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Maven Market Revenue Analysis Dashboard Overview

Dataset Description

The Maven Market Revenue Analysis dashboard offers a detailed overview of the
company's financial performance using key metrics, including:

1. Total Transactions: Number of transactions over a specific period.

2. Total Revenue: Total income generated from all transactions.
3. Total Profit: Net profit after deducting costs from revenue.
4. Profit Percentage: Proportion of revenue that constitutes profit.
5. Total Units Sold: Total number of product units sold.
6. Total Units Returned: Number of units returned by customers.
7. Revenue by Brand: Breakdown of revenue, total profit, profit margin, and return ratio
by each product brand.
8. Revenue by Product Price Tier: Revenue distribution across low, mid, and high price
9. Revenue by Country/Region: Revenue distribution across different countries/regions.
10. Revenue by Year and Month: Time series data showing revenue trends over months
and years.

Key Metrics:
 Total Transactions: 270,000 transactions, indicating high customer engagement.
 Total Revenue: $1.76 million, showcasing the company's gross earnings.
 Total Profit: $1.05 million, reflecting net earnings after costs.
 Profit Percentage: 59.67%, highlighting profitability efficiency.
 Total Units Sold: 833,000 units, demonstrating market demand.
 Total Units Returned: 8,000 units, providing insight into product performance and
customer satisfaction.

Revenue by Brand:

 Leading Brands: Tell Tale, Ebony, Tri-State, High Top, and Nationeel lead in transactions
and profit margins, indicating their popularity and profitability.
 Return Ratios: Brands like Best Choice and Horatio have higher return ratios, potentially
signaling issues with product quality or customer expectations.

Revenue by Product Price Tier:

 Low Price Tier (66.26%): Dominates the revenue share, suggesting that most
customers prefer budget-friendly products.
 Mid (28.39%) and High (5.35%) Price Tiers: Make significant contributions, indicating
diverse product offerings for different market segments.

Revenue by Country/Region:

 USA ($1.18M): The primary market for Maven Market, contributing the largest share of
 Canada ($0.48M): A significant secondary market.
 Mexico: Present but with unspecified revenue, highlighting potential growth areas.

Revenue by Year and Month:

 Trend Analysis: A notable spike in revenue in October 1998 suggests a successful sales
period, potentially due to seasonal promotions or new product launches.


The Maven Market Revenue Analysis visualization narrates the story of a thriving retail
company. With 270,000 transactions generating $1.76 million in revenue and a 59.67%
profit margin, the company demonstrates strong financial health. The bulk of revenue
comes from the low price tier, indicating a stronghold in the budget market segment.
Brands like Tell Tale and Ebony stand out as top performers in terms of sales and

Geographically, the USA is the dominant market, contributing significantly to the overall
revenue, followed by Canada. The revenue peak in October 1998 may reflect effective
strategic marketing efforts, such as holiday sales or new product launches, that
resonated well with customers.

The dashboard also highlights areas for improvement. For example, higher return ratios
for brands like Best Choice suggest a need for better quality control or improved
customer alignment.

Overall, this visualization offers a comprehensive narrative of Maven Market’s business

performance, combining sales data, geographic insights, and temporal trends to inform
strategic decisions and identify growth opportunities.

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