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Methodology of Teaching EFL
and Teaching Practice


Name: Ivo Penchev Tepavski Faculty No: 2102012410

School: Emilian Stanev Secondary School Grade: 7 No of students: 26
Date: 18.01.2023 Time: 40 min. Level of language learning: pre-intermediate
Lesson topic: Quantifiers (too much, too many, not enough) and Indefinite Pronouns
Mentor: Lecturer Galya Vezirova/Ana Hristova

Lesson Aims

- Students can correctly use “too much, too many, not enough”.
- Students can correctly use the Indefinite pronouns.
- To summarise students’ knowledge of the grammatical system of the English language.
- To develop students’ communication skills and knowledge to a degree that enables
them to be communicate fluently on familiar topics.

Student Learning Outcomes

- Students use correctly indefinite pronouns and countable and uncountable nouns with
“too many”, “too much”, “not enough”.
- Students work independently or in a team in a well-organised way.

Personal pedagogical aims:

- I can structure lessons in a coherent and varied sequence of content.

- I can vary and balance activities to include a variety of skills and competences.
- I can present language content (new and previously encountered items of language,
topics etc.) in ways which are appropriate for individuals and specific groups of


The students are familiar with the grammar included in the lesson. They like having a
longer personal speaking time. They enjoy storytelling and sharing their thoughts and

Anticipated problems & possible solutions

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The lesson is not interesting to the learners. – Include methods of interaction or gamification.
There are disruptive students. - Give students a personal goal/responsibility.
There are shy students. - Ask these students to work in groups/pairs so that they have a
chance to participate with their peers rather than with the teacher.
Poor time management – Plan all the activities with enough time for controlled practice and
additional time for free practice.

Materials / Aids

Live Beat for Bulgaria for the 7th grade – Students’ Book (p.53) and Workbook (p.36-37)

A warm-up Establishing a link
brainstorming session. between the
1 +Teacher’s
Ask the students why 3’ T-Ss previous reading
Warm-up introduction
recycling is important lesson and the
and how we can do it. new one.
Homework check. Ask
2 Assess students’
several students to
Homework 5’ T-S knowledge and
participate and read
check skills.
aloud their homework.
Write title on the
board: “Quantifiers
(too much, too many,
Revise countable and
not enough)”
uncountable nouns. Make
Guide students to
a list of 5 examples of
3 Use prior give simple examples
each on the board. Use
Presentatio knowledge to that can be used in
those examples and 9’ T-Ss
n teach new the explanation of
introduce ”too many, too
Part 1 grammar. the new grammar.
much, not enough”.
Walk around the
Controlled practice –
room and check
individual progress
during controlled
4 Asks the students what a 9’ T-Ss Elicit the new Write title on the
Presentatio noun and a pronoun is. grammar from whiteboard:
n Create and fill a table on the students who “Indefinite
Part 2 the whiteboard feel confident and Pronouns”.

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Walk around the
presenting the English
room and check
indefinite pronouns. perceive it as
individual progress
Controlled practice – familiar.
during controlled
Students will
Walk around the
Controlled practice. become more
room and check
5 Students do two exercises confident and
12’ T-Ss individual progress
Production (ex. 3 & ex. 5) in the accurate at using
during controlled
workbook (p. 36-37). the target
Create an
opportunity for
Assign homework –
practice and self-
6 workbook ex.4 and ex.6 Write the given HW
2’ T-Ss assessment of the
Closing on p. 36-37. Dismiss the on the whiteboard.
level of
independent use
of the new
language items.

Self-evaluation comments
I would evaluate the overall delivery of my ESL lesson as very good. I was happy
with the lesson plan prepared by myself prior to the class and that I managed to follow it
closely. Now that I have delivered my lesson the main change that I would make is that I
would prepare the grammar presentation as a quicker teacher-cantered activity as the Ss
were familiar with it and needed more time for practice so that they can train to use it in
context and with greater confidence.
The lesson’s aims were met, and no anticipated or unexpected problems were faced
during the class. I was prepared and I had the necessary knowledge regarding the new
language items taught in the lesson. I introduced appropriately the grammatical items and
helped learners comprehend its rules. For me personally the most and least successful part
of the lesson can be one and the same, analysing it from different points of view, i.e., the
grammar presentation stage. I believe that my idea of actively and inductively eliciting the
grammar rules presented in the S’s book was an interesting choice targeting increased
levels of Ss’ participation. I should have use more efficiently the whiteboard noting down

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some example sentences and specific rules. I tried to give simple and clear examples which
could serve as a starting point for the students’ logic and observations in first guessing and
eventually reaching the grammatical rules presented in the lesson.
I used sometimes unintentionally and unnecessary Bulgarian as a language of
instruction more that it was needed. This is one point that I need to work on.
The most difficult part for me was leading a lesson which someone has already
partially planned it for me – setting goals, specific topics to explore and exercises to
complete. So, in my opinion, I believe that I presented the “my” amount of content
according to my personal style of teaching and the time could have never been enough for
me in order to include all given in the lesson’s preliminarily description.
I am certain that this experience was very useful and educational to me as it
introduced me to the practicality of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of
Languages, and it gave me the opportunity to explore the practical side of the theory and all
of the topics discussed during the English Teaching Methodology course. I believe I
developed my lesson planning skills the best and my personal teaching methodology as
well. Using various methods and strategies in my lessons depends highly on my personal
skills. So, in order to be “interesting”, sometimes entertaining, but mainly helpful for the
students, assisting and guiding them in reaching their personal learning goals, I need to
dedicate more time and efforts in self-preparation and also rely less on improvisation and
my existing language knowledge and overall descent teaching skills.
Regarding the competences described in the EPOSTL I would say that I need more time and
more real experience teaching English in order to evaluate correctly myself. As a French
teacher, I believe that some of the aspects of foreign language teaching are the same but
still every language has more or less its own methodology and tradition of teaching. That is
why I can state that my current situation and experience teaching two languages can be
one of my weak points but also it can become one of my most strong and distinguishable
traits combining best of both English and French teaching practices if I consciously
dedicate more of my time to exploring and evolving this very teaching style of mine and
how it fits into various teaching theories.

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Trainee signature: Mentor signature:

Name: Ivo Penchev Tepavski Faculty No: 2102012410

School: Aprilov National High School Grade: 8 No of students: 26
Time: 45 min. Level of language learning: intermediate
Lesson topic: Talking about the arts – part 1

Lesson Aims

- To expand students’ vocabulary.

- To develop students’ communication skills and knowledge to a degree that enables
them to be communicate fluently on familiar topics.

Student Learning Outcomes

- Ss can talk about art.

- Ss can describe different art forms, artists, and artistic activities.
- Students work independently or in a team in a well-organised way.

Personal pedagogical aims:

- Instill students with motivation to learn.

- Use textbook items in a suitable way.
- Create friendly atmosphere.
- Present language content (new and previously encountered items of language, topics
etc.) in ways which are appropriate for individuals and specific groups of learners.


- Students enjoy art and talking about their personal experience. They like
storytelling and reading. Students are confident while speaking and do not hesitate
to express their opinion. They are curious and have good class dynamics.

Anticipated problems & possible solutions

- Classroom equipment, e.g., projector, laptop, speakers, etc might not work. – Check it.
- Stronger students might dominate. – mix the groups.
- Students might not understand my instructions. – Ask for feedback.

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- Students won't like the topic. – Present them with the topic in the end of the previous
lesson in order to prepare themselves.

Materials / Aids

Solutions - Bulgaria Edition – part B1.1 – Unit 7(A) – p.74/75

Write highbrow
and lowbrow on It will serve
the board and give as a subtle
their meanings. introduction
Write the
Elicit a list of to the topic.
lesson’s title
things a highbrow It will
1 on the board
person would be 3’ T-Ss encourage
Warm-up “Talking
interested in. Ask Ss to be
about the
Ss if they consider active and
themselves the one involved
or the other. Let during the
some Ss speak lesson.
their opinion.
Do ex.1. Make Ss
open their books
and look at the
pictures, match Write new
them with the vocabulary
different art forms Group work items on the
and express their will help Ss whiteboard.
opinion with the feel For ex.3
phrases. Let them confident remind Ss
work in pairs and and safe. It that, if they
Presentatio T-Ss
then elicit some 15’ will increase don’t know
n Ss-Ss
answers from their the answers,
them. Then ask the imagination they should
Ss to work in and match the
groups of four and curiosity ones they
complete exercise levels. can do and
2 and 3. Check then guess
answers as a class the rest.
using the peer

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Make Ss work in
groups of 4. Give
each group a print
sheet of one artist
from ex.4 and Group work
more info about will help Ss
them. Using the feel
vocabulary in ex. 4 confident
Print the
Ss must create a and safe. It
short presentation will increase
before the
about the artist. their
lesson. Check
Let Ss work for 5 imagination
3 and try the
min. and then T-Ss and
Production 15’ necessary
listen to their Ss-Ss curiosity
1 technology.
presentations levels. Ss
Prepare a
given by a one S will
short ppt to
from each group empower
use with
and show a quick themselves
ppt with pictures and it will
of the famous ppl boost
and the given motivation
information for for learning.
the rest of the
class. Use the peer
A silent
Ask Ss to do ex.5
4 activity for
and complete the
Production 10’ T-Ss resting and
arts quiz. Check
2 personal
answers as a class.
Create an
Assign homework
for Ask for
– Student’s book
additional written
ex.9. Make Ss
practice and versions of
prepare a 3’-5’
self- the
short oral
6 assessment presentation
presentation of 2’ T-Ss
Closing of the level s as well.
the last time they
of Write the
did one of the
independent given HW on
listed activities
use of the the
and dismiss the
new whiteboard.

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Name: Ivo Penchev Tepavski Faculty No: 2102012410

School: Aprilov National High School Grade: 8 No of students: 26
Time: 45 min. Level of language learning: intermediate
Lesson topic: Talking about the arts – part 2

Lesson Aims

- To expand students’ vocabulary.

- To develop students’ communication skills and knowledge to a degree that enables
them to be communicate fluently on familiar topics.

Student Learning Outcomes

- Ss can talk about art.

- Ss can describe different art forms, artists, and artistic activities.
- Students work independently or in a team in a well-organised way.

Personal pedagogical aims:

- To improve students’ academic performance.

- I manage time efficiently.
- To make my class student centered.
- Provide Ss with effective feedback.
- I hope to keep my talking time to a minimum.


- Students enjoy art and talking about their personal experience. They like
storytelling and reading. Students are confident while speaking and do not hesitate
to express their opinion. They are curious and have good class dynamics.

Anticipated problems & possible solutions

- Students might lack ideas. – Be ready with examples.

- Students will want to talk to themselves rather that to listen the presentations. – Give
personal tasks to noisy students.

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- Students won’t have done their homework. – Low chance to happen to everyone, so ask
the student to make more elaborate presentation and present it in a following lesson.
- Poor time management – 15’ before the class ends finish with the presentations.
- There are shy students. - Ask these students to work in groups/pairs so that they have
a chance to participate with their peers rather than with the teacher.

Materials / Aids

Solutions - Bulgaria Edition – part B1.1 – Unit 7(A) – p.74/75

Do a short storytelling
exercise telling the Ss
about the last cultural
Establishing a
activity you attended
link between
to. Give the basic
the previous
information and make
the Ss prepare 2 Write the
lesson and the
questions each that lesson’s title
new one. Set
1 they want to ask you in on the board
5’ T-Ss an example
Warm-up order to get more “Talking
for the Ss to
information. Go around about the
follow during
the class and make arts”.
certain Ss ask you one
of their questions.
face of the
Answer it and check if
other Ss have the same
question. Answer 3
more questions.
2 Check if all of the Ss 25’ T-S Assess Correct all
Homework had prepared the Ss -Ss students’ written
Check/ assignment. Collect the knowledge versions of Ss’
Assessmen written versions of and skills. homework.
t their presentations. Ask Provide more Write short
3-5 students to tell opportunities feedback to
their stories. Ask the for free each S.
class to individually practice. Make the
think about two presenting Ss
questions they would stand in front
like to ask their of the class,
classmates. Listen to while you
the presentations. Do a move to the

Page 10 of 17
delayed correction,
putting down you notes back.
on the paper of the S in Grade Ss’
question and then give presentations
oral feedback. Let a few .
of the rest of the Ss ask
their questions.
Make Ss open their During the
books on page 75 and first listening
read the sentences in the Ss
Productio Practice
exercise 7. Play them 10’ T-Ss mustn’t take
n listening skills.
the recording twice notes. The
and check answers as a recording is
class. 3’ long.
As Ss are
students to
Revise quickly eliciting familiar with
from the Ss the rules the use of the
for using the articles definite and
. Create an
using the Recycle box indefinite
in the book. Ss can go articles. They
for additional
4 through it alone for 1- can revise
5’ T-Ss practice and
Closing 2’ and then make a this
brief oral summary of grammar as
assessment of
the rules as a class. homework.
the level of
Assign homework – Write the
workbook ex.8 on p. 75. given HW on
use of the new
and dismiss the class. the

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Name: Ivo Penchev Tepavski Faculty No: 2102012410

School: Aprilov National High School Grade: 8 No of students: 26
Time: 45 min. Level of language learning: intermediate
Lesson topic: The passive

Lesson Aims

- To summarise students’ knowledge of the grammatical system of the English language.

- To develop students’ communication skills and knowledge to a degree that enables
them to be communicate fluently on familiar topics.

Student Learning Outcomes

- Students use correctly passive voice structures.

- Students work independently or in a team in a well-organised way.

Personal pedagogical aims:

- Activate Ss’ prior knowledge.

- Present language content (new and previously encountered items of language, topics
etc.) in ways which are appropriate for individuals and specific groups of learners.
- Improve my performance in giving clear instructions.


- Students have prior knowledge of the English passive voice. They already have
sufficient vocabulary for talking about art in order to participate actively during the
class. Students can quickly navigate their books. They enjoy reading and exploring
semi-independently grammar structures. They manage quickly with given tasks.

Anticipated problems & possible solutions

- Students might be tired / sleepy – Be prepared with an energizer.

- There are disruptive students. - Give students a personal goal/responsibility.
- Poor time management. – Plan all the activities with enough time for controlled
- Ss won’t understand the new grammar rules – give additional written explanations.

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Materials / Aids

Solutions - Bulgaria Edition – part B1.1 – Unit 7(B) – p.76

Ask students to Ex.
think of a book, My favourite
piece of music, writer is Stephen
painting, or King. He fancies
sculpture that they Establishing writing horror,
like and know well. an supernatural, and
1 ask: How would introduction fantasy novels.
3’ T-Ss
Warm-up you describe the to the topic. Stephen King's
style of the writer, Get Ss ready writing is so good
musician, or artist? for leaning. because of his
Give an example. ability to create
Ask a few students complex and
to share their relatable
ideas. characters.
Prepare Ss
“forgery” and ask
for the
Ss the question in
learning the
ex. 1. Let a few Ss
2 share their
grammar. Write new
Pre- opinions. Make Ss
12’ T-Ss Set a vocabulary on the
teaching read the article
context for whiteboard.
grammar and answer the
teaching the
question in ex.2.
Check with the
class for new
l item.
3 Write two 20’ T-Ss Give visual Write the lesson’s
Teaching sentences on the examples of title on the board
grammar whiteboard: The how the “Passive voice”.
dog chases the grammatica Go around the
cat. / The cat is l structure class and check
chased by the dog. work. students’
Write the rule for Present the individual work.
forming passive information Give feedback.
voice and briefly in more
explain the ways. *** Explain what a

Page 13 of 17
grammar. With
the help of the Ss
do a table on the
board and rewrite
the two sentences
in other tenses.
Make Ss open their
grammar builder –
p.138 and let a S
Include Ss in
read it aloud so Voice is and give
that it serves as a examples in BG if
the new
summary of the needed.
new grammar. Do
Ex. 3, p. 76. Check
as a class. Ask each
S individually to
fill in ex. 4. Let a S
read it aloud and
do a peer

will become
more Go around the
practice. Students
4 confident class and check
do ex. 5, p.76 in the
Productio 8’ T-Ss and students’
student’s book. Do
n accurate at individual work.
a class answer
using the Give feedback.
Create an
practice and
Assign homework self-
Write the given
5 – workbook assessment
2’ T-Ss HW on the
Closing ex.6/p.76. and of the level
dismiss the class. of
use of the

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Name: Ivo Penchev Tepavski Faculty No: 2102012410

School: Aprilov National High School Grade: 8 No of students: 26
Time: 45 min. Level of language learning: intermediate
Lesson topic: Welcome to Gabrovo

Lesson Aims

- To learn more about Gabrovo and its traditional humour.

- To develop students’ communication skills and knowledge to a degree that enables
them to be communicate fluently on familiar topics.

Student Learning Outcomes

- Students can talk about Gabrovo.

- Ss can describe some of Gabrovo’s attractions.
- Students work independently or in a team in a well-organised way.

Personal pedagogical aims:

- I can structure lessons in a coherent and varied sequence of content.

- I can create friendly atmosphere.
- I can provide Ss with good habits in practicing reading.


- Students have prior information about their hometown and the House of Humor and
Satire. Ss will enjoy seeing their town in their student’s book. They can understand
the traditional jokes in Gabrovo. They have a broad personal vocabulary. They have
good reading skills. Students have worked on their word formation skill prior to the

Anticipated problems & possible solutions

- Students have low level of motivation. – do a quick physical energizer if needed.

- Ss behave in a disruptive way. – State your expectations for their behaviour in the very
beginning of the lesson.

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- Ss will be too excited during the lesson. – use some silent and alone time to do some of
the tasks.

Materials / Aids

Solutions - Bulgaria Edition – part B1.1 – Unit 7(My country) – p.84/85

Joke ex. “Why do people
Tell Ss a joke from Establishi
from Gabrovo switch the
Gabrovo. Write it on ng an
lamp on and off every
the board and make introducti
now and then when
1 them guess the on to the
5’ T-Ss they're reading a book?
Warm-up answer. Ask them if topic. Get
To save energy while
they know more. Let Ss ready
turning pages.”. Write
a few Ss share their for
the title on the board
jokes. leaning.
“Welcome to Gabrovo!”
Get Ss
Pre-teach vocabulary with the
Check what words are
from the text. Make new lexis
unfamiliar to the Ss.
2 students read ex. 2 necessary
6’ T-Ss Write the new
Pre-reading and tell them to do it for the
vocabulary on the
after the first overall
reading. comprehe
nsion of
the text.
3 Ask Ss to read silently 25’ T-Ss Develop
While- the text “The world and Questions ex.:
reading lasts because it practice What does the text
laughs”. Check the reading describe us? From where
answers of ex.2 as a skills. does the tour in the
class. Then do a museum star? What can
second reading you find on the second
asking Ss to read floor of the museum?
some bits aloud
taking turns. Ask Write the new
questions about the vocabulary on the
text to check Ss’ level whiteboard.

Page 16 of 17
of comprehension.
Ask for additional
new vocabulary.
Ask Ss to do ex.3
going quickly Go around the class and
4 through the text once check students’
Post- more. Do a peer 6’ T-Ss individual work. Give
reading correction of the feedback.
answers asking one S
to read its own.
Create an
ty for
l practice
Assign homework –
and self-
workbook ex.4 on p.
6 assessme Write the given HW on
84. Tell the class 3’ T-Ss
Closing nt of the the whiteboard.
another joke. Dismiss
level of
the class.
ent use of
the new

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