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Stranded in a room naked on a blood freezing December night! It was my worst

experience! I guess this is how life is for undercover agents.

Finally, the deadly mission was over and Ali, Hashir, Sarim, Faaz and I were
chilling while watching Netflix. “The Mission was sure tough! I am glad it is
over.” Faaz said. I replied “You know we had a nice experience! Finally, some
bonding after 8 long years” That is when the events took a terrible turn. My
phone rang with a loud vibration which almost gave me a heart attack. It was
our boss! “Hey buddy! Hope you are not drunk.” Our boss said. I replied “No
but you sound kind of weird!” He replied “Another report came in! Agent 112
has been abducted by men of Syndicate and are headed to Italy!” “Oh Man! Not
now” Sarim cried. “Oh isn’t 112 Wali!” Ali and Hashir murmured. Boss
continued “Well your mission should you choose to accept is to go to Italy and
rescue your partner.” This was a tough decision but of course we were up for it
like our boss is not giving us a choice or so and Wali has been kidnapped. “We
accept” we all replied. It was time to pack up. “I didn’t even finish my
popcorn!” Faaz cried. “Well, it is no time to do that! Get ready!” I replied. We
packed up our bags and within an hour found ourselves in an airport fighting for
a ticket to Italy of that night. “We can’t take the chance! They might kill Wali
for that!” Ali exclaimed.

We got the ticket of 3 Am and it was an 8-hour long flight. We fell asleep as
soon as we got on the plane. Soon after we landed there was a cab waiting for us
and took us to our hotel where we had to prepare for the battle up ahead. It was
a tough one. There was no time for rest and we got intel that there was an
auction where Syndicate was present. That was our best shot to save our friend.
The auction was supposed to be held at 8 in the Italian embassy. We all were
nervous. It was 7 and time to go. “Good luck my friends!” I spoke. As soon as
we got in, we scattered. I got the third hall and apparently there were some
syndicate men in black suits. They saw me as an impostor and said “Sir Kindly
leave this hall, this is restricted area” But like every other agent, I beat them up
good. I went inside the room while keeping my cover. I saw Wali with some
men surrounding him and one guy with an ugly face was beating him. It was a
bad decision but I went in and beat everyone. But there were too many so they
also caught me and tied me up beside Wali. What they were about to do next
sent shivers down my spine. They were about to beat me up but then Ali also
came in tied. There was no hope left for us and we agreed it was too late to do
anything. “How are you tied up?” I asked Ali. He replied in exclamation “There
were so many men! Let’s hope Sarim, Hashir and Faaz don’t get caught!” “Yes,
my brother! You are right” I replied. Just then the door opened with the three
musketeers on the rescue. They knocked out everyone except their boss. Just
then syndicate boss untied Wali and things took a terrible turn. Turns out Wali
betrayed us and more men came from the back. I was hit by the bolt of blue.
Just then Ali said “I have a knife in my sleeve! We can use that to escape and
help our allies.” I exclaimed “Were you waiting for and invitation all this time.
Do IT” After much struggle we finally escaped from those horrible ropes and
jumped in like batman to help our friends. While we were beating the Brutes
Wali was escaping. I ran after him and dropped him on the ground. Soon some
other men of our agency came and took Wali away while my friends finished
beating everyone up!

We reported our Boss about this horrible incident and he was also hit by the bolt
of blue. He said “People are getting wort Day by Day! I don’t know who to trust
and who is a backstabber.” I replied “No worries! We will defeat every evil and
make this world a better place to live!”

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