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Part 1

Certainly! Here is the completion of the CNC program based on the provided instructions:

1. G00 X8.0 Z5.0 ; Rapidly moves the machine to the start position with X=8.0 and Z=5.0.

2. G01 X5.0 F0.8 ; Initiates a thread cutting cycle with a first pass depth and pitch at X=5.0 and
a feed rate of 0.8 mm/min.

3. Z-15.0 ; Specifies the endpoint of the thread in the Z-axis.

4. G00 X8.0 ; Rapidly retracts in the X-axis to X=8.0.

5. G00 Z5.0 ; Rapidly retracts in the Z-axis to Z=5.0.

6. The subsequent lines for repeating the thread cutting cycle with different X values (X=4.8 and
X=4.6) and the same Z endpoint (Z=-15.0) can be completed as follows:

G01 X4.8 F0.8 ; Initiates a thread cutting cycle with X=4.8 and feed rate of 0.8 mm/min
Z-15.0 ; Specifies the endpoint of the thread in the Z-axis
G00 X8.0 ; Rapidly retracts in the X-axis to X=8.0
G00 Z5.0 ; Rapidly retracts in the Z-axis to Z=5.0

G01 X4.6 F0.8 ; Initiates a thread cutting cycle with X=4.6 and feed rate of 0.8 mm/min
Z-15.0 ; Specifies the endpoint of the thread in the Z-axis
G00 X8.0 ; Rapidly retracts in the X-axis to X=8.0
G00 Z5.0 ; Rapidly retracts in the Z-axis to Z=5.0

This completion of the CNC program includes the initial movements, thread cutting cycles with
different X values, and the retraction movements as specified in each step.

Part 2

Certainly! Here is the completion of the CNC program based on the provided

1. G50 S4000 ; Sets the maximum spindle speed to 4000 RPM.

2. N010 G21 G99 G40 ; These commands set the units to millimeters (G21), the feed
per revolution mode (G99), and cancel the cutter radius compensation (G40).
3. G00 G28 U0.0 W0.0 ; Rapidly moves the machine to the home position for the U and
W axes.

4. T01 ; Selects tool 01 in the tool changer.

5. G96 S250 M03 ; Enables constant surface speed mode (G96) with a spindle speed of
250 RPM (S250) in the clockwise direction (M03).

6. X104 Z0.5 ; Moves the X-axis to 104 and the Z-axis to 0.5 (start point).

7. G01 X-1.0 Z0 F0.3 M08 ; Sets the feed rate mode to units per minute (G01), moves
the X-axis to -1.0 and the Z-axis to 0 at a feed rate of 0.3 mm/min, and turns on coolant

8. Subsequent lines for moving the X and Z axes to specific positions (X25, Z-5; X50,
Z-15; X75, Z-25) and ending with a rapid move to Z=5 (G00 Z5) can be completed as

G01 X25 Z-5 ; Move X-axis to 25 and Z-axis to -5
G01 X50 Z-15 ; Move X-axis to 50 and Z-axis to -15
G01 X75 Z-25 ; Move X-axis to 75 and Z-axis to -25
G00 Z5 ; Rapid move to Z=5

G00 U0.0 W0.0 ; Returns the U and W axes to the home position.
M30 ; End of program.

This completion of the CNC program includes setting spindle speed, unit modes, tool
selection, axis movements, feed rates, coolant activation, and the end of the program as
specified in each step.

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