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Describing how people do things

Learning purpose
Competenc Capacities Performance Product Topics
Se  Obtiene información del texto escrito Organiza y desarrolla sus Conversació Adverbios de
comunica  Infiere e interpreta información de textos orales ideas en torno a su cantante n sobre modo
oralmente  Adecúa, organiza y desarrolla las ideas de forma favorito y las relaciona cantantes Cantantes
en inglés coherente y cohesionada haciendo uso de vocabulario describiendo favoritos
como  Utiliza recursos no verbales y paraverbales de forma variado y adverbios de modo cómo hacen Tipos de
lengua estratégica para expresarse en una las cosas. música
extranjera  Interactúa estratégicamente con distintos situación comunicativa
interlocutores. informal usando
 Reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el contenido y el contexto pronunciación y entonación
del texto oral inteligible.
Let’s remember!
1. Write down some Peruvian singers and bands you know.

Critical thinking questions

2. Answers the following questions
a.- Who is your favorite singer? Why?
b.- How does your favorite singer or band sing?


Let’s work!
3. Read the tittle of the text and tell what’s the purpose of the text.
The purpose of these ads is

4. Read the advertisements (ads) again and underline the date, place and price.
5. Look at the ads and create 2 sentences about the singers and the bands using an adverb of manner.
Example: Gianmarco works responsibly.
a) ___________________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________________
6. Read the dialogue and indentify the adverbs of manner and short expressions for speaking, Then, practice the
dialogue with a partner.

Listening comprehension & speaking

7. Listen to Mozart’s biography. Choose the correct alternative.

8. Identify these musical instruments and write it down.

Guitar- electric piano – panpipes – drum set - violín – piano – trumpet

Let’s understand!
Grammar workout- ADVERBS OF MANNER

9. What kind of music do these people sing or play? Choose words from the box.
10. Check ( ) the correct alternative. Fill in the blanks

11. Ask your classmates these questions about music.

a) What kind of music do you like?
b) Can you remember the name of the first CD you ever bought?
c) Are there any other kind of music you like?
d) Is there any kind of music you dislike?
e) Can you play any musical instrument?

12. Report your classmate’s answers to the class.

Let’s do our challenge! Think creatively
13.- Create a short conversation about how your favorite singer do the sings using adverbs of manner. Follow the
model of dialogue.

Self - assessment
Criteria Process Start
1-Se expresa adecuando el texto a una situación comunicativa informal usando t’s
pronunciación y entonación inteligibles.
2-Organiza y desarrolla ideas en torno a su cantante favorito y las relaciona
haciendo uso de algunos recursos cohesivos, vocabulario variado y adverbios de
3-Utiliza recursos no verbales (postura, gestos y contacto visual) y paraverbales
(volumen de voz, tono y fluidez) para garantizar la pertinencia del mensaje.
reflect about our learning!

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