Lecture 12 - Process Maturity - SCM SEPG

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Software Configuration

• Increase in entropy of software systems
– Need to make changes after completion of design
• Managing change after the start of coding?
– Quick source code change?
– Explanatory comment?
– Update in design document?
• Maintain Design
– Patches and chance of erroneous changes?
– Establish and maintain design baselines
• Maintain change control over:
– Requirements, Design, Source code, Testing
documents, User manuals, Maintenance manuals
CCB and SCM Facilities
• CCB shall control the design changes

• SCM related needs:

– Templates for design specification
– Means to ensure that the design is current
Defining the Software Process

Improve the way work is done.

New Process?
• Standardize a process?
• Customize a process for a project?

• Software process architecture?

– A framework
• Software Process Models
Software Engineering Process
Responsible to manage evolution of
the software process
SPI as a development task
• Identify the key problem
• Establish priorities
• Define action plans
• Get professional and management agreement
• Assign people
• Provide training and guidance
• Launch implementation
• Track progress
• Fix the inevitable problems
• Focal point for SPI task
– Involve senior management, SQA, software
professionals, finance etc.
• Initiating process change
• Sustaining process change
• Supporting normal operations
• Recommends priorities for developing
• Ensure that standards development related
work is reviewed
Process Database
• Data on SE process
– Size, cost schedule data
– Product metrics
– Process metrics
• E.g. process task effectiveness
The Managed Process

Introducing and using measurements

and statistical management
Data Gathering and Analysis
• Understand a process
• Evaluate a task
• Control a task
• Predict a trend
• Control charts
Managing Software Quality
• Focus of product quality
– Use numerical quality measures
• Example
– Availability
– Reliability
Optimizing Process
Key Topics
• Defect prevention
• Automation of software process
• Managing the Software Process by Humphrey

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