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How Computers Can

help make discovery ?

by - Khwahish Karnani 7c
Computers can help us make many discoveries like :
1. Space discovery
2. Discovering life on different planets
3. Predicting natural disasters like -
a) weather forecasting
b) earthquakes
4. Medical discovery about -
b)computer models & meicine
c)animal& human testing
The Eagle has landed
On July 20, 1969, the Apollo Lunar Module called Eagle made the first landing on the moon. Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon before returning safely to Earth.
One of the reasons the Apollo missions were safe and successful was the . Apollo Guidance
Computer (AGC). The AGC was built specially to guide spacecraft to the moon and back. It was
the first computer used to guide flights. Today, all aircraft use guidance computers.
Compared with modern computers, the AGC was heavy, slow, and difficult to use. It weighed as
much as ten modern laptops: The computer chip in a car satellite navigation system is many
times more powerful than the AGC.

Discovering life on a different
planet like Mars

Robots are used to explore planets. In January 2004, two identical

robot explorers called Spirit and Opportunity landed on Mars. The
explorers were supposed to work for 90 days. Opportunity worked
for 15 years. The robot explorers were designed to study the rocks on
Mars in the same way that a geologist studies rocks on Earth.

Predicting natural disasters like
Weather Forecasting Earthquake
Weather events like hurricanes can be devastating and life- Another type of natural disaster is an earthquake. Parts
threatening. Understanding how weather events form and move of the earth move until rocks under the surface break.
lets scientists called meteorologists predict where bad weather will
Huge forces cause the earth to shake violently
occur. Early warnings about bad weather give people time to
prepare or to evacuate an area.
Buildings are damaged. Sometimes this causes them to
There are two parts to predicting weather. collapse.
1 Satellites and radar record real weather conditions. Data about the
weather is fed into a computer. Scientists who study earthquakes are called
2 The weather data is processed using algorithms that predict how
seismologists. Seismologists use sensors to detect
weather conditions will change over the coming hours and days.
movement in the earth. They use satellite images of the
This allows meteorologists to predict the course of Earth. They feed this data into a computer model.
hurricanes. They can warn people days before the hurricane Algorithms in the model help seismologists discover
arrives. The predictions are compared with what really how earthquakes work.
happens. This is so meteorologists can discover more about
the way storms work. They change their algorithms to help Scientists now know that an earthquake is going to
improve predictions in the future. happen, but they don't know when. They hope that
supercomputers will be able to predict earthquakes in
Very fast and powerful computers called supercomputers are used
the future. Predicting earthquakes will allow people to
for this work. A supercomputer can process huge amounts of data
prepare for them. It will save many lives 5
very quickly.
Medical Discoveries
Computer model & Animal &
medicine human testing
Understanding DNA has led to
Meteorologists and seismologists Drugs are usually tested on animals
many important medical before permission is given to use them
use computer models to make
discoveries in the 21st century. on humans. Before a new drug can be
discoveries and to predict events.
DNA research involves millions of used, it must be tested on a small
Other scientists use models too.
calculations on large amounts of group of humans to check it is safe.
Doctors and medical scientists use This is called a clinical trial.
data. This has only been possible
computer models. One use for
using computers.
models is to predict the effect that Many people think testing new
new treatments will have on patients. medicines on animals is cruel.
Scientists believe that DNA
Clinical trials are usually safe but
computers will be developed in Computer models are used to can be dangerous for the people
the future. A microscopic develop new drugs and other involved. Doctors would like to
computer made of DNA will be treatments. It is important to know if develop more computer models so
able to travel through the body a new medicine will have a bad that they can test drugs using
and repair cells that are effect on the human heart. A computers. Some medicines are
damaged by cancer or other computer model can help doctors to already tested without using 6
find out. animals.
Thank you
for reading !

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