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*Plato*: Plato emphasized the importance of justice and harmony in society, which he believed
could be achieved through wise governance and adherence to moral principles. For businesses,
Plato's ideas suggest that ethical behavior and fair treatment of stakeholders are essential for long-
term success and societal well-being.

2. *Aristotle*: Aristotle's concept of virtue ethics emphasizes the development of good character and
habits. In the business context, this suggests that ethical decision-making should be grounded in
virtuous behavior, such as honesty, fairness, and integrity, which can lead to a more sustainable and
responsible approach to business practices.

3. *Jeremy Bentham*: Bentham is known for his utilitarianism, which focuses on maximizing
happiness and minimizing suffering. In business, this philosophy implies that decisions should be
made based on their overall utility or benefit to society, considering the well-being of all
stakeholders rather than just maximizing profits for shareholders.

4. *John Stuart Mill*: Mill expanded on Bentham's utilitarianism, advocating for the importance of
individual liberty and the principle of harm. In the business context, this suggests that companies
should prioritize actions that promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people while
also respecting the rights and freedoms of individuals.

5. *Immanuel Kant*: Kant's deontological ethics emphasizes moral duties and principles, such as the
categorical imperative, which states that one should act only according to principles that could be
universally applied. For businesses, this means adhering to moral principles and obligations, even if it
may not always lead to the most favorable outcomes in the short term.

6. *Socrates*: Socrates focused on self-knowledge and the pursuit of wisdom through questioning
and critical thinking. In the business world, his insights suggest the importance of introspection,
continuous learning, and ethical reasoning for leaders and employees to make informed and
responsible decisions.
1. *Bayanihan*: This is the Filipino spirit of communal unity and cooperation. It embodies the idea of
helping one another in times of need, whether it's in building a house, celebrating a fiesta, or facing
challenges together.

2. *Utang na Loob*: This concept revolves around the idea of indebtedness or gratitude. It involves
repaying kindness or favors, whether through tangible actions or simply by acknowledging and
appreciating the help received.

3. *Hiya*: Hiya refers to a sense of shame or embarrassment, often in the context of avoiding
behaviors that might bring dishonor or loss of face. It guides social interactions and encourages
individuals to act with humility and propriety.

4. *Pakikisama*: Pakikisama emphasizes the importance of harmonious relationships and getting

along with others. It involves being considerate, accommodating, and maintaining peace and
camaraderie within social groups.

5. *Pagmamalasakit*: This value encompasses care, concern, and empathy for others. It involves
showing compassion, looking out for the welfare of others, and extending help or support when

6. *Pagkamapagbigay*: Pagkamapagbigay reflects the Filipino trait of generosity and hospitality. It

involves being generous with one's time, resources, and hospitality, often demonstrated through acts
of sharing and hospitality towards guests or visitors.

7. *Pakikipagkapwa-tao*: This value highlights the importance of treating others with dignity, respect,
and empathy. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals within society and the need to
recognize and honor the humanity in others.

8. *Karangalan*: Karangalan refers to honor and dignity. It involves upholding one's reputation,
integrity, and moral principles, as well as the honor and reputation of one's family and community.
1. *Social Impact*: Businesses may aim to address social or environmental issues, such as poverty,
inequality, climate change, or access to education and healthcare. By focusing on these issues, they
contribute to positive change and make a difference in people's lives.

2. *Ethical Considerations*: Some businesses prioritize ethical practices and sustainability in their
operations. They may choose to minimize their environmental footprint, ensure fair labor practices,
or promote transparency and accountability throughout their supply chain.

3. *Long-Term Sustainability*: Building a business that considers its impact on society and the
environment can contribute to its long-term success. By adopting sustainable practices and fostering
positive relationships with stakeholders, businesses can enhance their reputation, reduce risks, and
create value for the future.

4. *Employee Engagement and Satisfaction*: Employees are often motivated by more than just
financial rewards. Working for a business with a meaningful mission and values can lead to higher
levels of engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty among employees.

5. *Customer Loyalty and Brand Reputation*: Consumers increasingly prefer to support businesses
that align with their values and beliefs. By demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility and
ethical practices, businesses can build trust, loyalty, and a positive brand reputation among

6. *Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation*: Adhering to ethical and sustainable practices can
help businesses navigate regulatory requirements and mitigate risks associated with legal issues,
reputational damage, or operational disruptions.

7. *Attracting Investment and Partnerships*: Impact-driven businesses may attract investment from
impact investors, philanthropic organizations, or socially responsible funds that prioritize both
financial returns and positive social or environmental outcomes. Similarly, they may form
partnerships with like-minded organizations to amplify their impact and reach.

8. *Personal Fulfillment and Purpose*: For many entrepreneurs and business leaders, creating a
business with a social or environmental mission provides a sense of personal fulfillment and purpose
beyond financial success. It allows them to align their values with their professional endeavors and
make a meaningful contribution to society.
1. *Assessment and Goal Setting*: - Conduct a thorough assessment of the business's current
practices, policies, and impact on stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, community, and
environment). - Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for
incorporating ethics and social responsibility into the business operations.

2. *Employee Training and Awareness*: - Develop training programs to educate employees about
ethical principles, social responsibility, and the importance of their role in upholding these values. -
Foster a culture of open communication and encourage employees to raise ethical concerns or
suggestions for improvement.

3. *Supplier and Vendor Relationships*: - Review and assess the ethical practices of suppliers and
vendors. Prioritize partnerships with suppliers who share the business's commitment to ethical
sourcing, fair labor practices, and sustainability. - Establish clear expectations and standards for
suppliers and vendors regarding ethical conduct and social responsibility.

4. *Customer Engagement and Communication*: - Communicate the business's commitment to ethics

and social responsibility through marketing materials, website content, and social media channels. -
Solicit feedback from customers on ways the business can better meet their ethical and social
responsibility expectations.

5. *Environmental Sustainability*: - Identify opportunities to reduce the business's environmental

impact, such as energy conservation, waste reduction, and eco-friendly packaging. - Implement
initiatives to promote recycling, use of renewable resources, and responsible disposal of waste.

6. *Community Engagement and Philanthropy*: - Identify community needs and opportunities for the
business to contribute positively through volunteerism, charitable donations, or sponsorship of local
events. - Establish partnerships with community organizations or nonprofits aligned with the
business's values and objectives.

7. *Monitoring and Evaluation*: - Regularly monitor progress towards achieving the set goals and
objectives related to ethics and social responsibility. - Collect feedback from stakeholders, conduct
surveys, and perform internal audits to assess the effectiveness of implemented initiatives.

8. *Continuous Improvement*: - Use feedback and evaluation results to identify areas for
improvement and adjust strategies and practices accordingly. - Foster a culture of continuous
improvement by encouraging innovation and creativity in finding new ways to integrate ethics and
social responsibility into the business.


S/Y 2023-2024





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