prev in 4, Data Protection: # User Security Management: Focuses on protecting sata from unauthorized access by controlling user privileges + Disk Security Management; Focuses'om protecting data on storage devices, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity even ifthe device ts compromised. 5. Use Cases: ‘© User Security Management: Used in user authentication, authorization tor applications, network access, and cloud services: © Disk Security Management: Used to secure physical servers, virtual machines, data centers, and deviees like laptops and. smartghones: 4, Explain TCP and UDP architectures. ‘Ans. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Architecture: TCP is a connection-oriented transport layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. It provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data between devices overan IP network. TCP ensures that data packets are received in the correct order and without errors, making it suitable for applications that require high data inteprity and accuracy. Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page 4 OONIAZ UBLICATIONS Active Open E> Passive Open Sdn br Nee eee taeats Pes Segment Poor fe Nae Key Features and Components of TCP Architecture: 1. Connection Establishment and Termination: + Three-Way Handshake: Before data exchange, a connection is established through a three-way handshake process involving SYN (synchronize), SYN-ACK (synchronize-acknowledge), and ACK (acknowledge) packets, ‘© Connection Termination: A four-way handshake ‘s used to gracefully terminate the connection. 2. Reliability and Flow Control: = TCP uses sequence numbers to ensure ordered delivery of data packets. ‘© Acknowledgment (ACK) mechanism ensures that the sender knows which packets have been received successfully. ‘© Windowing: TCP uses a sliding window mechanism for flow control, allowing the sender to adjust the amount of data sent based on the receiver's buffer size. 3. Error Detection and Correction: ‘Checksum: TCP includes checksums in the header to detect errorsiih data transmission. Retransmission: I'a packet is lost or corrupted, TCP retransmit it based on acknowledgment and timeout mechanisms. 4, Data Segmentation and Reassembly: © TCP segments large data streams into smaller packets for transmission. ‘© Atthe receiving end, segments are reassembled to reconstruct the original data stream. 5. Connection State Management: ‘© TCP maintains connection states to manage active, established, and closed connections. Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page S OONIAZ UBLICaTIONS = tte foro estore in ata structs at both ends 6. Congestion Control: ‘© TCP includes congestion contro! mechanisms to prevent network congestion and ensure fair sharing of network resources, ‘Advantages of TCP: ‘tis reiable for maintaining a connection between Sender and Receiver. * _Itis responsible for sending data in particularsequence, Its operations are not dependent on OS. + Itallows and supports many routing protocols. ‘+ It can reduce the speed of data based on the speed of the receiver. Disadvantages of T ‘itis slower than UDP andit takes more bandwidth. 5 #4 Slower Upon starting of transfer ofa file. f eat ‘Not suitable for LAN and PAN Networks: Xe - ‘* Itdoes not have a multicast or broadcast category, * _Itoes not load the whole page if ¢ single date of the page ismissing. ppP (User Datagram Protocol) Architecture: UDP is aso a transport layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. Unlike TCP, UDP is connectionless and provides a lightweight mechanism for sending data packets between devices. UDP sacrifices some reliability and error-checking features in exthalige for reduced overhead and faster data transmission. Itis commonly used for applications where real-time communication and low latency are prioritized. Request ee Response Response —e Response =a Sender Reciever Key Features and Components of UDP Architecture: 1. Connectionless Communication: © Unlike TCP, UDP does not establish a formal connection before sending data. Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page 6 OONIAZ UBLICATIONG 3 Each UDP packet (datagram) is treated as an independent unit and is not affected by previous or subsequent packets. 2. Low Overhead: © UDPhasa smaller header size compared to TCP, resulting in lower overhead in data transmission. ‘© This makes UDP suitable for applications where speed is more important than error checking or reliability. 3. No Flow Control or Error Recovery: + UDP does not provide flow control or reliable delivery mechanisms, Packets may be lost, delivered out of order, or duplicated without detection or correction. 4, Broadcast and Multicast Support: + UDPis commonly used for broadcasting data to multiple recipients or sending data to a multicast group. 5. Real-Time Applications: + UDPis often used in real-time streaming, online gaming, VolP (Voice over IP), and video conferencing applications where ow lateney is crucial. 6. Simple Implementation: © Ine'simplicity of UL makes it easter to implement and managein applications that can tolerate occasional data loss. Advantages of UDI + itdoes not require any connection for Sending or receiving data, * Broadcast and Multicast are available in UDP * UDP can operate on 2 large range of networks * UDP has live and real-time data, + UDP can deliver data if all the components of the date are not complete Disadvantages of UDP. © We can not have any way to acknowledge the successful transfer of data. ‘* UDP cannot have the mechanism to track the sequence of data: © UDPis connectionless, and due to this, itis unreliable to transfer data. ‘© Incase of a Collision, UDP packets are dropped by Routers in comparison to TCP. ‘© UDP.can drop packets in case of detection of errors. Comparison between TCP and UD! Connection | Connection-oriented Connectionless | Reliability Reliable delivery and error-checking No reliability or errorchecking Order of Delivery ‘Maintains order of delivery No guarantee of order Overhead Higher overhead [Lower overhead Flow Control Provides flow control mechanisms No flow control Error Recovery Provides error recovery mechanisms No ettor recovery ‘Data Segmentation | Segments data for transmission No segmentation Use Cases Web browsing, file transfer | Real-time streaming, gaming Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page 7

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