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For personal use by: Yim Cho Hung
Section A: Reading Comprehension (25 marks)

Text 1 (14 marks)

Read the following blog entry and answer the questions on p.3-4.
i--~ w z=.,,;w;.: .cµa;c :.:;..;;.;s...; 1»; ;c;o•. ~,;vu- .. o;;:;..w "

ii Sports Stars with Style

~ A photo of David Beckham arriving in the UK pops up on my social media feed. He's wearing dark
~ slim-fit jeans, a leather biker jacket and a beanie. The sky is blue and the sun is shining, so I'm not sure why
~ he's wearing something made of wool! Could it be a bad hair day? Anyway, I have to admit that he does

; look cool! A few seconds later, I see a picture of tennis star Serena Williams, who's wearing a daring
s ~;1 leopard print dress at a tennis championship. These two sporting megastars both have an amazing sense •

~ style. So what's their secret?

David Beckham's style tends to be smart casual. The colour that he wears most is
black, and he tends to pair everything with black jeans. For smarter occasions, he
~ wears dark suits with crisp white shirts. However, the former football star is not
1 o ~ afraid to experiment and sometimes wears a pair of white trainers with a suit. 'No

~ one's ever really given me any style advice,' he says. 'I wear what I want, and it
~ doesn't matter what other people think.'

I-Serena Williams's outfits on and off the tennis courts are always eye-catching. The tennis player, who
I has won more titles than any other players, has always been passionate about fashion. 'I was the girl that

1s1 used to make clothes for ~y dolls,' sh_e says. She went to a fash~on school in 199: and ~egan making her
~ own clothes. Serena's passion for fashion has led her to start sellmg her own clothmg designs. Serena took

!l a break from tennis and fashion because of the birth of her baby daughter. No doubt, she will be as well
~ dressed as her mother!
~ . What Beckham and Williams have in common, apart from their outstanding
20 ~ sporting talents, is that they dare to be different in the world of fashion. I think most

~ of us would agree that they get away with it too. However, what looks good on a
~ fashion icon, like David Beckham, doesn't necessarily suit me! I thought I would
~ try his look. As I put on a beanie the other day, my sister took one look at me and
~ frankly advised me to leave the beanie at home - preferably at the bottom of the
2s~ wardrobe!

L_;;:,. ,. :w. ;,. ,. ~ - = •= - -~ :abo>l:L 'l~ i:' 4~ ~-~ ..t:.o •""" .rm.:<'r. Ufi'lblB' .l',~ -~ ... ...J.:.,,....,dlffr.::~~u."D.iit, • ...,,~ wo!>tii l:M,-J.a:,, • :_..,_.,., .=- . •.1:1:>r..«.a1J1111...-~i,;n,ni:-.<;':t:;i:A,oc.G...1.~

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Write your answers in the spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the best answer
and blacken one circle only

Text 1

1. Which of the following is a beanie?


O O O 0

2. Who does 'These two sporting megastars' (line 5) refer to?

3. The main idea of paragraph 1 is that David Beckham and Serena Williams ...
A. are extremely talented at sport.
B. are stylish and good at sport.
C. wear unusual clothes. A B C D
D. often share their fashion tips. 0 0 0 0

4. Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or the information is Not Given
(NG) based on the information in paragraph 2. (2 marks)

Statements T F NG
(i) David Beckham likes wearing black clothes. O O 0

(ii) He loves wearing suits. O O 0

5. Use ONE word to complete each blank based on the information in paragraph 2. Make sure
your answer is grammatically correct. (2 marks)
David Beckham is not scared of (i) with fashion. Sometimes, he wears a
pair of trainers which are (ii) with a suit.

6. Find words in paragraphs 3 and 4 that mean the same as the following. Write ONE word only
for each question. (3 marks)
(i) interesting or attractive
(ii) love
(iii) famous person representing a way of life
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7. Complete the following sentence.

We know that Serena Williams loved fashion from a young age because _

8. Why did Serena Williams take a break from tennis and fashion?

9. The word 'it' in line 21 refers to ...

A. the world of fashion.
B. being fashionable.

C. daring to be different. A 8 C D

D. being very good at sport. 0 0 0 0

10. Sammy Leung is probably a ...
A. fashion lover.
B. good athlete.
C. reporter. A B C D
D. salesperson. 0 0 0 0

Text 2 (11 marks)


Read the following article and answer the questions on p. 5-6.

The dark legend of Mothman

By Eric Wong

[1) When people are asked to name strange creatures that are
half-human, half-animal, most think of werewolves, mermaids or
vampires. However, for people living in Point Pleasant, West
Virginia, another mythical 'monster' comes to mind. Its name is
5 Moth man, a man-sized creature with the wings of a moth, the fangs
of a snake, the claws of a cheetah and the eyes of an owl.

[2) 'When an owl looks at something in the dark, its eyes take in enough light to allow it
to see,' explains Phil Rogers, a reporter at the Point Pleasant Times. 'Mothman's eyes
work the same way.'

IO [3] The first sighting of Mothman was on 12th November 1966. Five workers near
Clendenin, West Virginia, saw a 'man-sized moth' fly over their heads. Three days later,
two married couples from Point Pleasant saw a creature with glowing eyes chasing alter
their car. They reported the creature to the police.
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[4] Mothman sightings continued for a year. Then, on 15 December 1967, the Silver
15 Bridge suddenly fell into the Ohio River. Forty-six people died. Experts said that the
accident was caused by poor design and maintenance. However, many people chose to
blame Mothman. Author John Keel supported the theory in his 1975 book, The Mothman
Prophesies. The book was made into a film of the same name in 2002.

[5] Some believe that Mothman is an alien. Some are certain that Mothman is a creature
20 that lives on the earth. Others think that the creature is simply a result of people's

[6] Mothman is weird - and scary - but it is also good for business. In 2002, Point

Pleasant started holding a festival to honour the creature. The Mothman Festival takes
place every year on the third weekend of September. Tourists come from all around the

25 world to take part in a wide variety of events.

11. What is Mothman?
A. A creature that may or may not exist.
B. A moth recently discovered by science.
C. A person dressed up as a moth. A B C D
D. An owl found only in West Virginia. 0 0 0 0

12. Moth man is the size of a/an ...

A. cheetah.
B. moth.

C. owl. A B C D
D. person. 0 0 0 0

13. What other strange creatures are mentioned in paragraph 1?

• 14_ Where does Phil Rogers work?

15.According to paragraph 2, Mothman ...

A. can see very well in the dark.
B. has human eyes.
C. looks like an owl. A B C D
D. has very dark eyes. 0 0 0 0

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16. Who first saw Mothman?

17. How many people were in the car that Moth man chased?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four A B C D

D. Five 0 0 0 0

18. In line 12, 'glowing' could be replaced by ...

A. closing.

B. looking.
C. seeing. A B C D

D. shining. 0 0 0 0

19. According to paragraph 6, the Mothman Festival takes place ... a year.
A. once
B. twice
C. three times A B C D

D. four times 0 0 0 0

20. Put the events below in the correct order. Write (1-5) in the boxes provided. One has been done
as an example.

Two couples were chased by Mothman.

Point Pleasant started holding the Mothman Festival.

Mothman was seen for the first time. 1 (given)

The Silver Bridge fell into the Ohio River.


John Keel wrote The Mothman Prophesies.

21. Do you think Mothman is real? Why or why not?
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Section B: Vocabulary (15 marks)

Part 1: The following two letters are written to Sherry, the school's social worker. Fill in the
blanks with the vocabulary from the boxes below. (10 marks)
curiosity romance peer pressure wizard loneliness
zombies alcohol horror Internet
support from set a limit develop healthier create a reward changed social
family hobbies system groups

Dear Sherry,

Please save me from drug addiction! I am never good at schoolwork. When exams come,
always have huge (1) . Last month, my friends said drugs can

help me relax, so I tried out of (2) to see if it really worked.

Since then, I have got hooked on drugs. I have (3) and do

not hang out with my old friends anymore. However, my feeling of (4) _
only grows stronger when I take more drugs. I get bored easily and it seems that everybody
stays away from me. Now, I don't want to be a drug addict. Should I tell my mum and dad about
this? I heard that (5) can help me overcome drug addiction.

Is this real? Please tell me what to do.


Hi Sherry,
I used to love reading (6) stories. When reading, I was thrilled as
they often involve terrifying creatures like (7) which are also called
'the walking dead'. However, I have become addicted to the (8) _

since last Easter. Every night, I spend at least three hours on social media apps to scroll through
my friends' posts and even go live. Recently, my parents have (9) _
for me to use my phone. I am only allowed to use it for an hour on school days. My brothers even
brought me out for playing basketball and swimming yesterday to help me
(10) . Do you think these can help me beat the addiction?

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Part 2: Below is a feature article about what to wear for a school picnic. Fill in the blanks
with the vocabulary you have learnt in Treasure Plus Book 2B. The first letter of each
answer has been given to you as a hint. (5 marks)

The Perfect Picnic Look

Wondering what to wear to the school picnic next month? Here are some tips.

Protect yourself
Wear (1) I clothes as they cover and protect your arms if you trip
and fall over. Girls, don't put on (2) s tops! Otherwise, you will be

bitten by mosquitoes and get sunburnt.

Be flexible
Wear a waterproof (3) h jacket. It keeps your head warm and dry
when it rains. You can also take it off easily when you feel hot.
Suitable footwear
Wear comfortable shoes such as lightweight (4) t so that you can
walk for a long time. Save the (5) I shoes and high-heels for more
formal occasions.

Hopefully, the ideas above can help you choose your clothes wisely for the school picnic!

Section C: Grammar and Usage (60 marks)

Part 1: Passive Voice (6 marks)

Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice. Introduce the doer of the action using 'by'.
(6 marks, 2 marks @)
1. Mum washes the dishes every day.

2. Grandpa bought two vases yesterday.

3. Mark does not clean the blackboard.
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Part 2: Reported Speech (6 marks)

Rewrite the following sentences using reported speech. (6 marks, 2 marks @)

1 . 'Leave the park!' the park keeper said to the cyclist.

2. 'Don't watch late-night horror films,' I said to my sister.

3. 'I always enjoy painting in my spare time,' said Tony.

Part 3: Adjective Patterns (10 marks)
(/) Rewrite the following sentences using the pattern !'It is/was (not) + adjective +j
~hat-clause'\ .. (4 marks, 2 marks @)
1. Students from different classes help each other. That is nice.

2. The stronger team won the football match. That was not surprising.

(II) Read the following situations and make sentences with the adjectives in brackets using
the pattern \'It is/was + adjective + of/for + noun + to-infinitivej (6 marks, 2 marks @)

1. You must keep quiet in the library. (necessary)

2. John greets everyone in the morning. (polite)

3. The boys threw stones at the stray dogs. (cruel)

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Part 4: Conditionals (12 marks)

(I) Complete the sentences below with Conditionals Type 0, Type 1 or Type 2.
(4 marks, 1 mark@)
1. You get green if you (mix) blue and yellow.
2. If I had a pair of wings, I - (fly) to school.
3. He (miss) the train if he does not hurry up.
4. If you take a fish out of water, it (die).

(II) Write conditional sentences (Types O - 2) using the situations given below. (8 marks, 2
1. Situation: The weather is not good this week.

It/ rain this Sunday - we I cancel our barbecue

2. Situation: You are living in Hong Kong now.
I / live in Japan - I / eat a lot of sushi
3. Situation: Cooking vegetables for too long makes them too soft.
The vegetables / become too soft - you / cook them for too long

4. Situation: Jenny is just 16 years old. She can't vote.


Jenny/ be old enough to vote - she/ choose that candidate

Part 5: Tenses (9 marks)

(I) Chris is talking with Billy. Co_mplete their conversation with the verbs in future tense
using either 'Simple Future Tense' or 'Be going to'. (4 marks, 1 mark@)
Chris: Hey, I want to watch a film this Saturday. (1) you · (join) me?
Billy: It sounds good but I need to check my schedule first. I will reply you tonight.
Chris: Fine. By the way, I am going to dine with Grace and Carson at Eagle Restaurant tonight.
We (2) (try) the set dinner at a special price as we have bought
some coupons of this restaurant online. I think we (3) (not get)
disappointed by this famous restaurant.
Billy: Really? Hope that you (4) (have) a fine dining experience there!
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(II) Douglas is travelling to Hong Kong this summer. He wrote an email to his friend but he
is not sure about the tenses of the verbs. Help him complete the email using either
'Simple Present Tense' or 'Present Continuous Tense'. (5 marks, 1 mark@)

Subject: ffravel Plans in Hong Kong

Hi Brandon,

How are you doing? I (1) (come) to Hong Kong next month. My
flight (2) --'- (arrive) at 2 p.m. on 16th July at the Hong Kong

International Airport. Unfortunately, my friend and I (3) _
(not travel) to the Disneyland Resort then as my friend booked the wrong hotel.

I am visiting the Peak the next day. After lunch, the Rickshaw Bus Tour Ride and the
Heritage Tour (4) (start) at 2 p.m. from the Peak to Central. The
tours (5) (not finish) until 3 p.m. You can join me that day.

Can't wait to see you in Hong Kong soon!



Part 6: Relative Clauses (9 marks)


(I) Fill in the blanks below with the suitable relative pronouns. (3 marks, 1 mark@)

1. The principal is talking to a student hair has been dyed red.

2. Jack is going to wear a shirt has 10 buttons.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Wong, have been married for 20 years, are both great doctors.

(II) Join the sentences below using the appropriate relative pronouns to form defining or

non-defining relative clauses. (6 marks, 2 marks@)

1. Mary has got a new boyfriend. He works in the Ocean Park.

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2. The play is extremely exciting. It is about an adventure in the jungle.

3. Jess never wears the same outfit twice. Her family owns a boutique.

Part 7: Mixed Grammar Items (8 marks)

Complete the story below by choosing the best answer and~ the letter A, B or C.
(8 marks, 1 mark@) ·

Dear Diary,

Today, I went to Jimmy's home. We had -1!1_ good time together and pl.ayed lots of
computer games. Talking about computer games, Jimmy ~ win a lot in the past.
However, I have improved my skills recently. Now, I __(fil__ control the joystick more
easily because my eyes are used to _(1)_ at the moving pictures. That's why I beat Jimmy
and became the winner.

Then, Jimmy's mother made some macarons for us . .1fil_ macarons were tasty. She gave
me the recipe but I am not good at cooking. I think I _(fil_ make them successfully only if
she is right by my side to teach me step by step.

I have no idea __(z)_ to thank Jimmy and his mother for this wonderful day. But after a
walk in the bookshop, I have made up my mind on _(fil_ cookery book to buy to thank her!

1. A. a 4. A. look 7. A. how
B. an B. looked B. what
C. the C. looking C. where

2. A. used to 5. A. A 8. A. how
B. is used to B. The B. what
C. was used to C. X C. which

3. A. can 6. A. can
B. could B. could
C. might C. may

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Section D: Bonus (10 marks)

You are reading a school newsletter article about a basketball match. There is ONE mistake in each
numbered line. Follow the examples below to correct the mistakes.

Underline the word that is incorrect and write the correct word above it.
(example a)
Mark the position of the missing word with 'h' and write the missing word above it.

Let's Cheer the Eagles to Success!


(example a) This year's inter-school basketball final would be between the Chai Wan
(example b) Islanders and our Shatin Eagles. The final,Awill be held on 30th of this

1 month, are not expected to be a close game. In fact, nobody expects our
2 team to win because they are beaten 50-28 by the Islanders earlier this

3 year. 'We playing very well right now, so I think we'll win,' said Mr.

4 Francis Tong, that is the Islanders' coach. 'Actually, we'll win really easily

5 if the team closely followed all of my instructions.'

6 'There isn't anybody on our team who can play as well as Islanders' best

player,' said Frankie Lau, the Eagle's captain, 'but there's nothing wrong

7 with our team as a whole. We're in final because of our team spirit,' He
8 added, 'Although the Islanders are stronger, it's important of us to try

our best.'

9 As a student of Shatin Secondary School, you are remind to attend the

10 final as your support is crucial. The Eagles will surely play better more of

us cheer them on. Good luck, Eagles!

End of Paper
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Section A: Reading Comprehension (25 marks)

Text 1 (14 marks)

Read the following blog entry and answer the questions on p. 3-4.

1:@ ~-~~MZ=

1 Sports Stars with Style

by Sammy Leung

! A photo of(Pavid Beckham)arriving in the UK pops up on my social media feed. He's wearing dark
~ slim-fit jeans, a leather biker jacket and a beanie. The sky is blue and the sun is shining, so I'm not sure why
~ he's wearing something made of wool! Could it be a bad hair d~y? Anyway, I have to admit that he does

look cool! A few seconds later, I see a picture of tennis star@erena Williams) who's wearing a daring
s ti i leopard print dress at a tennis championship. These two sporting megastars both have an amazing sense •

; style. So what's their secret?
!~ '
· (.

~ 4-i 0, .•. I ....

IDavid Beckham's style tends to be smart casual.Ifhe colour that he wears most is ~ ,· .....
- "."'"
; black.jand he tends to pair everything with black jeans. For smarter occasions, he
I -
~ wears dark suits with crisp white shirts. However, the former football star is not I : •

10 ~ afraid to experiment and sometimes wears a pair of white trainers with a suit. 'No

~ one's ever really given me any style advice,' he says. 'I wear what I want, and it
~ doesn't matter what other people think.'
i~ ':

Jt ;
, -

I' Serena Williams's outfits on and off the tennis courts are always eye-catching. The tennis player, who
Ii has won more titles than any other players, has always been passionate about fashion. Q ias the girl that
1s'1 used to make clothes for my dolls)' she says. She went to a fashion school in 1999 and began making her
iown clothes. Serena's passion for fashion has led her to start selling her own clothing designs. Serena took

1J a break from tennis and fashion(b1cause of the birth of her baby daughte9 No doubt, she will be as well
~ dressed as her mother! H
j I ~
~ j ~
f What Beckham and Williams have in common, apart from their outstanding
,1 tl
20 fl sporting talents, is that they dare to be different in the world of fashion. I think most

! of us would agree that they get away with it too. However, what looks good on a
~ fashion icon, like David Beckham, doesn't necessarily suit me! I thought I would
I~ij try his look. As I put on a beanie the other day, my sister took one look at me and
frankly advised me to leave the beanie at home - preferably at the bottom of the I

2s~ wardrobe!
Ii ~
~-----l &Dl!. ~•--.._"J~ . il.

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Write your answers in the spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the best answer
and blacken one circle only.

Text 1
f\ 1. Which of the following is a beanie?

0 0 0

f\ 2. Who does 'These two sporting megastars' (line 5) refer to?

Q a.v·\ ~ Bee,khctVV\ (M\G\ Seren°'- w ·, 11 ·, {!MS

?\ 3. The main idea of paragraph 1 is that David Beckham and Serena Williams ...
A. are extremely talented at sport.
B. are stylish and good at sport.
C. wear unusual clothes. A B C D
D. often share their fashion tips. 0 0
• 0

f2 4. Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or the information is Not Gjven
(NG) based on the information in paragraph 2. (2 marks)

Statements T F NG
(i} David Beckham likes wearing black clothes. at O 0

(ii} He loves wearing suits. 0 0 e

5. Use ONE word to complete each blank based on the information in paragraph 2. Make sure
your answer is grammatically correct. (2 marks)

David Beckham is not scared of (i) _ ex fer·, rv1er\ti0j with fashion. Sometimes, he wears a
pair of trainers which are (ii) ? o. 1 re J with a suit.

6. Find words in paragraphs 3 and 4 that mean the same as the following. Write ONE word only
for each question. (3 marks)
(i) interesting or attractive tye-to..tck~
(ii) love po.~sioV\
(iii) famous person representing a way of life 1 lOV\

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7. Complete the following sentence.
We know that Serena Williams loved fashion from a young age because She, Wtl5 the..
g·1rl -tii6\l \AserA -Lo W16\ ke~ clo-f:Jes for her doU$.
Why did Serena Williams take a break from tennis and fashion?
1-l ·15 ~e,uu_se, o~ -the, birth of her b~by
9. The word 'it' in line 21 refers to ...
A. the world of fashion.
B. being fashionable.

C. daring to be different. A B C D

D. being very good at sport. 0 0 0

10. Sammy Leung is probably a ...
A. fashion lover.
B. good athlete.
C. reporter. A B C D
D. salesperson. • 0 0 0

Text 2 (11 marks)


Read the following article and answer the questions on p. 5-6.

The dark legend of Mothman

By Eric Wong

[1] When people are asked to name strange creatures that are
half-human, half-animal, most think of 1Jirewolves, mermaids or
· ~ 14
vampires) However, for people living in Point Pleasant, West
Virginia, another mythical 'monster' comes to mind. Its name is
\ 'l..
5 Moth man, a man-sized creature with the wings of a moth, the fangs
of a snake, the claws of a cheetah and the eyes of an owl.
[2JCWhen an owl looks at something in the dark, its eyes take in enough light to allow it
to see,)explains Phil Rogers, a reporter at the Point Pleasant Times. 'Mothman's eyes
work the same way.'
10 [3] The first sighting of Mothman was on 12th November 1966. (t'ive workers near
Clendenin, West Virginia~saw a 'man-sized moth' fly over their heads. Three days later,
6_~6 married couples)from Point Pleasant saw a creature with glowing eyes chasing after
their car. They reported the creature to the police.
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[4] Mothman sightings continued for a year. Then, on 15th December 1967, the Silver
15 Bridge suddenly fell into the Ohio River. Forty-six people died. Experts said that the
accident was caused by poor design and maintenance. However, many people chose to
blame Mothman. Author John Keel supported the theory in his 1975 book, The Mothman
Prophesies. The book was made into a film of the same name in 2002.
[5] Some believe that Mothman is an alien. Some are certain that Mothman is a creature
20 that lives on the earth. Others think that the creature is simply a result of people's

[6] Mothman is weird - and scary - but it is also good for business. In 2002, Point

Pleasant started holding a festival to honour the creature. The Mothman Festival takes
place~\lery year on the third weekend of September':) Tourists come from all around the

25 world to take part in a wide variety of events.

f\ 11. What is Mothman?
A. A creature that may or may not exist.
B. A moth recently discovered by science.
C. A person dressed up as a moth. A B C D
D. An owl found only in West Virginia. 0 0 0

P\ 12. Moth man is the size of a/an ...

A. cheetah.
B. moth.

C. owl. A B C D
D. person. 0 0 0

Pl 13. What other strange creatures are mentioned in paragraph 1?

Were. w o I ve<;., r/\ er Yr\ <}-'1 d_5 o.V\l v o..M f ·, rcs .

f\,l 14.Where does Phil Rogers work?

\-\e., works at ihe, Po·1V'\-l Plea.s(,\,n-l T·1 Wies.

f 2 15.According to paragraph 2, Mothman ...
A. can see very well in the dark.
B. has human eyes.
C. looks like an owl. A B C D
D. has very dark eyes.
• 0 0 0

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-f 3
16. Who first saw Mothman?

five worke,rs V\eltr Cle fl deY\if\ , VVec;t, V·1r§ 11\; ct.


17. How many people were in the car that Mothman chased?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four A B C D
D. Five 0 0 @ 0

18. In line 12, 'glowing' could be replaced by ...
A. closing.

B. looking.
C. seeing. A B C D

D. shining. 0 0 0

\f 9.According to paragraph 6, the Mothman Festival takes place ... a year.

A. once
B. twice
C. three times A B C D
D. four times ~· 0 0 0

20. Put the events below in the correct order. Write (1-5) in the boxes provided. One has been done
as an example.

f3 Two couples were chased by Mothman. [ q /;(i 2

f£ Point Pleasant started holding the Moth man Festival. ( 20 o 2) 5
Mothman was seen for the first time. 1 (given)
f 4'

The Silver Bridge fell into the Ohio River. l l q 61) 3

flf John Keel wrote The Mothman Prophesies. (1~15"")

21. Do you think Mothman is real? Why or why not?

s~ [e, M1 S'{;ve,,,_s) NO.·. Ord VU Vv'

(ANsee--Y\ 1
e, ±/it mo/
reop[e~ ~f'v1~1Y\~tioV\
Ye~ · Tker~ a re, w·\tflesses vvho
t-0 h ONe ~e~ Yv1 o-ChMa. V\ .

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Section B: Vocabulary (15 marks)

Part 1: The following two letters are written to Sherry, the school's social worker. Fill in the
blanks with the vocabulary from the boxes below. (10 marks)
curiosity romance peer pressure wizard loneliness
zombies alcohol sife.SS horror Internet
support from set a limit develop healthier create a reward changed social
family hobbies system groups

Dear Sherry,

Please save me from drug addiction! I am never good at schoolwork. When exams come,
always have huge (1) <;t re,~5 . Last month, my friends said drugs can

help me relax, so I tried out of (2) __C,_1A_ri_o_s_·1t
___,\./.__ to see if it really worked.

Since then, I have got hooked on drugs. I have (3) C ho.v\3e.~ <; Dl·10--\ . __g (DLAf S and do
Vlei i r1e.S5
not hang out with my old friends anymore. However, my feeling of (4) /o

only grows stronger when I take more drugs. I get bored easily and it seems that everybody
stays away from .me. Now, I don't want to be a drug addict. Should I tell my mum and dad about

this? I heard that (5) >½. ff

of±. f fOrA tarA·1 lv
can help me overcome drug addiction.

Is this real? Please tell me what to do.


Hi Sherry,
I used to love reading (6) ~of rov stories. When reading, I was thrilled as
they often involve terrifying creatures like (7) Z. o ht\ b ·1 e,,<; which are also called
'the walking dead'. However, I have become addicted to the (8) 1\1\TerV\e,,t,
since last Easter. Every night, I spend at least three hours on social media apps to scroll through
my friends' posts and even go live. Recently, my parents have (9) '>e £ 0... Ii M ·1 t
for me to use my phone. I am only allowed to use it for an hour on school days. My brothers even
brought me out for playing basketball and swimming yesterday to help me
(10) de. ve.-lov h eo.l-ck· e.r 1 ho~\;,e.s. Do you think these can help me beat the addiction?

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Part 2: Below is a feature article about what to wear for a school picnic. Fill in the blanks
with the vocabulary you have learnt in Treasure Plus Book 2B. The first letter of each
answer has been given to you as a hint. (5 marks)

The Perfect Picnic Look

Wondering what to wear to the school picnic next month? Here are some tips.

Protect yourself
Wear (1) I o ~ - 5. \, clothes as they cover and protect your arms if you trip
and fall over. Girls, don't put on (2) s leevele-ss tops! Otherwise, you will be

bitten by mosquitoes and get sunburnt.

Be flexible
Wear a waterproof (3) h ·, k\f\g jacket. It keeps your head warm and dry
when it rains. You can also take it off easily when you feel hot.
Suitable footwear
Wear comfortable, shoes such as lightweight (4) t ro-'1 r'\ e rs so that you can
walk for a long time. Save the (5) I eo..±,~e.,y- shoes and high-heels for more

formal occasions.

Hopefully, the ideas above can help you choose your clothes wisely for the school picnic!

Section C: Grammar and Usage (60 marks)

Part 1: Passive Voice (6 marks)

Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice. Introduce the doer of the action using 'by'.
(6 marks, 2 marks @)
1. Mum washes the dishes every day.
The- (i\;shes «se. wo,.sheJ by i'l'IIAW\ every Jo.7
2. Grandpa bought two vases yesterday.
Two v ases bo½jht hy grand F°' ye~ferdCAy.
3. Mark does not clean the blackboard.

1he b l~Gkbo()._fJ i S noL c(earieJ hy M(),,rk.

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Part 2: Reported Speech (6 marks)

Rewrite the following sentences using reported speech. (6 marks, 2 marks @)

1. 'Leave the park!' the park keeper said to the cyclist.

1he.- po-rk kee-per tolJ t~e cyclist, {o lettve the pa.,rk.

2. 'Don't watch late-night horror films,' I said to my sister.

l tolJ my i;;,5ter- Ylot fo vvo..tuh 10-ie--vijh-t horror- ti\M~.

3. 'I always enjoy painting in my spare time,' said Tony.

ToY\y <;a.lJ ih~t he always eY\joyed_ r~·,V)till~ \V) his
l ·, W\ .e., .

Part 3: Adjective Patterns (10 marks)

(/) Rewrite the following sentences using the pattern !'It is/was (not) + adjective +I
~hat-clause'.!-. (4 marks, 2 marks@)
1. Students from different classes help each other. That is nice.

lt ·1s Y\tce.. thrAt s·b1iJeV\t5 froM d\ffertf\t classes help et?tc,,h

2. The stronger team won the football match. That was not surprising.

Ii wo_s V\,ol StA.rpr;s-;r1j i~~t {he., stroV'lje., ieo..lY\ WD() iJe,

{oolb0--[/ MvttCh.
(II) Read the following situations and make sentences with the adjectives in brackets using
the pattern l'lt is/was+ adjective+ of/for+ noun+ to-infinitivej (6 marks, 2 marks@)

1. You must keep quiet in the library. (necessary)

1-/:, ·15 Y\e ce>sary f b, 1/ ou.. Lo keep q u.1 et ·, V! the. Ii bro. ry.
2. John greets everyone in the morning. (polite)

It ·,s olite, o JohY\ reet ever oV\e 1n i~e

3. The boys threw stones at the stray dogs. (cruel)

1-l wo./~ cn/\e,\ of t~e, boy<;, to ihrow s{oV\eS ai.-l the stro.y do_gs-.
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Part 4: Conditionals (12 marks)

(I) Complete the sentences below with Conditionals Type 0, Type 1 or Type 2.
(4 marks, 1 mark@)
1. You get green if you m 1 'I- (mix) blue and yellow.
2. If I had a pair of wings, I . vv o lA l d f ( I1..1 (fly) to school.
3. He will Y'A ·,ss (miss) the train if he does not hurry up.
4. If you take a fish out of water, it Ji es (die).

(II) Write conditional sentences (Types O - 2) using the situations given below. (8 marks, 2
1. Situation: The weather is not good this week.

It/ rain this Sunday -we/ cancel our barbecue
If .L rCAiY\S this ~\And0--y we w·, l! c~nce.l oLtr bo.r becCAe-.


2. Situation: You are living in Hong Kong now.

I / live in Japan - I / eat a lot of sushi

_ ·, h 1 °'-f °' V\ ,
I~ 1 l l v e J I w o (A I cl eo: t °' Io -l o £ s ½sh', .

3. Situation: Cooking vegetables for too long makes them too soft.
The vegetables / become too soft - you / cook them for too long

1~e ve~el°'-b[e<; beco)'Y\~ {Do ~of± · 1£ you. C,ook the,}'Y\ for too
\oY\ .
4. Situation: Jenny is just 16 years old. She can't vote.

Jenny/ be old enough to vote - she/ choose that candidate

1£ }eY\Y\Y wo.s /v1ere, olJ eV\O\Ajh lo voke-1 s~e., wolAIJ

Part 5: Tenses (9 marks)

(I) Chris is talking with Billy. Complete their conversation with the verbs in future tense
using either 'Simple Future T~nse' or 'Be going to'. (4 marks, 1 mark@) / VJ ill Cyov.) jo·,A
Chris: Hey, I want to watch a film this Saturday. (1) ArQ,. you @oi~ to i V'(join) me?

Billy: It sounds good but I need to check my schedule first. I will reply you tonight.
Chris: Fine. By the way, I am going to dine with Grace and Carson at Eagle Restaurant tonight.
We (2) go·,nj to t-ry (try) the set dinner at a special price as we have bought
some coupons of this restaurant online. I think we (3) vvi l [ V\.O{ 3e. ± (not get)
disappointed by this famous restaurant.
Billy: Really? Hope that you (4) Vv i 11 h o: v e,.. (have) a fine dining experience there!
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(II) Douglas is travelling to Hong Kong this summer. He wrote an email to his friend but he
is not sure about the tenses of the verbs. Help him complete the email using either
'Simple Present Tense' or 'Present Continuous Tense'. (5 marks, 1 mark@)

. -
From: tloa. las
Subject: IT'ravel Plans m Mong Kong

Hi Brandon,

How are you doing? I (1) °'- W'\ 00W\ If\~ (come) to Hong Kong next month. My
flight (2) arr\ ves (arrive) at 2 p.m. on 16th July at the Hong Kong

International Airport. Unfortunately, my friend and I (3) CA re. Y\.Ot tr°' ve/! ,n.!1
(not travel) to the Disneyland Resort then as my friend booked the wrong hotel.

I am visiting the Peak the next day. After lunch, the Rickshaw Bus Tour Ride and the
sto. r
Heritage Tour (4) (start) at 2 p.m. from the Peak to Central. The
tours (5) cl 'f\,
o V\,o { \ s ~ (not finish) until 3 p.m. You can join me that day.

Can't wait to se·e you in Hong Kong soon!



Part 6: Relative Clauses (9 marks)


(I) Fill in the blanks below with the suitable relative pronouns. (3 marks, 1 mark@)

1. The principal is talking to a student w b o Se,, hair has been dyed red.

2. Jack is going to wear a shirt w h',ch has 1 O buttons.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Wong, _.. w

.;_h.. ;. .o;. have been married for 20 years, are both great doctors.

(II) Join the sentences below using the appropriate relative pronouns to form defining or

non-defining relative clauses. (6 marks, 2 marks@)

1. Mary has got a new boyfriend. He works in the Ocean Park.

M~rc/ ho..s 3ol a.__ V\ew boyt,ien~ who works 1f\ the Oceo.V\
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2. The play is extremely exciting. It is about an adventure in the jungle.

T~e ~\avy 1.Vk c~ ·,s llbolAt

1 ti\.r\ advet\±ure. 1V1 thejlAr'\gle. · ,s

3. Jess never wears the same outfit twice. Her family owns a boutique.

Part 7: Mixed Grammar Items (8 marks)

Complete the story below by choosing the best answer and€jy the letter A, B or C.
(8 marks, 1 mark@) ·

Dear Diary,

Today, I went to Jimmy's home. We had _(ll_ good time together and played lots of
computer games. Talking about computer games, Jimmy _lg)__ win a lot in the past.
However, I have improved my skills recently. Now, I _@)__ control the joystick more
easily because my
eyes are used to .J1)_ at the moving pictures. That's why I beat Jimmy
and became the winner.

Then, Jimmy's mother made some macarons for us. _!ID_ macarons were tasty. She gave
me the recipe but I am not good at cooking. I think I __(fil_ make them successfully only if
she is right by my side to teach me step by step.

I have no idea .1Zl_ to thank Jimmy and his mother for this wonderful day. But after a
walk in the bookshop, I have made up my mind on _(fil__ cookery book to buy to thank her!

1. @a 4. A. look 7. © how
B. an B. looked B. what
C. the © looking C. where.

2. @used to 5. A. A 8. A. how
B. is used to @) The B. what
C. was used to C. X © which

3. @can 6. A. can
B. could @) could
C. might C. may

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Section D: Bonus (10 marks)

You are reading a schoolnewsletter article about a basketball match. There is ONE mistake in each
numbered line. Follow the examples below to correct the mistakes.

Underline the word that is incorrect and write the correct word above it.
(example a)
Mark the position of the missing word with wand write the missing word above it.
(example b)

Let's Cheer the Eagles to Success!


(example a) This year's inter-school basketball final would be between the Chai Wan
(example b) Islanders and our Shatin Eagles. The final,Awill be held on 30th of this
1 month,~ not expected to be a close game. In fact, nobody expects our,
2 team to win because they~ beaten 50-28 by the Islanders earlier this
3 year. 'We playing very well right now, so I think we'll win,' said Mr.
/\ w\-.o
4 Francis Tong, that is the Islanders' coach. 'Actually, we'll win really easily
to Uow.S

5 if the team closely followed all of my instructions.'

\ (\
6 'There isn't anybody ~ our team who can play as well as Islanders' best

player,' said Frankie Lau, the Eagle's captain, 'but there's nothing wrong
. tk
7 with our team as a whole. We're in final because of our team spirit.' He
I\ to<
8 added, 'Although the Islanders are stronger, it's important of us to try

our best.'

re t(\·,n!e~
9 As a student of Shatin Secondary School, you are remind to attend the
10 final as your support is crucial. The Eagles will surely play better more of

us cheer them on. Good luck, Eagles!

End of Paper

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