Thermodynamic Substantiation of Integral Mechanism

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Article · June 2018

DOI: 10.32006/eeep.2018.2.5563


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5 authors, including:

Vira Hovorukha Olesia Havryliuk

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Hanna Tashyreva Oleksandr Tashyrev

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, No 2, 2018, p. 55-63


Vira Hovorukha, Olesia Havryliuk, Hanna Tashyreva, Oleksandr Tashyrev, Iryna Sioma
Abstract. Despite the promising application of microorganisms for purification of metal-containing wastewater such
biotechnologies have not been widely used since their empirical basis. Therefore, the aim of our work was to apply
thermodynamic prognosis to determine the optimal pathway of microbial removal of toxic metals (CrO42-, Cu2+) and its
experimental justification. There was theoretically substantiated on the base of thermodynamic prognosis and
experimentally confirmed integration of microbial reduction of metals, and their precipitation by microorganisms.
Developed approach is the methodological basis for fast and effective purification of metal-containing wastewater.
Key words: thermodynamic prognosis, toxic metals, wastewater, metal reduction, metal precipitation.

INTRODUCTION [36]. It irreversibly oxidizes components of microbial

cell and blocks its electron transporting chain. Cation of
The level of environment pollution with heavy
Сu2+ is a metal of combined action. It oxidizes microbial
metals is constantly increasing. The global use of
cell components and also it substitutes macroelements in
metal-containing raw materials in industry, medicine
cell wall and in the active centers of enzymes [36]. That
and agriculture has led to wide pollution of
is why they are very toxic for microorganisms and
environment with toxic metals [37]. That is why the
dangerous for environment generally [32, 3, 18].
ecological safety of the environment is one of the prior
Thus, the aim of our work was to apply
directions of modern science. Sewage water from
thermodynamic prognosis to determine the optimal
industrial enterprises is one of the most polluted with
pathway of microbial removal of toxic metals
toxic metals in the environment. There are
(CrO42-, Cu2+) and its experimental justification.
metallurgical engineering, electroplating, tanning
and textile industry, preservation of wood, water-
cooling and chromate preparation [12]. The routine
methods for industrial waste purification from heavy Thermodynamic prognosis of microbial interaction
metal are cementation, precipitation, ion exchange, with compounds of chromium and copper.
electro-dialysis, electro-winning, electro-coagulation Prognosis of interaction of microorganisms with
and reverse osmosis [1]. These technologies are chromium and copper compounds was carried out on
often low-efficiency, expensive and also can’t access the basis of Pourbaix diagrams of the state of elements
necessary level of wastewater purification from in the pH-Eh coordinates [28]. On its basis, the stability
heavy metals in high concentration. According to fields of metals in aqueous solutions were calculated,
these disadvantages development of novel more and the optimal metabolic pathways of microbial
efficient technologies is absolutely necessary [8]. interaction with metals, leading to their rapid and
Immobilization of heavy metals by microorganisms and efficient extraction from solutions, were determined.
reduction of metals to insoluble compounds are the most Cultivation of microorganisms in the presence of
effective, low-cost and ecologically friendly methods of toxic metals.
sewage treatment. There are various biotechnological Preparation of the inoculum.
methods for purification of industrial wastewater The community of hydrogen-synthesizing soil
from Cr(VI) and Cu2+, which are based on their microorganisms was used as an inoculum. To obtain
accumulation and reduction to insoluble compounds it, 50 grams of diced potatoes (the length of cube rib
by microorganisms [7, 17, 30, 25]. – 1 cm), 5 g of soil and 100 ml of boiled and cooled
Determination of mechanisms of microbial tap water were added to a 250 ml vial. The mixture was
interaction with toxic metals has both fundamental and pasteurized for 10 minutes in a water bath at temperature
practical importance. The fundamental one is of 75°C. After that, the vial was hermetically sealed with
thermodynamic justification of optimal pathway of an elastic rubber stopper and a metal seal.
microbial interaction with metals that leads to their Microorganisms were cultured during 5 days (t = 30°C).
extraction from water solution (wastewater). The Increase in the volume of gas and appearance of H2 in
practical importance is development of novel effective the gas phase evidenced the development of hydrogen-
environmental biotechnologies for purification of synthesizing microorganisms. Further, community of
sewage from toxic metals. Such metals as chromium hydrogen-synthesizing microorganisms was used as an
and copper are widespread toxic environmental inoculum to study the patterns of microbial interaction
pollutants [19, 11]. Anion of СrO42- is a metal-oxidizer with metals.

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, No 2, 2018, p. 55-63

Study of the patterns of microbial growth in the standard values of the redox potential Eо′ from –414
presence of toxic metals. to +814 mV (Fig. 1). The upper limit of water
The vials (volume 500 ml) were filled with 300 ml stability is determined by the reversible oxidation
of tap water, 50 g of model mixture of food waste (diced reaction of water oxygen to molecular oxygen:
raw potatoes and meat in an equal weight ratio) and 5 ml 2H2O=O2 + 4H++ 4ē; Eо′= +814 mV. The lower
of inoculum of anaerobic hydrogen-synthesizing limit of water stability is determined by the
microorganisms. Toxic metals were added at the reversible reaction of proton reduction to molecular
following concentrations: CrO42- - 5000 ppm, Cu2+ - hydrogen: 2H+ + 2ē=H2; Eо′= –414 mV [36]. It
10000 ppm. Cultivation was carried out during 15 days follows that water has the properties of a binary
(t = 30°C). The growth of microorganisms was redox buffer that is stable in the range of the
determined by decrease in the redox potential (Eh) standard redox potentials from –414 to +814 mV.
of the medium, change the pH, increase in the Consequently, all redox reactions of energy and
optical density of the medium, decrease in the constructive metabolism of microorganisms are
concentration of CrO42- and Cu2+, and also increase possible only in this range. Fig. 1a shows the redox
in the concentration of CuСO3. potentials of seven reactions of chromium compounds
The pH and Eh of the culture liquid was measured reduction. Reaction No. 1 is outside the upper limit of
by the potentiometric method with the pH-meter- the stability of water, and therefore it cannot be carried
millivoltmeter "pH-150 MA". The measuring electrode out by microorganisms. It is obvious that addition of
ЭСК-10603/4 was used to determine the pH. Redox- HCrO4- into the culture medium with an extremely
high redox potential, Eh = +1200 mV (pH = 2.0), will
potential was measured using platinum measuring
lead to irreversible oxidation of the structural
electrode ЭПВ-1. The silver chloride electrode ЭВЛ-
components and enzymes of microorganisms. This will
1М3 was used as reference. lead to the death of microorganisms.
Biomass growth was determined by optical density Reactions No. 5, 6, and 7 have redox potentials,
of the cell suspension by the photoelectrocolorimeter more electro negative than the lower limit of water
(PEC) at λ=540 nm and 0,5 cm of an optical path length. stability. Therefore, redox enzymes of microorganisms
Determination of CrO42- concentration was carried with higher potentials cannot reduce Cr3+, Cr2+ and
out by the colorimetric method, which is based on the Cr(OH)3. Moreover, these chromium compounds are
appearance of crimson color interacting with reducing agents regarding to the proton of water, that
diphenylcarbazide (DPC). A centrifuged culture liquid inevitably leads to the reduction of the proton to
(2 ml), 0.5 ml of H2SO4 (1:3) and 0.5 ml of DPC molecular hydrogen.
were added into the tube. The sensitivity of the method Hence it follows that reactions No. 2, 3 and 4 are
is 1 ppm. Optical density of solution was measured by thermodynamically acceptable for microorganisms,
the photoelectrocolorimeter (PEC) at λ=500 nm and since they are inside the field of thermodynamic
0.5 cm of an optical path length [15]. stability of water. The reaction No. 4 is the most
To determine the concentration of Cu2+, PAR (4- suitable for biotechnologies since only this reaction
(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol) was used. The sensitivity leads to insoluble product of microbial reduction of
of the method is 1 ppm. Optical density of solution was chromate – chromium(III) hydroxide - Cr(OH)3∙nH2O.
measured by the photoelectrocolorimeter (PEC) at This reaction provides the removal of chromium
λ=500 nm and 0.5 cm of an optical path length [29]. compounds from solution.
To determine the concentration of CuСO3, 3 ml Similar regularities are also inherent in oxidized
of a suspension (culture liquid) containing microbial copper compounds (Fig. 1b). The potentials of Cu2+
biomass and insoluble CuСO3 was taken from the reduction reactions (reactions No. 8-14) are inside
vial with a syringe through a stopper and transferred the water stability zone, and therefore it is
to an analytical tube. Then 0.1 ml of 1N HCl was theoretically permissible to reduce copper compounds
added to the tube to dissolve copper carbonate to by microorganisms.
form Cu2+ cation. Further, the concentration of Cu2+ Thermodynamic prognosis allows determining the
was determined using PAR [29]. conditions for reduction of copper by microorganisms,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION as well as the final products of the reactions. Thus, in the
range of acidic values, pH = 0.0-5.0, Cu2+ cation will be
The high values of the redox potential of the reduced by microorganisms to insoluble compounds
oxidation-reducing systems they form are the factors (Cu2O and CuO). These reactions lead to positive
determining toxicity of metals [36]. In neutral environmental effect – microbial removal of copper
conditions (pH=7.0) water is stable in the range of from solutions (sewage).

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, No 2, 2018, p. 55-63

а b
Fig. 1. Thermodynamic prognosis of microbial interaction with metals:
a – chromium compounds; b – copper compounds

Removal of copper from solutions is possible not leading to the removal of copper compounds from
only due to the reduction reactions, but also due to solutions (sewage).
biologically mediated alkalinisation of the medium. Prognosis also makes it possible to significantly
Thus, at pH > 5.0 (Fig. 1b), Cu2+ cation is transformed improve the efficiency of microbial copper removal
into insoluble copper hydroxide – Cu(OH)2. Increase in by integrating at least two types of interaction. For
pH of culture medium leading to the formation of example, when microorganisms use protein
Cu(OH)2 is possible, at least due to the two compounds (amino acids) as carbon and energy
metabolic pathways. The first one is dissimilatory sources, the redox potential will be decreased to
denitrification, in which Nitrogen of nitrate is reduced to negative values (–100...–300 mV), as well as alkaline
N2, and the alkaline metal cation is accumulated in the cations will be accumulated due to deamination of
medium (Na+ +NO3- ® Na+ + N2), and the pH shifts amino acids. Thus, the efficiency of removal of Cu2+
to the alkaline conditions [20]. The second pathway cation will be increased both due to its reduction to
is the cleavage of amino groups in the proteins by insoluble Cu2O and Cuо, and due to the formation of
ammonifying bacteria, followed by the accumulation insoluble Cu(OH)2 and CuСO3 due to alkalization of
of alkaline Nitrogen compounds (NH2-CH2-COOH the medium (Fig. 1b).
® CH3-COOH- + NH4+, NH4OH and NH3) [38, 33]. It is obvious that in binary reactions of reduction
These two metabolic pathways lead to alkalization of the of oxidized compounds of copper and chromium,
medium to pH values of 7.8-8.2. Obviously, under such metals function as electron acceptors. Organic
alkaline conditions, the cation Cu2+ will inevitably compounds (sources of carbon and energy) are donors
precipitate – Cu(OH)2. It is necessary to mention the of electrons. Microorganisms act as biocatalysts. In our
third biologically mediated pathway of copper opinion, it is advisable to consider the sources of carbon
precipitation – the formation of insoluble copper (energy) and microorganisms as a donor system.
carbonate – CuСO3. Carbon dioxide is common end All the dissimilative biochemical reactions carried
product of the metabolism of all chemoorganotrophic out by microorganisms have a redox potential specific
microorganisms [14]. Dissolved СО2 dominates under for them.
acidic conditions, a mixture of СО2 and НСО3- in For example, for nitrate reduction (C6H12O6+ 4.8
neutral conditions, and СО32- in the alkaline ones [14]. NO-3+4.8H+ = 6CO2+2.4 N2 + 8.4H2O [2]) the redox
Insoluble copper carbonate CuСO3 is formed during potential determined by cytochromes is about
the interaction of Cu2+ cation with СО32- anion. +200...+300 mV [33]. The redox potential is more
Thus, thermodynamic prognosis allows electro negative, Eh = –300…–414 mV during
theoretically substantiating the determination of any hydrogen fermentation [6, 34] (C6H12O6 + 2H2O =
type of microbial interaction with the cation Cu2+, 2CH3COOH + 2CO2 + 4H2 [10, 6]).

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, No 2, 2018, p. 55-63

The efficiency of redox reactions is determined wastewater containing CrO42- and Cu2+. Of course, the
by the potential difference between donor and acceptor use of glucose as a donor substrate is unprofitable and
systems. Low-potential hydrogen fermentation is more impossible. However, food and other waste containing
effective for reduction of both CrO42- and Cu2+ (Fig. 2). polymeric carbohydrates (for example, starch,
The potential difference between cytochromes and cellulose, etc.) are suitable for biotechnology.
chromate is 355 mV, and between hydrogenases and Hydrolysis of such waste under anaerobic conditions
chromate is 969 mV. Similar patterns are for the leads to the formation of soluble carbohydrates
reduction of Cu2+ by microorganisms. Thus, the (including glucose) and further to the rapid and
potential difference between cytochromes and Cu2+ is effective reduction of chromium and copper ions to
300 mV, and between hydrogenase and Cu2+ is 914 mV. insoluble compounds:
Hence, it is obvious that hydrogen dark
CrO42- + (n-1)H2O + 5H+ + 3e = Cr(OH)3∙nH2O [35],
fermentation is the most effective metabolic pathway
2Cu2+ + H2O + 2e = Cu2O + 2H+ [29].
for the biotechnology of purification of industrial

Fig. 2. Effectiveness of microbial reduction of toxic metals

The efficiency of metal removal can be increased positive effect of biotechnology is the formation of
by the presence of protein compounds. For hydrogen- environmentally friendly energy carrier – molecular
synthesizing anaerobes, proteins are additional electron hydrogen, as well as a valuable product – metal
donors, as well as precursors of alkaline compounds, concentrate.
which increase copper deposition efficiency due to the It should be emphasized that, at first glance, the
formation of Cu(OH)2 and CuСO3. Multi component growth of low-potential hydrogen-synthesizing
food waste of megacities are almost unlimited sources bacteria (Eh = –400... –414 mV) is not possible in the
of polymeric compounds of carbohydrates and proteins. presence of high-potential CrO42- (Eh = +555 mV) and
Given the fact that anaerobic fermentation of polymers Cu2+ (Eh = +500 mV). High-potential metals must
leads to their hydrolysis (i.e. destruction), it is obvious inevitably suppress the growth of obligate anaerobic
that two positive environmental processes can be microorganisms. Nevertheless, the simultaneous
combined in industrial biotechnologies: destruction of occurrence of these processes is possible creating a
environmentally hazardous organic compounds and stereometric gradient of the redox potential in a
removal of toxic metals from wastewater. The third heterophase system (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Combination of hydrogen fermentation of organics and reduction of CrO42-

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, No 2, 2018, p. 55-63

Solid particles of food waste at the bottom of the 2. Multi component food waste are the most
cultivator with facultative and obligate anaerobic suitable substrates for this process.
hydrogen-synthesizing microorganisms immobilized 3. The maximum efficiency of metal removal is
on them create an anaerobic zone with a local redox achieved through the creation of a heterophase system.
potential in the solid phase –300...–400 mV. This We have experimentally confirmed the above
anaerobic zone is not available for the solution of mentioned theoretical positions (Fig. 4).
high-potential chromium due to diffusion difficulties, Fig. 4a shows the dynamics of fermentation of the
and also due to the "flow" of reduced low-potential model substrate and the conjugate reduction of
exometabolites formed during the hydrolysis of solid chromate. During the first 2.5 days the growth of
organic compounds. The gas bubbles formed during microorganisms and reduction of chromate are absent.
hydrogen fermentation facilitate the rapid transport At the same time, there is an adaptive decrease in the
of reductants into the chromate solution, and its redox potential of medium from +525 mV to +360
rapid and unavoidable reduction to insoluble mV. Apparently, at this time facultative anaerobic
chromium(III) hydroxide. Such regularities are microorganisms reduce dissolved oxygen and release
similar to Cu2+. the reduced exometabolites into the medium. After 2.5
Fig. 3 shows that a stereometric gradient of the days of cultivation, the growth of microorganisms
redox potential from –400 mV in the bottom zone to begins simultaneously with the decrease of redox
+555 mV in the upper zone should be created in the potential and concentration of Cr(VI). Apparently, the
heterophase redox system. It is obvious that rapid and growth of microorganisms at a high redox potential in
effective reduction of chromates by the products of the solution (+360 mV) is explained by the fact that
anaerobic metabolism will occur in the middle zone anaerobic microorganisms created a local redox about
with an assumed integral redox potential about –150...– –300...–400 mV during 2.5 days in the solid phase at
200 mV. the bottom of the vial. Then, in accordance with the
Thus, on the basis of the thermodynamic prognosis above theoretical model, the reduced exometabolites
of microbial interaction with toxic metal-oxidizers entered the upper zone, into the chromate solution, and
CrO42- and Cu2+, we have determined the necessary and quickly reduce it. It is evidenced by decrease in the
sufficient conditions for effective biotechnology of redox potential from +360 mV to –300 mV correlated
industrial sewage treatment. with a decrease in the chromate concentration. After 6
1. Reduction of metals to insoluble forms is days of cultivation, the concentration of Cr(VI)
carried out by obligate anaerobic microorganisms. decreased from 5000 ppm to an analytical zero [15].

а b
Fig. 4. Effectiveness of microbial removal of CrO4 and Cu2+ from solution
Similar patterns of interaction of anaerobic sharp decrease in the redox potential from +350 mV
microorganisms with Cu2+ in the heterophase system to –50 mV leads to a correlative rapid decrease in
are shown in Fig. 4b. So, for the first 5 days there is the concentration of Cu2+. During 12 days of
an adaptation of microorganisms and a gradual cultivation, the concentration of Cu2+ decreases from
decrease in the redox potential of the medium from 10000 ppm to zero.
+ 480 mV to +350 mV. After 5 days of cultivation, a

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, No 2, 2018, p. 55-63

The thermodynamic prognosis indicates inevitable not harmful to both living organisms and the
reduction of Cu2+ to Cu2O under anaerobic conditions. environment. Reduction is carried out by soluble
However, in this heterophase system, a direct reductases. Recently, two soluble Cr(VI) reductases,
analytical determination of reduced by microorganisms ChrR and YieF, have been purified from
Cu(I) is impossible, since insoluble Cu2O compound Pseudomonas putida MK1 and Escherichia coli,
is formed at the bottom of the vial. Indirect evidence of respectively. Direct application of Cr(VI) reductases
Cu2+ removal from the solution due to microbial may be a promising biotechnological approach for
reduction is the decrease of the redox potential to –50 bioremediation of a wide range of contaminated
mV, as well as the formation of a loose layer of brown environments [7]. Using initial Cr(VI) concentrations
precipitate specific to Cu2O at the bottom of the vial. of 2 to 8 ppm immobilized intact cells and the cell-free
Unlike chromates, the interaction of extracts Bacillus sp. ES 29 reduced 84 to 98% of the
microorganisms with Cu 2+ consists not only of influent Cr(VI) [5]. Strain Vogococcus fluvialis
the reduction of Cu2+, but also of the formation isolated from сontaminated industrial effluent was
of insoluble CuСO3. So, the concentration of CuСO3 shown to carry out high efficiency in detoxification
increases in the medium after 5 days, and at the end of dichromate by reducing it. These cells had high
of cultivation it reaches 5800 ppm. An increase in potential to reduce chromate to its non toxic trivalent
the concentration of CuСO3 correlated with an form and could tolerate a maximum of 25 mM chromate
increase in the pH of the medium. Consequently, we [22]. Also chromate reducing bacteria Pseudomonas
can assume that Cu2+ at the concentration of 4200 aeruginosa strain MIE3 was isolated. It reduced 52% of
ppm microorganisms removed from the medium due 150 ppm potassium dichromate (Cr(VI)) in the nutrient
to formation of insoluble Cu2O, and the remaining broth after 24 hours incubation [16].
part by precipitation in the form of CuСO3. It is clear from this data that it becomes necessary
It should be emphasized that in galvanic and to isolate significantly more resistant microorganisms
industrial wastewater the concentration of Cr(VI) is not for the purification of industrial sewage containing
more than 25-150 ppm [9, 21, 23]. Thus, the chromium and copper compounds in significantly
concentration of Cr(VI) in sewage of galvanic higher concentrations [36].
enterprises of Bangkok was determined to be 25 ppm In addition, despite the advent of modern
[39]. In our experiments, the initial concentration of environmental technologies, heavy metals are
Cr(VI) is 33...200 times higher, and yet obligate continuously accumulated in the environment,
anaerobic microorganisms completely reduced including chromium and copper. Our methodological
chromate and removed it from the solution. approach, based on thermodynamic prognosis of
Similar patterns are also characteristic for microbial interaction with metals, allows not only to
copper containing wastewater. The concentration of effectively neutralize their toxic forms, but also to
copper in industrial sewage, as a rule, does not obtain valuable concentrate of metals.
exceed 50-100 ppm [23].
At present, there are no microbial technologies CONCLUSIONS
that provide effective treatment of industrial sewage The biotechnology developed by us can ensure
from copper in the concentration range of 200-500 ppm the purification of sewage from the compounds of
Сu2+ [24, 13, 4]. The maximum resistance to copper is chromium and copper with high efficiency. It can be
shown on the example of the strain Pseudomonas spp, assumed that the proposed biotechnology will also
which is resistant to 300 ppm Cu(II) [31] and three be effective for the purification of industrial
strains isolated from the "metal-bearing" river Mogpog, wastewater from other toxic metals-oxidizers, for
resistant to 15-390 ppm Сu2+ [26]. There are data example, Hg(II), V(V), U(VI), etc. It will serve as
about possibility of effective purification of the subject of our further research.
industrial wastewater from Сu2+ compounds due to
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Вира Говоруха, Олеся Хаврилюк, Хана Таширева, Олександър Таширев, Ирина Сиома
Резюме: Въпреки нарастващия интерес към приложението на микроорганизмите за пречистване на отпадъчни
води, съдържащи метали, досега микробните биотехнологии в тази област не са широко използвани поради
тяхната емпирична основа. Ето защо целта на нашата работа е насочена към разработване на оптималните
условия за отстраняване на токсични метали (CrO42-, Cu2+) с микроорганизми на базата на термодинамична
прогноза и нейната експериментална обосновка. Получени са теоретични доказателства за експериментално
потвърдено взаимодействие между микроорганизмите и редукцията или утаяването на металите. Разработеният
подход е методологична основа за бързо и ефективно пречистване на отпадъчните води, съдържащи метали.
Ключови думи: термодинамична прогноза, токсични метали, отпадъчни води, редукцията на метали, утаяване
на метали

Researcher Vira Hovorukha, PhD

Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the NAS of Ukraine,
Department of Extremophilic Microorganism Biology, room 224
Address: Zabolotny str., 154, Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine
tel,: +380445263297

Leading engineer Olesia Havryliuk

Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the NAS of Ukraine,
Department of Extremophilic Microorganism Biology, room 224
Address: Zabolotny str., 154, Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine
tel,: +380445263297

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, No 2, 2018, p. 55-63

Postdoc, principal investigator Hanna Tashyreva, PhD

Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the NAS of Ukraine,
Department of Extremophilic Microorganism Biology, room 227
Address: Zabolotny str., 154, Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine

Principal investigator Prof. Oleksand Tashyrev, Head of the Department

Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the NAS of Ukraine,
Department of Extremophilic Microorganism Biology, room 224
Address: Zabolotny str., 154, Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine
tel,: +380445263297

Leading engineer Iryna Sioma

Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the NAS of Ukraine,
Department of Extremophilic Microorganism Biology, room 224
Address: Zabolotny str., 154, Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine
tel,: +380445263297


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