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Number 1. Number 4
A. All of performers are climbing onto the stage A. They are looking into a copy machine.
B. They are playing musical instruments B. They are posting notices on a board.
C. A woman is taking a violin out of its case C. They are putting some papers in a file.
D. They are marching in a parade. D. They are moving equipment out of a room.
Number 2 Number 5
A. Many people are waiting at a baggage claim. A. House plants are being watered.
B. Most of the people are exiting the airport B. Curtains are being pulled together.
terminal. C. Light is shining through a window.
C. A crowd is gathered in a waiting area. D. Beds have been arranged side by side.
D. A vendor is arranging suitcases in the display Number 6
window. A. The people are signing some paperwork.
Number 3 B. One of the men is holding a clipboard.
A. He is talking on a phone. C. The people are seated around a meeting
B. He is folding a newspaper. table.
C. He is writing on a form. D. Two of the men are shaking hands.
D. He is leaving an office.


7. Where can I find a good auto repair 11. Did you happen to see our company's
shop in the neighborhood? billboard advertisement on Jefferson
A. You have to pay a fine. Avenue?
B. There's one two blocks away. A. A few people will attend.
C. Not as good as you want it. B. Yes, and it looks great.
8. What brand of beverage should I buy for C. Call the advertising agency.
the party? 12. Do you know how much we have in the
A. Yes, it's a brand new refrigerator. budget for travel expenses?
B. Can I get you something to drink? A. About one thousand five hundred
C. You should buy Carroll's cola. dollars.
9. Who is supposed to meet with the B. Living expenses are so high
potential clients in Berlin? C. Yes, take as much as you want.
A. Just Ms. Brown, the sales manager. 13. When are you going on a business trip?
B. A non-stop flight to Germany. A. He's one of the managers.
C. I'd like you to meet my colleague, Paul. B. My flight leaves on Friday.
10. Are you interested in a short term or C. He got in at three o'clock.
long term lease? 14. Would you like to sit indoors or out on
A. He's been with the company for three the patio?
years. A. I'd like the aisle seat. bin.
B. Ms. Patterson examined it. B. An attractive table inside.
C. Just a one year contract. C. It's too windy out there.



15. Can you handle this client's 23. Why do these containers have more
complaint? labels than the others?
A. Yes, of course. A. They are filled with harmful chemicals.
B. The accounts manager. B. Please print clearly on the label.
C. No, i didn't. C. I'd be happy to give you another one.
16. How much will it cost to fix this 24. How do I assemble this file cabinet?
computer? A. Weren't some instructions included?
A. It'll be ready next week. B. He resembles someone I know.
B. Replace the hard drive. C. To keep confidential files secure.
C. Is it still under warranty? 25. Should we use the same supplier as last
17. Won't Ellen be organizing the time or search for a new one?
conference this year? A. She used the search function on her
A. A well organized event. computer.
B. We've decided what to bring. B. I think we can find a better deal.
C. No, she's taking a year off. C. Yes, the supplies are running low.
18. Where are the half price shoes? 26. Where can I find the train headed for
A. A missing price tag. manila?
B. Sure, we'll buy those. A. Check the departures board.
C. That sale ended yesterday. B. Every fifteen minutes or so.
19. Does the apartment building have a C. Yes, I'm the head of the department.
parking area? 27. She is aware of the safety regulations,
A. There's a public garage close by. isn't she?
B. Many trees and flowers are in bloom now. A. Her gloves and shoes.
C. A two bedroom apartment. B. As far as I know.
20. The right of employee absences has C. Attending a safety workshop.
gone up. 28. Where can I exchange foreign currency
A. I can cover your shift for you. for the bills used locally?
B. Most staff members, like the policy. A. It depends on what you have.
C. Let's try to figure out why. B. We had a wonderful trip abroad.
21. Doesn't Ms. Murphy have a degree in C. Change your ticket at the station.
journalism? 29. We should paint the house to make it
A. Let's turn the temperature down a few more attractive to potential buyers?
degrees. A. Actually, I'm living in an apartment.
B. I write in my journal every evening. B. Each one has a protective coating.
C. No, but she has a lot of experience. C. I'm not sure that would be worth it.
22. Can I say a few words before the 30. Is the company going to reimburse my
ceremony begins? travel expenses?
A. To present awards to team leaders. A. Only those related to business.
B. I'm not sure there will be time. B. It's becoming more expensive.
C. But we have so few left. C. I had a wonderful trip.
31. The prototype doesn't require any more
changes, does it?
A. We're ready to go public with it.
B. I don't know when i'll retire.
C. A modern design.



M - Good afternoon, Lucy. Have you noticed that we've had quite a few employees calling
us here in the Human Resources department to ask about their retirement benefits?
W - Yeah, I have for some reason. Lots of people are confused about the retirement plans we
offer. What do you think we should do about that?
M - I suggest holding an information session about the benefits they can get.
W - That's a great idea. We can clear up everything if we hold a session for everyone.
M - Can you schedule that?
W - Sure, I'll send out an invitation to the staff at once.
M - Lena, Can I speak with you for a moment, please? I just found out about a new shampoo,
which I believe our salon should carry. It's called Gentle breeze.
W - What's so special about it?
M - Well, customers like that not only doesn't make people's hair soft and shiny, but its
natural ingredients won't harm the environment.
W - All right? Then, why don't you call the manufacturer and ask someone there to send us
a trial order that will see how the product sells before we acquire a large quantity of it for
our salon.
M - Hello, I noticed your online advertisement that your apartment complex has units
available for rent. Do any of them have two bedrooms?
W - Yes, there are still four remaining. Two are on the third floor and two are on the fifth floor.
M - Oh, I see when I ride my bicycle, a lot of tanks carrying it up and down that many floors
would be hard. It's a really heavy bike.
W - You don't need to worry about that. There's a storage space where tenants can park their
bikes on the ground level.
M - That sounds perfect. Then I'd love to checkout the place.
W - Sure, when would be a good time to come by and take a look at one?
W - Tom, will you be attending the welcome reception for new hires in the auditorium later
this afternoon?
M - This report needs to be submitted by tomorrow morning.
W - Oh, that's right. you're giving a presentation on it this Thursday, right?



M - Right and I still need to have some pictures printed. I have to visit the print shop as
soon as Mr. Weldon approves the report.
W - You'd better call ahead to see if they can do a rush order.
M - Hey, Sunnishan. We're about to leave to cater the event at kimball medical foundation,
but there aren't enough cups. Do you know where I can find some?
W - Oh no, I ordered some from our supplier two days ago, but they still haven't delivered
them. This isn't the first time this has happened.
M - Well, we're supposed to start setting up our tables at kimball medical by 9:30. So what do you
suggest? I don't have time to stop by a store on the way.
W - OK, I can help out. I'll go buy more and bring them to you.
M - Thanks, I’ll text you when we get there. So you know where to find us.
W - Hi, Dorota. Marcus and I wanted to stop by to welcome you to Emerson Biotech. We
interviewed a lot of chemistry majors for this summer internship and you are top pick.
M - And while we're here, I can show you how to fill out the time sheets that you'll have to
turn into payroll at the end of every week. Do you have time to go over that now?
W - Well, I'm supposed to go to the main laboratory in a few minutes for an overview of the
experiments that I'll be working on this summer.
W - Oh, sorry, we should have mentioned this sooner. The lab is closed for cleaning today. So
your lab orientation has been postponed until tomorrow.
W - Thanks for this follow up, visit Mr.Kesler. Your team did a nice job installing the parking area
for my office building. It's smooth and even. However, as you can see, behind the building, the
work was never finished, only a few of the white stripes that mark the individual parking
spots have been painted.
M - Hmm, yes, I see. My team was supposed to paint that final section on Tuesday but all
the rain last week put us behind schedule.
W - I hope you'll be able to take care of this soon.
M - Sure, that won't be a problem. I'll put you on the schedule right away and we'll come by
first thing tomorrow and get this all done for.



W - Hello, I'm calling about my subscription to T.V. Trivia magazine. I moved a few months
ago and I called to give you my new address at that time, but I've only received one issue since
then. I'm wondering what the problem is. The name is Fernandez.
M - Ok, let me check. Oh, yes, I see your subscription expired last month. Why don't you sign
up for our online version of the magazine, we're running a promotional sale for 20% off
digital subscriptions right now.
W - Actually, I prefer to read the paper version. Can you provide the same discount for that?
If you can, I'll renew right away.
W - Hi, Maki. Did you hear that the Indian restaurant in the Hannigan neighborhood finally
had its grand opening last weekend?
M - Yes, I read a food critics review on a website that has a dining out guide. The writer
simply loved the food.
W - My friend said they have the best Indian dishes he's ever eaten. We should check it out.
M - Definitely. How about tomorrow night?
W - Sorry, but I'm afraid I'll be busy tomorrow. I've got to give a talk the following day about
how the new trade deal will affect our business. So I'll be getting ready for that. Are you free
next Monday at seven?
M - Sure, I'll call and make a reservation. number fifty six. what is the conversation mainly about?
M - Hello, Ms. Weeden. My name is Seth MondY and I'm a reporter for the Upland Tribune. Would
you be willing to meet with me to discuss the particulars of the hospitals expansion plan?
W - Sure, we're looking for ways to generate publicity for our fundraising campaign which
starts next month. We hope it will cover a portion of the construction expenses.
M - I can come to your office any time this week or if you're busy, I could just share my
inquiries over the phone.
W - How about now? You caught me at a rare moment of downtime.
W - Hello, I am looking for some curtains for my bedroom. What's the best brand?
M - You can't go wrong with curtains from Callahan light that can't penetrate through them
because of their thick lining.
W - That sounds perfect as sometimes I work the night shift and sleep during the day, I'll take
these charcoal gray ones.
M - Do you know how long you need the curtains to be?



W - Yes, I've measured the space and I'd need the seventy two inch curtains.
M - Wonderful. I can ring you up here and you'll notice a code on your receipt. It's for a
questionnaire on our website. If you complete it, you'll be entered into a prize rolling. So
don't miss your chance.
M - Scarlet, just so you know, I'm leaving work early today. I'm going to an event tonight and I
want to get there one hour before it starts.
W - No problem. Where are you going, an art exhibition?
M - No, it's a talk by scientist George Russell about climate change and that sounds
W - I read his most recent book and I was impressed with how he explained complex topics in a
way that everyone can understand. Is he doing any other talks in town? I'd love to see him live.
M - Unfortunately, this is the only one and it sold out, but I'd be happy to pick up a handout for
you so you can see what was covered.
M - Maria, we've got a major problem with the show scheduled for September 9th next
W - Oh, no, what's happened.
M - Shen Galloway had to be taken to the hospital due to a sudden illness. He's ok, but
since he's the lead actor, the show can't go on without him.
W - I'm glad he's all right, but the fans will be disappointed about the cancellation.
M - Right, especially since it's on such short notice. We need to get the word out about this
W - If you give me the username and password for the back end of the website. I'll update
the schedule and put up a notice for patrons.



Let me make one final announcement to all the staff before I adjourn this staff meeting to
promote employee health and well being will be providing everyone with free physical
checkups. Doctors and nurses will be here all next week if you get a check up. We'll give you a
voucher for a free meal at the company cafeteria once your physical checkup is complete. I'll
send a link to the online registration form by email later today, simply fill it out no later than this
Friday if you're interested.
Welcome back, listeners. I am Marcus Jacobs and it's time for my show on good health. When
you decide to lose weight and get in shape, you don't have to purchase a membership at an
expensive gym. Instead, you can save plenty of money by exercising around the house to
help you. I've come up with a wide variety of exercises using regular household items. I've
got them listed on my blog. Feel free to try them and to post some feedback on my website
regarding how successful they were. I'd love to hear from.
Hello, Mr. Harper. I'm Greg Farrell from unit 45 in Sinclair apartment. According to the contact list
I received while moving in and you're the property manager here. I'm calling to tell you that this
is the fourth day in a row the landscapers you hired have been using extremely noisy
equipment to mow the lawn and to do other yard work outside my window. It's 6:30 AM
right now. Please call me back so we can discuss this matter. I've got a job interview, so I'll be
away all morning. But I'll be back home by 2:00.
Thank you for paying a visit to historic webster farm today. We’ll start the tour by walking
through the gardens, the farm's original owner, timothy webster, planted formal gardens
in addition to having several practical vegetable garden. We'll go through them first, makes
will drop by the main house so that you can get a glimpse of what life was like in the seventeen
hundreds. Finally, we’ll visit some of the farms out buildings, one of which is now a gift shop. You
can purchase numerous items, including food products that are fresh and produced right
here on the premises.
Thank you for attending tonight's Frederick's town business seminar. I'm excited to introduce our
first speaker, Ms. Janet Cole Thrip. She's the founder of Coal Thrip accounting. Her company



specializes in international tax preparation and does business in more than twenty
countries today. She'll share some of the strategies she used when she started her firm
ten years ago working from her home as we've done in previous sessions. If you have
questions for our speaker, please write them on the cards provided on your seat. Seminar
volunteers will collect these questions throughout the session and then give them to the speaker
directly without further delay. Please help me welcome Janet Cole threw up.
You're listening to news around town from WXB radio out of Riverdale, city officials have reported
that. Last weekend, fundraising concert at riverdale outdoor theater was a huge success.
More than fifteen thousand dollars was raised to fund the creation of a new city park
downtown. Even though the original event was rescheduled due to rain, attendance was higher
than expected. The city still needs to raise another thirty thousand dollars before construction can
begin on the new park. For more information or to make a donation, please visit the parks
department website.
OK, the tour bus has stopped at this spot for a very special reason. The spectacular view
from this side of the bridge is one of my favorites in the area across the river, you can see the
lovely town of Fremont today. It's a town known for its delicious local cuisine, but Fremont
used to be an important port town where many products were traded. Merchants used to
stop in Fremont to buy and sell their goods as they traveled along the river. Next, we will stop
for lunch at the Fremont inn before continuing up the river.
Does your fitness tracker take too much effort to use? Well, not anymore with the health
monitor, which is worn around your wrist, like a watch. With most wearable devices, you
have to push a button in the middle of your exercise routine to access your heart rate
tracker or to see how many calories you've burned. Who wants to do that? The health
monitor will automatically display these features on its screen, so you can see this information
easily without interrupting your workout. Plus, the price of the health monitor has been reduced
by 10% for the next month in honor of its debut on the market. So order one.
Good afternoon, my name is Gina and today I'm going to be demonstrating the newest coffee
makers offered by Kirby department store manufactured by home styles. As Savvy
shoppers, you'll love this brand sleek design and durable components. I'll start off with the
most popular model, which makes two cups of coffee at a time and has a built in milk



warmer. This really is the way to start the morning off right. For those of you standing in the back,
there are some empty seats up front. So feel free to come and get a better view.
Good morning, everyone. I've called this meeting today because we need to make decisions
with our fresh face line of cosmetics. Since we're adding in some new items, we need to
choose which ones to remove. We are also going to start offering our second best seller in
a two ounce and four ounce size. Which I think customers will like? You can see on the
graph of last month sales that there's still room for improvement. To promote the changes,
we've secured Sophie Fitzgerald as a spokesperson for our commercials. With her popular films
and strong name recognition, her involvement could give a major boost to our company.


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