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Part 2
Electric Field
• If the electric field at a point is known, then the force on any other
charge placed at that point is determined by multiplying the
charge by the electric field.

Fe = E|q|
• If the charge happens to be negative, the direction of the force on
the negative charge is opposite the direction of the field.
Electric Field
Sample Problem #1:
An electron enters a uniform electric field that is directed
downward and has a magnitude of 5 N/C. (a) Find the magnitude
and direction of the force experienced by the electron. (b) Find
also its acceleration.

Given: E = 5 N/C, directed downward

q = -1.6 x 10-19 C
me = 9.11 x 10-31 kg
Electric Field

The direction of the force is upward because the

electron is negatively charged.

Fe = E|q|
= (5 N/C)(|-1.602x10-19 C|)
Fe = 8 x10-19 N
Electric Field
(b) Newton's second law of motion is used to solve for the
acceleration. The acceleration is also directed upward.
F = ma
= 8 x10-19 N / 9.11x10-31 kg
a = 8.78 x1011 m/s2 ≈ 9x1011 m/s2
Electric Field
• Electric Field Inside a Conductor
• Faraday demonstrated that the electric field is zero inside a closed
conducting surface and that an excess charge placed on a solid
conductor resides entirely on its surface.

• He constructed a room covered with metal foil inside. This room,

with a conducting frame that protected Faraday from the static
charge, is now known as a Faraday cage.
Electric Field
• Cont…
Any closed conducting surface can function as a
Faraday cage, shielding whatever is inside it from
any damaging effects of electric fields.
Electric Field
Electric Flux
The word flux comes from the Latin word fluxus meaning
“flow." Electric flux (ϕ) is a measure of the number of field
lines passing through a surface.
Electric Field
Electric Field
• Mathematically, electric flux is the dot product of
the electric field and area vector.
• The direction of the area vector is the same as that
of a vector perpendicular to the area.
• Φ = E · A = EA cos ϴ
• Where ϴ is the angle between the electric field and the area vector. Note
that the electric flux is a scalar and has the unit of N.m2/C.
Electric Field
Sample Problem #2:
A flat surface of area 1.25 m2 is rotated through a
uniform horizontal electric field of 5 N/C. What is the
electric flux if the surface is (a) parallel and (b)
perpendicular to the electric field?
Given: A = 1.25 m2 E = 5 N/C horizontal
Electric Field
a. If the surface is parallel to the flux, the area vector
is perpendicular to the electric field. The angle
between the area vector and the electric field is
φ = EA cosϴ = (5 N/C)(1.25 m2) cos 90°
Electric Field
b. If the surface is perpendicular to the flux, the
area vector is parallel to the electric field. The
angle between the area vector and the electric
field is 0°.
φ = EA cosϴ
φ = (5 N/C)(1.25 m2) cos 0° = 6.25 N·m2/C
Electric Field
Gauss's Law
• Carl Friedrich Gauss, a German scientist, formulated a law,
which relates electric field, electric flux, and electric
• States that the total electric flux through a surface is the
total electric charge qtotal inside the surface divided by ϵo.
• ϵo = 8.85 x 10-12 C2/N·m2 (permittivity of free space )
Electric Field
• In symbols,

φtotal = EA cosϴ =

The surface mentioned in Gauss's law is called the Gaussian

Electric Field
• Charge Distribution and Gauss's Law
• Gauss's law can be used to compute the electric field due to a
system of point charges as well as for a continuous charge
• The charge distribution must be uniform and symmetrical.
• The charge distribution may be expressed in terms of linear charge
density, surface charge density, or volume charge density.
Electric Field
• Linear charge density λ (lambda) is charge per unit
length of a body.
• Surface charge density σ (sigma) is charge per
surface area of a body.
• Volume charge density ρ (rho) is charge per unit
volume of a body.
Electric Field
• Sample Problem #3:
If a solid insulating sphere of radius
50 cm carries a total charge of 150
nC uniformly distributed throughout
its volume, what is its (a) volume
charge density? What is the
magnitude of the electric field at (b)
10 cm and (c) 65 cm from the center
of the sphere.
Electric Field
R = 50 cm = 0.5 m
q = 150 nC = 150 x10-9 C

a. Volume charge density:

𝑞 𝑞 150 x10−9 C
ρ= = 4 = 4
𝑉 π𝑅3 3
π(0.5 𝑚)3

ρ = 2.87 x10-7 C/m3

Electric Field
b. With θ = 0, the magnitude E1 of the
electric field at r1 = 10 cm = 0.1 m
from the center of the sphere is ,
𝑞𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 ρ𝑉 ρ π𝑟13 ρ𝑟1
E1 = = = =
ϵ0A ϵ04π𝑟12 ϵ04π𝑟12 3ϵ0

(2.87 x10−7 C/m3)(0.1 m)

3(8.85 x10−12 C2/Nm2)
E1 = 1,080 N/C
Electric Field
c. At distance r2 = 65 cm = 0.65 m, the total
enclosed charge qtotal =150 x10-9 C. With
θ = 0 (since the angle between E and A is
always zero in the Gaussian sphere.

E2 =
150 x10−9 C
(8.85 x10−12 C2/Nm2) 4π 0.65m 2

E2 = 3,190 N/C
Electric Field
Sample Problem #4:
Suppose the sphere in item
number 1 is conducting. Find
the (a) charge density of the
sphere and the magnitude of
the electric field at the
following distances: (b) 10 cm
and (c) 65 cm
Electric Field
• Solution:
𝑞 150 x10−9 C
a. Charge density σ = = 2 = 4.8 x10-8 C/m2
𝐴 4π 0.5 m

b. For a conductor, the charges reside at its surface area.

Thus, for r = 0.1 m, qtotal = 0 Therefore, E = 0
c. For r = 0.65 m, qtotal = 150 x10-9 C.
𝑞𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 150 x10−9 C
E= =
ϵ0A (8.85 x10−12 C/N.m2)(4π(0.65 m)2)
E = 3,191 N/C ≈ 3,190 N/C
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