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Noun Phrases

Verb Phrases



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Grammar-Quizzes › Clauses › Clause Structure › Function vs. Category

Function vs. Category

Differentiate what a word does from what it is called

We saw some colorful leaves on the ground.


► How does word function differ from word category?

Word Functions in a Clause
Understand the multiple uses of words, phrases and clauses

Grammatical Function — how a word, phrase or clause is used in a sentence


Subject—(Subj) The leaves fell on the ground. (Noun Phrase)

The subject is usually the Charlie raked the leaves. (Proper Noun)
cause, agent or doer of the
action The leaves were raked by Charlie. (Noun Phrase) passive voice

but may also be the experiencer He raked the leaves. (Pronoun)

of a state or thing undergoing a What we saw was spectacular. (What Phrase) static verb
change ("be" or static verb).
That the leaves are so colorful is amazing. (That Cls)
but may also be the thing
(person, concept, entity) that we Raking leaves is good exercise. (Gerund Cls)
choose to place in the subject
position (as in passive voice, or To see this miracle of nature is awesome. (Infinitive Cls)
it, there, ). It was amazing to us that the leaves were so red. ("It" as Subject
but may also be understood, Placeholder)
not mentioned. It was raining. (It vs. There)
The subject is usually a noun There were so many leaves. (There)
phrase but may be a
subordinate clause. Rake up the leaves. (Commands) subject understood, not
A number of words, phrases
and structures can function as
the subject of a clause. ⇒

Predicate/Predicator (Pred) Leaves fall. (Verb)

The predicate is the action or The leaves appear red. (Static Verb)
change in state.
Leaves are falling. (Verb Group)
A number of verb forms and
verb groups serve as the Leaves may fall. (Modal Verb Group)
predicate of a clause. ⇒ The leaves were raked by Charlie. (Passive Verb Group)
Leaves are falling on the ground. (Verb Phrase)

Complement (Comp) Charlie raked the leaves. (Noun Phrase–Direct Object)

A complement is a word, phrase I gave Charlie the rake. (Noun–Indirect Object)

or clause that is expected or
required to complete the Charlie put the leaves in the compost bin. (Noun Phrase
meaning of some other element Complement in Prep Phrase)
or structure in the clause. That The leaves are pretty. (Adjective–Predicate Complement)
is, the clause or phrase would
not sound complete without the The leaves are maple. (Noun–Predicate Complement)
word, phrase or clause.
The leaves fell on the ground. (Prepositional Phrase)
We enjoy seeing the colorful leaves. (Verb + Gerund )
A number of elements and
structures can serve as We wanted to see the colorful leaves. (Verb + Infinitive )
complements. ⇒ Maple trees do remarkably well here. (Adverb Complement)

We know that leaves had fallen overnight. (Clause Complement

to a Verb)
Charlie left rather than waiting for us. (Ger Cls Complement
in Prep Phrase)

Water that he drank last night made him sick. (Restrictive Clause
Complement to a Noun)

Adjunct Charlie raked the leaves quickly. (Manner Adverb)

An adjunct is an element that is Charlie raked the leaves often. (Frequency Adverb)
not required to complete the
meaning of the clause; it can be Charlie really raked the leaves well. (Degree Adverb)
omitted and the clause sounds Charlie raked the leaves into a pile. (Prep Phrase)
complete (makes sense). An
adjunct adds modifying Charlie only raked the leaves in front. (Focus Adverb)
information to the clause—
mostly adverbs and Trees drop their leaves when the weather is cold. (Connective
prepositional phrases. Prep Phrase)

Trees drop their leaves before winter sets in. (Connective Prep
Trees drop their leaves because they need to conserve energy.
(Connective Prep Phrase)

Supplement Who, do you think, raked the leaves? (Clause–Comments)

A supplement is an extra By the way, Charlie raised his hand. (Phrase–Adv for Speech
comment in the form of a word, Acts)
phrase or clause. It is loosely
related to the idea of the main Hopefully, Charlie knows the answer. (Adverb–Adv for Evaluation)
(matrix) clause. It is separated A wunderkind (very intelligent child) requires special education.
by comma(s), parentheses or (Phrase–Explaining)
Charlie can do it all—repairman, gardener, engineer. (Noun
Phrase–Set off Elements, Examples)

Also see Word Functions – Subject, Predicate Complement, Adjunct and Supplement or Modifiers or

(Huddleston & Pullum 4 §3)

A Predicate:

In traditional description, the predicate includes the subject, the verb or verb group and its dependents

—adverbs, objects and phrases related to the action of the verb.

In linguistic description, the predicate (PRED) is a function that takes form as a verb or verb group.
Only! (See Verb Phrase: Explanation of Term)

Note: Subject-verb is a term often paired like salt and pepper. To be precise, we should pair subject
with predicate (and noun with verb).
Word Functions: Subj – subject; Pred – predicate/predicator; Comp – complement: an element or
elements required by a word or structure to complete its meaning in the clause (e.g., DO – direct
object; IO – indirect object; PP - prep. phrase); Adjunct – adjunct: elements not required by an
expression to complete its meaning (Subord – subordinator; Coord – coordinator); Supl –
supplement: a clause or phrase added onto a clause that is not closely related to the central thought or
structure of the main clause.

Word Categories (lexical categories)

What a word, phrase, or clause is called

Word Category—"Part of Speech"


Noun (N) Leaves fell. (Subject)

Nominal (Nom)¹ We raked the leaves. (Direct Object)
Noun Phrase (NP) Charlie showed me the leaves on the ground. (Indirect Object)

(Noun Properties) Charlie walked on the leaves. (Object of Preposition)

Charlie put them in the leaf bin. (Modifier)

Verb (V) The leaves are colorful. ("Be" Predicate Copula)

Verb Phrase (VP) The leaves fall. (Predicate)
(Verb Properties) The leaves are falling. (Predicate)
The leaves have been falling. (Predicate)

Adjective (Adj) They are colorful leaves. (Modifier)

Adjective Phrase (AdjP) Pigments turn the leaves red. (Object Complement)
(Adjective Properties) The very colorful leaves occur in October. (Modifier Phrase)
The more colorful leaves belong to the Japanese Maple. (Modifier

Adverb (Adv) Charlie raked slowly. (Manner Adverb)

Adverb Phrase (AdvP) Charlie arrived early. (Time)
(Adverb Properties) Charlie raked there. (Location)

Charlie worked much too slowly. (Intensifier / Degree Adverb)

Preposition (P) The leaves floated down. (Location)

Prepositional Phrase (PP) The leaves floated to the ground. (Location)
(Preposition Properties) Charlie put off raking up the leaves (Particle–Phrasal Verbs)
Charlie raked the leaves in order to clean up the yard. (Prep
Phrase [reason])
Charlie raked up the leaves in a flash. (Expressions)
Trees drop their leaves because of the cold weather. (Adjunct Prep

Trees drop their leaves because they need to conserve energy.

(Adjunct Prep Phrase)

Determiner (D) The leaves fell over the period of a month. (Article)
Determinative Phrase (DP) Some leaves fell last week. (Indefinite Quantity)
These leaves fell last night. (Demonstratives)

Its leaves fell off. (Possessive Pronoun)

Almost every leaf had fallen. (Determinative Phrase)

Subordinator (Subord) We know that [the leaves will turn brown]. (That-clause)
Charlie wants to [do the right thing]. (infinitival subordinator)
It is important for [Charlie] to [do the right thing]. (subject
subordinator in infinitival clause)

Coordinator (Coord) We were raking and putting the leaves in the leaf bin. (Coordinator)
They were raking leaves, and we were putting them in the compost
bin. (Coordinator)

Interjection (Interj) Oh man! Look at that. (Speech Acts, Interjections, Aside

Comments, Discourse Markers)

¹ Nominal an intermediary category between Noun and Noun Phrase: N leaves; Nominal colorful
leaves; NP the colorful leaves. This term often occurs in diagramming and refers to sub-groupings of
modifiers and complements within a noun phrase. See diagram in the next section.

(Huddleston1§4.2.2) (Payne 7.2)

Also see A Clause: examine the parts that make up a clause.

Word Categories: N – Noun; V – Verb; Aux – Auxiliary; Adj – Adjective; Adv – Adverb; P –
Preposition; Det –Determiner. See Word Categories.

Phrasal Categories: NP – Noun Phrase; VP – Verb Phrase; AdjP – Adjective Phrase; AdvP – Adverb
Phrase; PP – Prepositional Phrase; DP – Determinative Phrase.
Clausal Categories: Cls – clause; F – finite clause; NF – nonfinite clause: Ger – gerund, Inf –
infinitive, PPart – past participle.

Linear Labeling
Marking function and word category

Linear labeling for function and category

Trees are often helpful for visualizing sentence structure. A sentence can also be labeled in a linear
manner. For example, the function and category [function–word category] can be inserted after each
word, phrase or category. Labeling will vary depending on the amount of detail desired.


We [Subj–N] saw [Pred–V] some [Det– colorful [Mod– leaves.

Quant] Adj] [Comp(DO)–NP]

He [Subj–N] always [Comp– raises [Pred–V] his hand before me.

Adv] [Comp(DO)–NP] [Adjunct–PP]

Charlie [Subj–N] very quietly told [Pred–V] me [Comp(IO)– the answer.

[Comp–AdvP] N] [Comp(DO)–NP]

The boy [Subj– who shouted is sitting [Pred– next to you.

NP] / [Subj– [Comp–RelCls] VP] [Adjunct–PP]

Some of the were annoyed by Charlie's behavior. [Adjunct–PP]

boys [Subj–NP] [Pred–VP] or
or [Subj– [Pred–VP(Pasv)]

Adjective (Adj)

Complement–NP (IO) is an indirect object

Complement–NP (DO) is a direct object

Mod — modifier

Quant — quantity

Rel Cls — relative clause / modifying clause to a noun

Subject / Predicate Diagrams

Other Terms


Head (word function) refers to the primary word in a phrase; it is called "head" because of
(1) its primary (initial) position in the phrase, or (2) its primary role
(meaning) in the phrase. See Phrase.

Complement (word function) refers to a word, phrase, or clause that is required to complete
another element in the clause. Complements occur with a number of
word categories. See Complement.
Adj (adjective) Adv (adverb) N A complement may be be positioned after the element it completes,
(noun); NP (noun phrase); PP post-position:
(prepositional phrase); V (verb)
He read the book. (The predicate has a noun phrase as its
PRED (function: predicate) complement)
consists of a verb, verb group
He is looking over the book. (PRED has a NP as its complement)
He referred to the news report. (PRED has a PP as its
He fell on the stairs. (PRED has a PP as its complement)
The fact that he is here is a miracle. (NP has a clause as its
Jill went in place of me. (PP has a PP as its complement)

A complement may also be positioned before the element it

completes, pre-position:
They divided the money fairly evenly. (Adv has an Adv as its
They placed me exactly in the middle. (PP has an Adv as its
He's a criminal lawyer. "dishonest". (NP has an Adj as its
He's a criminal lawyer "lawyer for criminal law" (NP has a N as its
complement) See Nouns as Modifiers: range of meaning.

Coordinator (word function) He doesn't know what to do, nor do I. (for, and, nor, but, or, yet)
He walks foggy weather, but I only walk when it's sunny.

Modifier (word function) refers to a word or phrase that changes or adds information about:
the intrinsic quality of a noun (brown leaves); the manner, degree,
frequency of an verb (float softly); the limitation of a prepositional
phrase (exactly in the middle); the focus of a word (only when I say
so); the intensity of a manner or frequency adverb (quite often
shouts); and so on. See Phrase or Modifiers to Nouns.

Nominals (word category) is an intermediary category between Noun and Noun Phrase: N
leaves; Nominal colorful leaves; NP the colorful leaves. This term is
often seen in diagramming and it refers to sub-groupings of
modifiers and complements within a noun phrase. See diagram
above in this section.

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Grammar-Quizzes › Clauses › Clause Structure › Function vs. Category

Julie Sevastopoulos (contact) — ESL / ELL / TEFL — English Grammar Reference / Resource – Practices &

Exercises – Palo Alto, California USA — 10 Nov 2022

Grammar Quizzes by Julie Sevastopoulos is licensed for use under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International.

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