AOI formsPAR-WPS Office

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That, we the undersiqned, all of legal age

and residents of the Republic of the Philippines,

have agreed to amenda general partnership under

the terms and Gonditions herein set forth and

subject to the provisions of existing laws of the

Republic of the Philippines.


ARTICLE I. That the name of the partnership

shall be XYZ;

ARTICLE I. That the principal office of the

partnership shall be located at 50th flr. ABC Bidg.

Rufino St., Nakati City;

ARTICLE II. That the names, citizenship, and

residence of the partners are as folows:

Pedro Santos, (Filipino), residing at #8 Recto Ave.,


Maria Reyes, (Filipino), residing at #7 Recto Ave.,

Manila; (and)

Juan dela Cruz, (Filipino), residing at #6 Recto Ave.,


ARTICLE IV, That the term for which said

partnership is to exist is TEN (10) years from the

original recording of the said partnership by the

Securities and Exchange Commission

ARTIVLE V. That the purpose of the

partnership is to sell books.

ARTICLE VI. That the capital of the

partnership shall be ONE MILLION PESOS

(P1,000,000), Philippine Currency, contributed

by the partners as follows:

Pedro Santos P300, 000;

Maria Reyes P300, 000;

Juan dela Cruz P400, 000

TOTAL P1,000:000

That no transfer which will reduce the

ownership of Filipino citizens to less. than therequired

percentage of capital shall be recorded in. the proper

books of the partnership.

ARTICLE VII. That the profits and losses shall

be divided pro-rata among thepạrtniers.

ARTICLE VII. The partnership shatl be under

the management of Juan Dėla Cruz as Generà!

Manager and as such he shallhave chärge of the

management of the affairs of the partnership

ARTICLE IX. That the partnersuňdertake to

change the name of the partnership immediatelý upon

receipt of notice or directive of the Securities and

Exchange Commission that another partnership,

corporation or person has acquired a prior right to the

use of that name or that the name has been declared

misleading, deceptive, confusingly similar to a

registered name, or contrary to public morals, good

customs, or public policy

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto

set their hands, this 3rd day of March 2021 in Manila,


(Sgd.) Pedro Santos

(Sgd.) Maria Reyes

(Sgd.) Juan Dela Cruz

Signature of partners

Signed in the Presence of:

{Sgd.) Vea Alonso

(Sgd.) Maja Blanca Salvador






1. That the undersigned, Most. Rev, Bishop

Pari Potter, D.D., is a Bishop of the Roman Catholic

Church, and he desires to become a corporation sote

under the laws of the Philippines, under the name

and style of The Roman Catholic Bishop of Manila"

with principai office at 121 Arzobispo, Manila,


2. That the rules, reguiations, and discipline

of his Church are not incOnsistent with his becoming a

Corporation sole, and do not forbid it:

3. That as such Bishop, he is charged with

the administration of the temporalities and the

management of the estate and properties of the Roman

Catholic Church within his territorial jurisdiction or


4. That said territorial jurisdiction or bishopric

comprises the cities of Manila, Makati, Pasay,

Mandaluyong, Pasig (excluding Santolan and

Rosario District), Quezon City (excluding Northern

part from Tandang Sora Avenue and Mactan)

Kalookaan, San Juan. Taguig, Pateros, Malabon,

and Navotas.

5. That according to the rules, regulations, or

discipline of the Roman Catholic Church, vacancies in

his bishopric shal! be filled as follows

(State the rules on filling of vacancies)

6. That these Articles are being filed so that

the undersigned and his successor in office shal!

become a corporation şole for ail legal purposes.

Date: March 7, 2021

(Sgd.) Most. Rev. Bishop Pari Potter, D.D.

Bishop of Roman Catholic Church of Meala


1, Cali Heem, of legal age, with office address

at 50th flr. ABC Bldg. Rufino St., Makati City, on the

basis of the corporate records, do hereby cer tily under

oath that:

1. I am the corporate secretary of XYZ

corporation, a corporátion duly organized and existing

under the laws of the Philippines, with the same office

address given above.

2. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of

the corporation held on March 3, 20021, at which meeting

a quorum was present and obtained throughout, the

following resolution (s) was (were) unanimously

approved and adopted:

(Copy of the Board Resolution)

"RESOLVED as it is hereby RESOLVED, that Cali Heem

is appointed as the Corporate Secretary of X corporation

and be authorized as she is hereby authorized to have

access to all the corporate records of X Corporation."


The foregoing resolution has not been

revoked, amended or in any manner modified and

accordingly.thie same may be relied upon until a written

notice to thể contrary is issued by the corporation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I. have hereunto

affixed miy sigiature and the seal of the corporation, this

5th March 202113

(Sgd.) Cali Heem

Corporate Secretary


(Sgaj Preoy Dente



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