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- Express appreciation for the audience's presence.
- Acknowledge the challenges developers have faced in recent years.
- Assure the audience of your commitment to maintaining platform integrity and reopening

Planning and Organizing:

- Clearly define the purpose of your speech: To inform the audience about Facebook's efforts
in safety, security, data privacy, and new features.
- Understand the audience's interests and concerns regarding Facebook's platform.
- Organize the speech into distinct sections for safety and security, data privacy, and new
- Allocate time for each section based on its importance and relevance to the audience.


Safety and Security:

- Explain the importance of addressing safety and security challenges.

- Describe Facebook's investments in identifying and combating fake accounts, election
interference, and misinformation.
- Highlight the use of AI tools, transparency measures for political ads, and the role of
content reviewers.
- Mention the creation of an independent election research commission.

Data Privacy:

- Discuss the breach of trust with Cambridge Analytica.

- Explain data restrictions for developers and the ongoing investigation of bad apps.
- Introduce the "clear history" feature to enhance user data control.

New Features:

- Emphasize Facebook's commitment to building features that prioritize meaningful

- Introduce "Watch Party" and its potential for social interaction.
- Discuss the significance of Facebook Groups in fostering communities.
- Highlight the global success of Facebook Marketplace.

- Address the challenges openly and demonstrate Facebook's proactive approach to

addressing them.
- Reiterate the commitment to maintaining safety, security, and privacy while introducing
new features.
- Emphasize the role of technology in fostering positive user experiences and meaningful


- Summarize the key points of the speech, including safety measures, data privacy initiatives,
and new features.
- Reinforce the message that Facebook is committed to putting people at the center of
- Encourage the audience to stay engaged and informed about Facebook's developments.

Visual Aids:

- Use slides or visuals to illustrate key data points, graphs, or statistics related to safety
measures and data privacy.
- Include screenshots or demos of new features like "Watch Party," Facebook Groups, and
- Utilize infographics to simplify complex information and enhance audience understanding.

Jargon or Technical terms from your speech text:

1. Developer
2. Platform
3. Optimistic
4. Transparency
5. Fact-checkers
6. Cambridge Analytica
7. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
8. AR (Augmented Reality)
9. Monetizing
10. Retargeting

Explanations and meanings for the jargon and technical:

Developer: A person or team that creates software applications, websites, or other digital

Platform: A computing environment or framework that serves as a foundation for software

applications to run on, often providing tools and services for developers.

Optimistic: Having a positive outlook or attitude towards the future.

Transparency: Openness and clarity in operations or communication, making information
easily accessible and understandable.

Fact-checkers: Individuals or organizations that verify the accuracy of information or claims,

especially in news and media.

Cambridge Analytica: A reference to a data analytics firm that was involved in a controversy
over the unauthorized access and use of Facebook user data for political purposes.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): A European Union regulation designed to

strengthen data protection and privacy rights for individuals.

AR (Augmented Reality): A technology that overlays digital information, such as images or

data, onto the real-world environment, often through the use of mobile devices or AR glasses.

Monetizing: The process of generating revenue or profits from a product or service, typically
by selling advertisements, subscriptions, or goods.

Retargeting: A digital advertising strategy that targets users who have previously interacted
with a website or app.

Stress on the syllables:

1. Developer - Noun
- Stress: de-VEL-op-er (Stress on the second syllable)

2. Platform - Noun
- Stress: PLAT-form (Stress on the first syllable)

3. Optimistic - Adjective
- Stress: op-TIM-is-tic (Stress on the second syllable)

4. Transparency - Noun
- Stress: trans-PAR-en-cy (Stress on the third syllable)

5. Fact-checkers - Noun
- Stress: FACT-check-ers (Stress on the second syllable)

6. Cambridge Analytica - Proper Noun

- Stress: CAM-bridge An-a-LY-ti-ca (Stress on the third syllable in "Analytica")

7. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) - Acronym

- Stress: Gen-er-al DA-ta Pro-TEC-tion Reg-u-LA-tion (Each capitalized word represents a
stressed syllable)

8. AR (Augmented Reality) - Acronym

- Stress: Aug-MENT-ed Re-AL-i-ty (Each capitalized word represents a stressed syllable)
9. Monetizing - Verb
- Stress: MO-net-iz-ing (Stress on the first syllable)

10. Retargeting - Verb/Noun

- Stress (Verb): re-TAR-get-ing (Stress on the second syllable)
- Stress (Noun): RE-tar-get-ing (Stress on the first syllable in "retargeting")

How many syllables:

1. Developer - 3 syllables
2. Platform - 2 syllables
3. Optimistic - 4 syllables
4. Transparency - 4 syllables
5. Fact-checkers - 3 syllables
6. Cambridge Analytica - 6 syllables
7. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) - 9 syllables
8. AR (Augmented Reality) - 6 syllables
9. Monetizing - 4 syllables
10. Retargeting (Verb) - 4 syllables
Retargeting (Noun) - 4 syllables

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