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Bachelor Visual Culture Studies UiTM Puncak Alam

Introduction to Museum Studies

VCS 605

Assignment 1

Drama Review

'Dali and the Cocky Prince'

Name Student: Najwa Natasha Binti Mohd Fauzi

UiTM ID: 2022786825


Date of Submission: 24 April, 2024

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1. Introduction

Drama 'Dali and the Cocky Prince” 1

2. Review


Episode 1: The Issue Concerning The Sale of Counterfeit Works 2-3

of Art (Fake)

Episode 3: Financial Crisis: The museum is heavily in debt.

Episode 11: The director of the museum decided to sell paintings
that are registered under the ownership of the museum.
Episode 13: The Issue Exchange of original artwork with fake

3. Conclusion 6-7

4. References 7

The drama 'Dali and the Cocky Prince' (2021)

Museums and art are closely related. Some people envision only an old building with
ancient artifacts when they think of a museum. Similarly, some individuals perceive art solely
as something beautiful. However, how deeply do they grasp museums' significance, and how
does their understanding of art?

Being a full-time student majoring in art and culture has brought me closer to museums
and art. The drama 'Dali and the Cocky Prince' is closely aligned with the career opportunities
I aspire to pursue. Thus, this drama is directly in line with my career path. The drama 'Dali and
Cocky Prince' is a drama that gives a real picture in terms of museum management, the
responsibilities of a curator, the arrangement and management of works of art.

It's all about art, museum management, family, love, business and cooking.

Drama 'Dali and Cocky Prince' (2021) is about the romance between a parvenu who
lacks education, and the daughter of a respected family who tries to save a collapsed art
museum. The character of Jin Moo-Hak is the second son from a family that runs the global
restaurant franchise firm Dondon F&B. The company originates business as a gamjatang
(pork bone stew) restaurant. He lacks education but has an excellent ability to make money.
Jin Mun-Hak is a smart entrepreneur looking for any opportunity to build money. Meanwhile,
the character of Kim Da-Li is a visiting researcher at an art gallery ST Miller Khust. She is the
only child of a respected family. Kim Da-Li has a good personality and can speak 7 different
languages but unfortunately, KIm Da-Li's expertise in the field of art cannot be denied. Kim D-
Li has extensive knowledge in the field of art, she is not very good at doing household chores
like cooking.

Due to Museum Art Cheongsung that is going bankrupt, they meet again as the son of
a rich, uneducated family and the daughter of a respected family. Jin Moo-Hak and Kim Da-Li
happen to meet without knowing about each other's backgrounds and they develop good

feelings for each other. Various speculations arise regarding the family and management
issues of the art museum. This drama also provides a clear depiction of several management
issues, including authenticity, theft of artworks, museum laws, business, and more. Let's


Episode 1: The Issue Concerning The Sale of Counterfeit Works of Art (Fake)

Artwork "Modigliani" By Elmyr De Hory

In episode 1 of the drama 'Dali and the Cocky Prince' (2021), at minute 40:20, a
question arose for me regarding the issue of the fake artwork "Modigliani" by Elmyr de Hory
that was bought by Mrs. Brockhorst, a collector who enjoys purchasing and collecting works
of art. At this moment, I can see Kim Da-Li's character, who is skilled in analyzing works of art,
helping to identify the originality of a piece.

The issue of buying and selling fake works of art is highly emphasized, and the law is
tightened to prevent art lovers who enjoy collecting works of art from becoming victims of
financial loss. In my opinion, as an art collector, it is essential to act with greater care when
purchasing original works of art. Collectors should ensure they buy legally from certified
sellers. Nowadays, even collectors and art enthusiasts need education about identifying and
avoiding fake works of art. Among the steps we can take are:

1) Visual Test: Collectors and art lovers who buy paintings should see the colors and
gestures of the artwork firsthand. If the texture or lines are not as rough as in the
original drawing, it should be suspected as a potential fake.

2) Collect Evidence: look for evidence that confirms the painting was indeed created
by the artist. For instance, inquire with the artist's family if they have ever seen this
painting, among other methods.

3) No Rush: Collectors need to be cautious when purchasing works of art and avoid
rushing into acquisitions driven purely by desire.

Knowledge is important for an art lover to buy a painting. It is necessary to be smart and
identify before proceeding to buy it. Therefore, art knowledge is very necessary for anyone to
evaluate and appreciate art.

Episode 3: Financial Crisis: The museum is heavily in debt.

Financial Crisis (Plot)

In episode 3 of the drama 'Dali and the Cocky Prince' (2021) at minute 06:15, we can
see the main issue experienced in this drama when Kim-Dali has to bear a large debt from the
Cheongsong Art Museum. At the same time, Kim Da-Li has to find a way to pay off all the
debts that his father (Mr. Kim) has borrowed after his father leaves. Therefore, in my opinion,
issues like this have given lessons and reminders to the audience and me who are interested
in the career of museums and galleries. In the meantime, this issue has also attracted my
interest to know the steps that need to be taken. This episode has also given an overview of
how and process to deal with the problems that Kim Da-li is facing.

In my opinion, there are several things we can do if we experience issues like the
financial crisis in the museum sector experienced by Kim-Da-Li's character.

1) Financial Evaluation: Perform a comprehensive audit of the museum's finances

to understand the root of the problem and find areas where savings or
improvements can be made.
2) Cost Savings: Identify and implement strategies to reduce operational costs
without sacrificing service quality or collection security.
3) Revenue Expansion: Develop new strategies to increase revenue, such as
holding special events, offering paid guided tours, or increasing souvenir sales.
4) Donations and Sponsorship: Increase efforts to obtain donations from
individuals, companies, or organizations that care about culture and art, as well as
forge sponsorship partnerships to support museum activities.

5) Collection Curation: Evaluate and curate collections to optimize exhibitions and
attract new visitors, which can increase revenue from admission tickets.
6) Fund Management: Manage museum funds wisely, including investing funds with
good return potential and avoiding unnecessary risks.
7) Commercialization: Expand the selection of products in souvenir shops, consider
selling exclusive items, and take advantage of online platforms to increase sales.
8) Institutional Collaboration: Look for collaboration opportunities with other
institutions, such as universities or arts enterprises, to obtain additional funds or
shared resources.
9) Communication and Promotion: Increase promotion and communication efforts
to increase public awareness of the museum and attract more visitors.
10) Development of Educational Programs and Events: Offer interesting and
diverse educational programs, as well as attention-grabbing events to attract more
visitors and support additional income.

In this issue, I can also see the efforts of Kim Da-Li's character in finding funds and sponsors
for their program. To bear the burden of a large debt, the Museum Director (Kim Da-li) needs
to be wise in organizing ways and steps. If Plan A cannot be done, they also need to act to
sell souvenirs, hold a paid art education program, save on bills as suggested by Jin Moo-Hak's
character, and so on.

Episode 11: The director of the museum decided to sell paintings that are registered
under the ownership of the museum.

sell Artworks that are registered museum rights

In Episode 11 of the drama 'Dali and the Cocky Prince' (2021), at minute 0:32, there is
a question for me as a specialized student in this field. What is the appropriate course of
action? Is this action not being misused? Looking at this scene, where Kim Da-li's character
needs to immediately save the state of the museum and pay the inheritance tax. In a desperate
situation, the Director of the Cheongsung Art Museum (Kim Da-Li) has instructed the workers
to find any artwork to sell immediately.

It was also a mistake when Kim Da-Li attempted to sell an artwork that had been
registered under the Cheongsung Art Museum's property. In my opinion, there are many
consequences that Kim Da-Li will have to bear if she tries to sell artwork that has already been
registered. It can be considered stealing the museum's rights, and disciplinary action may be
taken. Once again, Kim Da-Li did not follow the proper process for selling the artwork that had
been established. Some of the consequences that I have identified include:

1) Violation of Art Ethics: The act of selling works of art without notifying the relevant
parties or without due process has violated ethical principles and professional codes
of conduct in the management of museums and art heritage.

2) Strict legal action is imposed: Selling works of art that have been registered under
the control of a museum or gallery can be subject to strict legal action such as
imprisonment and being sued for higher damages. loss of job and reputation. for
Malaysian law, it can be categorized as an offense in the legal code Act 332.

3) Legal Potential: Selling works of art without proper approval or procedures can
cause legal problems, including claims from the original owner or heirs, as well as legal
problems related to ownership and copyright.

I think that the act of secretly selling works of art by the museum director that has been
registered as belonging to the museum is very unethical and can have a very serious negative
appearance. As another alternative, if the museum needs to sell works of art that have been
registered as belonging to the museum, it is by following the steps that need to follow the
correct procedures such as involving stakeholders, as well as complying with the regulations
and the proper code of ethics, which is a wiser step and responsible. Thus, the museum can
minimize the risk of negative consequences and maintain its integrity and reputation in the
long term

Episode 13: The Issue Exchange of original artwork with fake artwork

Exchange of original artwork with fake artwork

In Episode 13 at minute 14:56. The issue of converting original artworks into fake
artworks is also an issue that interests me to highlight. This issue is not just fiction, it also
happens in the world of real museum or gallery careers. I would like to delve into more detail
about this issue, Ah Sang-Tae's character is portrayed as vindictive. He's been employed in a
museum career as a curator for a long time, but due to his greedy nature, he engaged in
criminal activities by colluding with Kim Da-li's brother. They've been involved in criminal
activities for a long time, converting original artworks into fakes.

The exchange of original works of art with fake works of art is highly unethical and
inappropriate. He can be convicted of a criminal offense and can be sued and imprisoned. In
my opinion, this action is one of the causes of the sale of fake artwork. more collectors will be
deceived even if they buy in the right way. However, the issue of changing artworks is negative
and inappropriate. Among the reasons are:-

1) Loss of Cultural and Historical Values: Original works of art are part of cultural
and historical heritage. Exchange with fake works can cause loss and damage to the
artistic heritage that is important to preserve.

2) Inconvenient to many Parties: Exchange of original artwork with fake works is

also a form of cheating and fraud. This involves manipulating information and
misleading the parties involved, such as art collectors, museums, or other institutions.

The exchange of original works of art with fake works of art is not only inappropriate
but is also a harmful and destructive action in the context of art and culture. this activity of
exchanging works of art also happened in 2015 in Germany excerpts from the Berita Harian,
has given a great impact and lesson to the museum in tightening the system of outgoing and
incoming data. records and information are very important to ensure that no fraud occurs. In
my opinion, it is very appropriate for us to further tighten the management system of incoming
and outgoing records of works of art in the museum or gallery sector, the record system of the
person in charge of the activity needs to be tightened. control in the warehouse or storage
store also needs to be tightened and recorded.


In conclusion, the drama 'Dali and the Cocky Prince' (2021) sheds light on various aspects of
museum management, art authenticity, financial challenges, and ethical dilemmas faced in the
world of museum and art gallery careers. Through the examination of certain episodes, we
gain valuable insight into the complexities and responsibilities of a museum director and
curator concerning art curation and museum administration. This play prompts us to reflect on

the importance of ethical behavior in museum and gallery careers, the need for strict financial
management practices in museums, and the preservation of cultural and historical values
through the protection of original works of art. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for
education and awareness among collectors and art enthusiasts to detect and avoid fraudulent
practices in the art market.

Taking lessons from real events as depicted in the drama and their impact on museum
management practices, it is clear that continuous improvement and vigilance in record
keeping, verification processes, and ethical decision-making is essential to maintain the
integrity and reputation of museums and galleries. Ultimately, 'Dali and Putera Cocky' not only
entertains but also educates and provokes thought about important issues in the arts and
museums sector, making it a valuable narrative for individuals interested in pursuing careers
related to arts, culture, and heritage management.


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