Enzymes Are Proteins That Act As Biological Catalysts by Accelerating Chemical Reactions

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The gene is considered the basic unit of inheritance.

Genes are passed from parents to

offspring and contain the information needed to specify physical and biological traits.
Most genes code for specific proteins, or segments of proteins, which have differing
functions within the body.

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is inherited as an X-linked recessive genetic

disorder that, with rare female exceptions, most often affects males
Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts by accelerating chemical reactions. The molecules
upon which enzymes may act are called substrates, and the enzyme converts the substrates into
different molecules known as products.

After extensive research on animals throughout the 1980s and a 1989 bacterial gene tagging trial on
humans, the first gene therapy widely accepted as a success was demonstrated in a trial that started on
14 September 1990, when Ashanthi DeSilva was treated for ADA-SCID.

Are SCID and ADA the same?

adenosine deaminase (ADA) an enzyme found in lymphocytes (and other cells), responsible for
removing certain toxins produced by their metabolism. In its absence, lymphocytes fail to
develop and function, which is one of the causes of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).

Somatic Cells Somatic cells are the cells in the body other than sperm and egg cells (which are called
germ cells). In humans, somatic cells are diploid, meaning they contain two sets of chromosomes, one
inherited from each parent.
Therapeutic proteins can be used to replace a protein that is abnormal or deficient in a particular
disease. They can also augment the body's supply of a beneficial protein to help reduce the impact of
disease or chemotherapy.

Recombinant proteins used in the clinic include recombinant hormones, interferons, interleukins,
growth factors, tumor necrosis factors, blood clotting factors, thrombolytic drugs, and enzymes for
treating major diseases such as diabetes, dwarfism, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure,
cerebral apoplexy,

What does transduction mean? the transfer of genetic material from one organism (as a bacterium) to
another by a genetic vector and especially a bacteriophage compare transformation sense

Deoxyribonucleic acid (abbreviated DNA) is the molecule that carries genetic information for the
development and functioning of an organism

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