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break down = 1. stop working (of cars etc.)

2. lose control of feelings (of people)
break in = enter by force
break into a building
break into = start singing/smiling… but suddenly
break out = 1. begin suddenly (war, fire…)
2. escape
break up = stop for holidays (of schools…)

bring about = cause something to happen

bring out = make a new record, book… available
bring somebody round = 1. cause somebody to regain consciousness
2. persuade
bring up = 1. raise a child
2. raise a new project
carry on (with) = continue
carry out = do or complete something
hold back = contain one’s emotions
hold on = wait
hold up = 1. delay
2. rob a place

get away = escape

get on = 1. make progress (also get along)
2. enter a bus, train
get on with somebody = have a friendly relationship with somebody=
get through =1. reach somebody by telephone
2. manage to finish something
Collocations / idioms and prepositions with phrasal verbs
A. Belong to somebody =
Come from a place =
Listen to somebody/something =
Live in a place =
Look at somebody/something =
Stay at a place =
Wait for somebody/something =
Work for somebody/something =

B. Afraid of somebody/something =
Arrive at a small place =
Arrive in a big place =
Believe in something =
Care for somebody/something =
Concentrate on something =
Discuss something with somebody =
Famous for something =
Full of something =
*Get to a place =
* but leave a place =
Take care of somebody/something =
C. Ask about something =
Ask somebody for something =
*Brilliant =
*Good at something =
*Bad =
*weak in =
Borrow something from somebody =
*Engaged to somebody =
*engaged in something =
Explain something to somebody =
Interested in something =
Invite somebody to a place =
Laugh at somebody / something =
Listen to somebody / something =
Look at somebody / something =
Married to somebody =

D. angry at somebody for something =

annoyed with somebody for something =
complaint to somebody about somebody/something =
different to somebody / something =
differ from somebody/something =
polite to somebody =
rude to somebody =
shout at somebody =
wait for somebody/something =
write to somebody =

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