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1.Today it’s my final exam day. I hope to pass with flying colors.

A. Be successful B. Do miserably C. be nervous D. be worried

2. We want you to stop … around the bush and just tell us what happened the other day.

A. Rushing B. moving C. beating D. hiding

3. I always have butterflies in my stomach whenever I have to do a presentation before lots

of people.

A. Become nervous B. Become happy C. become sad D. become


4. Be quiet! The neighbors around my house will likely hit the … if we make too loud noise.

A. floor B. roof C. wall D. table

5. I love Uncle Roger’s stand-up comedy shows. He always has the ability to bring down the
… during his performance.

A. rain B. table C. house D. wall

6. That Louis Vuitton bag is going to cost you a(n) … and a leg.

A. hand B. foot C. arm D. wrists

7. My new house is spick and span after doing a redecoration.

A. clean B. neat C. tidy D. all are correct

8. She didn’t hat an eye when she found out that her boyfriend cheated on her.

A. Didn’t want to see B. wasn’t sad C. wasn’t happy D. didn’t

show surprise

9. John, where are you? We have been looking for you high and low but we haven’t seen

A. everywhere B. every place C. nowhere D. both A and B

10. We don’t travel that often - just off …… on.

A. or B. but C. then D. and

11. Suddenly I have to run an errand so I’m gonna be right back.

A. Work on a day shift B. do the homework C. finish the

assignment D. do the household chores
12. I’m surprised that the police actually ignore the people who …… the traffic lights.

A. jump B. get C. play D. jump

13. I have to take lots of shifts - including both day shift and night shift to make …. meet.

A. end B. ends C. ended D. ending

14. I have …. mind going to the supermarket to buy some necessary stuff.

A. in B. on C. at D. of

15. You are …. to be too late if you are still at home at this hour.

A. about B. bound C. able D. all are correct

16. She looks unfriendly outside but …… heart she’s actually a good person.

A. by B. in C. on D. at

17. We all know that you are his little sister - stop putting on an act.

A. Making believe B. pretending C. lying D. both A and B are


18. Oh my god! Your face looks white as a …… ! Are you okay, dear?

A. paper B. sheet C. sheep D. wall

19. He just announced that news out of the blue.

A. suddenly B. fast C. unexpectedly D. both A and C are correct

20. I feel like I’m the …… sheep in the family - I am the only one who is unsuccessful in the

A. green B. red C. white D. black

21. I admit that I have a yellow streak - I usually get scared by the smallest things such as

A. hesitating B. being enthusiastics C. being coward D. being


22. Seems like my grandma is in the pink.

A. surprising B. in good health C. being nervous D. being scared

23. Whenever I see violences, it makes my ……… boil.

A. blood B. oil C. head D. stomach

24. It was just a joke! I intended to pull your … .

A. leg B. arm C. wrist D. head

25. I want to talk face to face.

1. Directly outside B. online C. in front of you D. A and C are


26. I disagree with everything you said except for your last statement - I see eye to eye with
you about it.

A. agree B. disagree C. in the middle D. fail to understand

27. Recently he has been so busy to the point that he cannot go anywhere.

A. up to sb’s eyes B. up to sb’s ears C. overwhelmed D. all are


28. I had to pay through the …… to get my laptop fixed in time.

A. head B. nose C. lips D. mouth

29. iPhones are selling like ….

A. hot cakes B. fresh bread C. shooting stars D. wild oats

30. We hit it off instantly when we first met.

A. quickly becoming friends B. didn’t like each other C. stopped

talking D. argued as soon as we met

31. Some investors in Shark Tank actually got cold ……. And backed out.

A. head B. heart C. feet D. blood

32. I got in hot water for going to work too late. I should be careful next time.

A. take a warm bath B. be in trouble C. be sorry D. be thankful

33. He was deeply saddened by the death of his son when the doctor ….. the news for him.

A.told B. had C. broken D. informed

34. The criminal was arrested on the ….. on the ABC Street.

A. spot B. slot C. top D. sport

35. Without a ….. of a doubt, he will be promoted as the president of the company.
A. shadow B. shade C. benefit D. hue

36. Working night shifts is all part and parcel of being a nurse.

A. crucial B. essential C. integral D. all are correct

37. Don’t let other people’s opinions go to your ……

A. mind B. mouth C. brain D. head

38. John didn’t ……. his weight in his job.

A. push B. pull C. lose D. gain

39. I will know him by …… when I see him again.

A. sight B. chance C. mistake D. accident

40. He manages to take …. to do things well.

A. paints B. rains C. pains D. chances

1. A (pass with flying colors → vượt qua một cách thành công)
2. C (beating around the bush → nói vòng vo)
3. A (butterflies in my stomach → lo lắng)
4. B (hit the roof → giận dữ)
5. C (bring down the house → khiến ai đó cười)
6. C (cost an arm and a leg → rất đắt)
7. D (spick and span → sạch sẽ, gọn gàng)
8. D (didn’t hat an eye → không bất ngờ)
9. D (high and low → khắp nơi)
10.D (off and on → lúc đi lúc không)
11.D (run an errand → làm việc nhà)
12.D (jump the traffic lights → vượt đèn đỏ)
13.B (make ends meet → có đủ tiền để sống)
14.A (in mind → nghĩ trong đầu)
15.D (about to be → sẽ)
16.D (at heart → sâu bên trong)
17.D (put on an act → diễn, giả vờ)
18.B (white as a sheet → trắng như tờ giấy)
19.D (out of the blue → bất ngờ)
20.D (black sheep → con cừu đen, ngoại lệ)
21.C (have a yellow streak → nhát gan)
22.B (in the pink → khỏe mạnh)
23.A (make sb’s blood boil → giận dữ)
24.A (pull sb’s leg → chọc)
25.D (face to face → mặt đối mặt)
26.A (see eye to eye with you → đồng ý)
27.D (tất cả đều mang nghĩa là bận bịu)
28.B (pay through the nose → phải trả nhiều hơn bình thường)
29.A (sell like hot cakes → bán rất chạy)
30.A (hit it off → làm bạn)
31.C (get cold feet → không chắc chắn)
32.B (get in hot water → vướng vào rắc rối)
33.C (break the news → thông báo tin buồn)
34.A (on the spot → tại chỗ)
35.A (shadow of a doubt → chắc chắn, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa)
36.D (part and parcel → bản chất)
37.A (go to sb’s mind → đi vào trong tâm trí)
38.B (pull sb’s weight → đóng góp)
39.A (by sight → biết)
40.C (take pains → cố gắng).

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