(PDF) Destinationc1 &C2 Grammar & Vocabulary With Answer Key - Annie Tran - Academia - Edu - Google Chrome 09-01-2023 16-11-01

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A Circle the correct word or phrase. If both are correct, circle both. 1 You can't / couldnt realy tak when you were one year okt, can / could you? 2 We can / could gve you a lt home tonight, it you want. 3 | wish lean / could speak Russian, then Fd be able to /1 could read Tolstoy m the orignal 4 Excuse me, could / may you tell me how to get to the lesure centre fram here? ‘5 Im atrad we cant / won't be able to come to the wedding after all 6 Thanktuly, we could / managed to get to the arport just in time so we didn't miss the plane. 7 Dawn couldn't go / have gone to the barbecue as she had to work, 8 Would you the to Could / be able to buy the flat you're renting? 9 Ina thousand years, can humans / will humans be able to travel faster than the speed of ight? 10 ‘Mam, can | watch TV and do my homework later?” ‘To, youmay / might not 11 We could catch /have caught the last tran after all but of course we dch't know that at the time. 12 Mayn’ / Can't | at least stay up til the end of the fim? 13 Everyone could /was able to tel that Jule was upset about something 4 May / Can | open the wndow, please? t's a ittie stuffy in here, 15 Because we had guests last Saturday. the kids could / were allowed to stay up tif micnight. B_ Write a verb trom the box in the correct form in each gap. G + eat + feel + go + have * mute * provide * recover * sit * speak * stand * work 1 It seems there's nothng anybody can to stop the contict escalating further 2 She casdnt anything in her left arm for abaut two Nours. She sad it was completely numb. 3 | don'tthink the Prime Minster will ever manage trom this scandal 4 Cant ‘Tracy round afte tea? We want to playmynew computer game. ‘5 Liz has had another ice cream so why can't | one? |t's not fait 6 When! was a chid, my brothers and sisters and | werer!t alowed wit Ne grownups except on specia! occasions. 7 Darren's allergic to wheat, so ne can't Dreadunder any circumstances. 8 Dorin had sade spoke German. but when we got thereit tured ot he cou a 9 Idlovetobe able from home, but in my job t's just rot possible 10 James could for Parlament at the last election ~ he had enough support ~ but he wasn’t ‘wing to sacriice hes privacy. 11 A smal cot for babies can ityou ask a recepton. 12 We coukint ~~~o~ tothe concert anyway as Jamie wasn't very well C ithe word in bold is correct put a tick. If itis incorrect rewrite it correctly. Shoudn't you getting planning permsson betore yau start bulding? Gavn realy ought not to be warn casual clothes to the interwew last week. She might have gave us a call to let us know she was all right You should better get a second oorion before you do anythng drastic he knack down a supportng wall aune e | don't thnk you must goto schoo! today # youre not feeling well We defintely should not judge Karen unti we know exactly what happened e R ee

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