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‘sconomical method of restoring something of the foots shade to the processed product, such as in canned frit and utls. In addition, tor are sound economic reasons forthe addition fot food colour for improving and standardsing the appearance of ‘wholesome fonds varying in colour and attractiveness, sich ain preserves and vegetable prtem products, so that waste is avoided. Equaly as Limportunt, is the use of colour in those prodets that have litle oF no tural colour present, such as mineral Waters, desert powders, table eles, colli, spar confectionery and pickles, Without the ation of Colour, these products would completely lack eye-appesl and would ‘come unplatable regards of their Mavour and texture. ‘Since th covery of ye synthesis in 1856, the natural colour extract, which were used fr entries Tor colouring food, have Been extensively Feploed by synthetic djs, These dyes arecoloured substances that can be "pple insolation or dispersion to the food tsubssae, thus sng it coloured appearance sally the yes havean fini for thefeodstl and ire readily absorbed fom solsion, The syothle organic colours are suprior 10 the natural dye exacts in tncoral power, consistency of Seong, range and tilince of bade, sai, cic of application and ont elfecsinenes. Many ofthe sth colouring mutes thus see _ for wein foods, however, and themanner in which hey mere employed lt ‘uch 1 bedsied from asl viespom.Astoxeologeal ad aati {oem regulationswer, therefore, ntoduced contra the se ofthese added ood colurigs SYNTHETIC COLOURS USED IN FOOD Gsstcaion of Syaetle Colours For Food ‘Theclaseations used are those ofthe BEC, the USA and the UK. The E tefernces are the numbers allotted in the EEC Directive of 23.1062 (a8 ‘mendes to thecolouring matter sted in An 110 hat Dtstive.” The DanC numbers are those ofthe currently permitted food colour inthe USA, while the colours formerly listed as FD and C colours ae also ‘lasiied, The current and former C1 Food Colout Numbers ofthe Colour Index (Ci) ofthe Society of Dyers and Colouits (UK) and the American ‘Asocition of Textile Chemists and Colorist (USA) ae included inthe ‘lassiction along wih the 1971 CL Numbers. For the purposes af thischaptr the synthetic organic colours permite in ee ee Se nal the BEC and ie USA for food use (Appendix Ihave been groupedintothe following esses according to their chemical structure Monoazo, Disiz0, Trsazo. “riaryimethane Xanthena. be inane Indigo. Synthetic orpanic colours permite outside the EEC and the USA and she more important formerly permitted colours for food use (Appendix 2) have been grouped into the Following cise acording to ther chemical Nitro, ‘Monoazo, Diss. ‘Traryimethane Xanthene “Anthnaguinone. fn addition the colours have boon divided into water-soluble, itsoluble, insoluble (pigment) and surface marking colour groups. Description of Synthetic Colours for Food Water solubility is conferred on many dyes by the presence ofa ast ‘one slt-forming group. The most common isthe sulphonic acl group, "TSO,H, but the presence ofa carboxsic acid group, —-CO,HI in the clout moleoule may alo confer water solubility. These dyes ae usually isolated a their sodium sills. They have coloured anions and are known ‘sanioniedyes, Dyesconaining basieproups,suchas—~NH,,—NHCH, find —N(CH,),,form ater soluble sills with acid. Theseae the cationic ‘dyes und the coloured fon Is positively charged both uedie and base ‘roupsare present in thecolour mole then an internal sal or zwiterion fe formed ‘ilsoluble or solent-soluble colors lack salt forming groups und are insoluble in water, Pigments ae the colours having no afinity for most Subsite, They are thus genraly insoluble ia Water, ols atsand solvents ‘Shey colour by dispersion in the food medium Lakecoloursarethe most important group of Tood colovr pigments ‘Azo Food Colours Inthe Azo groupof colours hechromophoric system consistsessentialy of the azo group (Fig. 1) in association with one or more aromati systems. ia. Azo group, ‘There may be oné or more azo groups present inthe colour molecule, these ate the Monoazo, Disszo, Trstzo, Tetakiszo and Polyazs dyer secording to whether there are 1,2, 3.4 Or more azo groupe rine Per range of shades covered by the Azo group of ood colour vey wide and includes re, orang, elo, bevel, brownand Wack, Azodjes ng ‘wren shade are very limited and none are sed food cology (joie Az0 colours containing pyrazolone residue (Azo, Pyazole) do not ( poses trucazo linkage.! They exist, rather as keto-hydrazine tautomer y \ea, Ny NASA ia. 2. Keto-hyasine tautomer sracur of Azo pyratlone colour, ‘Telaryimethane Food Colours ‘Triatymethane colours are distinguished by thee briliance of eoloue nd high intora strength, but they have poor lightfstness properics, The hromophoric sytem consists ofa central carbon atom joined ta dies ‘omatie rings generally with hydroxy, amino and subativied aries / Flo 3. Trametes chromophore sae, | _substinents in the para poston acting as suxochromes eg. Fig. 3) The Tria Food colours are generally bright green and bein shade ba ed and violet bes ae also avaible Xanthane Food Colours Inthe Xanthene group of colours the chromophore system isthe xanthene SYNTHENE ORGANIC COLOURS FoR FOOD st Frio. Xanthene chromophore stem with phenyl substituents or dibenzo-.¢pyran heterocyclic ring s)stem with umino’oe hydroxyl ‘roups inthe meta postion with respect othe oxygen bridge: Generally a further aromatic rng is attached 10 the xanthene system (e. Fle. 2, analogous tothe Triaryimethane dyes. The shade of the dyesttf depends fon the other substituents and aurcchromes presen in the molecule The ‘sroup gives rise to brilliant red and greenish Yellow dyes with fuorescence ‘esent in sone of the colours. Eythrosine isthe only Xanthone dye Permitted in the EEC or the USA for use in food colouring uinatine Food Colours In Quinoline dyes the ehromophoric sytem isthe quinophthalone or 242-auinoly}-indandione hetereyctirng sytem (Fig. 9), ln ation ‘the Quinoine dyes invariably contain u small amount othe iomene bal derivatives (Fig 6) Bright greenish yellow shades with poor ght fisinss are character of the group. Qupoline Yellow isthe ony dye in this eroup of importance for tse in food coloration Fo. 5, Simeture of Quinine colours Flo Phil deratve occuring in Quinine colours igo group of food colours is based on synthetic equivalents of Faturally occurring Indigo (1971 Cl No 75780), Colour is due 10.4 esonance hybrid of structures (Fig 7) or terapole stretare Fig, 8). In {hei rstaline stat, a least, they ure normaly in the anv conigration. ‘The only food colour of importance inthis group i Indigo Carmine, fey ‘ ‘ kb eaapoestractare of Ini, MANUFACTURE OF SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLOURS FOR FOOD, Manufacture of Azo Food Colours The manuficture of an Azo dye by azo coupling is gonerlly 4 batch ‘operation consisting essentially of reacting coupling) dzotied primary aromaticamine (diazo component) with coupling component (usally ‘tomatic amine, hydroxy compound or Keto compound capable of nolsation) in an electrophilic wromate substitution reaction, shown schematically by the convention Amine > Coupling Component ‘The dis, is, ttrakit- and poly-zo compounds are manufactured by either using diamine or polfunctional coupling component a starting ‘material o by repeating the proces with an aminodza compound, suchas shown schematically in Fig. 9 by dhe conventions ; | | | {| | SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLOURS FOR FOOD s ‘Amine—? Coupling component | Coupling component 2 ‘Amine ! > Couping component ‘Amine 2+ CO¥Bling comp Amine —yCouplng component | —+ Coupling component 2 Fc, 9, Manufacture of clr coining lip azo gros Asdazonium ions are relatively weak electrophii reagents, the aromatic ‘coupling components must carty powerful elzction donor groups. suchas “OH, NH, —NHCH,, and —N(CH5), Generally an aide solution of the wromatic amine is converted into the iazonium at 05°C by addition of sodium nit: Sn Nit 4 HX 4 NANO Ar NEE 4 NaX 421.0 SE were X = Cl, BrsN0,, HSO, EF Therate determining stepisitostion ofthe amine Fig. 10), the setual ntrsating species, which may be NO*, NOCI, H,O® NO or NO, ‘BE varying according tothe conditions, At low scales andi sulphuric aid ( 5 ofbessthanabout 85 strength iis probable that O,N-NOisthealTetve 5 agent; in sulphuric acid of higher than 85% HO,S:0-NO, $F shite in HCI is C1 NO (Fi. 10) ‘With primary amines the-mirosamine is Hrs formed but is yuicky | © transformed, presumably via the diazohydroxide, into the diazonium ion. “crcess soi nitrite must be avoided during the reaction ast reduces, the stability of he dizonium on and may eae withthe dazo compound of ¥-otro vice cP sa, WS : Sevres a COL= O40 Fro 1 Mecham of sazsation, strength it

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