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A. House hold "B" consumed the most while house hold "A" consumed
the least.

B.House hold " D" and "E" consumed almost the same kwh

All i can say is that they might have the same electricity bill due to
different reasons. They might have similar energy consumption on
appliances. Another reason is they might have same appliances which
means the same motor there is the same energy it uses. One more is
the number of people. The number of people counts as a reason on
why it may be similar because if theres more people on a household
and lesser on the other it may be different but if they have different
appliances that they use it can still be similar.

C. as a member of a house hold we can help lower the electricity bill

by not doing unnecessary things like leaving plugged appliances and
chargers that aren't being used not saying that we shouldn't plug
appliances but try to minimize it like if it is enough then let it rest to
save up more.

D. it is important to use electricity wisely to make a clean

environment. You might think why, it is because some power plant
uses coals and fuel then later on transfer to electricity while it burns
our environment gets affected which causes the ozone layer to get
weaker and weaker whoch could lead to extreme heat. Also, we can
save money.

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