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Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 1


The development of the modern day computer was the result of

advances in technologies and man's need to quantify. The
abacus was one of the first counting machines. Papyrus
helped early man to record language and numbers. Some of
the earlier counting machines lacked the technology to make
the design work. For instance, some had parts made of wood
prior to metal manipulation and manufacturing. Imagine the wear on wooden gears. This history of
computers site includes the names of early pioneers of math and computing and links to relating sites
about the History of Computers for further study. This site would be a good Web adjunct to accompany
any book on the History of Computers or Introduction to Computers. The "H" Section includes a link
to the History of the Web Beginning at CERN which includes Bibliography and Related Links. strives to always include related links for a broader educational experience. The material
was originally divided into Part 1 & Part 2

1 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 2

Any computer with its arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) and control unit contained on one
integrated circuit, called a microprocessor.

When personal computers-often referred to as microcomputers because their central

processing units (CPUs) were microprocessors-first appeared in the mid to late 1970s, they were
designed as single-user machine, Multi-user computing was left to relatively large minicomputers.
Since the mid 1980s, the mid 1980s, the distinction between microcomputer (as multi-user
computers) has become blurry, many microcomputers are substantially more powerful than the
mainframes of just 10 years ago, and high-end microcomputer, unlike mainframes, can easily be
reconfigured to serve new purposes.

Differentiating among machines by the function they’re designed to perform makes the most
1. Centralized computing systems: Designed for use by several users simultaneously, most
mainframe and minicomputer systems meet the needs of an organization or a department
within an organization. The emphasis in such computer systems is on keeping programs,
data, and processing capabilities under central control.

2. Stand-alone Computer: Designed for single-user applications, a stand-alone computer

such as a personal computer designed for personal, home, or private use, that doesn’t rely
on external resources such as a central database or share computing resources with other

3. Distributed computing systems: A network of personal computer designed to get

computing power to the user without giving up the means to share external computing
resource, such as access to central database.

4. Professional workstation: An advanced microcomputer that contains the display and

processing circuitry needed by professional such as engineers, financial planners, and

2 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 3

A Box Full of Kisses

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for
wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated
when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless,
the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you,

The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again
when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, "Don't you know,
when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The
little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it's not empty
at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you, Daddy."

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her

Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her
father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was
discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child
who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given
a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses... from our
children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other
possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this.

3 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 4



 Classes must not be left unattended in the computer laboratory.

 Students may not bring their own disks into the computer laboratory.

 School bags may not be brought into the computer laboratory.

 Students must not assemble of disassemble any computer or peripheral.

 Chalk should not be used in the computer laboratory.

 Notify all students of the lab, rule frequently.

 Breakages or damage to equipment will be charged to the Students parent.

 No food or drinks are allowed in computer room add areas.

 Low voice should be maintained at all times.

 All files not generated at school MUST be scanned for viruses before opening.

o This includes electronic E-mail files, floppy disks, CD ROMs and Flash Drives.

 Remember that you are a representative of Broadway Academy. Always be polite.


Thank you for your cooperation

4 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 5

A Missing Cat
 The owner of a missing cat is asking for help. “My baby has been missing for over a month
now, and I want him back so badly,” said Mrs. Brown, a 56-year-old woman. Mrs. Brown lives
by herself in a trailer park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7-year-old cat, didn’t come
home for dinner more than a month ago. The next morning he didn’t appear for breakfast either.
After Clyde missed an extra-special lunch, she called the police.
 When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green
eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of his left ear, and was seven years old and
completely white. She then told the officer that Clyde was about a foot high.
 A bell went off. “Is Clyde your child or your pet?” the officer suspiciously asked. “Well, he’s
my cat, of course,” Mrs. Brown replied. “Lady, you’re supposed to report missing PERSONS,
not missing CATS,” said the irritated policeman. “Well, who can I report this to?” she asked.
“You can’t. You have to ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers,” replied the officer.
 Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better than an 8”x11” piece of paper on
a telephone pole. There was an empty billboard at the end of her street just off the interstate
highway. The billboard had a phone number on it. She called that number, and they told her
they could blow up a picture of Clyde (from Mrs. Brown’s family album) and put it on the
billboard for all to see.
 “But how can people see it when they whiz by on the interstate?” she asked. “Oh, don’t worry,
ma’am, they only whiz by between 2 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. The rest of the day, the interstate is so
full of commuters that no one moves.” They told her it would cost only $3,000 a month. So she
took most of the money out of her savings account and rented the billboard for a month.
 The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared. Because she has almost no money in
savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to see if anyone could help her rent the
billboard for just one more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.

5 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 6

Mr. Meach Oun The WestLine School

Phumi Angkeo, Sangkat Chaom Chao, #199, St. 253&122, Sangkat Tek Laak1
Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Tel: 092 574 446/097 272 6494 Website:

Apply for position : Technician

Date: July 08, 2010

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to respond to your need in the position of Technician, dated Jun 1, the

To be honest, I graduated from university, majoring in Computer Maintenance and Network, I

wrote a senior project, and presented to graduate this bachelor. In fact, I am specialized in Computer
Maintenance and Network theory in the class. That’s why I really want to be shared experience that I
have, because, right now, I am a computer maintenance and network and computer teacher at The
Worldwide International School, and I try research more when I become new staff at your organization.

Even if these activities are not so important but I am familiar with many experiences in IT field,
solving the problems and overcoming the obstacles in the complicated tasks that push the work get
The organizational ability with a real commitment to get the job well-done is vital that is exactly
what you will consider and select me.

I think I am qualified enough to be one of the Full-Time in the position of Technician at your
organization. Please see my résumé attached with other critical documents.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration.

Thank you very much.

Faithfully yours,

Meach Oun

6 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 7

Mr. Meach Oun
Phumi Angkeo, Sangkat Chaom Chao, Photo
Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 4x6
Tel: 092 574 446/097 272 6494

Nationality : Khmer
Sex : Male
Material Status : Married
Date of Birth : August 09, 1980
Place of Birth : Tropangkong Village, Tropangkong Commune, Samraongtong
District,Kompongspue Province
March, 2010 : Graduated Bachelor Degree form Phreah Sihanouk Buddhist University
Major: Philosophy.
October, 2008 : Graduated Bachelor Degree from Phnom Penh International University
Major: Information Technology.
2003-2006 : Soramrith Buddhist High School, Phnom Penh
2000-2003 : Soramrith Buddhist Secondary School, Phnom Penh

Sep 15, 2007 : Participated in Management Seminar on Garment, Banking, & Tourism
Jun 30, 2007 : Participated in a Management Seminar on Knowledge Explosion and
ASEAN Mechanism and Perspective
April 26, 2006 : Participated in Training “Role of monks to education drug abuser”
May 14, 2004 : OPERCY at Human-Earth Development Center

Microsoft Office : Ms Word, Ms Excel, and Ms Power Point
Computer Network : Network Design & Setup, Computer Maintenance & Repairing
Database : Ms Access, SQL Server, Visual Basic 6.0
Programming : HTML, ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, and C#
Design : Adobe Photoshop

Present : Computer maintenance & network at ABC Center
May- Nov 2008 : Computer Teacher at Worldwide International School
March-Sep, 2008 : Volunteer for Computer Maintenance at Sovannaphumi University
Sep 2004-Feb 2008 : Volunteer Staff at Buddhist Morality Education Center (BMEC)

Mr. Chhin Boral (Assistant for Vice-Principal) Tel: 012 654 563
Mr. Muk Udam ( IT at The WestLine School) Tel: 098 250 287

Khmer : Mother Tongue
English : Good

7 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 8

Nation Religion King



Degree :............................................................................................
Overall Standard Evaluation :............................................................................................
This diploma is certified to :............................................................................................
Sex :............................................................................................
Date of Birth :............................................................................................
Place of Birth :............................................................................................
Attended :............................................................................................
Place of Attended :............................................................................................
Had Successfully :............................................................................................
Note of Verification by :............................................................................................
Student’s Name :............................................................................................
Specialty :............................................................................................
This diploma had given to Mr./Miss :..................................................................... for Utilization

Phnom Penh ........................................................................

Signature and Seal

Signature and Seal
Minister of the Ministry of Education


Phnom Penh..........................................................
This diploma has been correctly
Translated from the original document


8 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 9

េរ នេហបភី ន់
Happy Chandara School
Rbkar 1 ³ hameFIkV arpøas;bþÚr]bkrN_rbs;kMBüÚTr½ BIkMuBüÚrT½rmYyeTAkMuBüÚT½rmYyeTot .
Rbkar 2 ³ hamelg Games kñúgem:agsikSa .
Rbkar 3 ³ hamebIk rW bBa©ÚlrUbPaBminsmrmükñúg Computer .
Rbkar 4 ³ hambriePaKcMNIkñúgem:agsikSa ¬mansárekAs‘CU aedIm¦ .
Rbkar 5 ³ ral;ÉksarEdl)anbegátI RtUv Save Tukkñúg Drive (D:) .
Rbkar 6 ³ ebImankar)at;bg;ÉksarEdl)an Save Tukkñúg Drive (C:) minTTYlxusRtUveLIy .
Rbkar 7 ³ ham Install Games rWkmµviFIepSg² Edlbgá[manbBaðadl; Machines .
Rbkar 8 ³ ral;eBlbBa©b;em:agsikSa sisSRtUvbiTkMuBüÚT½r nigerobcM Keyboard nigMouse [)anRtwmRtUv .
Rbkar 9 ³ hamCECkKñaelg rW BiPakSaKñakñgú em:agsikSa EdleFIV[rMxandl;mitþrYmfñak; .
Rbkar 10 ³ ral;bBaðaEdlekIteLIgkñúgem:agsikSa sUmR)ab;eTAelakRKUEdlkMBugbeRgon .
Rbkar 11 ³ sisSTaMgGs;GaccUleRbIR)as;kBMu üÚT½r)an luHRtaEtRtUvem:agsikSakMBu üÚT½r rWmankarGnuBaØatBI
elaknayk rW naykrg .
Rbkar 12 ³ elakRKU-GñkRKUGacsikSakMuBüÚT½rbEnßm)an enAeBlmankMBu üÚTr½ TMenr nigeBlelakRKU-GñkRKU
KµanParkic© .
Rbkar 13 ³ buKÁlki salaTaMgGs;GaceRbIkMuBüÚT½r)an luHRtaEtmankarGnuBaØatBIelaknayk rW naykrg .
Rbkar 14 ³ ham Copy bTcMerog rWkmµviFeI pSg²cUlkñúgkMuBüÚT½r nig min[ebIkcMerogsþab; kñúgeBlsikSa .
sisS elakRKU-GñkRKU nigbuKÁlikTaMgGs;RtUveKarBtambTbBa¢aépÞkúgñ Edl)anerobrab;xagelI ebIsisS
elakRKU-GñkRKU nigbuKÁlki rUbNamYymineKarBtam nwgRtUvTTYlkarRBmanBIkariyal½yTTYlbnÞúk .
PñMeBj éf¶TI 08 Ex mifuna qñaM2010

9 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 10

10 Rbkarl¥
1- emaTnPaBCanic©cMeBaHraCFanIPeñM Bj EdleBareBjeTAedaysmiT§pld¾sn§wksn§ab;nigébtg .
2- cUlrYmRsavRCavRbvtiþsa®sþraCFanIPñMeBj nigcgcaMCanic© .
3- cUlrYmkarBar nigGPivDÆbrisßansalaeron nigraCFanICab;CaRbcaM
4- eKarBc,ab;cracr BiessBak;mYkkarBarsuvtßiPaB .
5- mine)aHsMramecal\tsNþab;Fñab; eRkABIdak;kñgú FugsMram .
6- enATIsaFarN³ minbenÞarbg;eRkABIbgÁn;Gnam½y .
7- minkab;bMpaø jrukçCati b¤kac;paá elgtamsYnsaFarN³ .
8- esøókBak; rs;enA skþismCaRbCaCnénTIRkugEdlmankarGPivDÆx<s; .
9- eKarBvin½ysala eKarBsNþab;Fñab;saFarN³kñgú raCFanI .
10- cUlrYmkargarsgÁm[)anl¥kúñgraCFanI edayeKarBral;karcat;taMgrbs;fñak;elI .

10 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 11

Cati sasna RBHmhakSRt
>qñaM>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enAPUm>i >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>XMu sgáat;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RsukxNÐ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extþRkug>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
muxrbrbc©úb,nñ .............................................................................................................................................
«BukeQµaH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>muxrbrbc©úb,nñ ............................................................................
mþayeQµaH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>muxrbrbc©úb,nñ ............................................................................
kmµvtßú³ sMucUlCasmaCikKNbkS
´)aT nag´)antamdanedayykcitþTku dak;GMBkI ardwknaMrbs;KNbkS nwg)anvaytMélx<s; famanEt
KNbkSenHeTEdlman]tþmKtiRtwmRtUv nig manKuNbMNac;y:agFMeFgcMeBaHCati nigmatuPUmi.
dUcenH ´)aT nag´sUmKaMRTTaMgRsug nUvkmµviFIneya)ayniglkçnþik³rbs;KNbkS .
GaRs½yehtuenH sUmelakRbFan emtþaBinti ü nwgsMerc[´)aT nag´)ancUlCasmaCik KNbkSeday
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>éf¶T>I >>>>>>>>>>Ex>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>qñaM200>>>>>

11 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 12


elx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CIvRbvtiþsegçb
Nº............................... APPLICATION FORM
éf¶ExqñaMkeM NIt ..........................................................................................................................................
Date of Birth ...........................................................................................................................................
TIkEnøgkMeNIt ...........................................................................................................................................
Place of Birth..........................................................................................................................................
kMritcMeNHviC¢aTUeTA ....................................................................................................................................
General knowledge.................................................................................................................................
kMritvb,Fm’ sBaØab½RtebIman ......................................................................................................................
Cultural Degree: Certificate If have .......................................................................................................
kMritbNþHú bNþalviC¢aCIv³ ............................................................................................................................
Training Degree .....................................................................................................................................
muxrbrTIkEnøgEdlFñab;bMerIkargarkñúgry³eBlnImYy² ..................................................................................
Function & Place used to worked in each period ...................................................................................
BIqañ M>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dl;qñaM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ........................................................................................................ >>>>
From................ to ........................... .................................................................................................. .....
karelIksresIr ¬lixit-b½N-Ñ eRKOg\sSrys¦ ..........................................................................................
sßanPaBRKYsar ¬manRbBn§-bþI b¤enAlIv¦³ ...................................................................................................
Family Status (Married or Single)......................................................................................................... .
RbBn§-bþI ¬eQµaH-Gayu-RsukkMeNIt-muxrbr-Gas½ydæanbc©úb,nñ¦³ ..............................................................
Wife/Husband (Name-Age-Birth place- Function- Address) ...............................................................
kUn ¬eQµaH-ePT-Gayu-TIkEnøgkMeNIt-muxrbr¦ .........................................................................................
Children(Name-Sex-Age-Birth place-Function) ....................................................................................

12 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 13

kmµviFbI Enßm ³>>>>>>>> ...................... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ......................
II.kargarbec©keTsbeRgonnigeron ³>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ............................

1>kic©EtgkarbeRgon ³ .................................................................................................................................
2>xøwmsaemeron³ .........................................................................................................................................
3>dMNwknaMemeron ³ .....................................................................................................................................
k-CMhanTI1 ³ -BinitüGvtþman ³ .......................................................................................................
-BinitüGnam½y niglMngw fñak; ³ ......................................................................................
x-CMhanTI2 ³ -Ekkic©kar rWRtYtBinitüemeroncas; ³ ...............................................................................
K-CMhanTI3 ³ ...................................................................................................................................
X-CMhanTI4 ³ ..................................................................................................................................
g-CMhanTI5 ³ ...................................................................................................................................
4>rgVayrMél k-cMeBaHRKU ³ - sMelokbMBak; ³ ......................................................................
- Gak,kiriya ³..........................................................................
x>cMeBaHsisS ³ - sMelokbMBak; ³ ......................................................................
- viny½ sNþab;Fñab; ³ .................................................................
- lT§plsikSa ³ .......................................................................
III. dMbUnµanKruekaslü
PñeM Bj éf¶TI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ex>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>qñaM20>>>>>

13 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 14

ពះ ច កកមុ
ស ពះម ក ត

េរ នេវ៉ស ញន៍

េសច ជ ូនដំណង
េរ នេវ ៉ស ញន៍ សូមជូនដំណឹងដល់េ កេ សី ែដល មិ បិ ព លសិស និង
សិស នុសិស ំងអស់ េ យ ន ប េដម ីបេងននូវគុណ ពអប់រ ំ សីលធម៌ និងសុជីវធម៌ សូមេ កន
ំ ឹកនូវេ ល ិ ័យដូច
រណ៍វន ងេ ម
១- សិស នុសិស ំងអស់ តវេស កសំពត់សំរង
ុ េស រេឺ មជងង់ចំេ ះសិស នុសិស អង់េគស
តវេស កសំេល កបំ ក់សមរម េ យមិនេលចេល េលចេ ម។
២- សិស នុសិស ំងអស់ មិន តវ បសក់ពណ៌(ខុសពីពណ៌េ ) តវចងសក់េ យ នសមរម ចំេ ះ
សិស សី មិន តវទុកសក់ែវងចំេ ះសិស បស និងមិនអនុ ត ំមក មួយនូវសំ រៈែដល នតំៃល។
៣- េ រពេ ៉ ងសិក សិស នុសិស ំងអស់ នឹងមិនអនុ តេ យចូលបនប់សិក ប ប់ពីកណឹ ង
េ ទ៍៥ ទី។
៤- សិស នុសិស ំងអស់ តវ ក់ តសំ ល់ខួនរហូតេចញផុតពីទី ។
៥- សិស នុសិស ំងអស់មិនអនុ តេ យយកនំចំណីមកហូបកុងបនប់សិក េទ។
៦- សិស នុសិស ំងអស់មិនអនុ តេ យេ បទូរស័ពកុងេ ៉ ងសិក េឡយ។
កុងករណីែដល ន
សិស រូប មួយេ បទូរស័ពកុងេ ៉ ងសិក េ ក គ អក គ តែតដកយកទូរស័ព និងប ូ នទូរស័ពេ ះេ រក ទុក
េ រិ ល័យចំេណះទូេ ែខរ។ រ បគល់ទូរស័ពេ យ មីខួនវ ិញ លុះ ែត ន រចូលរួមេ ះ យ ពី
សំ ក់ បិ រឺ ព លសិស រូបេ ះ។
ស័យដូច នជំ បជូន ងេលេនះ សូមេ កេ ក សីែដល បិ ព លសិស និង
សិស នុសិស ំងអស់ចូលរួមអនុវតេ យ ន បសិទិ ពខស់។
សូមទទួលនូវ រស ញ់ ប់ នពីខំុ។
ភំេពញ ៃថទី១០ ែខមិថុ ំ២០១០

ន កម ក ន័យ

គង់ សំេន ង
- រិ ល័យ យក ”ជូន ប”
- រិ ល័យចំេណះទូេ ែខរ “ ប ពត៌ ន និងអនុវត”
- រិ ល័យ អង់េគសសិស ធំ “ ប ពត៌ ន និងអនុវតបន”
- រិ ល័យមេតយ អង់េគស “ ប ពត៌ ន”
-ឯក រ លប វត

14 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 15

RksYgGb;rM yuvCn nigkILa elxbnÞb; ³>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

RbLgsak elxtu ³>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
eQµaH nightßelxaGnurkS³ sm½yRbLg ³ mNÐlRblg ³>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namRtkUlnignamxønÜ ³>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> éf¶ Ex qñaMkMeNIt ³>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
htßelxa ³>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elxsm¶at;
-ebkçCnminRtUveFIVsBaØasMKal;GVImYyenAelIsnøwkRbLgeLIg . snøwkRbLgNaEdlmansBaØasmÁal;nwgRtUv)anBinúÞsUnü .
viBaØasa ³ KImIviTüa fñak;TI ³ 9 ry³eBl ³ 50 naTI BinÞú ³ 50 elxsm¶at;
BinÞú esckþIENnaM ³
1>ebkçCnRtUvKUsExVgelITMB½rTI2 EpñkxagelIEdlRtUvkat;ecj .
2>ebkçCnRtUvKUsbnÞat;bCÄrcMBak;kNþalTMB½rTI2 nigTMB½rbnÞab;sMrab;cMelIyénsMNYrbnþ .
I.cUrbMeBjl,HxageRkam ¬2BinÞú¦

1-GIRu dUkabUpSMeLIgedayFatu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nigFatu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
II.cUrKUskñúgRbGb;xagmuxcMelIyRtWmRtUv ¬2BinÞú¦

1-etIelah³mYyNaEdlmanGMeBIelITwkbMPay]sµ½nGIRu dUEsn?
k>s½gásI ; x>Tg;Edg K>sUdüÚm X>m:aejsüÚm
2-kñúgeBlGKÁIsnIviPaKTwksUluysüÚgs‘tU etI]sµ½nmYyNaEdlPayxagkatUt?
k>GuksIEu sn x>GIuRdUEsn K>GasUt X>kabUnDIGuksIut
Ú Ág; A nig B eGay)anRtwmRtUv ¬3BinÞú¦
k>]sµ½neRbIkñúgeb:ge)a:gehaH 1> O 2 k
x>]sµ½nrukçCatiRtUvkareBleFIrV sµIseM yaK 2>H 2 x
K>]sµ½nRTRTg;cMehH 3>CO 2 K
4>N 2

IV. lMhat; ¬21Bin¦Þú

eKbg;sUdüÚmeTAkñgú Twk 180g GIRu dUEsnEdlTTYl)aneKykeTAeFIVerdukmµelIGaluymIjÚ:mGuksIut .
k> sresrsmIkartagRbtikmµTaMgBIr .
x> KNnam:asGaluymIjÚm: suTE§ dlTTYl)an .
eKeGay Na =23 ; O =16 ; H= 1, Al = 27

15 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 16

េ ះនិងហតេល អនុរក បឡងឆ សេលកទី២

១-……………………………………. វិ ពលរដវិ (រយៈេពល ៥០ ទី)

២-………………………………… ៃថទី………ែខ………. ំ២០……

សិស េ ះ............................................................ ពិនុ មូលវ ិ រ

េភទ............ ក់ទី.......៧.........អតេលខ..................

េលខេរ ង.............េលខតុ...............បនប់េលខ.........

I- ចូរគូសស  មុខចំេលយែដល តឹម តវ៖ (២ពិនុ)

១- កមមនុស រស់េ េ មដំបូលផះែតមួយេ ៖

ក- សហគមន៍ ខ- តិស ន គ- គ រ

២- េយងេ ះេ តេ ជសេរ សអកដឹក ំែដល ន៖

ក-សមត ព ខ- ប បិយ ព គ- ន

II- ចូរបំេពញល ះេ យ ន តឹម តវ៖ (២ពិនុ)

១- កុងសងមលទិ ប ធិបេតយ ពលរដ នសិទិេ ះេ ត............................................និង ម

............................................... របស់ខួន។

២- សមត ព គុណធម៌ សុខ ព .........................សំ ន់របស់អក.................................។

III- ចូរផូរផងែផក A និង ែផក B េ យ ន តឹម តវ៖ (៦ពិនុ)

ែផក A ែផក B ចំេលយ

១- េម វី ក ប ី និងេ កម ក- វ ិស័យវប ធម៌ ១

២- គបឋម គមធ ម និង គទុតិយភូមិ ខ- វ ិស័យសុ ភិ ល ២

៣- វ ិចិ តករ ត នីករ និងអកចំេរ ង គ- វ ិស័យអប់រ ំ ៣

ឃ- វ ិស័យយុតិធម៌

IV- សំនួរ៖ (៤០ពិនុ)

១- េត រេ ះេ តេ យស ត់ មរយៈសនឹកេ ត ន បេ ជន៍អីខះ? (១០ពិនុ)

២- េត រ រផល់អត បេ ជន៍អីខះដល់មនុស ? (៥ពិនុ)

៣- េតស ជិក គ រ ក់ៗ នតួ ទីអីខះកុង គ រ? (១០ពិនុ)

៤- េត ពះពុទ នេដមកំេណតេ បេទស ? កុងសតវត ទីប៉ុ ន? េ ងផួសកុង ពះជន់

ប៉ុ នវស ? (១០ពិនុ)

៥- េត ជីព អី? (៥ពិនុ)

16 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 17

GasUrxønÜ Nas;RTuDeRTamkay TYjesakGFib,ay[eKdwg

sac;QamRskRsutEPñksøk;søwg ebIEty:aghñgw muxmrNa .

sBVéf¶Be¤ KCECkG‘ul EtRtg;CsY CYlKµanB¤fa

Tuk[´kS½ybg;Gasar naMKñaeFIkV ar\tKitERKg .

´RTuDeRTamsBVsac;srés dundabeCIgédsBVkEnøg
emþcminRby½tñminxøacERkg eRKaHfñak;cMEbgedaysar´ .

lµmélrkluymkksag eGayfµIRsLagRtUvRtUvsMNMu
sagedIm,ICatikþIsuxum minRBYy)armÖBIeRKaHfñak; .

lµmsag´ehIyelakm®nþI sag´CafµIput]bsKÁ
TukxMEbbenHmuxeRKaHfñak; RsutdYlEbk)ak;Cak;Gnþray .

éllkrksIuBfI ñak;elI rYmpSMmkeFIbV þÚrrUbkay

EkresaP½NÐPaB[eqItqay ERbkøays½ksiá mRkugeTscrN_ .

ebIelakNaélsag´)an TukRBYy´RsansUmGbGr
CatiQanGPivDÆn_bnþ ´sUmGgVremIl´pg .

17 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 18

ច ប់ សី (បទភុជងលី )

ៃហកូន សីសួ ន ស យ ប ស់ ង យ មេ យច ប់ សី ។

ិ នសំ ដី ក ទន់តច
ិ ៃន ឱ តច
ិ ូលចត
ិ ។
ិ េចះរះគ
ិ ិត េឃញ តិ យជិត េ េទ ង
 ឆី ។

េ ះ នមន
ិ នកី ក ែផមចរ េទប
 េគ ស ញ់ ។

កុំជួរចិតសូ រកំ ញ់ មន
ិ នអស់អញ និង តិស ន។

 យសរបស់ផង ន េកត
 សុ ខេក មក ន ពេី ះកូន សី ។

េ ះនឹងនិ យ សដី រេករ សី កុំសី េឡះេ ះ។

េលងដូចេកងេញ៉ ះេ ៉ះ េឃញ បសកំេ ះ សេស រចូលជិត ។

េសចេ ព ងបេ ងមន

ិ គិត បសេ ពល នចិត ៊ នេ យ រ។

េ សីអ បិយឥត រ ឥត នឥរ ិ រ ទកុ ងខួ ន ។

 េំ ធនឹមនួន សដីមន
ិ មួន មន
ិ នេអ នអន់ ។

េឃញេគេប តែបរគយគន់ េសចសួ រចំអន់ ចំអកឱ បស ។

េ សីអ បយ
ិ ទុរយស មន
ិ ចខួ នខុស រ ទ កត
ឹ កម ។
េធ រអងុ យ ចឡំ នឹងសមពុំសម ផ ឯង សី ។

ិ េ តមន
ិ ចចត
ិ បី ឱ បសដៃទ ក់ យបី ។

េ សីឥតលក ឥត នកិរ ិ រ ទពុំសម ។

េធ រផង េ បខ
 ំ េ ះត ញ ក់ដំ ងខំឱ េហយ
 ។
កុំទុកេ មុខេទ តេឡយ ប
ំ េងយ កំរ ស់ ។

18 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 19

R. Tonight, you are my girl. Will you give me all your
love? You’re my little girl. I will give you all my
love. Tonight you’re my completely. You
are one and my only But girl will you still
love me tomorrow.

II. You’re my only treasure. You’re my trust the

same my pleasure. Watch him that plays on. All the love
I had for you. Tonight when I hold you. Will you’re glad to
left from me. But girl will you still love me tomorrow.

R. Before you say goodbye. Will your say that

you’ll be mine I want to know you can still
love me. Word left unspoken and
broken heart for me. I want to tell me
and I want as you again.

19 Exercises Part
Cheasim Samaki High School Exercise 20


20 Exercises Part

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