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4th Quarter Worksheet

Community Reflection Activity

Name Jhon Lourenz Legaspi Strand STEM

Section STEM 12_1


1. Accomplish this worksheet by providing the requested information below.

2. Include implementation documents (photos, videos, communication documents, etc.) of your
chosen activity in the submission.

Describe your experience before, during, and after the conduct of your chosen activity.
Watering plants is a simple but satisfying task that I enjoy doing. Before watering the plants in my
garden, I usually take a quick walk around to determine which ones need to be watered and how much
water they require. This allows me to plan my watering schedule and avoid over- or under-watering.
During the watering process, I find it relaxing to watch the water trickle down onto the soil and the
leaves perk up as they absorb moisture. It's also an excellent opportunity for me to inspect each plant
for signs of pests or diseases. When I finish my watering routine, I feel a sense of accomplishment
knowing that I've given my plants what they need to thrive. It's rewarding to see them.

What is the most difficult challenge that you have encountered while doing the activity and how
were you able to address it?

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Watering plants may appear to be a simple task, but it is not always easy. One of the most difficult
challenges I've encountered while watering plants is overwatering. It's easy to overwater, especially in
hot and dry weather. However, too much water can cause root rot and other plant diseases. To avoid
this issue, I use pots with drainage holes and make sure that excess water drains properly.
Furthermore, I avoid watering during peak sunlight hours, as this can cause water to evaporate quickly,
leaving the plant thirsty.

What are the most interesting things that you have learned about yourself and about others while
working on your activity?
Watering plants may appear to be a mundane task, but it can reveal valuable insights about oneself
and others. One of the most interesting things I've discovered about myself while watering plants is my
tendency to be impatient. I often want to rush through the task, but as I take my time and focus on
each plant's needs, I realize the value of patience and attention to detail. Observing others while
watering plants has taught me that some people are more nurturing than others. Some people take
great care to ensure that each plant is properly watered and given the nutrients it requires, whereas
others simply go through the motions without much thought or concern.

How can you apply what you have learned in your daily life?
Just as plants require regular watering to thrive, we must be consistent in our daily routines and habits
in order to achieve success. Another lesson we can learn from watering plants is the value of patience.
Plants require time to grow and develop, so we must be patient and persistent in our efforts to nurture
them. This same principle applies to many aspects of our lives, including pursuing a career and
developing strong relationships. Watering plants teaches us the value of giving. When we water plants,
we give them the nutrients they require to grow and thrive. Giving back to others in our daily lives can
bring us a lot of joy and satisfaction.

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