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Lying has always been one of the many behaviors that is seen as “negative.

However, there are some lies

that are told for good intentions, which we call “white lies”. Some say these are still lies and everyone
should tell the truth under any circumstances. This essay will argue that it is reasonable to tell white lies
in some situations.

As mentioned, it could be argued that a white lie is harmless and could be beneficial in a number of
cases. In medical cases, when a patient gets a disease that is life-threatening, take cancers for instance,
doctors and their loved ones do not usually let them know about it and tell them not to worry because
they will be alright soon. This is to keep the patient in a positive mindset and not to also suffer mentally
while their physical condition is not in a good state. White lies can also help protecting yourself or people
around you. We have always been taught: stranger danger. What would you do if a suspicious individual
you have never met turns up at the front door and ask if your parents are home? Of course you would
say “Yes, they are” first and do anything else later because who know what they would have done if you
had confirmed you were alone?

Nonetheless, when one resorts to telling these lies too often, there is a chance they will abuse them.
They will keep telling themselves “It is just a white lie” and eventually, the lies will not be “white”
anymore. What is more, in some situations, white lies are only to procrastinate and what you are will
always come out sooner or later, and everything could change for the worse unless you are honest.

In conclusion, it is generally acceptable and even preferable to tell white lies in some certain cases.
However, these white lies are not to be overused for it could become quite harmful if abused.

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