Direct and Indirect Speech

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Direct and Indirect Speech (Narration)

 Direct speech—Speakers sentences words we use as it is .

 Indirect speech--- Speakers sentences we told someone in own
Ex. Ramesh says, “Mukesh will go to Khair.” (Direct)
Reporting verb Reported part
Ramesh says that Mukesh will go to Khair. (Indirect)
 General Rules that can apply on every sentences
 Changes of tense – If the reporting verb is in present or
Then reported part no change OR
reporting verb is in past BUT reported part is Universal
truth , Idioms/Phrase , Habitual action , Historical fact
then no change if there is no one like this then reported
part change as

 Change of pronouns

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 Change words relate to time & tense

 Change of Model verbs

 Specials Rule apply only on particular type of sentence

 Assertive sentences

 Interrogative sentences

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 Imperative sentences

 Optative sentences

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 Exclamatory sentences

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