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Erica Calma Ryla Farinas

Josef Palomado Shania Langit
Daisy Marie Abanador Mikael Dela Cruz
Vher Anton Zapaterpo John Paul Fallorina
SWOT Analysis

 High quality coffee (coffee brand served)
 High quality coffee (the way the coffee is prepared)
 Unique coffee recipes and flavors
 High customer service levels
 Effective sales and service culture (good at cross-selling)
 Good team culture
 Highly motivated staff
 Team-based culture
 Clear value proposition
 Close to the customer (strong customer relationships and rapport)
 Effective niche marketer (unique coffee menu and selective target market)
 High share of target markets
 Strong net promoter scores = high customer satisfaction and customer referrals
 Strong share-of-customer (customers buy most of their coffee at this store)
 High quality products (other menu items, such as food choices)
 Attractive store design and layout (known as servicescape in marketing terms)
 Customer-centric strategy = focused on the customers’ needs and preferences
 Able to charge a price premium
 Consumer “love” for the brand = good referrals, WOM, and online reviews
 Positive attitudes to the brand
 High ratings on review websites
 Good location (high traffic, convenience, near a large business, easy parking)
 Flexible ordering options
 Busy, energetic atmosphere = always full of customers
 Operates a single store model = limited sales area coverage
 Weak financial reserves
 Poor location
 High cost location
 High overall costs relative to average customer sales
 Reliance on regular customers only = and a lack of new customers
 Reliance on manual systems = no apps, QR menus, or automation
 Limited access to marketplace data = no insight to customer needs
 Difficult to access to capital and funding
 Limited market share
 Difficult to generate publicity in local media
 Reliant on one main channel = in-store only, no delivery options
 Low brand awareness
 Limited social media success
 No company app (for menu and ordering)
 Static website
 Weak bargaining power with suppliers = resulting in higher costs
 Broad competitive set
 Cost disadvantage (with a one store model)
 Low barriers to entry to the market
 Many substitute competitive products
 Strong existing competitors
 Limited cross-selling by staff
 Small number of online reviews

 Grow customer loyalty/retention
 Develop and implement a loyalty program
 Add more product line extensions = more coffee choices
 Introduce or broaden food menu
 Develop a customer relationship culture = learn names and orders
 Build stronger customer relationships
 Develop an innovation culture = lots of new ideas
 Expand our number of stores/outlets
 Move to a franchisee model
 Broaden our geographic reach = delivery, more stores
 Pursue co-branding opportunities
 Attract new customers through special offers
 Improve the overall customer experience
 Enhance the look/feel of the store
 Tap into the demand for home delivery services
 Partner with Uber Eats (or similar)
 Increase margins across-the-board = higher prices
 Add increased product augmentation = service, fun, information, events
 Broaden our product range to target new segments = dietary, kids
 Build our brand awareness with local promotion
 Create/build “consumer love” for our brand
 Develop relationships with online “influencers”
 Introduce an app or QR menu for ordering
 Hold events in quiet hours (or days)

 Increasing coffee prices

 Buying non-Fair Trade coffee brands
 Limited ability to meet cash flow requirements
 Limited profit levels
 Consumers becoming more price sensitive
 Poor ratings on review websites
 Increase in supplier costs – rental and staff costs
 Staff turnover issues
 Weak bargaining power abused by suppliers
 Being under-priced by more efficient competitors
 Competitors providing more “value add”
 Competitors targeting our key customers/segments
 More aggressive competitor behavior
 New competition
 Tend away from coffee to other beverages
 Need to be seen as socially active or environmentally focused
 Health and cleanliness concerns
Printing flyers is still a common and effective marketing tool. But it is one that costs money right (design, printing,
distributing)? So it’s important then, that you use and distribute them in a way that is going to get you the best return on those
marketing dollars. Here are my tips with the best ways to distribute flyers and make the most out of your investment.
Handing flyers out on the street, at the markets, at local events, in letterbox drops is still a great way to promote something
local. Whether your’s is a business near by or a home-grown startup, getting the word out to those around you can still be best
done the old-fashioned way.

1. Low expense of advertising

Unlike other forms of advertising, you don’t need to have a huge budget

for flyer distributions

2. Speedy lead generation

How much time does it really take to distribute flyers? And if you are

doing it at the right time and at the right place, flyer distribution is

probably the best way to generate leads.

3. Immediate reply and reaching across to the correct target audience

With flyer advertising, you won’t need to sit and wait patiently for a long time to get
a response. Reply is almost instant. Also, searching for and reaching you target
audience is simpler than any other medium. All you

need to do is set up your flyer distribution at a place near your target audience.

4. It’s creative

There are very few limitations, if any, when it comes to flyer advertising. You have
all the creative freedom to try out whatever you want.

5. Old-school is cool

You just cannot deny this, can you? One of the major reasons why flyer advertising
still appeals to customers is because it reminds them of the good old days. Also, with
flyers, there is a strange kind of curiosity. Unlike emails, people are not in a hurry to
trash it, which automatically ups the chances of your flyer getting read.

6.Flyers Create A Lasting Impact

Marketing necessitates a lot of mental effort. Advertisements require a great deal of
creativity and planning, and as a result are time-consuming to create. Although flyer
printing also requires some effort, it is relatively low and has a high impact on the
audience, effectively attracting them to your brand.
7.Flyers Are Useful For Keeping Track Of A Marketing Campaign
Although flyers appear to be a traditional marketing strategy that have been around
for a long time, they have constantly evolved. You can still track the success of your
campaign by counting the number of enquiries after a distribution is completed.

We planned and started our business with a lot of expectation.

Our business is running soon.For a successful planning,we are
getting profit from our business. Though it is small but we are
hopeful that our sell and profit will be increased more in future.
From the experience of our business we can say,for a successful
business, planning is very important.MIMASAUR’S BREWS
got a high rating in the market survey, for the Taste & Quality of
their products. If they work on this aspect, there is huge
potential for them to attract customers, just based on the taste
and quality of products. This is also helped by the fact that they
grow their own coffee beans, and this provides an important
base for future expansion and growth.Barista has an extremely
strong brand image, but they need to work hard on improving
their customer perception of being and expensive
brand brand expensivebrand brand.

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