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Blend Bites

Human Resource Department

Employee Narrative Report
Employee: SHAKAINA JOY G. EDANO Department:

Store Construction

The construction of the Blend Bites canteen was a challenging yet rewarding project
that took almost two months to complete. Throughout this period, we worked together
diligently, ensuring that every aspect of the canteen met the high standards set by Blend
Bites. Our teamwork and dedication were key to overcoming the various challenges we
faced during construction.

From the outset, we encountered a range of obstacles that tested our resolve and
ingenuity. Coordinating with contractors, managing supply chains, and adhering to a strict
timeline required meticulous planning and constant communication. Each team member
brought their unique skills to the table, contributing to a cohesive effort that kept the project
on track.

One of the significant challenges was ensuring that the design and layout of the canteen
maximized both functionality and aesthetic appeal. We spent numerous hours consulting
with architects and designers to create a space that was not only efficient for food
preparation and service but also welcoming and comfortable for customers. This involved
careful consideration of the flow of traffic, placement of equipment, and selection of
materials that would withstand heavy use while maintaining a pleasing appearance.

Additionally, we had to navigate the complexities of obtaining the necessary permits

and adhering to health and safety regulations. This required close collaboration with local
authorities and regular inspections to ensure compliance. Despite the bureaucratic hurdles,
we remained focused on our goal, knowing that these steps were crucial for the successful
operation of the canteen.

As we approached the final stages of the project, the sense of accomplishment and
anticipation grew. The culmination of our efforts was a canteen that not only met but
exceeded the high standards of Blend Bites. The finished space was a testament to our hard
work, featuring a modern design, state-of-the-art kitchen facilities, and a welcoming
atmosphere for customers.

The experience of constructing the Blend Bites canteen was a valuable learning
opportunity for all involved. It reinforced the importance of collaboration, perseverance, and
attention to detail. By working together, we were able to turn a complex and demanding
project into a successful venture that will serve the Blend Bites community for years to
Home-Based Selling

Due to the unexpected shift to online classes, our original plan of starting a business within
the school premises had to be reconsidered. The closure of the campus and the transition
to virtual learning posed significant challenges to our initial entrepreneurial goals. Without a
physical space to operate from, we had to think creatively and find new ways to adapt to the
rapidly changing environment.

After some brainstorming sessions and considering various options, our group decided to
embrace the change and pivot to a home-based business model. We recognized that while
the circumstances were challenging, they also presented an opportunity to explore new
avenues and reach a different market. Our new venture would need to be something that
could be easily prepared and distributed from our homes, ensuring we could maintain
quality and safety standards while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

We decided to focus on a popular and beloved dessert: mango tapioca ala halo-halo. This
choice was inspired by the rich culinary heritage of the Philippines and our desire to bring a
taste of home to our customers during these difficult times. Mango tapioca ala halo-halo
combines the refreshing sweetness of ripe mangoes with the chewy texture of tapioca
pearls, layered with a variety of traditional halo-halo ingredients like sweetened beans,
jellies, and shaved ice, all topped off with a dollop of creamy leche flan.

Our group divided the responsibilities to ensure efficient operation and high-quality
production. Some members took charge of sourcing fresh, high-quality ingredients, while
others focused on perfecting the recipe and preparation techniques. We also had a team
dedicated to marketing and social media promotion, creating visually appealing content to
attract potential customers and generate buzz around our product.

To reach our customers, we utilized various online platforms and social media channels,
promoting our mango tapioca ala halo-halo through engaging posts, mouth-watering
photos, and promotional videos. We set up an online ordering system, making it easy for
customers to place orders and arrange for contactless delivery or pickup. By leveraging
technology and the power of social media, we were able to expand our reach beyond the
local community, attracting customers from different areas who were eager to try our
unique dessert.

The transition from a school-based business to a home-based operation taught us valuable

lessons in adaptability, creativity, and resilience. We learned how to navigate the challenges
of running a business in a virtual environment, from managing logistics and supply chains
to effectively marketing our product online. Despite the initial setbacks, our group's
entrepreneurial spirit and determination allowed us to successfully launch our mango
tapioca ala halo-halo business, bringing joy and a taste of tradition to our customers during
a time of uncertainty.
Blend Bites Operations

When I joined Blend Bites, the bustling canteen known for its vibrant atmosphere and
dedicated staff, I didn't quite know what to expect. I quickly found myself immersed in a
variety of roles, each presenting its unique set of challenges and learning opportunities.

My initial position was as a barista. The first days were overwhelming, as I grappled with
the complex equipment and the precise art of coffee-making. Every cup needed to be
perfect, crafted with the right balance of ingredients and served with a smile. I learned
the importance of attention to detail and the value of customer satisfaction. The joy of
seeing a customer's face light up after taking their first sip of a perfectly brewed coffee
became a rewarding experience that motivated me to improve my skills every day.

Transitioning to the role of a washer introduced me to another side of the canteen

operations. The fast-paced environment of the kitchen, with its constant stream of
dishes, demanded efficiency and meticulousness. I had to ensure that every utensil and
plate was spotless, maintaining the high hygiene standards expected by our patrons.
This role taught me the importance of teamwork and the ability to manage my time

Through these diverse experiences, I realized that being part of the canteen staff is not
just about fulfilling one's duties; it's about being responsible, hardworking, and
committed to excellence. The lessons learned as a barista and washer have been
invaluable, enhancing my skills and shaping my work ethic.

My journey with Blend Bites has been transformative, filled with challenges that have
helped me grow both personally and professionally. The satisfaction of contributing to a
team that strives to deliver the best to its customers has been incredibly fulfilling, and I
look forward to continuing this journey of growth and learning.

Work Experiences:
1. Barista
2. Dishwasher

Working at Blend Bites as a barista and dishwasher was an enriching and multifaceted
experience that significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth. The
dual roles required adaptability, efficiency, and excellent time management skills, as I
juggled the fast-paced demands of the café environment.

As a barista, my primary responsibility was to craft high-quality beverages while

providing exceptional customer service. This role involved mastering the art of making a
variety of coffee drinks, from espressos and cappuccinos to lattes and specialty
beverages. I learned the intricacies of operating espresso machines, frothing milk to the
perfect consistency, and balancing flavors to create a consistently excellent product.
Additionally, I became skilled in latte art, adding a touch of creativity to each cup served.

Customer interaction was a crucial part of the barista role. I developed strong
communication skills, learning how to engage with customers, understand their
preferences, and ensure a pleasant experience. Handling special requests and resolving
any issues that arose required patience and problem-solving abilities. The satisfaction
of seeing a customer enjoy a beverage I made was incredibly rewarding and motivated
me to continually improve my skills.

The dishwasher role, although less glamorous, was equally important to the smooth
operation of the café. Maintaining cleanliness and organization in the kitchen was
critical to ensuring food safety and efficient service. This role taught me the value of
hard work and attention to detail. I was responsible for washing and sanitizing all
dishes, utensils, and equipment, as well as keeping the kitchen area clean and orderly.

Balancing these two roles required excellent time management and the ability to switch
tasks quickly. During busy periods, I had to prioritize effectively, ensuring that I
maintained the pace and quality of service both at the barista station and in the kitchen.
This experience honed my multitasking skills and taught me how to work efficiently
under pressure.

Moreover, working closely with the Blend Bites team fostered a strong sense of
camaraderie and teamwork. I learned the importance of communication and
cooperation in a collaborative environment. Whether it was coordinating with fellow
baristas during a rush or supporting kitchen staff with additional tasks, the teamwork at
Blend Bites was instrumental in delivering a seamless customer experience.

In summary, my time as a barista and dishwasher at Blend Bites was a comprehensive

learning experience. It taught me valuable skills in customer service, time management,
and teamwork. The dual responsibilities allowed me to appreciate the different aspects
of café operations and instilled a strong work ethic that I carry forward in my career.The
students of School Food Service Management meticulously adhere to the rules outlined
in their food preparation course. They begin by carefully selecting high-quality
ingredients, ensuring freshness and nutritional value. Throughout the production
process, strict hygiene practices are maintained, guaranteeing food safety standards
are met. Each step is executed with precision, from chopping vegetables to cooking
proteins, all while emphasizing efficient time management. The result is a final product
that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of both taste and nutrition,
showcasing the students' dedication to excellence in food service management.
Submitted by:


Blend Bites Staff(Your Position)

Checked by:


HR Personnel Blend Bites Manager

Submitted to:


Instructor, School Food Service Mngt.
BTLED-HE Program Coordinator

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