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Formal Letter

28th of February, 2022.

The Editor, Dawn News.

Dawn News,

Respected Sir,

I highly appreciate the work you are doing. I am writing this letter in hope of
resolving some issues which are raised by the construction of the new road from
Cantonment to Hayatabad. The construction of this road is supported by many
people as this road will provide a faster route to people travelling to Hayatabad.
This road will reduce the traffic burden on other roads. This road will increase the
market value of houses near it and this road will persuade people to open shops
nearby so both residents will have easy access to basic needs and the owner of the
shop will earn profits.

Some people are against this construction as well. Most of them are the residents
near the new road. According to them, they will have to leave their house and
settle elsewhere for the construction to proceed. The children of the residents near
the road will be in danger of kidnapping and the chances of women harassment
will increase. The traffic will create noise pollution and residents will be disturbed
and the danger of accidents will increase as this road will prove to be a busy road.
Every problem has a solution, and it is up to us to implement these solutions.
There are solutions to objections of these people as well. For their first problem,
Government should arrange a place to live and give it to these residents for free.
Proper checking should be done through check posts to manage the arrival and
departure of people and for what purpose they come. This will decrease the chance
of kidnapping and harassment. Restricting the use of horn in residential reduce
noise pollution and arranging a proper parking for the shops and proper traffic
control system will reduce the traffic burden on this road.

I hope you take my opinions into consideration and publish this letter so both
government and people are aware of advantages, disadvantages and solution to
the problems.

Yours Sincerely,
Hairam Azfar.

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