Toplu - Conference 20.10.23

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of abstracts

October 10-13, 2023

Baku, Azerbaijan


Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of

National Leader Heydar Aliyev

The president of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed

an order declaring 2023 the year of Heydar Aliyev in Azerbaijan.

The results of Heydar Aliyev's phenomenal legacy and his great activity
for the future of our republic are becoming clearer as time goes by. As a result
of his energy policy, Azerbaijan's oil has become a powerful factor that pro-
motes the strengthening of state independence, integration into international
structures, and comprehensive development of our country. By achieving the
signing of the "Contract of the Century", HeydarAliyev determined the long-
term strategic development course of modern Azerbaijan as a whole and the
path of progress of our country, which took its first steps on the path to inde-
pendence. Today, Azerbaijan's success in the world geopolitical space is a
practical celebration of the ideas of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, based on
national and moral values and the ideology of Azerbaijanism.

Baku – 2023
Scientific Organizing Committee

Chairman: Feyzullayev Akper - Prof., Dr. Sc. (Geol.-min.),

Academician of ANAS
Co-chairman: Aliyev Zohrab - Chairman of Council of Young Scientists
and Specialists (CYSS)
Scientific Secretary: Jabrailova Aysel - Member of CYSS

Aliyeva Elmira - Dr. Sc. (Geol.-min.), Corresponding member of ANAS

Latifova Yegana - PhD in Earth Sciences, Associate Professor
Babayev Gulam - Dr. of Earth Sciences, Associate Professor
Abbasov Orhan - PhD in Earth Sciences, Associate Professor

Aliyev Nazim - Member of CYSS

Tashvigi Goychek - Member of CYSS
Garashova Reyhan - Member of CYSS
Hamzayeva Telli - Member of CYSS
Aliyeva Aynur - Member of CYSS
Mammadov Parviz - Member of CYSS

071 2023

© Publishing house “Nafta-Press”, 2023

Topics of the Conference:
 GEOINFORMATICS - Application of modern methods of information
technology in solving geological problems

 GEORESOURCES - Priority directions and modern achievements in

the search and development of mineral resources

 GEOECOLOGY - Geological processes and their impact on the envi-


Plenary presentations


Elnazer A.
Geological Sciences Dept., National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

Egypt’s climate is considered arid-dry hot but it receives some occa-

sional rains with sometimes very heavy rains during a short time. In general,
rainwater is important, especially in dry areas that are far from services. The
rainwater feeds aquifers and springs with water. On the contrary, rainfall
turns into a nightmare for some areas (Fig. 1). Flash floods are considered
one of the deadliest and most catastrophic natural hazards, especially in arid
regions. Many authors (El Fakharany and Dahab, 1997; El Rakaiby, 1989;
El-Magd et al., 2010; Masoud, 2011; Cools et al., 2012; Mahmoud, 2014;
and Abuzied et al., 2016) studied the estimation of catchments area in Egypt
for flash-flood risk maps.
Geologic and geomorphologic features with high mountains, plateaus,
and drainage network systems characterize Sinai and the Eastern Desert.
According to that features, the rainfall in that areas starts to be dangerous
and hazardous by increasing its intensity and velocity running towards the
Red Sea or the River Nile then flash floods formed. Where the main risk of
that flood is the loss of humans (a large number of dead people in a short
time are the important danger from these floods). In addition, it destroyed
the infrastructure like roads, houses, agricultural lands… etc.
Due to the development of Flash flood hazard monitoring technology us-
ing remote sensing and GIS techniques, many researchers and governmental au-
thorities recorded the flood events Many reports and research related to flash
flood hazards were published.
We cannot prevent the flash flood hazard but we could decrease (mitigate)
its risk in many ways, such as predicting the areas that could be affected by the
hazard (susceptibility) by studying the geomorphologic properties (drainage sys-
tem), hydrologic modeling and with help of geology of the area. Dams and chan-
nels are suggested ideas for the decrease the problem; also, it helps in harvesting
and restoring the water for use in manyproposes.
The results of the study, some important flash flood hazards are moni-
tored in Sinai, Eastern Desert, and Northwest Mediterranean Sea. In Sinai,
the hazard Wadis are Wadi El-Arish, Wadi Wateer and Wadi Sider. However,
in the Eastern Desert are Wadi Qena, Wadi El-Ambagi, and Wadi Abu-Hadin
Ras Gharib.

Ras Gharibon the Red Sea coast was studied in more detail for its
flash flood hazard and the study suggested establishing a dam on Wadi Abu-
Had to mitigate the hazard.

Fig. 1. Shows some flash flood hazards in Egypt

Fig. 2. Suggested dam to mitigate RasGharib Flash flood hazard

1. Abuzied, S., Yuan, M., Ibrahim, S., Kaiser, M., Saleem, T. 2016. Geospatial risk
assessment of flash floods in Nuweiba area, Egypt. J. Arid Environ. 133, 54–72.
2. Cools, J., Vanderkimpen, P., El Afandi, G., Abdelkhalek, A., Fockedey, S., El
Sammany, M., Abdallah, G., El Bihery, M., Bauwens, W., Huygens, M. 2012.
An early warning system for flash floods in hyper-arid Egypt. Nat. Hazards
Earth Syst. Sci. 12(2), 443–457.

3. El Fakharany, M., Dahab, K. 1997. Hydro-geological studies on Wadi Al-Qarn
basin, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Bull. Faculty Sci. Menoufia Univ. 6,179–202.
4. El Rakaiby, M. 1989. Drainage basins and flash flood hazard in selected parts of
Egypt. Egypt. J. Geol. 33:307–323.
5. El-Magd, I.A., Hermas, E., El Bastawesy, M. 2010. GIS-modelling of the spatial
variability of flash flood hazard in Abu Dabbab catchment, Red Sea region,
Egypt. Egypt. J. Remote Sens. Space Sci., 13(1):81–88.
6. Mahmoud, S. H., 2014. Investigation of rainfall–runoff modeling for Egypt by
using remote sensing and GIS integration. Catena 120:111–121.
7. Masoud, A.A., 2011. Runoff modeling of the Wadi systems for estimating flash
flood and groundwater recharge potential in southern Sinai, Egypt. Arab. J. Ge-
osci., 4(5–6),785–801.


Algur B.S., Kayın S., ***Dokuz A., *İşseven T., ****Hisarlı Z.M.
Istanbul Technical University, Department of Geophysical Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey
Gümüşhane University, Department of Mining and Mineral Extraction,
Gümüşhane, Turkey
Gümüşhane University, Geological Engineering Department,
Gümüşhane, Turkey
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Department of Geophysical Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey
Turkey, which has gone through many orogenic periods such as Alpine,
Pan-African/Cadomian, Variscan and Cimmerian, was formed as a result of the
combination of many tectonostratigraphic units with tectonically different
geological origins (Okay, 2008; Göncüoğlu, 2010). Turkey was divided into four
units as Pontides, Anatolides, Taurides and Flank Folds Belt for the first time by
Ketin (1966), and later divided into different main tectonic units and suture zones
by Okay and Tüysüz (1999). Among these tectonic units, the Pontides, which are
located in the north and form an important part, are divided into three different
regions as "Western Pontides", "Central Pontides" and "Eastern Pontides", taking
into account their similarities and/or differences (Fig. 1).
A thorough investigation into the tectonic development of the Eastern
Pontides during the Early Jurassic-Late Cretaceous was conducted through
the acquisition of paleomagnetic core samples. These samples were
collected from a combination of 24 volcanic and 23 sedimentary rock sites,
yielding a total of 423 samples from 47 paleomagnetic sites across five
provinces and districts, namely Trabzon, Gümüşhane, Erzincan, Giresun,
and Bayburt. In the field, paleomagnetic core samples were drilled using a
portable petrol-powered motorised drill with water-cool, diamond-coated
and non-magnetic drill bits. Also orientations of core samples were
determined using both magnetic and sun compasses.
Paleomagnetic laboratory studies were carried out in the Yılmaz İSPİR
Paleomagnetism Laboratory at the Geophysical Engineering department,
İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. Standart paleomagnetic demagnetisation
tests have been applied to all samples. The demagnetization processes of the
samples were carried out by both thermal and alternative field methods.
Characteristic Remnant Magnetization directions (ChRM) were obtained.
In order to examine the reliability of the data, some paleomagnetic
tests such as conglomerate test and fold test were performed. The results of
the tests revealed that the magnetization took place before the deformation,
which indicates that the sampled rocks have original magnetization.

Fig. 1. Geological map of the study area (Modified after Dokuz and Sünnetçi, 2019).

According to the our new paleomagnetic results, the mean remanent

magnetization direction for the Eastern Pontides is (D/I) 3/55 for the Lower
Jurassic and (D/I) 10/48 for the Upper Cretaceous. The results are compared with
the Jurassic-Cretaceous paleolatitudes of Eurasia and Africa. Obtained paleo-
latitude positions indicate that the Pontides were located at the southern margin
of Eurasia during the both Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous.

Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the project of the

Scientific Research Projects Commission of Gümüşhane University with
Project Number: 21.B0126.01.01.

Dokuz, A., & Sünnetçi, K. (2019). Jurassic acidic magmatism in a back-arc setting,
eastern Sakarya Zone, Turkey: Geochemical constraints and an evolutionary model.
Lithos, 332, 312-327.
Göncüoğlu, M. C. (2010). Introduction to the Geology of Turkey: Geodynamic
evolution of the pre-Alpine and Alpine terranes.
Ketin, İ. (1966). Anadolu'nun tektonik birlikleri. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and
Exploration, 66(66), 20-37.
Okay, A. I., & Tüysüz, O. (1999). Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey. Geological
Society, London, Special Publications, 156(1), 475-515.
Okay, A. I. (2008). Geology of Turkey: a synopsis. Anschnitt, 21, 19-42.



Ibrogimov F., Muhammadkulov N.M.

Institute of Seismology named after G.O. Mavlonov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The purpose of the work is to study the geological features of large

earth crevices and other small deformable Earth crevices that cause earth-
quakes affecting the Andijan Reservoir, as well as to separate the earth-
quakes produced by them.
Andijan Reservoir is one of the largest reservoirs in Eastern Uzbeki-
stan. Andijan reservoir is geologically located in the eastern part of the Fer-
gana megasyncline.The Fergana megasyncline is one of the seismically ac-
tive zones of Western Tien-Shan with the most earthquakes.The Fergana
megasyncline has large faults and several structures [1].
The large thrust faults of the Western Tien-Shan mountain range were
formed as a result of the collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates. High
magnitude earthquakes are recorded in these collisional regions. In particu-
lar, in the north-eastern part of the Andijan reservoir, the Talass-Fergana

thrust fault is of particular importance in terms of its structural-tectonic con-
dition and size. There are active earthquake foci as a result of modern tec-
tonic processes in many parts of the earth faults adjacent to the Talass-
Fergana earth fault zone. The Talass-Fergana fault zone, which is more than
800 km long, passes along the Fergana, Talass and Karatov ridges (Figure).
Various tectonic units are observed in the geological structure of the Tur-
kestan-Alay ridge located in the southern part of the Andijan reservoir. These
tectonic units are located at the boundaries of fault and folding structures.
In the orogenic zones of the southern part of the Andijan reservoir,
large fault and folding structures are reflected in the relief to a certain ex-
tent. Faulty structures include graben, horst and stepped structures [2].

Figure. Tectonic map of the area and earthquake foci located within a radius of 100 km

Conditional characters: 1. Caledonian folded complexes of the outer and inner zones,
2. Terrigenous and terrigenous-carbonate shelf complexes of the Riphean and Paleo-
zoic. 3. Late Hercynian terrestrial-volcanogenic complex, outcropping. 4. Protrusions
of the Hercynian base from under the Meso-Cenozoic cover of the North Turan Plate.
5. Shallow-water deposits of the Middle Paleozoic above the pre-Riphean basement. 6.
Cimmerian-Alpine folded structure of the Pamirs 7. North-eastern part of the Tarim
massif of the ancient North-Chinese platform. 8. Oligocene-Quaternary molasse conti-
nental orogenic complex of intermountain and foothill depressions.9. Late Hercynian
terrestrial volcanogenic complex overlain by the Meso-Cenozoic.10. Granitoids. 11.
Ophiolite sutures: a) reliable; b) assumed and hidden under younger deposits. 12. Shifts.
13. Thrusts. 14. Andijan reservoir.

Geologically, Paleozoic and Meso-Cenozoic rocks are widely distrib-

uted in the Fergana basin. The central part of the Fergana basin is covered
with Quaternary deposits. On the northeastern side of the Talass-Fergana
fault, Caledonian fold formations and Riphean and Paleozoic deposits are
widespread. In the eastern and southern parts of the Andijan Reservoir, there
are openings of the Hercynian folding stage, which rises from below the
Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary layer of the North Turan platform. In the
southern orogenic part, there are openings of magmatic formations of the
granitoid type.
Earthquake foci have been observed in active deformation zones in re-
cent decades. High-magnitude earthquakes in the Fergana basin occurred
many times on the ground cracks near the reservoir (table). Among them,
many earthquake foci correspond to faults of the type of thrusts [3].
High-magnitude earthquakes in the last decade
Сoordinate Earthquake
Date, (year) Magnitude, M Episentral distance, km
N E site
2015 40,28 73,17 5,20 56
2018 41,35 72,73 5,00 42
2021 41,14 72,99 5,00 45 Fergana
2022 41,46 73,06 5,10 58

The geological structure of the fault zone is important in the formation

of high-magnitude earthquakes. Because the strength of the deformable
rocks determines the strength of the earthquake source. In the geological
structure of the areas near the Andijan reservoir, there are old rocks with
high density and other physical properties.
Most of the earthquakes affecting the Andijan reservoir occur in oro-
genic zones. As an active fault zone, the complex of Turkestan-Alay fault
zones located in the southern part of the reservoir and the Talass-Fergana
fault zone, which crosses the Northern Turan plate from the northern part,
cause strong earthquakes.

1. Zonenshain L.P., Kuzmin M.I., Paleogeodinamics (in Russian).- M. Science,
2. Zonenshain L.P., Kuzmin M.I., Natanov L.M. Tectonics of lithospheric
plates in the territories of the USSR (in Russian). - M. Science, 1990.
3. Khamidov L.A., Ibragimov A.Kh., Alimukhamedov I.M., Khamidov
Kh.L. The results of processing records of vibrations of dams and coastal
slopes of the Charvak and Andijan reservoirs in Uzbekistan during weak
earthquakes (in Russian)// Russian Seismological Journal.–2020.– V. 2,
No. 4.– P. 123-134


Guliev R.
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
Arkhangelsk, Russia

This work shows the results of developing and implementation a deep

learning algorithm (DL) – generative-adversarial network (GAN) [1,2] and
demonstrates the process of creating a system with the integration of perme-
ability data, as well as the process of decreasing the uncertainty of permea-
bility properties using GAN-ensemble smoothing and using DL for optimi-
zation of waterflooding process in condition of high geological uncertainty
and reservoir heterogeneity.
In the first part of the work, the process of parameterization of reser-
voir properties using a deep learning algorithm demonstrates. A generative
adversarial network is used to generate reservoir properties, where the gen-
erator (G) and discriminator (D) are designed as convolutional neural net-
works (CNN), using the efficiency of the CNN’s image feature detection
capabilities. The training image is a synthetic reservoir section with perme-
ability anisotropy. The result of the experiment showed reservoir recovery
with a certain propagation probability.
The second part of the work shows a deep learning network architec-
ture including a pair of autoencoder [3,4] that cover continuous data detec-
tion for non-linear inverse mapping between data and model. The results of
the study show that with incomplete data under conditions of permeability
uncertainty, the algorithm is capable of parameterizing reservoir properties
and reducing uncertainty.
Once an appropriate model has been created, it can be used in real
time to simulate and optimize fluid flow or waterflooding process. As an
applied significance of the results of the study, the solution of the problem
of optimization of waterflooding process of an oil reservoir using reservoir
simulation under condition of heterogeneity and uncertainty of the geologi-
cal properties is shown. Based on the results of reservoir simulation, the
technological effect of increasing of cumulative oil production, reducing
cumulative water production and increasing the oil recovery factor was de-
termined (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Waterflooding Efficiency: left – without using DL algorithm and water-
flooding optimization, right – using DL algorithm and waterflooding optimization;
green color means water saturation, red – oil saturation

1. Canchumuni S.A., Emerick A.A., Pacheco M.A. Integration of Ensemble Data
Assimilation and Deep Learning for History Matching Facies Models // Day 1 Tue,
October 24, 2017. OTC, 2017.
2. Laloy E. et al. Inversion using a new low-dimensional representation of com-
plex binary geological media based on a deep neural network // Adv. Water Re-
sour. 2017. Vol. 110. P. 387–405.
3. Mosser L., Dubrule O., Blunt M.J. Stochastic Seismic Waveform Inversion Us-
ing Generative Adversarial Networks as a Geological Prior // Math. Geosci.
2020. Vol. 52, № 1. P. 53–79.
4. Chan S., Elsheikh A.H. Parametric generation of conditional geological realiza-
tions using generative neural networks // Comput. Geosci. 2019. Vol. 23, № 5.
P. 925–952
Oral Presentations


Aliyev F.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

This work is devoted to the study of 84 samples of solid emissions

from mud volcanoes located on the territory of Azerbaijan: Pirekeshkul,
Shikhzarli, Gizmeydan, Agzybir, Dashgil and Bahar. By using microfaunal
analysis, the stratigraphic age for each sample was determined at the Insti-
tute of Geology and Geophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education of
Republic of Azerbaijan (IGG MSE). At the Joint Institute for Nuclear Re-
search (JINR), natural radioactivity was determined using the gamma spec-
trometry method, as well as the trace element composition using neutron
activation analysis. The features of the change in the value of natural radio-
activity and the distribution of trace elements such as rare earth (REE), Sc,
Hf, Th and U for geological rocks of various stratigraphic ages were studied.
The study found that there are statistically significant differences in the ele-
mental composition and natural radioactivity of solid emissions with differ-
ent stratigraphic ages.



Mindiashvili G.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia

The survey covers more than 30 remote sensing analyses, which has
carried out in the following coordinates ASTER image 1. X-315374.37 Y-
4700641.69 2. X-315195.57 Y-4704559.10 3. X-318801.34 Y- 4710708.80
4. X-319866.89 Y-4713716.89 5 .X- 323415.90 Y- 4714637.43 6. X-
327099.22 Y-4711931.30 7. X-333576.16 Y-4706740.51 8. X-340837.14
Y- 4699592.44 9. X-334227.98 Y- 4699718.07 10. X- 329828.58 Y-
4698922.89 11. X -322834.43 Y- 4699519.20 within. ASTER image range
(VNIR, SWIR, and TIR) was used for the analysis.

The survey was conducted to identify possible structures and barite.
TERRAIN- stereoscopic image from the study area's clear that the main
faults in the region of north-eastern direction, are northwest faults that inter-
sect. In addition to the different orientations of the faults, which have an im-
portant place in barite ore localization. The 50-fold, which is characterized
by the north-eastern direction. It has been found that the barite veins actual-
ly Ruptured structures tours along the localized and often repeating struc-
ture’s Ruptured direction. Pronounced veins of calcium Northwest direction
(Figure 1).

Figure. ASTER satellite image SWIR. Distribution of veins.

The decorrelation stretch-'s method, was used for all ranges of data
from ASTER (VNIR, SWIR, and TIR) and the interpretation of each of the
infrared stations separately. This method of analysis will give good results
but lacks accurate interpretation because this method is not possible to use
the full mosaicking vegetation.
As a result of Principal components analysis (PCA) determination of
hydrothermal alterations and polymetallic mineralization zones

1. Zhu Liangpu, Geologic remote sensing, 1994.
2. Yamaguchi, Y. Kahle, A.B. Tsu, H.; Kawakami, T. Pniel, M. Overview of Ad-
vanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER).
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 1998
3. Kruse, F.A. Mapping surface mineralogy using imaging spectrometry. Geomor-
phology 2012,
4. Jakob, S.; Gloaguen, R.; Laukamp, C. Remote sensing-based exploration of
structurally-related mineralizations around Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia.
Remote Sens. 2016

Asgarov I.
“Azneft” Production Union, Baku, Azerbaijan

The development of oil and gas extraction in Azerbaijan republic is

mainly related to the Pliocene sediments exposed in the anticlinal folds on
the offshore and to the Mesozoic-Paleogene stratigraphic interval along with
the Productive Series (PS) sediments on onshore. Discovering new hydro-
carbon reservoirs is one of the urgent issues against the backdrop of the re-
cent decline in production.Fields that have been exploited for many years
from PS sediments, which contain major hydrocarbon (KH) potential, are in
the final stages of development.In this regard, the future prospect of explo-
ration is related to the stratigraphic intervals below the PS.
In the study, the Mesozoic sediments, which are widespread and have
a large thickness, were investigated in the territory of Azerbaijan. The first
exploration works to determine the oil and gas content of Mesozoic sedi-
ments were carried out in the Caspian-Guba oil and gas region [1]. In the
wells drilled in the Yalama, Khudat, Afurca, Atachay, Keschay, Beyimdag-
Tekchay areas of the Caspian-Guba NKR, oil and gas manifestations from
Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments were noted. There are a large number of
wells characterized by stratigraphic inconsistency in the Absheron basin,
Aghburun-deniz, and Western Absheron fields.From Lower Cretaceous sed-
iments gas was obtained with exploration well №4 dug in Khazri field. The
study of Mesozoic sediments in the Absheron archipelago suggests that
these sediments are rich in organic matter and that there are structural-
tectonic, paleohydrogeological and thermobaric conditions favorable for the
formation of hydrocarbons [2].
In parallel with the study of the Mesozoic stratigraphic interval, model
studies of the burial history of the Maikop formation and Jurassic sediments
were performed in the offshore part of the Absheron NKR.Model studies show
that the Jurassic sediments in the depocentral part of the Gala Bay and Pirallahi-
Kilkor trough have fully realized their hydrocarbon potential (Fig 1-a). Accord-
ing to the calculated values of vitrinite, Maikop sediments are in the main oil
generation stage (Fig 1-b). It is known that the source rocks of the Maikop for-
mation were deposited in the South Caspian basin during the Oligocene-early
Miocene period.Many scientists note that the South Caspian depression is of a

microoceanic type [3,4]. The basin was formed as a result of the interaction of
numerous microplates starting from the Triassic period.



Figure 1. Burial history charts of Jurassic (a) and Maikop (b) sediments

Paleotectonic reconstruction maps by Barrier E. and other researchers

and recent studies by the NAOC suggest deep-sea conditions during the Ju-
rassic and Cretaceous period.Also, the possibility of Jurassic sediments be-
ing the source rock and having mainly gas-generating properties is reflected
in the results of scientific publication [5]. In that article, the geochemical
indicators obtained as a result of pyrolysis of rock samples taken from the
northern slopes of the Great Caucasus mountains were used in the model's
The possibility of finding oil and gas deposits at shallow depths in an-
ticlinal structures has decreased. The fate of Mesozoic oil remains unre-
solved so far. The cited studies have prompted us to predict that Jurassic
sediments should be evaluated as potential source rocks and reservoir. The
new wells designed for the Mesozoic interval will allow determining the
correct directions of prospecting for the study of Mesozoic sediments of Ab-
sheron-Balkhania and the Northern Absheron uplift zone in the near future.

1. Ali-zade А.А., Аhmedov Q.А., Zeynalov М.М. etc.. Mesozoic deposits of Azer-
baijan and prospects for their oil and gas potential. –М.: Nedra.-1972.-213 p.
2. Mehdiyev P.H., Omarov A.K. Oil and gas prospects of Miocene-Paleogene and

Mesozoic sediments in the Absheron archipelago, Azerbaijan oil industry jour-
nal, 2004, №5, pp. 1-8.
3. Lebedev L.I, Yusifzade X.B. Caspian sea. Geology and oil and gas potential.
Petroleum zoning, patterns of distribution of oil and gas deposits, prospects for
oil and gas potential. М.: Nauka, 1987, pp. 252-275
4. Mamedov P.Z. Some results of seismostratigraphic interpretation of seismic sur-
vey data within the NE part of the Absheron archipelago in order to search for
non-anticlinal oil and gas traps.Theory and practice of interpretation of geo-
physical observations.Thematic collection of scientific works. Baku, Az-
INEFTEX. 1983, pp. 104-109.
5. Feyzullayev A.A., Guliyev I.S., Tagiyev M.F. Source potential of the Mesozoic-
Cenozoic rocks in the South Caspian Basin and their role in forming the oil ac-
cumulations in the Lower Pliocene reservoirs. Petroleum Geoscience, Vol.7,
2001, №4, pp. 409-417



Bluashvili L.
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

For Georgia, as a mountainous country with difficult terrain, it is nec-

essary to determine the degree of slope and slope stability, to prevent the
expected landslides and to select rational landslide measures.
The paper discusses the phenomenon of the landslide as one of the
manifestations of the geodynamic process, with its morpho-structural fea-
tures and the nature of motion, which belongs to a group of gravitational
processes whose formation is related to the slow movement of rock masses
along the slope.
The localization of areas at risk of landslides plays an important role
in land management activities because landslides are among the most costly
and dangerous hazards.
Our project involved the application of GIS techniques, specifically,
spatial Data Analysis application. The thematic maps of conditioning factors
overlapping together with the support of the raster calculator allowed the
susceptibility map creation. This method permits a specific zone for detailed
engineering geology studies in land-use planning(Figure 1).
It is impossible to stop the landslide as a geodynamic process, but it is
possible to directly determine the landslide event and to take anti-landslide
measures to ensure slope stability.
Figure 1. ASTER DEM. Thematic maps of study area

1. V.Lomtadze. Eengineering Geology and Geodynamic. Tbilisi 2000
2. M.Lapiashvili. Engineering Geology and Geodynamics. Tbilisi 2014
3. Hong-Hu Zhu, Dong Liu, Xiao-ping Chen, Jing-wu-Huang. Stability analysis of an
ancient landslide considering shear strength reduction behavior of slip zone soil
4. Kamila Pawluszek. Landslide features identification and morphology investiga-
tion using high-resolution DEM derivatives



Pinaeva M., Chascshin A., Mudrykh N.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm State
Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov»,
Perm, Russia

The use of GIS allows not only storing data on the state of soil properties,
but also analyzing and displaying them in the form of digital maps. The use of
modern technologies in mapping agricultural land is a topical issue[1, 3].
A drained plot located in the Perm region of the Perm kray was selected
as an object of research. The drained plot is 12 fields with an area of about 2
hectares. The total plot of the examined site is 22.6 hectares. Drawing the site
was carried out more than 40 years ago by the method of open drainage system.

Currently, the site is a waste covered with grassy vegetation. As a result of im-
posing the boundaries of the plot on a large-scale soil map, it was established
that the soil cover was represented by three soils: dried sod-gleyed, dried sod-
gleepy, dried soddy podzolizatoin. The predominant soil is dried sod-gleyed a
lot of humus clayey, which takes 81 % from the entire site. Based on the mate-
rials of the orthophotoplan, points were planned for the selection of individual
soil samples from a layer of 0-20 cm on a fixed grid of 100 m × 200m. The to-
tal number of soil samples was 72 pieces. SoilsampleswereselectedinAugust
2022.The determination of the agrochemical properties is made in the laborato-
ry of the Department of Agrochemistry of in Perm SATU. 3 indicators were
determined: exchange acidity, the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium.
The values of the agrochemical indicators of the reclaimed plot were used to
create cartographic materials characterizing soil fertility indicators.As a hard-
ware for selective remote probing, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the
copter type was used to create an orthophotoplan and a digital relief model
(CMR). Model DJI Mini 2. Filming parameters: height - 70 m, the number of
pictures - 711 pieces, the spatial resolution of the orthophotoplan - 1.2 cm per
pixel. For shooting, the DJI Fly program was used.Before shooting the site, the
compass was calibrated. The arrangement of identification marks on the ground
was not carried out, since the possibilities of shooting and processing data with
DJI Mini 2 allow you to get a geo -tied orthophotoplan. Combining images into
an orthophotoplan and creating a CMR based on them was performed using the
DroneDeploy program (a web application for processing data from UAVs [4]).
The results obtained were exported from Drone Deploy to the GEOTIFF for-
mat and processed in the QGIS 3.22.11 geographic information system. After
vectorizing the boundaries of the fields within the plot, the calculation and
analysis of the morphometric indicators of the relief were carried out using the
following methods: reprojection into the projection coordinate system for the
territory of the Perm Territory WGS 84/UTM zone 40N (the initial coordinate
system of the data projection from Drone Deploy - WGS 84/Pseudo-Mercator),
calculation of the steepness, exposure of slopes, stream lines and closed depres-
sions (places where water stagnates).
According to the obtained analytical data, the territory of the plot is
characterized is from close neutral to neutral reaction (pH = 5.8-7.3), avail-
ability of mobile phosphorus is from low to very high (47-255 mg/kg), and
potassium is from very low to high(1-197 мг/кг).
The obtained geostatistical rasters of soil properties of the reclaimed
area allow us to evaluate the information content of the UAV survey in as-
sessing the fertility of the site. To do this, in the practice of precision farm-
ing, vegetation indices are used. The most common vegetation index is

NDVI[2]. However, most quad-type UAVs are limited in their spectral im-
aging resolution - the acquired data includes only 3 channels of the visible
range, and infrared spectrum is required to calculate NDVI. Therefore, sci-
entists have created spectral RJB indices:VARI, NGRDI, CLI [5]. The cal-
culation of these vegetation indices was performed using the software regis-
tered by the authors. The higher the index value, the greater the projective
cover and leaf surface area of plants. Therefore, these indices can show the
dependence of the vegetation depicted in the image on soil properties.To
analyze this dependence, the correlation between the rasters of RGB indices
and the rasters of soil properties was calculated. There is a weak correlation
between the reaction of the medium and the spectral indices (r = 0.31-0.35).
The weak relationship is due to the fact that on the day of the survey, flow-
ering of many plants on the site was observed. Therefore, UAV survey can
be used for indirect diagnostics of soil acidity.
Thus, as a result of selective remote sensing of the reclaimed plot, a
set of spatial data was obtained: an orthophotoplans of the reclaimed plot, 3
geostatistical rasters of soil properties. For effective visualization of these
cartographic data, Internet cartographic technology was used, which allows
them to be placed in the public domain. This information display format is a
combination of geostatistics and visualization methods based on web map-
ping technologies. It allows presenting a whole set a combination method of
geostatistics and visualization based on web-cartographic technologies. All
interested persons, even those who do not have special knowledge, can
study the current state of the investigated plot.

1. Arote A., Pawar S., Joshi S. Mapping of Soil Properties Using Geographical In-
formation System // Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Con-
tents, Computing & Communication (ICCCC-2022), 2022. Available at
2. Cherepanov A.S. Vegetation indices // Geomatica, 2011. №2. С. 98-102.
3. Iwasaki N. et al. Client-Side Web Mapping System for Vineyard Suita-bility
Assessment // The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sens-
ing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2022. Volume XLVIII-4/W1-2022. С.
223-228. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W1-2022-223-2022.
4. Medvedev A.A., Alekseenko N.A. Perspectives for the use of unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAV) for large-scale thematic mapping // Questions of geogra-
phy,2017. № 144. С. 408-426.
5. Pivchenko D., Meshalkina J., Yaroslavtsev А., Tikhonova M., Vizirskaya M., Vase-
nev I. Comparative analysis of vegetation indices for agroecological monitoring of
winter wheat in Moscow region // AgroEcoInfo,2019. №3.

Garuchava M.
Technical University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Currently, several types of horizontal drilling are used in the global oil
industry, in particular, drilling new horizontal wells – multi-branch/multi-
hole and drilling of a horizontal sidetrack from old wells. In terms of an oil
deposit development, they do not basically differ from each other, as in all
cases, the productive formation is developed using a horizontal sidetrack.
Quick introduction of technology of drilling of wells having horizon-
tal and directional sidetracks is preconditioned by effective results of their
use. The sidetrack of an earlier drilled well is used for drilling a sidetrack.
When developing a multi-horizon field, a sidetrack allows to exploit each
productive formation separately.
Horizontal sidetracks of wells are widely used in development of oil
fields of mass type which create a good drainage system and lead to the
maximum recovery of oil reserves.
Drilling of new horizontal sidetracks from old vertical wells along the
Middle Eocene volcanic-sedimentary deposits began on Rustavi oil-bearing
area using MWD telemetry system in 2019. The wells No. 16а, JKT-1, B01
and B01-ST,new horizontal sidetracks were drilled in 2019-2023, resulting
in a significant increase of oil and gas debit from the wells.

Fig. 2. Trajectory of horizontal side tracks

In terms of drilling efficiency, MWD systems have much wider func-

tionalities. The technology is developed in four main directions:
 Improvement of navigation sensors and processing software for increas-
ing accuracy of the sidetrack drilling;
 Increase of the data transmission speed for reduction of the measurement
time during drilling;
 Expansion of the complex of registered and transmitted data of measure-
ment of dynamic parameters of drilling and tube side and annulus pres-
sure for selection of optimal modes of drilling, reducing the time of well
construction and reducing the risks related to sticking and hydraulic frac-
 Telemetry systems allow for improving the drilling efficiency, ensuring
accurate placement of wells and providing information about drilling dy-
namics in real time for optimization of drilling parameters and improve-
ment of the well drilling speed. Technology of measurements during
drilling (MWD) can be used for determination of the well trajectory in a
three-dimensional space, as well as for determination of the real vertical
depth, location of the sidetrack and orientation of directional drilling sys-
tems. The systems allow for measuring a number of parameters for the
drill pipe, BHA and the sidetrack, which ensures drilling according to the
plan and allows for identifying circumstances which can lead to the
equipment damage or other conditions leading to a down time. Measure-
ments in the process of drilling allow for taking timely measures for
maintaining the design trajectory of the sidetrack. The above measure-
ments allow for obtaining information about:
o Forcesaffecting the drill pipe and BHA, including dynamic charac-
teristics and vibration;
o Static and dynamic pressure inside the drill pipe and the annulus;
o Dimensions and form of the sidetrack.

Fig. 1. MWD drilling system

Based on the above, we can conclude that application of MWD telemetry
system has improved the well drilling process, increased efficiency of well
drilling and increased the technical and economic indicators of drilling.

1. JPTstab,Henry Edmundson,Ten Technologies From the 1980s and 1990s That Made
Today’s Oil and Gas Industry.Feb.2019
2. Geological report, Block Operating Company LLC, September 2022


Subbotina M., *Chaschin А.N., **Azizov S.R.
FSBEI HE «Perm State Agro-Technological University», Perm, Russia
ASR-AGRO company

Monitoring of the main indicators of soil fertility is the basis for de-
veloping recommendations for the rational use of soils in agricultural land-
scapes [1]. The visualization of soil properties is traditionally presented in
the form of agrochemical cartograms, which includes: the content of humus,
pH, the content of plant available nutrients in the soil. In order to make this
information publicly available and use it without special software, Internet
mapping technologies are used that provide access to the spatial data of a
GIS project on the Internet [2]. The result of converting a GIS agrochemical
survey into a web map allows specialists without IT training to use geoin-
formation technology to solve agronomic problems, which determines the
relevance of research.
The aim of the research was to develop a typical web map to provide
the results of an agrochemical survey (on the example of fallow lands of
ASR-AGRO company, Ordinskii raion, Permskii krai).
The agrochemical survey was carried out on a cartographic basis, from
336 elementary plots. The 8 ha plots are the result of splitting overgrown
land in the QGIS program using the "Polygon Divider" module. The total
survey area was 3201.4 ha. After filling in the attributes characterizing the
content of humus, the reaction of the environment, the content of P2O5 and
K2O, the structure of the GIS project was formed, characterized by table 1.

The structure of the geoinformation system for agrochemical soil survey
Group of Name of layer Model of data Description
Total Elementary Vector (polygons) Field boundaries with soil
information plots property attributes
Cadastre data Vector Plot boundaries according
to Rosreest
Soil рН КСl Vector (polygons) Classification of elemen-
properties tary plots for рН КСl
Humus, % Vector (polygons) Classification of elemen-
tary plots for humus
Р2О5, mg/кg Vector (polygons) Classification of elemen-
tary plots for Р2О5
К2О, mg/kg Vector (polygons) Classification of elemen-
tary plots for К2О
Base maps Map OSM Raster WMS-layer
Space shot Raster WMS-layer

The generated project is the basis of a web GIS, which was created us-
ing the qgis2web tool and further html / css code editing. The visual result
of html editing is shown in the figure.

Fig. Agrochemical survey web GIS hosted on GitHub

The use of open geotechnologies for Internet mapping QGIS greatly
simplifies the process of creating a Web GIS of the results of an agrochemi-
cal survey - the main part of the work is performed in a GIS project and
therefore no advanced competencies in Web development are required from
a soil cartographer. Using the open platform GitHub allows you to organize
open access to spatial data for free.

1. Mudrykh N.M., Samofalova I.A. Simulation of spatial variability of agrochem-
ical indicators of soils in agricultural fertilizers of the non-chernozem region //
Agrochemical Herald .2019. N 5. pp.17-24.
2. Abdullin R.К., Ponomarchuk А.I. Internet mapping technologies. Perm: Perm
state university, 2020. – 132 p.


Aydın N.G., İşseven T.
İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey

In this study, we have implemented a new three-dimensional model-

ling approach for gravity data, tested it on a few artificial gravity anomalies
and applied on actual gravity data collected from Gezin-Elazığ/Turkey to
get a rough geometry of the pull-apart basin in the area.
The study area lies on top of the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ), a
very long left lateral strike slip fault that have recently produced two devas-
tating earthquakes at Kahramanmaraş [1]. There is a pull-apart basin on the
fault at Elazığ province, between Sivrice and Gezin villages that is currently
occupied by Lake Hazar [2]. Our study focuses on the eastern end of the
lake, where there is a high level of sedimentation [2]. Gravity data from the
area suggests a thick sedimentary layer beneath Gezin province and brings
out the question whether the boundaries of the pull-apart basin may be at
further to the east.
There are about 300 new gravity data have been collected from the ar-
ea and then merged with the pre-existing gravity anomalies after applying
necessary corrections. New gravity data shows that the gravity low within
the area is stronger than previously mapped [3]. Since the sparseness of the
merged data is variable, splitting the study area into identical vertical prisms
for modelling was not plausible. Therefore, a new modelling approach using
polyhedrons (vertical prisms with polygonal surfaces) is developed follow-
ing and expanding Smith’s [4] workflow. The method works fairly similar
to the well-known Cordell-Henderson method [5], but is more effective both
in time and reliability. It is tested on two artificial gravity anomalies and
models beforehand and proved to be successful and fast. Next, the method is
applied on the recently collected gravity data to produce a new geometrical
model for the basin beneath Gezin (fig.).
Our results indicate that the pull-apart basin is larger than previously sug-
gested and its walls reach further to the east. This result means that there should
be another fault within the area to act as the southern wall of the basin.

Fig. Depth model of the Gezin Basin

[1] E.Arpat and F.Şaroğlu, “The East Anatolian Fault System; Thoughts on its
Development,” Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, vol. 78, pp. 1–12, 1972.
[2] M.R.Hempton, L.A.Dunne, and J.F.Dewey, “Sedimentation in an Active
Strike-Slip Basin, Southeastern Turkey,” J Geol, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 401–412,
Jul. 1983, doi: 10.1086/628786.
[3] General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), “Bouguer
Anomaly Map of Turkey.” 2012.
[4] D.A.Smith, “The gravitational attraction of any polygonally shaped vertical
prism with inclined top and bottom faces,” J Geod, vol. 74, no. 5, pp. 414–
420, Jul. 2000, doi: 10.1007/s001900000102.
[5] L.Cordell and R.G.Henderson, “Iterative Three‐Dimensional Solution of Grav-
ity Anomaly Data Using a Digital Computer,” GEOPHYSICS, vol. 33, no. 4,
pp. 596–601, Aug. 1968, doi: 10.1190/1.1439955



Krukowskaya O., Kakareka S.

Institute for Nature Management of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Minsk, Belarus

The issue of ground-level ozone air pollution is a significant concern

for several countries across the world, including Belarus and other European
nations. According to observations of the National System of Environment
Monitoring stations’ in Belarus in 2021, the permissible daily mean concen-
tration of 90 µg/m3 was exceeded for 69 days in Mogilev, 31 days in Grod-
no, 28 days in Minsk, 16 days in Brest, 7 days in Gomel, 5 days in Novo-
polotsk and 2 days in Vitebsk [1].
Tropospheric ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant that is formed mainly in
the atmosphere due to chemical reactions occurring under solar radiation
influence. Anthropogenic pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides (NO x) andnon-
methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), including methane, are
the most common ozone precursors. In the absence of emissions, NO2
concentrations deplete quickly, and the OH radical primarily reacts with
NMVOCto form O3 [2].
Presently, road transport is a significant source of these pollutants in
Belarus and other countries. Accurate spatial and temporal estimates of

emissions are crucial for studying air pollution and making management de-
cisions. This paper proposes a bottom-up approach for modelling annual
emissions from road transport, based on vehicle mileage data with a spatial
resolution of 1×1 km for the entire territory of Belarus. NO x and NMVO-
Cemission estimates for 2015 are presented in this research.
To estimate emissions from road transport with a target spatial resolu-
tion of 1 km, the authors employed the bottom-up estimation methodology
using gross statistical data on vehicle fleet, fuel consumption, environmental
and categorical structure of the vehicle, spatial structure of the street and
road network, measurements of traffic intensity on selected major roads,
public transport route network, and land use structure [1], [3]–[6].
To estimate emissions, the authors used specific indices per unit mile-
age for five categories of vehicles: cars, trucks, vans (trucks and passen-
gers), buses, and two-wheelers. The specific indicators' values were deter-
mined by modelling the total annual emissions within the country for the
relevant year using the COPERT model [7], which was parameterized for
Belarus [8].
According to the conducted estimation, the total annual mileage on
Belarusian territory is 27.750 billion veh.-km. Major roads of national im-
portance (main roads), where the traffic's intensity and structure is meas-
ured, account for 64.6% of the mileage. Passenger cars are dominant, with a
total annual mileage of 19.490 billion veh.-km (70.2%). Buses and trucks
constitute 11.7% and 14.8% of the country's annual mileage, respectively.
However, the categorization structure of primary and secondary roads is dif-
ferent. Primary roads have a higher percentage of small commercial vehicles
and trucks (15.5% and 19.0%) than the national average, with lower shares
of cars and buses (64.4% and 0.9%). Cars account for 80.9% of total mileage
on secondary roads, buses contribute 4.6%, with reduced shares of trucks
(7.1%) and minibuses (4.7%). The country's average estimated traffic inten-
sity on all roads is 330 units/day, with 3164 units/day on major roads.
Based on the 1×1 km grid for the whole country, road transport emis-
sions occur on an area of 123.967 thousand km2, corresponding to 59.1% of
the country's territory. The authors estimate that 43,202 thousand tonnes of
NOx and 16,548 thousand tonnes of NMVOCs were emitted in the year as a
result of road transport. The NOx emission density varies up to 87.2 t/km 2
(an average of 349.3 kg/km2), and NMVOC ranges up to 40.2 t/km2 (an of
133.9 kg/km2). NOx emission density is higher than average in 18,069 thou-
sand km2, NMVOC in 18,040 thousand km2.
The highest transport-related pollutant emissions occur near the capital
city and the largest cities, at the intersections of primary highways. The density

of NOx emissions in Belarus from road transport exceeds 10 t/km2, and
NMVOC covers an area of 424 km2. In the country's territorial structure,
emissions from road transport are concentrated mainly in urban areas, which
comprise less than 2% of the national territory. In urban areas, 14,269 thou-
sand tonnes of NOx (or 33.0%) and 6,410 thousand tonnes of NMVOC (or
38.7%) were emitted, with a higher proportion of NMVOC emissions ex-
plained by the higher contribution of passenger cars to the total annual mile-
age. Urban areas also have higher median and maximum densities, with me-
dian values being 815 to 993 times higher than those of other areas. Howev-
er, within urban areas, there are segments of 1×1 km target permit area with
no emissions from road transport. The ratio of NMVOC emissions to NO x
for different sites in the country ranges from 0.11 to 0.96, with the median
value at 0.41.

1. Interactive information and analytical system for the dissemination of of-
ficial statistical information / NationalStatisticCommitteeoftheRepublico-
fBelarus [Online]. Available:
2. B. Schiavo et al. Analysis of COVID-19 Lockdown Effects on Urban Air
Quality: A Case Study of Monterrey, Mexico. Sustain., 2023.Vol. 15, no.
1, P. 1–21.
3. H. Malchykhina, O. Krukowskaya. Assessment of seasonal variability of
air pollution by transport in Belarus // EGU General Assembly 2020.
AEGU Gen. Assem. 2020, P. 21404.
4. Belarusian emission inventory data informative inventory report to
CLRTAP/EMEP 2020 [Online]. Available:
5. RUE BELDORTSENTER - Republican Unitary Enterprise Belarusian
Road Engineering and Technical Centre. 2021. [Online]. Available:
6. OpenStreetMapdata for Belarus, 2015. [Online]. Available: http://be.gis-
7. M.Kousoulidou, L.Ntziachristos, S.Gkeivanidis, Z.Samaras, V.Franco,
and P. Dilara, Validation of the COPERT road emission inventory model
with real-use data. Emiss. Invent. Emerg. 2010.Issues, P. 40.
8. S.V.Kakareka, О.Y.Krukowskaya. Estimation of pollutant emissions
from road mobile sources using the COPERT IV model.Protection of
Atmospheric Air. Atmosphere (St. Petersburg) [in Russian]. 2013.Vol. 1.
P. 35-41


Bayramova A.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

In the presented work, the mineralogical and geochemical proxies of

the fluid and solid ejectas of Zenbil, Khara-Zire, Garasu and Sangi-Mughan
(island), as well as the Bahar, Hamamdagh and Bendovan mud volcanoes
(terrestrial) mud volcanoes (Fig. 1) were studied comparatively. The factors
influencing the chemical composition of liquid fluids, and their origin were
also studied. In addition, along with weathering and diagenetic processes,
the origin of mud sediments has been studied.

Figure 1. (a) Location map of Azerbaijan in Western Asia. (b) Google Earth view
showing the locationof the investigated mud volcanoes in the Baku area (onshore
sites: 1 and 2) and on islandswithin the Caspian Sea (offshore sites: 3–5), Azerbai-
jan (Bayramova et al., 2023).
It has been determined that the Water fluids of mud volcanoes have a
Na-Cl composition and consist of a mixture of evaporated Caspian Sea wa-
ter, shallow "low-mineralized" pore fluids, and deep-seated "highly mineral-
ized" brines.The fluids are generated in Productive Series strata in ~1 to 4
km depth (Baldermann et al., 2020).
As a result of site-specific fluid-rock interactions, the clay mineral re-
actions (e.g., diagenetic alteration of smectite to illite, etc.), thermal decom-
position of organic matter, methane formation, oxidation of sulfide minerals,
precipitation of Fe-(oxy)hydroxides, formation of carbonate minerals and
other processesare believed to occur.
The mud is composed of quartz, albite, orthoclase, illite, chlorite, cal-
cite, calcian dolomite, pyrite, Na-smectite and kaolinite. All study sites
show lower contents of clay minerals, but higher amounts of quartz and car-
bonates compared to mud compositions in Bahar and Zenbil.
The solid sources for mud volcanic activities are mainly provided by mud
chambers to be situated in the Productive Series strata (1 to 5.5 km depth), alt-
hough a minor contribution from deeper reservoirs (e.g., Maykop Suite shales
ranging from 5.5 to 9 km depth and Eocene rocks up to 12 km depth) is likely.

1. A.E.Bayramova, O.R.Abbasov, Ad.A.Aliyev, E.E.Baloglanov, F.M.Stamm,
MDietzel, A.Baldermann. Tracing Water–Rock–Gas Reactions in Shallow Pro-
ductive Mud Chambers of Active Mud Volcanoes in the Caspian Sea Region
(Azerbaijan). Minerals 2023, 13, 696.
2. Baldermann, O.R. Abbasov, A.E. Bayramova, E.Abdullayev, M. Dietzel.New
insights into fluid-rock interaction mechanisms at mudvolcanoes: Implications
for fluid origin and mud provenance atBahar and Zenbil (Azerbaijan). Chemical
Geology, Volume 537, 30 March 2020,


Zeynalov S.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Naftalan medicinal, fuel oiland oil used for curative purposes through-
hout the year as well has been studied by such methods as, UV spectroscopy,
DLS, chromato-mass-spectrometry, also, the microelement composition of
the samples was determined. It is shown two types of Naftalan oil originated
not only independently from one another but also from primary organic mat-
ter with critical differences, and this can be supported by data of chromato-
Naftalan structure is located within Arpa-Samur zone of faults, at all
times from Paleozoic up to now it is a zone of active manifestation of tec-
tonic movements, conductor of magmatic melts, load-bearing solutions and
seismicity. The presence of two types of oil different by its quality in depos-
its of Maykop suite in Naftalan deposit: curative hard oil - in the upper hori-
zons of the upper Maykop(I, loamy and II horizons) and fuel light - in lower
horizons of the upper Maykop and lower Maykop resulted in works of
Sh.F.Mekhtiyev [1].
According to DLS data particles with diameter in range from 100 to
1000 nm are more intensive in medicinal Naftalan oil. In sample of fuel oil
particles with diameter from 50 nm and lower can be observed. Used Nafta-
lan oil tends to aggregating particles with diameter from 100 to 8000 nm, in
this case particles more than 1000 nm are stable up to 50°C. Diffusion coef-
ficients are higher for samples of medicinal oil than for fuel one and this
probably provides pharmaceutic effect (fig).

medicinal fuel Naftalan used

According to chromato-mass spectroscopy HC composition of Naftalan
oil was defined. Taking into account hydrocarbon composition medicinal
Naftalan oil differs significantly from fuel (table).
Content of naphthenic HC ~ 59.37 % in fuel oil, and in medicinal
~ 77.04 %; ∑ content of alkanes is only 4.47% in medicinal oil whereas in
fuel ~ 22.93%. Content of aromatic HC is nearly the same.
Hydrocarbon composition of Naftalan oil
Naphthenic Arenes

∑ alkenes


m/z 95
Name of sam-


ples tri


4.47 48.24 24.01 4.79 - - 77.04 0.22 5.76 13.44 19.42 24-27
Naftalan fuel 22.93 41.7 17.14 - 0.53 - 59.37 3.7 1.76 12.02 17.48 17
48.24 35.3 4.79 -
throughout the 9.10 - 77.04 3.65 5.3 5.12 14.07

As a result, it was determined that based on the studies conducted on

three different samples of Naftalanoil, the samples differ significantly from
each other.As it seen diffusion coefficient are more for medicinal oil sam-
ples than for fuel, as for density (q) value – it is ~50-80% in medicinal oil,
and this probably provides pharmaceutical effects. Content of aromatic HC
is insignificantly more in fuel oil than in medicinal oil and mainly it is due
to benzene. As for used oil sample total content of aromatic hydrocarbons
reduces in it by two times. It can be equally be referred to benzene, naphtha-
lene, phenanthrene as well.Analysis of the microelement content of the
samples revealed that the elemental content of medicinal Naftalan is higher
than fuelNaftalan, which indicates a possible influence on the therapeutic
effect.All the analyzes and researches have been reflected in table and
graphic form.


1. Mekhtiyev Sh. F., Akhmedbeili F. S. Naftalan B. 1969, p.129

Mamishova T.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Since the Caspian Sea has no access to the ocean, its level changes
cover a wide range. Thus, the change of the level affects the coastal zone
and leads to a change in its geomorphological structure. Based on geograph-
ic information system and machine learning technology, this paper analyses,
temporal and spatial characteristics and change of the intensive use of
coastal zones. The displacement dynamics of the coastline of Azerbaijan for
the years2005 and 2021 were determined using the Sentinel 2A, Landsat 7
satellite images, and remote sensing data. Using the established coastline as
a reference point, the study was able to calculate the increasing and decreas-
ing land areas for the specified periods. This provided a quantitative analy-
sis of the changes in the coastal zone, which was complemented by a quali-
tative analysis of the coastal zone's temporal and spatial characteristics. Tas-
seled Cap Transformation (TCT) and different Normalized Difference Water
Index, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Digital Shoreline Analysis
Systemhave been used to demarcate the shorelines (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Change detection of the coasts of the Gizilagaj Bay zone 2005-2021.
According to the established coastline, the increasing and decreasing
land areas were calculated. The main objectives of the study are to demar-
cate the shorelines of 2005 and 2021 from the different sensor satellite ima-
ges, to identify the quantitative and qualitative shoreline changes for above-
mentioned periods. The findings of this study can inform management strat-
egies and decision-making processes related to coastal development and en-
vironmental protection in the region.
According to the results, in period form, 2005 to 2021 the rates of
shoreline position changes indicate that all transects are accretional and less
erosion was observed. 1.18m lowering of the level of the Caspian Sea re-
sulted in an accumulation process of 424m on average.
Study area shoreline is changing over time because of accretion and
erosion process. However, the whole area of the coastline is almost gone
through the accretion process whereas the erosion also occurred but not like
the accretion through the entire period. From 2005-2021 most of the accre-
tion took place having 16.9 sq. km of the net gain of the area although in
this period coastline has lost about 0.12 sq. km of the land
These findings are crucial for understanding the dynamics of the Cas-
pian coastal zone and can serve as valuable data for coastal management,
environmental protection, and decision-making related to sustainable devel-
opment and climate change adaptation in the region. Regarding the domi-
nance of accretion over erosion in the study area can inform coastal man-
agement strategies. Understanding the patterns and processes of coastline
changes can help prioritize areas for protection, restoration, or development,
considering the dynamic nature of coastal environments. Changes in the
coastline, such as accretion and erosion, can have significant ecological con-
sequences. For instance, accretion may lead to the creation of new habitats
and potential opportunities for biodiversity, while erosion may threaten ex-
isting ecosystems. Assessing these changes is essential for conservation and
restoration efforts in coastal areas.



Bobrik A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

The interaction of cryogenic ecosystems with the atmosphere under

conditions of global climate change is especially important for the overall
development of the biosphere. Permafrost-affected soils are considered to be
one of the important cryosphere elements within the climate system. The
impact of permafrost degradation and soil functioning under climate change
on the environment has not been sufficiently studied. The aim of our study
was to assess the functional diversity of permafrost-affected soils and their
impact on the environment along the bioclimatic and permafrost transect
from the Arctic desert to the south tundra from such parameters as the soil
temperature regime, the composition of soil organic matter and the soil bio-
logical activity.
The studies were carried out at the peak of the growing season in typi-
cal Arctic desert ecosystems (Franz Josef Land archipelago, Heiss Island
(80°37 N, 58°03 E) and Hooker Island (80°20 N, 52°46 E), June 2021),
southern tundra (Tazovsky Peninsula; 67°48 N, 76°69 E, August 2016; Komi
Republic, Vorkuta; 67°38 N, 64°14 E, July 2022).
As a result of the work, a general description of environmental factors
and components of the soil carbon cycle was obtained, their spatial variabil-
ity and interrelation were assessed, and it was also determined which envi-
ronmental factors and to what extent affect soil carbon emission. It has been
established that all the studied environmental factors in the ecosystems of
the southern tundra in the northeast of the Russian Plain and in Western Si-
beria are characterized by high spatial variability, which is due to the heter-
ogeneous nature of the soil and vegetation cover, and microrelief features.
Statistically significant relationships were established between the thickness
of the organogenic soil horizon and all environmental factors under consid-
eration. This proves the important role of the soil and vegetation cover in
shaping the depth of seasonal thawing, the temperature regime, and the ac-
tivity of organic matter transformation processes.
The factor that has the greatest impact on the diversity of ecosystems and
the biological activity of soils from the Arctic desert to the south tundra (zones
of continuous and discontinuous permafrost) is presence and depth of perma-
frost. Permafrost determines the type of ecosystems, temperature regime and

the activity of the organic matter transformation processes in Arctic region.
Soils represent a unique natural object and ensure the functional diver-
sity and integrity of Arctic ecosystems. Our results show the important role
of permafrost-affected soils in maintaining the structural and functional in-
tegrity of Arctic ecosystems.
This research has been financially supported by the project № МК-
23.2022.1.5 (grant of the President of Russian Federation).



Aliyeva A.R., Karimli Kh.M., Jumayev J.M.

Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Maintaining a balanced ecosystem is one of the most important and

urgent problem of the XXI century, which includes the problems of reduc-
ing anthropogenic impact on ecosystems as much as possible and protecting
of the environment against global environmental disasters. Studying of radi-
oactive areas in the Earth's crust has particular importance in solving of
these problems.
As it is known, as a result of the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by
Armenia for 30 years, various man-made activities and combat operations in
these territories have caused serious damage to the environment. Also dur-
ing those years, in the investigations devoted to the study of the radiation
background in the territory of the republic, the occupied territories were left
out for obvious reasons, and old data were used on the compiled maps,
which creates the need for new radiometric studies in these territories.
Earlier studies have shown that radioactivity of rocks in Karabakh varies
depending on the composition and age of lithological-stratigraphic intervals.
In general, the gamma activity of rocks in this area does not exceed the
background significance characteristic of structural complexes of different
ages of the Lesser Caucasus.
The main purpose of the research work was the assessment of modern
radioecological situation in the liberated Karabakh territories, the identifica-
tion of sources of danger and the determination of radionuclide content of
samples taken from the areas where the anomaly was detected.
During radioecological monitoring in the studied area, the measure-
ment of the strength of the exposure dose of gamma radiation was carried

out by the portable dosimeter-radiometer of МКС-АТ1125. Gamma spec-
trometric analysis of the taken soil samples has carried out in the laboratory
by using complex scintillation spectrometer СЕГ-001 “АКП-С”-150.
Based on the obtained results an electronic map of the distribution of
the power of the equivalent dose of gamma radiation was prepared separate-
ly for Agdam, Lachin and Kalbajar regions. The results of the conducted
preliminary studies show that the radiation background in Aghdam, Lachin
and Kalbajar regions varies within the norm with the exception of Istisu set-
tlement of Kalbajar region, in which case anomalies of 115 ηSv/h and 500-
530 ηSv/h were detected. Gamma spectrometric analysis of the soil samples
taken from these points in laboratory conditions showed high amount of
uranium in the radionuclide content. The graphs of dependence between
U(Ra), Th, K elements and the specific activity of radiation in the men-
tioned regions reveal that the radiation background observed in Agdam and
Kalbajar regions is mainly formed due to U(Ra) element, and K element in
Lachin region. The preliminary results of the conducted studies indicate the
need for continuous implementation and control of radioecological monitor-
ing in the mentioned areas in accordance with the mine action plan.


Khairiddinov B., Rakhmatov A.

RFAInstitute of Seismology named after G. O. Mavlonov, Uzbekistan
The Beshkent depression is bounded by Uchbosh-Karshi in the north-
east, Karail-Layangar in the southeast, and Amudarya flexural faults in the
southwest. Its north-eastern border passes through the eastern part of Pamuq
and Kultog structures. This article provides brief information on the stratig-
raphy, tectonics, and oil and gas production of the Beshkent Basin.
The Beshkent depression is bounded by Uchbosh-Karshi in the north-
east, Karail-Layangar in the southeast, and Amudarya flexural faults in the
southwest. Its north-eastern border passes through the eastern part of Pamuq
and Kultog structures. Below is a brief summary of the basin's stratigraphy,
tectonics, and petroleum.
In recent years, studies have shown that the intermediate structural
layer is separated in the Chardjou step. It contains Late Paleozoic deposits,
and the lithotypes are zoned; It ranges from slightly altered sedimentary
rocks with sand-clay and carbonate to sedimentary - effusive and intrusive
rocks. A paleosynclinal sedimentary suite is overlain by a red sandy loam
layer of Permian-Triassic sediments overlying unconformable coaly carbo-
naceous rocks. Two large stratigraphic complexes are distinguished in the
area of the Beshkent depression : the Paleozoic, which forms the fold base,
and the Mesocenezoic, which forms the sedimentary layer.
Paleozoic deposits were discovered by deep exploratory drilling wells
in neighboring areas: Shim. Kamashi-6 (3230 m) and Pamuk-1 (3934 m)
granite and is composed of granodiorites . to KMPV information according
to Paleozoic deposits in Shim Nishan area the depth is equal to 7000 m .
Researches carried out in the following years showed that the
Chordjou step is separated by an intermediate structural layer composed of
late Paleozoic (Pozdnepaleozoic) deposits. The composition of this layer
varies from poorly altered sedimentary limestones and sandstone-clay (clay)
rocks to sedimentary effusive and intrusive rocks.
Perm-Triassic deposits of red sandstone-clay, which are not found in
paleozones, lie on the intermediate structural layer in geosynclines. Mesozo-
ic deposits are composed of rocks belonging to the Jurassic and Cretaceous
periods. Their complete geological section was revealed in a number of deep
boreholes dug in the areas located in the eastern part of the Beshkent basin.

Figure 1. Geological map of Beshkent basin

The Jurassic period consists of Lower-Middle Jurassic and Upper Ju-
rassic deposits. According to the lithological structure and formation condi-
tions, the Jurassic deposits are divided into three formations: terrigenous,
carbonate, and saline-anhydrite.
Deposits of terrigenous formation (J 1+2 ) consist of rocks formed in
marine and continental conditions with a complex structure.
These deposits are divided into four suites: Sanjar, Gurud, Degibodom
and Boysun suites. Among the terrigenous deposits, permeable sandstone

layers and lenses of 18th horizon are of great interest. The deposits of the
carbonate formation (J 3k+o ) lie directly above the deposits of the terrigenous
formation. The thickness of these deposits ranges from 210 m (Yangi Ka-
ratepa well No. 7) to 449 m (Shortan well No. 2), and they consist of facies
related carbonate rocks.

1. Babadzhanov T.L., Kunin N.Ya., Luk- Zilberman V.I. Stroenie i neftegazonos-
nost glubokopogrujennyx kompleksov Sredney Azii po geofizicheskim dannym.
- Tashkent: Science, 1986
2. Babaev A.G. Formation of the Jurassic paleosedimentation basin of Uzbekistan
and its oil and gas production. Tashkent. Science, 1982.
3. Physical properties of rocks and minerals. Dictionary of Geophysics. M. Nedra,



Ganieva B., Khamidov L.A.

Institute of Seismology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

A long history of observations of the state of hydraulic structures and

their impact on changes in the surrounding geological environment in vari-
ous countries of the world shows that the scale of the impact is very tangible
and diverse. The problem of excited (or induced) seismicity seems to be the
most urgent due to the fact that an increase in seismic activity leads to an
increase in the number of gravitational processes provoking emergency situ-
The object of study is the Pachkamar reservoir in southern Uzbeki-
stan. The reservoir is located in a seismically active zone near the south-
western Gissar region. In the southern part of the Pachkamar reservoir, there
are the Kokhhitang-Boysun uplift, and six tectonic steps, such as Guzar,
Atar, Pachkamar, Gumbulak, Adamtash, Beshbulak. The formed Karail-
Langar and the prominent Baysun-Kukhitang faults are also distinguished.
We have previously compiled a catalog of local earthquakes for the
near zone of the Pachkamar reservoir for the period from 2011 to 2022. In
the course of the research, the data were sorted and the corresponding sam-
ples were compiled. Earthquakes were selected in the zone of influence of
this reservoir (including weak ones) in the areas of their location. In the area
of possible active influence of the reservoirs of Central and Southern Uz-
bekistan, from 2018 to 2022, regional seismic stations of the Republican
Center for Seismic Predictive Monitoring (RCSM) operated under the Min-
istry of Emergency Situations: Kitab (KTB) -100 km NW, Pachkamar
(PCHK) -110 km South, Baysun (BSN) - 85 km SW, where seismic stations
of the Guralp CMG-6TD and Vebtrongs brands were used (Table).

The number of seismic events recorded by different geophysical ser-
vices in the period from January 2011 to September 2022 in the zones of
influence of the reservoirs of Central and Southern Uzbekistan within a
radius of 100 km from the dam site.
№ Ntotal. n m Source
1 287 198 89 Funds of the laboratory LSTG*
2 276 253 23
3 674 384 78
4 251 204 22
5 367 312 14

Ntotal - total number of earthquakes in the catalog; n- the number of

up to three earthquake sources coinciding with other catalogs according to
the main parameters; m - the number of non-matching at least one parame-
ter in other directories; LSTG* - Laboratory of Local Seismotechnogenesis
of the Institute of Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of

The results of seismic monitoring for all these observation systems

are summarized in the form of a separate catalog of earthquakes, which in-
dicates the date and time of the earthquake, the location of the epicenter, the
depth of the source, the magnitude or energy class, the distance from the
reservoir site to the epicenter, and some other parameters of the earthquake.
Based on the available actual data (selections from earthquake cata-
logs for 2011-2022), the frequency of earthquakes was determined accord-
ing to the Gutenberg-Richter law [3] (Fig.): within a radius of R100 km
from the dams of the Pachkamar reservoir.

Fig. Earthquake recurrence according to the Gutenberg-Richter law [3],
within a radius of R100 km from the Pachkamar reservoir dam

According to the compiled local catalog, within a radius of R100

from the site of the Pachkamar reservoir, during 2011-2022, 349 earth-
quakes occurred in the range of energy class 7К14. To date, the minimum
limit of the possibility of registering earthquakes in these areas is М≥2.0.
This can be seen from the tables above. That is, the number of earthquakes
of 7, 8, 9 classes has increased significantly. This local catalog for the zone
of influence of the Pachkamar reservoir can be considered as a collection of
data obtained by means of instrumental monitoring. This catalog uses the
“K” value (earthquake energy class) as the decimal logarithm of the earth-
quake energy, expressed in joules, as an indicator of the magnitude of an

1. Tectonic map of Uzbekistan and adjacent territories (in Russian)// Geo-
logical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lab. Neotectonics
and modern geodynamics. Moscow. - 2004. Uzbekistan_2004_Tectonics_
Tektonicheskaya-karta-uzbekistana-i-prilegayus chikh-territoriy.html
(appeal 22.10.2023).

2. Anvarova S.G., Ganieva B.R., Khamidov L.A. Local catalog of earth-
quakes in the near zone of large reservoirs in Central and Southern Uz-
bekistan// Tr. XXIV-Ural Youth Scientific School in Geophysics - UM-
ShG-2023, Perm, March 22-24, 2023.-Perm.-Russia.-2023.-P.3-7.
3. Gutenberg B., Richter C.F. Seismicity of the Earth and associated phe-
nomena, 2nd edition. – Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,
1954. – 310 p.



Zhulidova D.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Soil Science Department, Moscow, Russia

Soil is a thin layer covered the Earth, which has an important ecologi-
cal meaning to play a significant part in life and evolution of the biosphere.
In term of food security, soil is one of the most valuable natural resources.
Nowadays, World Reference Base of Soil Resources, (further WRB) is a
standard for correlation among national soil classifications [2]. Characteri-
zation of the soil color as a diagnostic parameter in WRB is an important
part of correlation process. WRBdescribes requirements for soil color
inMunsell color system, which was criticized by many researchersprevious-
ly [1.3.4]. Invention ofportablephotocolorimeters, flatbed scanners and
smartphones give a possibility to obtain quantitative values of soil color.
CIE-L*a*b* isoneofthecolor space models which have shown the best cor-
relation among color values and soil parameters. Thus, the aim of this re-
search was to develop an algorithm of conversion diagnostic requirements
for soil color from WRB into CIE-L*a*b* system.

Figure 1. The schema of module creation

Munsell Book of soil color and WRB key references was transformed
from text description into reference tables (Picture 1). Requirements for
measurement of soil organic carbon from Guidelines for soil description
was performed into an algorithm by using Multipal Linear Regression anal-
ysis. The whole functional of the program was built by the MS Access plat-
form. The 12 soilpitsusedforprogram testing were located in Chashnikovo
Experimental and Training Soil-Ecological Center of Moscow State Univer-
sity in Moscow region. Samplesforcolormeasurementswerecollectedduring
2014-2017 years.
The study was carried out on all diagnostic horizons, properties and ma-
terials of the soil mentioned in WRB. Of all 37 diagnostic horizons, 15 have
color diagnostics. Among the 18 diagnostic properties, 6 have diagnostic crite-
ria by color. Of the materials, only albic has diagnostic criteria for color. In the
table (table 1), diagnostic horizons, materials and properties are included ac-
cording to the type of recommendation specified for them in the WRB text.

Table 1
Types of color diagnostic recommendations and names of horizons,
properties and materials
Recommendation type Name of horizons. materials and
there are requirements for all categories: Anthrequic, ferric, spodic, gleyic, rho-
hue, chroma and lightness dic, chromic, xanthic, rubic
there are requirements only for lightness Chernic, fluvic, hortic, hydragric, me-
and/or chroma lanic, mollic, plaggic, pretic, umbric,
aridic, sideralic, albic
there are ranges in lightness and/or cambic, sombric, albeluvic glossae,
chroma compared to external material or retic, stagnic
uplayed/lowlayed horizons
As a result, the automatic algorithm of conversion for soil color pa-
rameters were created. We hope that this study might speed up the process
of soil taxon diagnosis in WRB and help to future development of quantifi-
cation of the color description in soil science.

1. Kirillova N. P., Vodyanitskii Yu. N., Sileva T. M. Conversion of Soil Color Pa-
rameters from the Munsell System to the CIEL*a*b* System // Eurasian Soil
Science. 2015. Vol. 48. № 5. pp. 468–475.
2. Krasilnikov P.V., Ibáñez-Martí J.-J., Arnold R., Shoba S.A. (Eds.), 2009. Hand-
book of Soil Terminology, Correlation and Classification. Earthscan, London,
pp. 449.
3. Melville M. D., Atkinson G. Soil color: its measurement and its designation in
models of uniform color space // Journal of Soil Science. 1985. Vol. 36. № 4.
pp. 495–512. DOI:
4. Orlov D. S., Sukhanova N. I., Rozanova M. S. Spectralreflectivity of soils and
their components. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2001, 176 p.
[in Russian]



Rzayeva E.V.*, Asgarov T.E.**, Hamzayeva T.I.*, Murtuzayeva A.O.*,

Mirzayev K.I.*, Sabirli N.I.*, Safarli K.R.*, Aliyeva A. I.*
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan International Mining Company, Baku, Azerbaijan

Abstract. Miocene sediments are considered the main sedimentary

complex after the world famous Productive series in terms of oiliness and
gas. Thebiostratigraphic characteristics of the Miocene sediments of SE Go-
bustan are given based on the materials of the Sungurdag section; systematic
composition and characteristic complexes of microremains – foraminifera,
ostracods, otoliths and fish remains were revealed; biostratigraphic subdivi-
sion of the section was performed; it has been established that deposits of
the Sarmatian (lower and middle) regional stage take part in the geological
structure of the Sungurdag anticline structure; there are no upper deposits in
the section;
A scheme for the subdivision of the Sarmatian deposits of the Sun-
gurdag section has been developed, which can be applied in further geologi-
cal exploration work in other areas of the SE Gobustan.
The results obtained can also be used for biostratigraphic studies of
deep-immersed Miocene deposits on the western side of the South Caspian.
Introduction. Miocene deposits are widespread within the western
port of the SCB and are involved in the structure of a number of structures.
Also, these rocks are exposed in many areas of the Shamakha-Gobustan and
western parts of the Absheron oil and gas regions. The oil and gas potential
of Miocene rocks has been studied in many structures of the SCB regions.
The objective of this thesis is to study the biostratigraphy of the Miocene
deposits of the Sungurdag area. As a result of the research, a stratigraphic
division scheme of the Sarmatian sediments of the Sungurdag section was
developed, and this scheme can be used in future geological-exploration
works to be carried out in other areas of South-Eastern Gobustan.
Materials and method. The section starts from the southern slope of
Sungurdag in Gobustanregion. (Pictures 1, 2) Samples have been taken in
the northern direction (NE 40.2852.49.1632). Each sample was taken every
1 meter and has got GPS navigation. Micro paleontological examination of
samples was carried out in the laboratory in the following stages. At the first
stage, the samples are first examined visually. This is done through magni-
fying glasses 10-20 times. The sample is crushed with 5-10% sodium car-
bonate solution (Na2CO3) or 10% hydrogen peroxide solution, depending on
the composition of the rock. Since clay rocks or relatively hard samples do
not soften during normal soaking, such samples are cooked in refractory
cups on an electric furnace. Then the samples are washed through a 63-
micron sieve to remove silt and clay particles, and then placed in a special
drying cabinet for drying. Dried samples are fractionated, and micro fauna
remains are extracted from the rock under a microscope using a thin pen or a
conventional needle (micro fauna selection). After completion of all tech-
nical operations related to the isolation of micro fauna from rocks, the sys-
tematic composition of micro fauna is studied in the laboratory using a Ni-
kon biological microscope with magnified.
Results. Based on the microfauna remains, lower and middle Sarmatian
sub-floors have been identified in Sungurdag section. (Fig. 3) The lower Sar-
matian sub-floor is characterized by a large number of Ovulitessarmatica
(Chalil) algal remains, and the middle Sarmatian is characterized by the pres-
ence of a large number of foraminifers of the genus Elphidium and Nonion:
Nonion miocenicus Pob. Et Vorosch., Parasononion martkobi (Bogdanowicz),
Nonion granosus (Bogdanowicz), Elphidium macellum (Ficht. Et Moll),
Elphidium fichtellianum (Orb.), Elphidium regina (Orbigny), E. crispum
(Linne), E. aculeatum (Orbigny) Elphidium ligatum (Linne).[2,4]

Fig 1.Gobustan OGB, Sungurdag section

The Sarmatian deposits contain a microfauna complex represented by
foraminiferas, fish remains and plant debris as was shown above.The recov-
ered Elphidiummacellum and E. crispum inhabit the shoreface zone together
with other Nonionidaespecies.During the Sarmatiantime characterized by
smaller amount of nonionidaes and increased proportion of nektonic organ-
isms’ remains confirmed by the findings of otoliths and Оvulitessarmatica
(calcerous algae) [1,3]. Lack of food and low salinity is reflected in the
small size of the fauna in Sarmatian. As seen from the faunal composition of
this sediments the Sarmatian Sea was shallow (the depth was 150-200 m)
which is confirmed by the presence of shallow-water nonionidaes and
elphydidaes[3]testifying to lower salinity no exceeding 12‰-17‰.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
Fig 2. Characterized fauna of Sarmatian deposits. 1, 2, 3, 8 - Elphidium sp,
4, 5, 6- Nonion sp., 7 - Fish remain.
1. Goffman, E.A. (1966). Ecology of contemporary and New Caspian Ostra-
cods of the Caspian Sea.“Nauka”, p. 184 (in Russian).
2. Pobedina V.M., (1956), Handbook of the microfauna of the Middle and
Upper Miocene deposits of Azerbaijan / Voroshilova A.G., Rybina O.I., Kuz-
netsova Z.V. Baku: Azneftizdat, 188 (in Russian).
3. Aghayeva V., Sachsenhofer R.F., Van BaakC.G.C., BayramovaSh., Rza-
yeva E.V., ĆorićS., FrühwirthM.J., VincentS.J. Chemostratigraphy of the Cenozoic
succession in Azerbaijan: Implications for petroleum systems in the Caspian Basin
Marine and Petroleum Geology 2023
4. Babazadeh A.D., Allahverdiyeva H.A., Guliyeva B.A., Farzaliyeva,E.V.
Asgarov T.E. Miocene biostratigraphy in the Southeastern Gobustan (south caspian
basin) by data of well#101, // kanizdaghfieldInternational scientific journal “Stra-
tigraphy and Sedimenthology of oil-qas basins”. ‒ 2019, -№1, ‒ p. 3-20

Suleymanova F.
Dashakan Iron Ore LLC, Baku, Azerbaijan

The Lower New Caspian layers form a strip of coastal ridges and ac-
cumulative terraces along the Caspian coast, marked at a height of 22 m and
a width of up to 300 m. Sands with pebbles and gravel, shell rock, and peb-
bles dominate in the section.
Upper New Caspian sediments compose a beach on Absheron at a
height of 1.5-2 m above the level of the Caspian Sea, in the lithological
composition there are sandy-shell rock formations and loamy material.
Holocene deposits of the Kura river delta. We have studied core mate-
rial from wells No. 1 and 2 having a length of 20 meters, located in the delta
of the river. Kur and exposed Holocene deposits.
Lithologically, the section in wells No. 1 and 2 is represented by the
alternation of clay, silt, clayey silt, sand and sand with shells. As we noted,
in all the studied sediments of the Kura River delta, changes in facies condi-
tions occur along the section from the front of the delta to the prodelta,
which indicates the cyclicity of the sedimentation process, the formation of
deposits of systemic tracts of low, transgressive and high sea level. Thus,
with a high degree of confidence, we can speak of repeated fluctuations in
sea level in the Holocene.
Thus, the results of our research allowed for the first time to conduct
very detailed chronostratigraphic studies of the Quaternary complex of the
western flank of the South Caspian depression.
Sedimentary cycles of different orders are revealed, within which a
change in facies conditions is noted. How this was reflected in the composi-
tion of biocenoses and, in particular, the ostracod fauna and what caused the
oscillatory movements of the Paleo-Caspian, will be shown below.
In the Holocene sediments of the Kura River Delta, in all wells, these
boundaries are located at the transition from systemic low stand tracts to
systemic tracts of high sea level. Mass appearance of new genera of ostra-
cods related to such species as LeptocytheremultituberculataLivental,
L.gubkiniLivental, L.bacuanalivental, L.ofortaLivental, L.bosquetiLivental,
Darwinulastevensoni Brady et Robertson, Loxochonchabairdyi Muller is
observed in the system tracts of high standing and Candonaneglecta Sars. In

the low-standing system tracts, there is a mass extinction of ostracod species
belonging to the species Cypris mandelstami Lubimova, Loxochon-
chaeichwaldiLivental, L.gibboidesLivental, Trachyleberisazerbai-
janicaLivental, LeptocytheremultituberculataLivental, L.ofortaLivental,
L.bosquetiLivental and L.palimpsestaLivental. Ilyocyprisbradyi Sars, a
freshwater species, appears in low-station systemic tracts and disappears in
high-station systemic tracts, which indicates to us that desalinated condi-
tions existed during the fall in sea level, which in turn indicates the progra-
dation of the delta towards the sea. Darwinulastevensoni Brady et Robertson
is also a freshwater species and mostly occurs simultaneously with members
of the species Ilyocyprisbradyi Sars, which in turn confirms that desalinated
conditions existed during sea level drops.
For all the above species of ostracods, one regularity was revealed,
consisting in the fact that the nature of the shells changes in a solid sub-
strate, they become coarser and thicker-walled. On soft soils, on the contra-
ry, the shells acquire a more thin-walled character. The soft substrate is
characterized by the association of the ostracod genera Leptocythere,
Ilyocypris, Limnocythere, etc., while the hard substrate is characterized
mainly by Trachyleberis, Candona, and Loxochoncha.

1. МасловА.В 2005. Осадочные породы:методы изучения и интерпри-
тации полученных данных. УГГУ. Екатеринбург. 289с.



Khamidov Kh.L.
Institute of Seismology named after G.A. Mavlyanov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

In order to improve the system of continuous instrumental seismologi-

cal observations in reservoirs located in the seismically active regions of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to collect various images (earth-
quake catalogs, distribution of earthquakes by zones, the influence area of
each reservoir, digital records of seismometers) in a single database.
For this, digital data on Tupalang, Andijan, Ohangaron, Karkidon,
Jizzakh and Sardoba reservoirs were collected with analysis in various files,
and earthquake catalogs were formed for Tolimarjon and Southern Surkhan
reservoirs in terms of their possible zones of influence during operation. The
generated seismic wave packets were separately processed by the Nakamura
method [1,2,3].
The ARCGIS environment with database management was used to
successfully create databases for processing seismic data for the reservoirs
of Eastern and Southern Uzbekistan using modern IT databases (Fig.).
For this purpose, we organized the collection of data on local earth-
quakes, their wave characteristics and seismometric parameters in the stud-
ied reservoir areas. In this, data on earthquakes from 2011 to 2022 and data
obtained from digital records through stationary or non-stationary seismic
observations were collected [3].

Fig. Earthquake distribution in 2019 and 2020 within 100 km radius

of Tupalang Reservoir Dam constructed in Arc.Gis-10.8-2010

In this case, the information about the earthquake includes the follow-
ing parameters: date [GMT] - the date and time of the earthquake (GMT);
lat-lon - (latitude-longitude) - coordinates of the epicenter of the past earth-
quake; depth - the depth of the hypocenter of the earthquake; ms - earth-
quake magnitude; enclearthquak - is the energy class of earthquakes; re-
gion name - the distance from each reservoir dam to the source of earth-
quakes; stressdrop - the stress removed at the source of the earthquake in
the zone of deformation of the object; dst - is the distance from the epicenter
to the reservoirs (Table 1 shows a part of the catalog of local earthquakes
around the Tupalang reservoir). Forming a database management system
from a set of software and file views for target works, management of its
organization in a unified format of digital databases was considered [2,3,4].

Shows a part of the 2021 catalog of local earthquakes in the
Tupolang reservoir area of influence [2,3].
date Time Н, km К М R, km
φ λ
01.01.2021 8:41:05 39,38 67,71 5,00 7,69 2,05 86,55
04.01.2021 23:48:41 39,41 67,99 0,00 8,32 2,40 91,83
13.01.2021 23:12:37 38,03 67,28 7,00 7,96 2,20 77,89
18.01.2021 11:00:39 39,35 67,19 9,00 7,96 2,20 98,80
23.01.2021 14:16:43 39,37 67,62 5,00 7,60 2,00 86,88
25.01.2021 5:29:40 39,22 67,09 15,00 7,60 2,00 92,51
25.01.2021 5:31:45 39,22 67,06 15,00 7,60 2,00 93,65
25.01.2021 8:38:32 39,22 67,08 15,00 7,78 2,10 92,51

The parameters to be determined are: providing data management

with external memory (on CDs, stationary flash drives as part of seismome-
ters or other data carriers); organization of internal digital data management
using disk cache; uniform cataloging of changes, additional copying and
restoration of the previously created database in case of failures; run files in
the database language (forms of the data definition language and the process
of data exchange).
The formation of a seismological database on the territory of large
reservoirs in Uzbekistan allowed to ensure the generalization of records of
repeated seismic events, to carry out preliminary processing of information,
to construct statistical distributions for selected seismological parameters,
and to set certain criteria for further processing using specialized programs.

1. Nakamura Y.A., Gurler, E. Dilek, Saita J. et al. Vulnerability investigation of Roman
Coliseum using micro tremor//Proceeding,12thWCEE 2000 in Auckland. NZ.P.1-8.
2. Khamidov L.A., Artikov F.R., Khamidov Kh.L., Ganieva B.R., Anvarova S.G., Ibro-
gimov F.I. Instrumental seismic observations in the zones of large reservoirs in Uzbe-
kistan (in Russian)// Russian Seismological Journal. - 2022. - V. 4, No. 3. - C. 52-67.
3. Anvarova S.G., Ganieva B.R., Khamidov L.A. Local catalog of earthquakes in
the near zone of large reservoirs in Central and Southern Uzbekistan (in Rus-
sian)// Tr. XXIV-Ural Youth Scientific School in Geophysics - UMShG-2023,
Perm, March 22-24, 2023.-Perm.-Russia.-2023.-P.3-7.
4. Juraev N.M., Khusamitdinov A.S., Yodgorov Sh.I., Kurbanov B.T., Usmank-
hodzhaev I.I. Application of modern information technologies in the construc-
tion of hydraulic structures. (in Russian) // Рroceedings of the IVth Central
Asian Geotechnical Symposium (IVth CAGS) ‘Geo-Engineering for Construc-
tion and Constrvation of Cultural Heritage and Historical Sites’.- Samarkand.-
21-23 September, 2012.- Р.275-277


Khandolishvili L.
Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Climate change is a global problem and threatens the preservation of

Earth's diverse ecosystems. Caves play an important role in the study of
climate change. They are an archive of climate change, so it is important to
protect caves and use them for both scientific research and sustainable farm-
ing.Depending on the relevance of the topic a regional study was conducted
in Chiatura municipality, which is located in western Georgia and is a clas-
sic area of karst relief distribution.There are 110 caves in the study area,
most of which are partially explored. The purpose of the paper is to study
the karst relief and to assign functions for their correct use, which is im-
portant for the development of scientific fields as well as for human eco-
nomic activities. During the study of the karst landscapes and karst aquifers,
the space was studied with the following methods: cave monitoring, com-
parison, analysis of results, in-depth interviews, etc.The research analysis
clearly highlighted: the role of caves in the study and prediction of climate
change; Importance of multipurpose use of caves; negative effects of hu-
man's irrational economic activity on the environment; Consequences of dis-
turbance of natural balance and their impact on climate change. Finally, a
recommendation was prepared, which is important both at the regional and
global level, as it is aimed at maintaining a sustainable environment and its


Makaridze M., Churgulia E.
SukhumiState University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Our interest - to conduct a survey of atmospheric air pollution in the

vicinity of the school in the village of Tinishkhidi, Gori district, was caused
by the uproar in the press and media about the fact that in 2018, the Gov-
ernment of Georgia, in particular, the National Statistics Service and the Na-
tional Center for Disease Control and Public Health with the help of the
"UN Children's Fund" published alarming data containing the results of lead
in the venous blood of children aged 2 to 7 years living in Georgia.
According to the results, the worst situation in Georgia is in the Adja-
ra region, where 85% of the examined children have elevated lead content in
their blood.
Find information about where lead enters the human bloodstream.
There are several ways lead can enter the body. It can be air saturated with
industrial waste and leaded fuel that pollutes the environment. At this time,
the lead gets into the atmosphere and water, and ultimately - into the human
We were interested in the quality of air cleanliness in Shida Kartli re-
gion, in the vicinity of one of the schools. We contacted the National Envi-
ronment Agency and invited their specialists and mobile laboratory. They
visited our school and took air samples. The analysis of the taken sample
was done in the laboratory of the National Environment Agency. The results
showed that the air in our school area is thoroughly clean and there is noth-
ing to worry about.
We also studied the soil acidity of our region to accelerate optimal
plant growth.
We hope that the results of our researches help to other scientists in
their works.

1. Order of the Minister of Labor, Health and Social Protection of Georgia dated
August 16, 2001 and September 17, 2002 No. 297/N and No. 259/N "On ap-
proval of standards for the quality of the environment" and "Electrostatic, indus-
trial frequency electric and different frequency electromagnetic fields" on ap-
proval of impact norms";
2. Data published on the Internet in 2017 by the Environmental Pollution Monitor-
ing Department of the National Environmental Agency of the Environmental
Protection and Agriculture Agency of Georgia;
3. Data from the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health;
4. Resolution No. 398 of the Government of Georgia dated August 15, 2017 "On
acoustic noise norms in the premises and areas of residential houses and pub-
lic/public institutions"

Dolidze N., Guruli T.
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Coals is one of the main raw material for power and ferrous and
chemical industry,ferrous and non-ferrus metallurgy. It is known that due to
the difficulties of enrichment technology and complicate physico-chemical
composition of the coal to be enriched, the output of fine-grained products
as a result of these technological processes is high and use of this product in
such condition is impossible. Due to these reasons at the concentrating mill
of the Tkibul-Shaori deposit there is an annually loss of 4-5 thousand tons of
coal. At the same time in reservoir of Tkibulduring many years coal is ac-
cumulated from Tkibuliminesandwaste water of concentrating mill by river
Tkibula. At present estimated amount of coal accumulated in reservoir is
4.5-5million tons, owing to accumulation of a large amount of material in
the reservoir the level of water during river abundance sharply rises, which
is so danger for nearby villages an central highway, That’s why extracting
and concentrating of solid materiallfrom the reservoir of Tkibulihydroelec-
tric power station for the purposeof power and household fuel producing has
both economical and ecologicalsignificanceand topical problem.
We have developed the technology, implementation of which allows
obtaining of high quality coal and building sand from extracted solid mate-
rial. Developed technological scheme is shown at the figure.


Enrichment in hydrocyclones

Mechanical precipitator bolt

water Lam coal Sand

Technological scheme of enrichment of coal extracted from the reservoir
1. Z.Arabidze, A.Abshilava, N.Dolidze. "Prospectives of using fine-grained slurries of
coal from Tkibuli-Shaori deposit". "Georgian Oil and Gas", 2013 No. 28, p. 94-97.
2. A.Abshilava, N.Dolidze; T.Guruli. "Some issues of enrichment and dewatering
of fine-grained coal sludges of Tkibul-Shaori deposits". "Engineering News of
Georgia" 2017 No. 1, p. 133-135



Badina S.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia

According to various climate scenarios, the area of near-surface per-

mafrost in the northern hemisphere may decrease from 40 to more than 80%
by the end of the 21st century. The main risks from permafrost melting are
associated with the deformation and destruction of buildings and structures
built using piled foundations. In the Russian permafrost zone, more than
75% of buildings were built using this construction principle.
At the same time, a one-time and massive decommissioning of a sig-
nificant share of residential buildings and fixed assets of the economy can
lead to a rapid deterioration in the socio-economic situation in the Arctic
regions, and prolonged crisis phenomena due to negative multiplier effects.
In order to justify the need to develop a system of state monitoring of
permafrost, the task was to assess the likely damage from its degradation in
the Russian Arctic under various scenarios of geocryological changes. It is
important to note that approaches to assessing the economic component of
risk (i.e. forecasting the expected damages) are currently poorly developed.
The results of even some research teams vary greatly among themselves,
depending on the chosen methods of evaluation. The limitations associated
with statistics significantly affect the ambiguity of the results. Thus, in Rus-
sia there are no statistical data on the cost of fixed assets for the lower cells
of the administrative-territorial division (municipalities and settlements).
Therefore, in order to predict damage from permafrost thawing, we
have developed methods that allow us to estimate the cost of the housing
stock, as well as buildings and structures for the main sectors of the econo-
my in case of the municipalities of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federa-
tion. It should be noted that most studies on this topic are based mainly on
regional statistics, or calculations are made for individual local objects. In
the first case, the results are very unrepresentative, since the intra-regional
differentiation of key parameters is extremely large, especially in regions
that are only partially included in the Arctic Zone. In the second case, local
sample studies do not allow making complex generalizations. A detailed
description of methods for assessing economic damage can be found in the
article [1].
Our calculations showed that the total market cost of the housing
stock in the municipalities of the Russian Arctic is about 3 trillion rubles in
2020 prices. The cost of buildings and structures by main sectors of the
economy is about 10 trillion rubles.
Based on the assessments of buildings and structures costs, possible
damages were predicted under various scenarios of permafrost thaw. Fore-
casts of permafrost changes in the framework of this work were developed
at the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University and other leading
specialized Russian organizations. The most average scenario showed that
the amount of probable damages is about 5 trillion rubles. However, if the
most pessimistic scenario is implemented, the damage could reach 9 trillion
rubles until 2050 [2].
The maximum level of risk is typical for the municipalities of the Yama-
lo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The maximum amount of damage under a mod-
erate warming scenario may exceed 500 billion rubles. For comparison, budget
revenues of this most economically developed region, the main center for hy-
drocarbon production was only about 200 billion rubles in 2020.
In the coastal zone, the assessment of the consequences of permafrost
thawing has its own specifics. For instance, most of the coastline of the Kara
and Pechora Seas is composed of frozen soils with inclusions of under-
ground ice. In this regard, the coastal zone is highly sensitive to climate
change and its economic consequences. The erosion rates could rich up to
2–3 m/year in some part of the coastline [3]. Using the estimated cadastral
value of land and the area of possible loss of territory, as well as the cost of
transport infrastructure in the risk zone, the possible economic damage from
coastal permafrost processes was estimated. The study showed that the po-
tential damage from the retreat of the coastline in the territory under consid-
eration due to climate change until 2050 (while maintaining current climate
warming trends) could be from $ 1.5 million in undeveloped areas due to
the physical loss of land, to $8 million in areas with infrastructure [4].
Funding: This research was funded by the Russian Science Founda-
tion, Grant 22-17-00097.

1. Badina, S.V. Estimation of the value of buildings and structures in the context
of permafrost degradation: The case of the Russian Arctic. Polar Science, 2021,
29, 100730.
2. Melnikov, V.P., Osipov, V.I., Brouchkov, A.V. et al. Climate warming and
permafrost thaw in the russian arctic: potential economic impacts on public in-
frastructure by 2050. Natural Hazards, 2022, 112, 231–251.
3. Atlas of Abrasion and Ice-Exaration Hazards in the Coastal-Shelf Zone of the
Russian Arctic. Electronic Edition. Version 12.2020. Moscow, Research Labor-
atory of Geoecology of the North, Geographic Faculty of Moscow State Uni-
versity. 2020. Available
20-%D1%81%D0%B6%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8B%D0%B9.pdf (accessed
on 15 May 2023).
4. Ogorodov, S., Badina S., Bogatova, D. Sea Coast of the Western Part of the
Russian Arctic under Climate Change: Dynamics, Technogenic Influence and
Potential Economic Damage. Climate, 2023, 11



Guruli T., Makadze M.

Ivane Jacakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia

As is known, Georgia is rich in natural resources, the wise use of

which is associated with economic well-being. Mineral extraction is associ-
ated with a number of problems that can harm both the ecology and the local
population. However, on the other hand, its extraction is a source of em-
ployment and income. The question is often asked whether mineral wealth
is useful or dangerous. The danger can be minimized if the work is carried
out in accordance with the law.
Chiatura manganese deposit occupies one of the important places in
the economy of Georgia. It has been known since the end of the 19th centu-
ry, and the founder of its scientific study is the German geologist Hermann
Abich. Despite extensive investigations, the wealth remained untouched un-
til AkakiTsereteli took the lead in its realization. Chiatura manganese depos-
it is distinguished by the high quality of the ore. Both oxidized and car-
bonated and oxidized ores are mined. Ore processing-enrichment is carried
out by the gravity method, the following products are obtained as a result of
enrichment: concentrates, intermediate products, tailings and sludges.
Currently, the mine is mainly processing rich oxidized ores, the supply
of which is running out, and the enrichment of carbonate and oxidized ores
is on the agenda, which requires the development of new technological pro-
cesses. The main causes of the city's ecological problems are waste products
of beneficiation (tailings and sludges) and open pit mining. Soil and ground
are damaged during the excavation works of the quarry, therefore, taking
into account the requirements of the "Soil Protection" law is necessary to
remove the fertile layer of the soil in advance, and after the process is com-
pleted, the territory should be recultivated and landscaping works should be
carried out. Unfortunately, these processes are not carried out, which can
lead to the development of dangerous geodynamic processes, such as soil
erosion and landslides.
As for the ecological problem, which is directly caused by the waste
obtained in the enrichment process; It is necessary to develop proper waste
management. First of all, it is noteworthy to use the "principle of waste min-
imization", which implies the use of materials during various operations that
are not characterized by the generation of a large amount of waste. Most
importantly, it is necessary to segregate waste as soon as it is generated and
dispose of each type of waste in compliance with relevant rules and norms.
Over the years, several million tons of waste rock have been stored at
the dump. Sludge from all beneficiation plants discharges into the Kvirila
River; It contains particles of manganese and other trace elements. All bene-
ficiation factories were equipped with clarifiers and thickener, where the
sludge was settled, water was returned to the factory for secondary use, and
the settled material was supplied through a sludge pipeline to the central flo-
tation factory, where manganese concentrate was separated from the sludge.
Currently, none of the beneficiation plants has a treatment facility, the flota-
tion plant has been destroyed, and therefore the sludge pipeline is inactive.
375,961 tons of sludge was released into the Kvirila during 9 months of
In the summer of 2022, the river Kvrila was cleared, the sludge re-
moved was stored in the territory of Ghurghumela.
The purpose of our research is to develop the technology of enrich-
ment waste taken from the surrounding area of Khalifauri village. For this
stage, the study of the substance composition has been conducted on the re-
search sample. According to chemical analysis, the manganese content in
the sample is 15%. The mineralogical analysis showed that the main miner-
als of the sample are: quartz, clay, feldspar, carbonates. The size of manga-
nese ore minerals is 0.1-0.5 millimeters.

A granulometric analysis of the initial sample was carried out, which
showed a higher manganese content in the coarse grades than in the fine
ones. This may be due to the content of manganese carbonate minerals rho-
dochrosite andmanganese calcite. The bulk and true densities of the present-
ed sample were determined. A sedimentation operation was carried out to
determine the leachability of the ore presented.
Enrichment methods are being developed.

1. Environmental impact assessment report, Gama Constanting LLC, Tbilisi, 2020;
2. Green alternative "Population under the influence of manganese mining" Tbilisi
3. Chiaturi Manganese - History of
Georgian "Black Gold", 2013


Maltsev A.S., Zhilicheva A.N.
Institute of the Earth’s Crust, SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

Apatite is one of the most common minerals found in all types of

rocks, e.g. igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Apatite composition can
carry important information about the genesis of magmas, the processes of
metamorphic transformations, and the provenance of sediments. One of the
limiting factors in the use of apatite is the insufficient number of valid
methods for its elemental analysis. Therefore, the assessment of the capa-
bilities of the methods, as well as the involvement in the study of a set of
methods to obtain the most complete information about the analyzed objects
is undoubtedly relevant.
Slyudyanka apatite samples are different in terms of their genesis, the
fact which was never accounted previously in analytical studies. From over
a 100 apatite samples available in the collection, two genetic types were
separated: 1) metamorphic from rocks of granulite phase; 2) hydrothermal-
Two analytical methods were applied to this study: total-reflection X-
ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF) and laser ablation inductively cou-
pled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). For this study new TXRF
methods were developed and validated for the analysis of macro- and mi-
crocrystals of apatite, which can be used for the determination of a wide
range of macro- and microelements (P, Ca, V, Mn, Fe, Zn, As, Br, Sr, Y,
La, Ce , Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Yb, Pb, U, Th) [1, 2]. LA-ICP-MS is a
routine method for the elemental analysis of apatite, however there are no of
natural certified reference materials for the calibration procedures. For this
study, the assessment of metrological characteristics of LA-ICP-MS method
for the apatite analysis was performed using different samples (NIST 612,
Durango, Apatite NP-B01) for quantitative analysis. The data obtained by
TXRF and LA-ICP-MS analyses of apatite were compared and the good
convergence of results was found.
In this study, the following conclusions were made about the differ-
ence between Slyudyanka apatite types in terms of elemental composition
obtained by TXRF and LA-ICP-MS, namely: the metamorphic type of apa-
tite is characterized by high U content and relatively low content of rare
earth elements, Sr, Th; the hydrothermal-metasomatic type, on the contrary,
is characterized by relatively high contents of Sr and Th.
This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation № 22-
77-00035, The research was performed
using the equipment of «Geodynamics and Geochronology» centre at the
Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB RAS.

1. Maltsev, A.S., Ivanov, A.V., Chubarov, V.M. and Development and valida-
tion of a method for multielement analysis of apatite by total-reflection X-ray
fluorescence spectrometry. Talanta, 214, 2020, p.120870.
2. Maltsev, A.S., Ivanov, A.V., Pashkova, G.V., and New prospects to the
multi-elemental analysis of single microcrystal of apatite by total-reflection X-
ray fluorescence spectrometry. Spectrochim. Acta B, 184, 2021, p.106281


Mammadova A., Humbatov A.
Baku Higher Oil School, Baku, Azerbaijan

The last several decades have seen a fast growth of improved oil re-
covery techniques, with salinity being a particularly appealing issue because
of its enormous environmental and economic benefits. Following the prima-
ry production phase depletes the initial reservoir pressure, a considerable
quantity of oil remains inaccessible or trapped within the reservoir. Water-
flooding is implemented to recover additional oil from the reservoir. [1][2]
Despite being the most widely employed technique to enhance oil
production, primarily focusing on maintaining reservoir pressure and effi-
ciently displacing oil throughout the reservoir. However, little attention has
been given to the chemical properties of the water used in the process. Typi-
cally, water from the nearest and most cost-effective sources, such as sea-
water or produced formation water, is utilized for injection. The introduction
of fresh water into a reservoir is known to cause swelling of clay particles,
leading to significant damage to the reservoir and reduced permeability.
Consequently, it has been advised to avoid injecting fresh water. Recent
studies have highlighted the influence of the ionic strength and presence of
multivalent cations in the water, indicating their potential impact on oil re-
covery.Lowering the salinity of the injected water results in a decreased
concentration of multivalent cations, which are responsible for binding the
oil, while expanding the water layer surrounding the rock. As a result, there
is a higher likelihood for the oil to be effectively carried away by the im-
posed flow, leading to an enhancement in microscopic sweep efficiency. [4]
In addition to the ability of the surfactants to reduce IFT between oil and
displacing fluid, they are also applied to increase the capillary number, by
virtue of which the saturation of the residual oil decreases.
Numerous studies have been published that focus on the mechanisms
underlying low salinity water floods to improve the design of the injected
salinity under varied operating situations and reservoir features.There are
several factors which affect low salinity water flooding:
 McGuire et al. suggested that instead of attempts to make alterations
in wettability, the dominant low-salinity mechanism is a more efficient
method of increasing the pH value, which causes the formation of surfac-
tants because of the reactions with oil acid components. This process ends
up with the reduction of IFT. While the initial salinity constituted 15.000
ppm, the rise in the pH value from 8 to 10 was accomplished by injecting
brine of the lower salinity (150 ppm), and the oil recovery also experienced
an increase from 56% to 73%.Although the decrease in the salinity enables
the increase in pH value, it may damage the rock in terms of permeability.
The increase in pH value brings about the mobilization of the fines which
plugs the permeable media. Therefore, during common law-salinity flood-
ing, it is recommended to keep the pH value less than 9.
 Tang and Morrow propose that additional oil recovery can be obtained
from the alteration of the rock to a more water-wet condition, which enables to
imbibe greater amount of brine. The water relative permeability decreases,
while the oil relative permeability experiences an opposite trend. [5].
 The concept of Multicomponent Ionic Exchange (MIE) is based on
the chemical properties of the two types of brine: the one which is initially
located in reservoir rock, and the injected brine. The oil-wet reservoir which
is sandstone contains some negatively charged clay particles and oil at-
tached to these particles through the divalent cations, namely Ca2+ and
Mg2+, which form complex organic polar compounds.When such oil-bearing
reservoirs are immersed in the brine, an additional diffuse layer is formed
over the formation structure, the thickness of which depends on the salinity
of the brine: the lower the salinity, the thicker the layer. When the brine con-
taining positive ions is injected into this system, these ions react with the
divalent cations existing in the diffuse layer. For example, the Na + ion may
be replaced with the divalent cations Ca2+ and Mg2+, releasing the oil which
was stuck in the absorbed layer. [6]
The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of low-salinity water
flooding and polymer injection on oil recovery. For this purpose, a numeri-
cal model has been developed in MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox
(MRST). The simulation study shows that it is feasible to claim that low sa-
linity waterflooding has a high potential. Under the circumstances contained
in the model, a considerable improvement in recovery was seen in connec-
tion with a reduction in salinity of the injected brines.

1. Zhang, T., Li, Y., Li, C., & Sun, S. (2020). Effect of salinity on oil production: review
on low salinity waterflooding mechanisms and exploratory study on pipeline scal-
ing. Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles, 75, 50.
2. Ebrahim, T., Mohsen, V.S., Mahdi, S.M., Esmaeel, K.T., & Saeb, A. (2019).
Performance of low-salinity water flooding for enhanced oil recovery improved
by SiO 2 nanoparticles. Petroleum Science, 16, 357-365.
3. Hassenkam, T., Mitchell, A.C., Pedersen, C.S., Skovbjerg, L.L., Bovet, N., &Stipp,
S.L.S. (2012). The low salinity effect observed on sandstone model surfaces. Colloids
and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 403, 79-86.
4. Enge, I.B. (2014). The effect of brine composition and rock type on oil recovery
by the use of combined low-salinity waterflooding and surfactant flooding: a lit-
erature review and experimental study (Master's thesis, Institutt for petrole-
5. Atthawutthisin, N. (2012). Numerical simulation of low salinity water flooding
assisted with chemical flooding for enhanced oil recovery (Master's thesis, Insti-
tutt for petroleumsteknologioganvendtgeofysikk).
6. Holter, K. E. (2012). Simulation of low salinity waterflooding in a synthetic res-
ervoir model and frøy field reservoir model (Master's thesis, Institute for petro-
leums teknologioganvendtgeofysikk).


Valiyev D.
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

The purpose of the presentation is to explain the benefits of using

Aeromagnetic surveys from UAVs
The use of UAVs for magnetometry surveys makes it possible to carry
out 12-16 sorties daily and survey about 200 linear kilometers of the territo-
ry, high measurement accuracy regardless of the terrain features, surveying
is performed more smoothly and at some distance from the earth's surface,
which significantly reduces the degree of influence of strong magnetic near-
surface objects on the accuracy of the received data.
Currently, exploration work is usually carried out in the following se-
1. conduct a large-scale magnetic survey using large aircraft to detect
2. Then ground surveys are carried out in areas with identified anoma-
lies to obtain more detailed data. In the process of such a survey, the bound-
aries of the proposed zone of occurrence are determined. Also at this stage,
it is necessary to accurately measure the distance between the points of de-
tailed studies in the next stage
3. Further, geophysical surveys are carried out at each target point, re-
cording the exact values of the magnetic field and coordinates.
As a rule, geological exploration works are carried out in hard-to-
reach areas, but these areas are the most interesting from the point of view
of exploration of deposits. In this regard, the above method is very laborious
and expensive.
The use of UAVs in combination with geophysical equipment helps to
integrate the advantages of land-based exploration methods with remote
ones. The quadcopter can shoot from various elevations. At the same time,
extremely low heights are not a limiting factor for it; therefore, conducting
studies with relief envelopes is possible. Based on satellite data, the drone
can independently determine the coordinates of measurement points.
The use of aeromagnetic survey technology from UAVs can signifi-
cantly reduce the labor intensity and costs of conducting mineral exploration
work in the study areas. A comparison of the performance of aeromagnetic
reconnaissance by various methods is presented in the table.
Parameter Ground shooting Big aviation Shooting from UAV
The minimum Any High Low
amount of work
The maximum Low High Middle -high
amount of work
Productivity In average 15 Up to 1000 Up to 220
Cost Expensive Middle-expensive Low
Accuracy Low, high expo- The middle, complex High accuracy
sure to noise interference compen-
Preparation for Complex Complex, expensive Simple
Human factor High error prob- Middle error proba- No exposure to the
ability bility human factor

The use of a UAV allows the magnetometer to move at the same dis-
tance from the surface, regardless of the terrain (enveloping the terrain).
Drone flight speed is most suitable for obtaining the required sample rate
The possibility of presenting the results of an aeromagnetic survey us-
ing UAV complexes in the form of a 3D model allows you to visualize the
geological structure of the study area, differentiate various geological struc-
tures according to the degree of their magnetization, determine the size of
the ore body with high accuracy and calculate its quantitative characteris-

A result of applying this method with the help of special soft-

waresoftware, it is possible to build a multilevel model of the mag-
neticfields. This model is somewhat reminiscent of the result of an MRI and
allows you todegree of accuracy to determine the qualitative and quantita-
tive characteristics of hiddendeposits, their shape, and their position in
Based on the analysis of the literature and data obtained from inter-
views with specialists, the following conclusions can be drawnUAV com-
plexes in modern geological exploration are the most progressive, informa-
tive, cost-effective, and safe way to conduct research in conditions of inac-
cessible territories.


Guliyev E.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Education and Science,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Geochemical composition of eleven Early Cretaceous (Valanginian-

Hauterivian) siltstone and shale samples from the southern slope of the
Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)was analysedto assess the paleo-redox depo-
sitional conditions of sedimentation. To achieve this goal, selected trace el-
ements(Th, V, U, Cr, Ni, Co) and their various ratios such as U/Th V/Cr,
Ni/Co were used as indicators of paleo-redox environment of deposition that
prevailed during Valanginian-Hauterivian time.
Recent studies reveal that the uranium-to-thorium ratio might serve as
a reliable indicator for paleo-redox reconstructions. Th has only one valence
electron (+4) and its concentration in sediments is independent of the redox
environment. On the contrary, Uis considered sensitive to variations in re-
dox parameters and is preferentially enriched in sedimentsdeposited in re-
ducing environments.U/Th ratios below 1.25 imply an oxic, while above
1.25 indicate suboxic and anoxic conditions; this assumption has been sug-
gested by Jones and Manning (1994)[1]. In the present study, analyzed sam-
ples showed low values of U/Th ratio (0.19-0,43), which refer to an oxic
Being a redox-sensitive element, V is generally concentrated in sediments
underlying anoxic or euxinic waters. Cr can also be used as a useful indicator
for the depositional conditions due to its association with the only detrital frac-
tion of sediments where it may replace Al within the clay structure, and it is not
directly related to redox conditions [2]. According to Jones and Manning
(1994), V/Cr ratio greater than 2 suggests suboxicand anoxic environments,
while values less than 2 indicate more oxidizing conditions[1].
The Ni/Co ratio is also considered as a powerful geochemical redox
parameter. Jones and Manning (1994) suggested that Ni/Co ratios below 5
give evidence of an oxic state, 5 <Ni/Co <7 correspond to a dysoxic condi-
tion, while the values above 7 suggest suboxic and anoxic environments [1].
The ranges of V/CrandNi/Co of 11 samples are respectively 1.46-2.5,
1.98-5.43, with average values of 1.95 and 3.

Ni/Co versus V/Cr binary plot (figure1) was also used to interpret the
redox conditions. On this plot all analyzed samples fell into the oxic and
dysoxic redox columns. The geochemical parameters (Ni/Co, V/Cr and
U/Th ratios) indicate the deposition of sediments under oxic-

Figure.1. Cross plots of trace elements ratios (V/Cr vs. Ni/Co) used as paleo-redox
proxies (after Jones and Manning, 1994)

1. Jones, B. and Manning, D.A.C. (1994) Comparison of Geochemical Indices
Used for the Interpretation of Paleoredox Conditions in Ancient Mudstones.
Chemical Geology, 111, 111-129.
2. Hiroto Kimura, Yoshio Watanabe; Oceanic anoxia at the Precambrian-Cambrian
boundary. Geology 2001; 29 (11): 995–998


Mahammadaliyeva F.
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

As Azerbaijan is an oil country, there was no need for alternative en-

ergy in the past, but in recent years, traditional energy sources have been
switched to green energy sources in order to prevent environmental damage
and the risk of traditional energy depletion. Geothermal resources are one of
the green energy sources of our country. Most of Azerbaijan's thermal water
sources are low-temperature (<80°C).
Geothermal energy is one of the most promising sources of alternative
energy, and there are various forms of releasing the earth's heat to the sur-
face. These are volcanoes, geysers, mud volcanoes, underground water
wells, etc.
Preliminary studies show that there are 11 geothermal zones in Azer-
baijan with water temperature ranging from 30°C to 100°C.
SAARES reports that Azerbaijan's total geothermal energy potential is
up to 800 MW. Preliminary studies show that 11 geothermal zones in Azer-
baijan hold water between 30°C and 100°C, which can generate electricity
or heat, depending on the type of thermal water. According to the infor-
mation of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the temperature of
geothermal waters in our country varies from 36 to 85° in the Guba region,
and up to 95° in the Kura-Araz plain.
Table 1
Distribution of geothermal sources on the territory of Azerbaijan
Hydro-geological Water temperature Water flow rate Energy potential
areas ℃ m3/day MVt
Absheron Peninsula 20-90 20.000 504
Kura depression 22-95 172.466 47*103
Greater Caucasus 30-50 2.000 168
Little Caucases 30-74 4.171 771
Gusar sloping plain 30-97 21.654 609
Nakhchivan 40-53 3.000 126-290
Talish 31-64 14.405 605-778
Lankaran 42-84 7.908 399-1129
General 245.604 up to 51*103

Kalbajar, Lankaran, Astara and Masalli districts are examples of the

most promising areas in terms of geothermal energy among the regions of
Azerbaijan. Particularly popular regions in the Lesser Caucasus are Istisu
and Bagirsag. The measurements showed that the water temperature in
Baghirsag region is 80°C at a depth of 100 m, 62°C at a depth of 70 m in
Istisu region, and 75°C at a depth of 300-350 m. The flow of water in Upper
Istisu is 800-900 m3/day. In Lower Istisu, it is 25 m3/day.
We can be one step closer to reducing the environmental impact of the
oil sector and the clean energy goal of the United Nations sustainable devel-
opment goals.

1. Elmar Qasımov, Rövşən Abbasov: Bərpa olunan enerji ehtiyyatlarından isti-
fadəyə giriş


Bluashvili I.
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
The research object – technogenic waste of the Tsana arsenic deposit
is located in the municipality of Lentekhi, adjacent to the Koruldashi Vil-
lage. The mining-chemical industry of Tsana started operating in 1938.
There were produced arsenic bearing ore recycling, enrichment, roasting,
and refining. The main type of production was refined anhydrite of arsenic
and it was used for both military and civil purposes (leather industry, chem-
ical industry, and electronics). Arsenic-bearing ore was mined from the ter-
ritory adjacent to the Koruldashi Village, also from the Villages of Racha
region (Uravi village). A certain amount of raw material was being trans-
ported from Russia. Mined and partially enriched ore were recycled at the
factory located in Tsana village.
Since the 80s of the last century, the Koruldashi factory has complete-
ly switched to the processing of waste imported from non-ferrous metallur-
gy in Russia. For almost 50 years, 50-60 thousand tons of arsenopyrite ore
were processed. In 1993, factories in Koruldashi and Tsana stopped func-
tioning. Currently, the factory is amortized and broken down. There is prac-
tically no protective fence around the area. The hermeticity of waste storage
barrels is broken and the waste constantly pollutes the environment.
The only solution is the arrangement of storage facilities, in our opinion
the following types of work should be carried out: the contaminated area should
be fenced off with a warning tape and signs of arsenic poisoning should be
placed, the contaminated soil should be removed from the location of the stor-
age facility and its surrounding area, a surface water drainage trenches should
be dug, excavation works should be carried out for the storage boiler. For ar-
rangement, the contaminated soil and waste from construction constructions
should be placed in the lower part of the storage, and the barrels containing
white arsenic should be placed in the upper part. For each 1 m filling of the
storage, the waste should be adjusted and compacted, it is necessary to carry
out technical supervision on the construction of the storage.
It should be also mentioned, that technogenic accumulation is not con-
sidered a mineral resource, but depending on the metal concentrations, they
have qualitative and quantitative indicators characteristic of mineral re-
sources. Accordingly, technogenic waste may consider a technogenic min-
eral object.
In this case, arsenic factory production waste represents a commodity
raw material, which can be considered as an alternative source of the raw
material due to the content of useful components (Au). Geological fieldwork
had not been carried out on the site and no geological information was
available on gold signs in the territory. The geological field works, conduct-
ed by us, included sampling of the arsenic technogenic waste with mine
works in particular, excavating test pits, and analysis of the samples.
As a result of the conducted work, it was determined that the arsenic
waste located adjacent to Koruldashi village, from the point of view of gold,
is a commercially interesting object.

1. Анжапаридзе Д.А. 1958-1960. Отчет Лухумской ГРП по съмочным работат.
2.Арошидзе К.В. 1956-1961. Свобный отчет по разведке Лухумского место-
рождения мышъяка.
3. Гегучадзе Ш. Х. и др. 1958. Отчет Рачинской ГРП по Работам 1957 г., УГ
Груз. ССР.
4. Кахадзе, И. Р. 1947. Грузия в юрское время. Труды геол. ин-та Акад. наук
Грузинской ССР, серия геол. т. 3 (VII).
5. Цагарели, А. Л. 1954. Верхний мел Грузиию Ин-т геол. и минер. Акад. наук
Груз. ССР, монографии, №5.
6. Bluashvili D, Okrostsvaridze A, Gegia Sh. The economic potential of Tsana arsenic
deposit residual (Lower Svaneti, Caucasus). Power of Geology is the Precondition for
Regeneration of Economics, Book Of Abstracts; 5th International Scientific-Practical
Conference on up-to-date problems of Geology. 29-30 May, 2019- Tbilisi

Kvirkvelia M.
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Svaneti is one of the most interesting geological locations since com-

pletely different geological formations meet in its territory. Thus, it has al-
ways been at the center of the researcher’s attention.
Data about Svaneti’s natural resources are considered in the works of an-
cient Greek and Roman scientists. Greek historian Strabo (44 B.C.-23 A.D.) in
his IX Book of Geography wrote about Svaneti and its natives: “In mountain riv-
ers of this country there is a lot of gold mined by these barbarians using the perfo-
rated vessels and sheepskin”. Interestingly, the ancient Roman historian Apian
Alexandrine, in his XII book "The Argonauts Travel in the Colkheti Kingdom,"
considers the main aim of a campaign was to the method of gold mining. In his
opinion, the “golden fleece” implies the sheepskin technique of gold mining.
Recent geological studies of Svaneti also show that high contents of
gold are present here in main rocks as well as in river alluvium. At the same
time, the natives in Svaneti still mine gold from the rivers using special
wooden vessels and sheepskin.
The paper's main purpose is to justify geologically that Svaneti is a re-
gion where probable gold mining using sheepskin and wooden vessels was
realistic and the notion of "golden fleece" was associated with the sheepskin
technique of gold mining from the rivers.
As a result of geological research, is shown in the abstract, that there
were indeed gold fields and river placers of different types and scales char-
acteristic to collision orogeny on the territory of Svaneti really existed.
"Gold sands" aforesaid in Ancient Greek mythology and in historical
sources was a geological reality, and sources of gold were ore mineraliza-
tion existing in Svaneti. After comparing the geological research data, arti-
facts, myths, and historical data, the authors share the viewpoint of the Ro-
man historian Apian Alexandrine (90-170 A.D.) and suppose that the myth
about the travel of Argonauts for "golden fleece" in the Kolkheti Kingdom
was a real event, and the notion of "golden fleece" was associated with the
sheepskin technique of gold mining in the rivers.
In 2019-2022, we accomplished complex geological exploration works
on the Fanaga gold sand deposit by the block model drilling of the prospec-
tive ore zones. According to the conducted works, it was revealed that the
gold reserve in the Fanaga quarry is 91.17 kg.
1. Benashvili K. Geological Position and Perspectives of the Upper Svaneti
Gold Occurrences (Ph.D.). Georgian Technical University-2017. Pp-141.
2. Gamkrelidze I.P., Shengelia D.M., Chichinadze G.L., Care of the Greater
Caucasus and its Geological Significance. Bull. Of the Georgian Acad. of Sci., Tbilisi,
1996. 154, N1, p.84-89.
3. Kekelia S. Kekelia M. Kuloshvili S. Gagnidze N, Yaroshevich V. Asatioani
G. Doebrich J. Goldfarb R. Marsh E. Gold deposits and occurrences of the Greater
Caucasus, Georgia Republic: Their genesis and prospecting criteria, Ore Geology
Reviews, V.34, (3). 2008. Pp 369-386.
4. Ridley J. Ore Deposit Geology. Cambridge University Press, London 2013.
5. Okrostsvaridze, A. Bluashvili; D. Mythical “Gold Sands” of Svaneti
(Greater Caucasus, Georgia): Geological Reality and Gold Mining Artifacts. Bull.
Georg. Acad. Sci, vol. 4 N 2. 2010


Junussov M.
Nazarbayev University,Astana, Kazakhstan

Rare-earth elements (REE) are referred to as “industrial vitamins” [1],

global reserves of REE are around 120 million tons, occurring in different ge-
netic types, one of them being ion-adsorption type REE (iREE) deposits. iREE
deposits refer to the phenomenon where REEs bind to clay minerals and sedi-
ment particles through electrostatic attraction in their ionic form, and are com-
monly associated with weathered or altered rocks found in tropical or subtropi-
cal environments [2,3]. Kazakhstan has great importance for REE exploration
due to substantial undiscovered resources, recently documented a total of 384
occurrences of different genetic types, accounting for 160 sites [4]. There is
currently no exact estimated resource of REE in Kazakhstan [5].
This work is concentrated on geochemical-experimental studies of
REE explorations of weathered granite-gneisses rocks using a two-step se-
quential chemical extraction method.
The study area is composed of Mesozoic weathering crusts (thickness 23-
85 m) of Lower-Middle Proterozoic Souktal granite-gneisses complex (340 km2)
[6,7], located about 95 km northeast of Arkalyk city in North Kazakhstan.
The sampling procedure was conducted by drilling boreholes, labeled C-15
and C-18. A long drilling well of 50-90 m for the entire weathering profile was
obtained. Two samples of each borehole have been collected and analyzed for
further evaluation. Thin-sections for petrographic features and powder samples
for mineralogical and elemental compositions using an X-ray diffractometer
(XRD) (Rigaku SmartLab with a Cu Ka X-ray source) and two-step sequential
REE extraction method with 0.2M NH2OH⋅HCI and 1M NaOH. After the ex-
traction procedure, each filtered solution is acidified with 0.1 mol HNO3 to 50
mL for REE concentration analysis. The liquid extracts are determined for ele-
mental concentrations of REE after the extraction using inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP RQ).
Results of X-ray diffraction measurements indicated that weathered
granite-gneiss is mainly composed of quartz, K-feldspar, and kaolinite. Pet-
rographic observations of the mineral particles showed different textures of
K-feldspar, quartz, and kaolinite. The kaolinite is often associated with K-
feldspar fragments, which were formed by K-feldspar weathering, especially
in sample C-18. Results of ICP-MS show that the highest ΣREE+ΣY and
ΣSc is 7.5 ppm in the sample C-18 from step 2 and the lowest value is 0.3
ppm in the same sample from the first step. It might show that the alkaline
solution was better to extract iREE from the clay-rich materials.
Results of ICP-MS showing REE concentrations of two samples of the
weathering crust
1 step (ppb) NH4OH HCl 2 step (ppb) NaOH
Samples Samples
Elements C-15 C-18 C-15 C-18
45Sc (STD) 26.71 <ПО 98.11 146.32
89Y (STD) 59.16 38.32 116.88 1072.88
139La (STD) 90.27 19.16 435.86 1692.78
140Ce (STD) 1513.07 165.15 815.03 2214.96
141Pr (STD) 23.08 4.04 106.18 320.80
146Nd (STD) 90.50 17.22 391.20 1195.81
147Sm (STD) 20.64 4.13 75.11 227.78
153Eu (STD) 3.51 0.72 7.72 19.31
157Gd (STD) 27.88 7.02 65.88 251.70
159Tb (STD) 3.32 1.19 8.07 37.05
163Dy (STD) 16.89 7.40 33.81 188.67
165Ho (STD) 3.21 1.61 5.59 33.33
166Er (STD) 9.09 4.53 13.67 88.54
169Tm (STD) 1.30 0.66 1.69 11.04
172Yb (STD) 8.55 4.20 10.42 65.73
175Lu (STD) 1.07 0.52 1.38 8.48
Σ (ppm) 1.9 0.3 2.2 7.5

In discussion and conclusion, the sequential extraction method has
successfully extracted iREE from the weathered crusts of granite-gneiss
from the Souktal magmatic complex. Most of REE extracted as ion ex-
changeable form by step 2 suggests that the alkaline solution is more relia-
ble for the iREE. The weathering crust profile from the Souktal magmatic
complex and the alkaline leaching REE bring some important insights into
iREE speciation and fractionation. This indicates that the study area can be a
potential iREE adsorption type that possibly developed in the future. Addi-
tionally, sequential leaching is a more effective geochemical method to ex-
tract and enrich the iREE of weathering crusts.

1. Xu, C., Kynický, J., Smith, M.P., Kopriva, A., Brtnický, M., Urubek, T., Yang,
Y.H., Zhao, Z., He, C., Song, W.L. Origin of heavy rare earth mineralization in
South China. Nat. Commun. 2017. 8 (1), 14598.
2. Tan, X., Liu, J., and Zhang, J. Characteristics and Environmental Significance of
Rare Earth Elements in Soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
2014. 21(10), 6164-6176. doi: 10.1007/s11356-014-2684-7
3. Zhu, Z., & Lu, X. Ionic Adsorption-Type Rare Earth Element Deposits: An Overview.
Ore Geology Reviews. 2020. 118, 103322. doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103322
4. Mihalasky, M.J., Robert D. Tucker, Karine Renaud, and Verstraeten Ingrid M.
2018, Rare Earth Element and Rare Metal Inventory of Central Asia. U.S. Geo-
logical Survey data release, available at
5. Ualiyeva N.K. and Berekeyeva A.B. Rare-earth metals and their perspective
importance in the industry of Kazakhstan. Nanotechnology. Astana. 2013. pp. 51.
6. Edigenov B.A., Snigurov I.I., Fathutdinov D.H., Klenchin N.N., Kliver R.G.,
Kim Ya.I. Report of general prospecting works on gold in the Bestube site, Tur-
gay region. 1981-1984; Issue 1. Qostanay. pp 1-216.
7. Kembayev M.K. 2017. Dissertation: Occurrence of rare earth elements forms in
weathering crust deposits in Northern Kazakhstan and their 3D models. Satpaev
Univesrity, Almaty, pp 111.
formy-nahozhdeniya-redkih-zemel.pdf (available July 2023)

Huseynli R., Khavtasi G.
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

As known, most researchers base the principles of identification and

classification of oil and gas areas on geotectonic zoning, with the allocation
of geostructural elements of various ranks that are different in geological
structure and features of the geological history. These principles, first devel-
oped by Academician I.M.Gubkin, were further developed in the fundamen-
tal works of A.A.Bakirov, who developed a unified classification of regions,
oil and gas accumulation zones and local accumulations of hydrocarbons.
A number of researchers have adopted the oil and gas basin as the
main unit of oil and gas geological zoning, which is an area of large and
long-term subsidence in the modern structure of the earth's crust.
In our opinion, the most reasonable scheme was proposed by
A.A.Alizade et al. distinguishing, in terms of oil-and-gas and geological
zoning, the Middle Kura depression as a large segment of the South Caspian
basin, which is characterized by the unity of geological history (including
conditions for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation) with the latter.
Thus, the Middle Kura depression is considered as a separate oil-and-gas
bearing province, including Gare-Kakheti, Kura and Iori (Gabyrry) Inter-
fluve, Ganja and Yevlakh-Aghjabadi regions.
Taking into account the conducted tectonic zoning within the Kura
and Iori (Gabyrry) Interfluve oil and gas region, we propose distinguishing
three zones of oil and gas accumulation of a structural type. These zones
correspond to structural-tectonic elements of the 3rd order, within which
deep faults and smaller disjunctives are developed. It is they, together, con-
tributing to the formation of local folds of various types (near-fault, inter-
fault, supra-fault, etc.), to a decisive extent, determine the nature and fea-
tures of regional oil and gas accumulation in the Upper Cretaceous and
Paleogene deposits.
The first zone of oil and gas accumulation corresponds to the southern
structural-tectonic element, covering the regional monocline. This zone is
distinguished by the development of numerous structural uplifts of the anti-
Caucasian orientation and the absence of closed local uplifts prepared for
drilling. The presence of this zone is determined by oil and gas manifesta-
tions of different intensity, recorded during drilling and testing of all three
identified oil and gas complexes: the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene car-
bonate rocks (Dallar-Tovuz,etc.), the Eocene volcanogenic-sedimentary
rocks (KhatunlyGyraghkasaman,etc.), the Maikopterrigenous(Mamedtapa,
Kaflandark, etc.).
Another oil and gas accumulationzone is confined to the central struc-
tural-tectonic element of the interfluve. The structure of this zone is compli-
cated by a system of parallel, longitudinal, and oblique disjunctives of a
predominantly normal fault character, along the lowered blocks of which
numerous high-amplitude (up to 500 m) near-fault brachianticlines develop
along the Middle Eocene (the main search horizon here). These disjunc-
tivesplay a leading role in regional oil and gas accumulation in the Upper
Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits of the interfluve. On the one hand, they
served as the main structure-forming factor for local uplifts favorable for the
formation of hydrocarbon accumulations, and on the other hand, a possible
regional seals in the process of migration of hydrocarbon fluids from the
more submerged parts of the Middle Kura Depression. The allocation of this
zone is due to the discovery within its boundaries of industrial accumula-
tions of hydrocarbons in the Eocene oil and gas complex (Rustavi, Tars-
dallar, Gurzundag, etc.), as well as the intense oil and gas manifestations
associated with the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene andMaikop oil and gas
complex (Aghtapa, Sajdag, Damirtapa-Udabno, etc.).
The area under study, along with the Kura and Iori (Gabyrry) Inter-
fluve oil and gas region covers part of the Gare-Kakheti oil and gas region,
in which we have identified a possible oil and gas accumulation zone corre-
sponding to the northern structural-tectonic element of the study area. The
zone is characterized by the development of gently sloping brachianticlinal
and dome-shaped uplifts, in some places complicated by faults. This zone is
considered promising, due to the large depths of occurrence and poorly
studied content.
The oil and gas accumulationzones identified in the proposed "struc-
tural-tectonic volume" are considered as the main objects for prospecting
and exploration of oil and gas accumulations in the region. As they are fur-
ther developed and new deposits discovered, they can conditionally be divi-
ded into smaller subzones depending on the type of traps and features of po-
tential oil and gas complexes.



Greben A., Izmailova Ye., Velichko S.

National Aerospace University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Determining forest loss is of significant importance for several rea-

Firstly, it allows for the assessment of ecological changes. Forest loss
indicates a reduction in the area of natural forest ecosystems. This can have
a negative impact on biodiversity, natural processes dependent on forests,
and ecological balance. Determining forest loss helps evaluate the extent of
forest destruction and identify particularly vulnerable areas.
Secondly, it aids in monitoring climate change. Forests play a crucial
role in carbon storage and climate regulation. Forest loss results in the re-
lease of stored carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
Determining forest loss helps establish the connection between climate
change and the reduction of forest cover.
Thirdly, it facilitates land-use monitoring. Forest loss can be associat-
ed with illegal logging or unauthorized land-use changes. Determining for-
est loss helps identify such violations and enables measures to prevent them
and hold those responsible accountable.
Overall, determining forest loss is a vital tool for assessing the state of
forests, preserving ecosystems, and making scientifically informed decisions
regarding their management and conservation.
The Hansen Global Forest Change dataset was used to determine the
forest loss and create a graph of changes in forest cover over the years. It
provides information about global forest cover changes. Authentication and
initialization are carried out by inserting an individual API key.
This dataset contains information about forest cover changes from
2000 to the present time. Below is the general process for obtaining the re-
quired data and performing calculations.
Having obtained the data, we can proceed to analyze the changes in
the coverage over the years. In the Figure 1 we shows the obtained result.
The areas of forest loss are depicted in red, while the areas of forest recov-
ery are shown in blue. It is evident, even to the untrained eye, that there
have been significant forest losses. To provide a clearer representation of the
changes, a graph of forest cover changes has been plotted using the collect-
ed data. The horizontal axis represents the years, while the vertical axis rep-

resents the forest cover area. This allows us to visually assess the changes
and trends.

Figure 1 - The obtained result

Determining forest loss is crucial for understanding the changes oc-

curring in forest ecosystems. It helps assess the ecological consequences
associated with deforestation, the impact on climate change, and the detec-
tion of illegal land use.
Information about forest loss helps establish the connection between
changes in forests and the overall state of the environment. It enables the
development of effective strategies for the conservation of forest ecosystems
and resource management.
Forest loss needs to be monitored and analyzed regularly to under-
stand the causes and devise measures for prevention and restoration. This is
an important step in conserving biodiversity, regulating the climate, and en-
suring sustainable development.
Hansen Global Forest Change allows obtaining data on forest cover
changes, losses, and recovery, as well as evaluating their impact on the eco-

logical and social system. Figure 2 shows the calculated differences for the
test plant over the years.

Figure 2 - Change graph


Giorgadze A.*, Alania V. **, Gorgidze L.*, Enukidze O.**
Faculty of Mining and Geology, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Institute of Geophysics, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Our letter represents the results of structural and engineering geological

research and the peculiarities of the Tekhuri River Gorge. The territory is in
two main tectonic zones – the Rioni foreland fold-and-thrust belt and the
southern slope of the Greater Caucasus.The aim of the research was to de-
termine the main structural style of deformation of the Rioni Foreland fold-
and-thrust beltand also to conduct laboratory measurements of the Jurassic
and Cretaceous bedrocks involved in deformation. The Rioni foreland fold-
and-thrust belt is a part of the western Greater Caucasus pro-wedge and is
located between the Lesser Caucasus and the Greater Caucasus and is one of
the most important examples of collision-driven far-field deformation of the
Arabia-Eurasia convergence zone [1, 2]. Both structural geological and en-
gineering geological research methods were used in the process.
The Rioni foreland fold-and-thrust belt is characterized by curve-shaped
thrusttrajectories and is dominated by a thin-skinned tectonic style [3]. Fault-
related folding and wedge thrust folding theories were used to interpret 2D
depth-migrated seismic reflection profiles and to construct the regional bal-
anced and restored cross-sections across the study area. Study shows that the
main style of the deformation within the thin-skinned Rioni foreland fold-and-
thrust belt is represented by a set of growth fault-propagation folds, duplexes,
triangle zone, and a series of thrust-top basins [4].
Moreover, special laboratory measurements have been conducted to
better understand the physical, mechanical, chemical, petrographic, hydrau-
lic, and seismic characteristics of the bedrock of the Tekhuri River Gorge.
On the other hand, geotechnical classifications such as – RMR, GSI, and Q
were used to describe the geotechnical conditions of rock masses, as HPP
cascades are planned to be built in the study area [5]. The study results once
again clearly show the importance of using multidisciplinary research meth-
ods for seismically active territories.
Acknowledgment: This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli Na-
tional Science Foundation (SRNSF) [Structural model of the Rioni foreland
fold-and-thrust belt and the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (The
Tekhuri river gorge area) Grant #: PHDF-21-087].

1. Adamia, Sh., Zakariadze, G., Chkhotua, T., Sadradze, N., Tsereteli, N., Chabu-
kiani, A., Gventsadze, A. Geology of the Caucasus: A Review. Turkish Journal
of Earth Sciences. 2011b,20, pp. 489–544.
2. Giorgadze, A., Alania, V., Busch, B., Enukidze, O., Quandt, D., Pace, P., Razmadze,
A., Shikhashvili, T.: Structural architecture of the western Greater Caucasus pro-
wedge: A case study from the Rioni foreland fold-and-thrust belt, 2023, EGU
General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria.
3. Alania, V., Melikadze, G., Pace, P., Fórizs I., Beridze, T., Enukidze, O., Giorgadze,
A., Razmadze, A. Deformation structural style of the rioni foreland foldand-
thrust belt, western greater caucasus: Insight from the balanced cross-section.
2022, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:968386.
4. Tibaldi, A., Alania, V., Bonali, F.L., Enukidze, O., Tsereteli, N., Kvavadze, N.,
Varazanashvili, O.,Active inversion tectonics, simple shear folding and back-
thrusting at Rioni Basin, Georgia, 2017, Journal of Structural Geology, 96,
5. Giorgadze, A., Engineering-geological Conditions of theUpper Stream of the
Tekhuri River Gorge, 2022, Works of GTU, N1(523), pp.110-119

Ozer C.
Earthquake Research Center, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey

The mistakes during the planning of new settlements in areas with high
seismic hazards cause thousands of casualties and property losses. Each soil has
its own natural dominant frequency. Planning of the superstructure without in-
vestigating the site effect and soil dynamic characteristics can cause many losses.
Before opening a new area for settlement, a series of parameters such as the soil
dominant frequency, soil amplification factor,site-specific soil response model,
engineering bedrock depth, shear wave velocities, liquefaction potential, etc.
should be thoroughly researched. In areas where these investigations are not con-
ducted or are incomplete, structures frequently suffer heavy damage under dy-
namic forces. Experiences obtained from the 2020 Sivrice/Elazığ (Mw 6.8), 2020
Samos Island (Mw 6.6), 2021 Köprüköy-Erzurum (Mw 5.1); 2023 Kahraman-
maraş earthquakes (Mw 7.7 and 7.6), and 2023 Hatay earthquake (Mw 6.4) in
Turkey were studied to investigate the impact of local soil conditions on loss of
life and property. These earthquakes show that structures built on weak soil and
inadequately designed are damaged even in moderate-sized earthquakes under
dynamic forces. Especially in areas with high seismic hazards, it is possible to
reduce damage by determining suitable settlement areas through detailed engi-
neering calculations, as explained by the studied examples. Furthermore, the soil
properties of structures that do not suffer damage during destructive earthquakes
were also examined. The main problems frequently observed in these earth-
quakes were liquefaction, soil amplification, and resonance.


Muradi I., Babayev T., Aliyev Y., Aliyev M.
Institute of GeologyandGeophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

In this work, an integrated assessment of the seismic situation of the Ab-

sheron Peninsula was carried out based on the results of a comprehensive anal-
ysis of contact measurement data, space monitoring of the Earth, and a deter-
ministic method for assessing seismic hazard. Using modern methods and ap-
proaches, it was confirmed that horizontal movements of the earth's crust on the
territory of the Absheron Peninsula have a predominantly northeast direction. at
a rate of ~ 6 mm / year. A map of the distribution of vertical movements of the
Absheron Peninsula was also built using the InSaR (Interferometric Synthetic
Aperture Radar) method. According to the constructed map characterizing up-
lifts and subsidences within the Absheron Peninsula, the average rate of subsid-
ence reaches -8 mm / year, and uplifts reach 8 mm / year. Having studied the
statistical regularity of the seismicity of the region and the parameters of the
seismic regime, the stationarity (“representativeness”) of seismic events in the
study area was investigated. It was revealed that, on average, earthquakes with
an energy class of K=11÷12 are representative. Using a deterministic tech-
nique, a 3D model was constructed for the distribution of peak amplitudes of
the horizontal component of accelerations Amax of the Absheron Peninsula,
varying in the range of 0.05 g (0.5 m/s2) - 0.5 g (5 m/s2) seismic impacts based
on the macroseismic parameters of the November 25, 2000 earthquake that oc-
curred in the Caspian Sea and was chosen in the work as a scenario earthquake.
The integrated approach of seismic hazard assessment presented in the
paper, involving data from space monitoring of the Earth and contact meas-
urements, taking into account geological and geophysical features, can be
used to study earthquake source zones, as well as to identify characteristic
signs of earthquake precursors in the study area.

Figure 1. Three-dimensional cartographic model of maximum ground acceleration

(MGG) (according to Babaev G., Muradi I)

Table 1.For optimal use in interferometry, two pairs of radar images
Sat. Track Frame Date 1 Sat. Date 2 Days Corr.
ERS-1 192 2781 1996/05/12 ERS-2 1996/05/13 -156 1 Good
ERS-2 192 2781 1996/05/12 ERS-2 1998/10/05 124 876 Poor
ERS-2 192 2781 1998/10/05 ERS-2 2000/12/18 -217 805 Poor
ERS-2 464 2799 1998/05/15 ERS-2 1999/03/15 36 210 Good
ERS-1 235 2799 1998/08/15 ERS-2 1999/05/16 -528 934 Poor
ERS-2 235 2799 1996/05/16 ERS-2 1999/05/06 234 1120 Poor
ERS-2 235 2799 1996/05/16 ERS-2 1999/06/10 -137 970 Poor
ERS-2 235 2799 1996/05/06 ERS-2 1999/06/10 -378 35 Good
RSAT 807 26083 2000/10/09 RSAT1 2000/11/02 63 24 Good
RSAT 2784 25690 2000/10/06 RSAT1 2000/10/30 488 24 Poor

1. Agaeva S., Babaev G. Analysis of earthquake sources in the Greater and Lesser
Caucasus using the method of constructing the World Stress Map..
2. Agayeva S. T. Focal mechanism of Shamakhi earthquakes. Shemakha earth-
quake of 1902 Baku, Nafta-Press, 2003, p. 64-68.
3. Aliyev Hell. A., Bayramov A. A., Etirmishli G. D. Activation of mud volcanic
activity as a harbinger of earthquakes. 2008-ci ildə Azərbaycan ərazisində sey-
smoproqnoz müşahidələrin kataloqu, Respublika Seysmoloji Xidmət Mərkəzi,
Bakı, 2009, p. 1-14
4. Aliyev Hell. A. Mud volcanism of the South Caspian oil and gas basin. Proceed-
ings of the Institute of Geology of ANAS Azerbaijan, Baku, "Nafta-Press",
2003, No. 31, p. 21-47.
5. Agamirzoev R.A. Seismotectonics of the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Cauca-
sus, Baku, Elm, 1987, p. 124.
6. Babaev G., Garaveliev E. Estimation of long-term parameters of seismicity of
the Absheron Peninsula. Proceedings of the Institute of Geology of ANAS, No.
33, “Nafta-Press”, Baku, 2005, p. 25-37


Mammadov P.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Three primary technologies are used in utility-scale geothermal energy

production: These are referred to as binary cycle, dry steam, and flash steam
systems. The geothermal reservoir's temperature and pressure determine the
technology used. Geothermal power plant operation is unaffected by changes in
daily and seasonal weather, in contrast to renewable energy sources based
on the sun, wind, and water.
The first type of geothermal power generation plants produced used
dry steam systems. To generate energy, they direct the geothermal reser-
voir's steam, which comes from wells, through turbine/generator units. The
most prevalent kind of geothermal power-producing facility in use today is a
flash steam plant. They employ water that is pushed at high pressure to the
surface generation equipment at temperatures greater than 360°F (182°C).
When the pressure reaches the generator equipment, it is abruptly dropped,
causing some of the hot water to transform or "flash" into steam. The tur-
bine/generator units are then driven by this steam to generate energy. In
general, heated water that hasn't been flashed into steam and water that has
condensed from steam is pushed back into the reservoir. [2].
Because the geothermal reservoir's water or steam is never in touch with
the turbine/generator units, binary cycle geothermal power generation plants dif-
fer from dry steam and flash steam systems. In the binary system, the geothermal
reservoir's water is heated in order to evaporate another "working fluid," which
then turns the turbine/generator units. The "working fluid" and the geothermal
water are kept separate in closed loops or circulation systems and never come
into touch.By using working fluids with boiling points even lower than water, the
binary cycle plant has the benefit of being able to run on lower temperature wa-
ters. Theydon't even emit any air pollutants [2].

Fig.1. Schematic of the Binary cycle power plant [1]

Figure 2 shows the temperature distribution map in layer X. The tempera-

ture in the operating wells located along the field varies between 46-22 0C. If we
pay attention to the image, we will see that the temperature is low in the
center and increases towards the wings. Especially at the points where irri-
gation wells 3812, 3739, 3789 are located, the temperature drops sharply.
Figure2. Temperature distribution model in the X layer of the Bibiheybat field
(Mammadov Parviz 2021)

The work's goal is to investigate how geothermal energy can be extracted

from the temperature of fluid produced by oil field wells. It would be practical
to know the flow rate and temperature of the nearby wells before proceeding
with this. The output flow rate of a well can be used to measure how much
thermal energy it is bringing from below to the earth's surface. A liquid with
mass m will carry as much energy as m = qt if the flow rate is expressed as q =
m/t. We can define the heat quantity, Q = mcT, as Q = qtcT. The heat capacity
(amount of heat delivered at a time) of the oil wells is shown here:
W = Q / t = qcΔT
As a result, the geothermal energy capacity for 45 wells is 207239.9
Wt/h or an average of 207 kWt/h. Of this energy, 15,565.5 Wt/h (15 kWt/h)
is obtained from oil, and 191,674.4 Wt/h (191 kWt/h) is geothermal energy
obtained from water.

1. Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher Geothermal Energy. From Theoretical Models to
Explorationand Development 2013. p 57
2. Abbas Ghassemi Geothermal Energy. Renewable energy and the environment.
Second Edition. 2015. p 211-221


Babayev T., Aliyev Y., Muradi I., Aliyev M.

Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

This research is dedicated to the analysis of seismic activity in Kahra-

manmaraş city (Türkiye) during February-May period after 6th February
2023 disastrousKahramanmaraş M=7.7 earthquake. To conduct the analysis,
the Gutenberg-Richter law has been applied to the downloaded catalog of
earthquakes of the aforementioned period. The catalog is provided by Disas-
ter and Emergency Management Authority of Türkiye (AFAD). In the con-
text of Gutenberg-Richter law, a linear relation represents the distribution of
earthquakes with respect to the magnitude (Gutenberg and Richter, 1942). It
is shown that the distribution of earthquakes in time, space and magnitude
are not uniform (Richter, 1935). The relation below (1) presents Gutenberg-
Richter law:

(1) 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑁 = 𝑎 − 𝑏𝑀 or 𝑁 = 10𝑎− ,

where N is the number of earthquakes greater and equal than M, the magni-
tude of the earthquakes, a and b are the real constants.
b-value is one of the main focused parameters of the equation (1) and
mathematicallyreflects the graph slope. It represents the relative size distri-
bution of earthquakes. Therefore, there are developed ways to estimate this
necessary parameter in the Gutenberg-Richter law, b-value (El-Isa, 2014). In
this researchthe linear least-square fitting method which is the most com-
mon way to estimate the b-value is selected. In Figure 1e, we present the b-
value temporal variation of the Kahramanmaraş catalog since the 6 th Febru-
ary earthquake to 31st of May. Table 1 presents the numerical view of b-
values during four months. We see an increasing trend in b-value during
four months (Figure 1e). According to Babayev, et. al. (2020), low value of
b-parameter presents a reverse proportionality with the seismicity, meaning
that the lower the b-value, the higher the seismicity. A decreasing trend in
the number of earthquakes in four months for Kahramanmaraşcatalogcon-
firms this relation proposed by Babayev et. al. (2020) (Figure 1f). The high-
est magnitude in the months, except February (M max=7.7), is around ~M=5.0
(Figure 1b, c, d, Table 1).

In constant value of magnitude, the number of earthquakes is reverse
proportional to theb-value, thus the seismicity depends on the number of
earthquakes. Comparing February and March, as the number of events are
more or less close, we can propose that the higher activity in February than
in March, is related to the M = 7.7 event.
In constant value of number of events, the magnitude is reverse pro-
portional to the b-value, thus in this case, the seismicity depends on the
In conclusion, the number of events follow reducing trend in four
months, however the number of quakes still are not few. Also, except M = 7.7
event the magnitudes keep constant trend. Therefore, we propose that the seis-
mic activity has very little decrease and the seismic hazard is still active.

Figure 1. Map distributions of Kahramanmaraş catalogue. (a) Magnitude distribu-

tion in coordinates during February. (b) Magnitude distribution in coordinates
during March. (c) Magnitude distribution in coordinates during April. (d) Magni-
tude distribution in coordinates during May. (e) b-values through the months. (f)
Number of occurred earthquakes through the months

Table 1. Minimum and maximum magnitudes, number of earthquakes

and b-values through the months.
Minimum Maximum Number of b-value
Magnitude Magnitude Earthquakes
February 0.4 7.7 5543 0.85 ± 0.12
March 0.3 5.3 4581 0.91 ± 0.072
April 0.4 4.7 2552 0.98 ± 0.02
May 0.6 5.0 1825 0.96 ± 0.039

1. Babayev G., Telesca L., Aghayeva S., Ismailzade T., Muradi I., Aliyev Y., Ali-
yev M. (2020). Seismic Hazard Analysis for Southern Slope of the Greater
Caucasus (Azerbaijan). Pure and Applied Geophysics. 0024-020-02478-0.
2. Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) – Turkish Earthquake
Data Center System Regulation (
3. El-Isa, Z., David W. Eaton (2014). Spatiotemporal variations in the b-value of
earthquake magnitude–frequency distributions: Classification and causes. Tec-
tonophysics 615–616 (2014) 1–11.
4. Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C.F. (1942). Earthquake magnitude, intensity, energy and
acceleration. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 32, 163-191.
5. Richter, C.F. (1935). An instrumental earthquake magnitude scale. Bulletin of
the Seismological Society of America, 25 (1): 1–32.
6. Utsu, T., 1965. A method for determining the value of b in a formula log n = a –
bM showing the magnitude–frequency relation for earthquakes. Geophys. Bull.
Hokkaido Univ. 13, 99–103


Dudarov Z.
Federal Research Center Russian Academy of Sciences Geophysical Surver,
Obninsk, Russia

Mud volcanoes (MV) are unique natural objects that are the subjects
of fundamental scientific research. On the territory of the Kerch-Taman mud
volcanic province (KTMVP) there are more than a hundred mud volcanoes,
some of which show signs of activity of different scales. Many KTMVP
volcanoes are confined to anticlinal structures complicated by faults.
The paper presents the results of geophysical studies of individual
KTMVP mud volcanoes by microseismic sounding (MSS) [1]. MSS is a
passive surface-wave method for studying the earth's crust. As a probing
signal, microseisms of natural origin are used, the properties of which
change when interacting with deep heterogeneities of various densities.
There is an increase in the spectral amplitude of surface waves at certain
frequencies when passing through a deep low-speed medium, and vice ver-
sa, it decreases when interacting with high-speed ones. It is believed that the
main contribution to the microseismic field is made by fundamental Ray-
leigh modes, and the presence of higher modes is minimal. This technology
has proven itself well for studying subvertical fluid-saturated inhomogenei-
ties of the earth's crust [2, 3]. Volcanoes, including mud volcanoes, mainly
have a subvertical heterogeneity structure in their morphology, so the use of
microseismic sounding technology to study them is one of the reliable
methods. The resolution of the method according to [4] is (0.25-0.3) λ hori-
zontally, and (0.3-0.5)λ vertically.

Fig.Geophysical studies of mud volcanoes of the Kerch-Taman mud volcanic province

Designations: I - research region: 1 - active volcanoes, 2 - inactive volcanoes, 3 - objects of

study (a - MV “Dzhau-Tepe”, b - MV “Dzhardzhava”, c - MV “PekloAzovskoe”; II -
seismic equipment for experiment (4 - signal recorders Ref-Tek-130, 5 - broadband
seismic receivers SM-3OS); III - geophysical section of the “Dzhau-Tepe” MV; IV -
geophysical section of the “Dzhardzhava” MV; V - geophysical section of the
“PekloAzovskoye” MV; 6 - points of registration of microseismic signals on the pro-
file; 7 - positions of MV on the profile are shown in the form of arrows; 8 - 10 revealed
fluid-saturated structures on the corresponding MV.

To obtain geophysical sections, in accordance with the MSS tech-
nique, a field seismic survey of statistically stable amplitude spectra is car-
ried out in each profile picket through the MV during the signal stationarity
period (~ 2 hours). Accounting for the general microseismic background of
the region is carried out at the reference station, which operates at a certain
distance from the profile work for the entire period of the experiment. Tak-
ing into account the regional dispersion curve of surface waves, a spatial
curve (geophysical section) of the distribution of microseismic signal inten-
sity (dB) is constructed for each frequency of the spectrum, which is tied to
depth. On the sections, an increase in the intensity of the reaction of the me-
dium corresponds to lower velocities, interpreted as fluid-permeable struc-
tures, and a decrease in the reaction corresponds to increased velocities and
indicates the presence of impermeable consolidated rocks.
Using the microseismic sounding method for the “Dzhau-Tepe”,
“Dzhardzhava” and “PekloAzovskoye”MVs, we obtained (see Fig.) ideas
about the spatial position, characteristic dimensions and shape of mud brec-
cia accumulation reservoirs, as well as the migration routes of deep fluids
that ensure the delivery of mud volcanic material to the day surface.

1. Gorbatikov A.V., StepanovaM.Yu., Korablev G.E. Microseismic Field Affected
by Local Geological Heterogeneities and Microseismic Sounding of the Medi-
um. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2008. Т. 44. № 7. С. 577-592.
2. Likhodeev D.V., Zhostkov R.A., Presnov D.A., Dudarov Z.I., Dolov S.M., Danilov
K.B. Studying the Deep Structure of Elbrus Volcano by Microseismic Sounding.
Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2017. Т. 11. № 6. С. 413-418.
3. Presnov D.A., Zhostkov R.A., Likhodeev D.V., Beloborodov D.E., Dudarov Z.I.,
Dolov S.M. New Evidence for the Deep Structure of the Dzhau-Tepe Mud Volcano.
Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2020. Т. 14. № 3. С. 166-176.
4. Gorbatikov A.V., Tsukanov A.A. Simulation of the Rayleigh Waves in the
Proximity of the Scattering Velocity Heterogeneities. Exploring the Capabilities
of the Microseismic Sounding Method. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth.
2011. Т. 47. № 4. С. 354-369


Pankratov A., **Badina S.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Lomonosov Moscow State University,Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia

The design and construction of buildings and engineering structures

on permafrost soils under climate change conditions require the develop-
ment of technical solutions to improve the reliability of the functioning of
engineering structure foundations [1]. One of the widely used solutions is
the use of soil thermal stabilization systems.
To date, there are about 10 key companies producing soil thermal sta-
bilizers in Russia. Among them, there are both narrow-profile, specializing
exclusively in the production of thermal stabilization systems, and compa-
nies with a much-diversified activity related to the production of a wide
range of construction nomenclature. Most of the considered organizations
are focused mainly on the consumer from the side of large oil and gas pro-
ducing companies.
The geography of production has a pronounced focus on qualified labor
resources, since most of the companies considered are also engaged in R&D
and design research. Thus, most of them are concentrated in Moscow and
neighboring regions, with an established industrial specialization in complex
science-intensive industries. Companies in Tyumen, Kurgan and Perm are lo-
cated in the best accessibility to the consumer (regions with permafrost).
In terms of financial indicators (net profit for 2021), the largest com-
panies are “SalavatStroyTEK” (part of “Gazprom”) and “Fundament-
stroyarkos”. There are also problematic unprofitable or close to this position
companies in the industry.
Based on open data, most companies produce about 2.5 - 3.5 thermal
stabilizers per month, and more highly specialized – up to 10 - 15 thousand
pieces. Thus, based on these capacities, one can indirectly estimate the vol-
ume of annual production of this type of product in Russia and, accordingly,
the demand for it.
Due to the wide variety of products, manufacturers do not publish
price lists for their products in open sources. As a rule, the calculation of
prices is made on the basis of the design documentation (questionnaires) of
the customer.However, it is possible to make indirect estimates about the

approximate cost of production. This knowledge is necessary for further as-
sessment of the likely costs of adapting buildings and structures to perma-
frost degradation.
So, according to the annex to the order of the Ministry of Construction
of Russia “On Amending the Federal Register of Estimated Standards for
Information on Federal Unit Prices and Individual Components to Them”1,
direct costs for the installation of a soil thermal stabilizer with a diameter of
up to 38 mm in length up to 13 m in permafrost soils amount to 7,263.93
rubles.Real market prices are, of course, higher. On average, according to
“Fundamentstroyarkos”, one average thermal stabilizer provides a freezing
area of about four m2 [2], and the cost of stabilizing one m2 of frozen soil on
the building foundation is from 10,000 to 80,000 rubles/m2 [3]. Such a range
of prices is associated with technical solutions and prices depending on the
category of soil and the depth of drilling.
The authors analyzed 122 tenders in the category “Tenders for soil ther-
mal stabilizers”, announced in 2016-2023 at “Rostender”2. They include a very
wide range of tasks: supply of soil thermal stabilization systems, development
of project documentation, construction and installation works, overhaul, re-
placement of refrigeration units, dismantling and maintenance, etc.
The main customers of works related to thermal stabilization of soils
are localized in the most economically developed regions of the permafrost
zone, specializing in the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials: Yamalo-
Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk oblast, Yakutia Re-
public, Tyumen oblast, Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In addition, individual
tenders are carried out by organizations from the Komi Republic, Za-
baykalskyKrai, the Amur, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Sverdlovsk oblasts.
Most of the considered tenders are related to the thermal stabilization
of the foundation soils of industrial facilities, primarily in the oil and gas
industry, energy facilities. There are also apartment buildings and social fa-
cilities, objects of transport and logistics infrastructure (including main gas
pipelines, airports, etc.).
Funding: This research was funded by the Russian Science Founda-
tion, Grant 22-17-00097.

Ministry of Construction of Russia. URL:
876-/ (accessed on 15 March 2023)
RosTender– electronic trading platform to search for tenders.URL: (ac-
cessed on 15 March 2023)
1. Shevchik, F.A., Komarov, I.A., Isaev, V.S. et al. Three-Circuit Soil Thermal
Stabilization System to Maintain the Natural and Technical Systems of the Arc-
tic. Soil Mech Found Eng, 2023, 59, 560–564.
2. Anikin, G.V., Plotnikov, S.N., Spasennikova, K.A. Calculation of the dynamics
of soil freezing under the influence of a single thermosiphon. Cryosphere of the
Earth, 2013, 17 (1), 51–55.
3. Melnikov, V.P., Osipov, V.I., Brushkov, A.V. et al. Adaptation of the infrastruc-
ture of the Arctic and Subarctic to changes in the temperature of frozen soils.
Cryosphere of the Earth, 2021, 25 (6), 3–15


Aliyeva A.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

The South-Eastern Caucasus is a classic region for the study of differ-

ent types of Upper Mesozoic sediments. In this regard, the stratigraphy of
Upper Jurassic carbonate and carbonate terrigenous sediments has been
studied by a number of scientists. The complex tectonic structure of the re-
gion and the insufficient paleontological justification create certain difficul-
ties in providing an accurate stratigraphic division (Kangerli and etc., 2013).
As a result of multi-year works carried out in recent years, sediments were
described and numerous stratigraphic schemes were proposed for the divi-
sion of the Callovian-Tithonian interval, strata and horizons named by local
names were separated in separate zones. According to previous studies
(Khain and etc., 1957), the Callovian, Oxfordian, Lusitan, Kimmeridgian
and Tithonian sediments in the South-Eastern Caucasus were divided into
the following strata: Salavat (Callovian-Lusitan), Zemchay (Kimmeridgian),
Ilisu (Tithonian), Kyzylgazma ( Tithonian) Dibrar zone and strata without
detachment - in Samur-Shahdag (Oxfordian, Tithonian) and Vandam (Ti-
thonian) tectonic zones. According to modern researches (Azerb. geol.,
2007), Upper Jurassic sediments in the carbonate facies are part of a single
Upper Jurassic-lower Cretaceous complex in the eastern slope of the South-
Eastern Caucasus in the Yarudag, Shahdag, Garagaya, Sarigaya, Qizilgaya
mountain massifs and Gryz, Budug, Suhuyub, Khanagya, Tangaltitransgres-
sively covers Middle Jurassic formations around the villages. The western
transect of the upper Oxfordian-Tithonian sediments (Shahdag Formation)
is located on the southern fault of Shahdag Mountain. The eastern outcrop
of Upper Jurassic limestones is known in Beshbarmaqmountain. Middle Ox-
ford-Chimeric corals were found here (Babayev, 1995).
In the Southeast Caucasus, the sea level was lower at the beginning of the
Oxfordian and higher at the end of the early Tithonian. The Oxfordian basin be-
longed to shallow water, normal salinity and arid lithogenesis (Mehdiyeva,
2022). Chlamusnatthaemensis, Plagiostomasubrigidula, Exogyra virgule etc. are
among the microfauna remains in these sediments is followed, starting from the
Cimichay and Babachay basins in Gonaqkend district and extending to the
North-Western borders of the republic, characterized by Isoarcaeminens, Lima
stranbergensis, Haplophragmoidesnonioninoides etc.
In the Vandam subzone, a typical section of the upper Oxfordian-
Tithonian is observed near the village of Vaivai, east of Sheki. In these sed-
imentsPseudophyllocerascf. serum, Chlamysquenstedti, Dicerasspeciosum-
microfauna were recorded.
The main denudation areas are the South Caucasus platform in the
south and the Sfiks-Turanian plate in the northeast, which has flat relief and
sparse vegetation. In this basin, there were favorable conditions for the de-
velopment of reefogenic formations composed of six-rayed corals belonging
to the Cseractinia family (Babayev, 1995).
The Kimmerian epoch is characterized by the regional transgression
and increasing of tectonic movements, which is confirmed by the quartz-
greywacke polymict composition of the clastic rock. The Tithonian basin
has a complex bottom relief and shallow water in the Tersko-Caspian de-
pression in the East and South-East Caucasus (Mehdiyeva, 2022). In an arid
dry climate, the basin is divided into numerous lagoons, canals and rare
semi-open lakes. Dolomite-anhydrite-containing evaporite accumulation
took place here. In the northern slope zone, the Kimmerian sediments in the
Shahdag subzone are Shahdag, in the dolomite limestones the Garagaya,
Sarigaya, Kyzylgaya mountain massifs and Gryz, Budug, Sohub, Beshbar-
mag, Sudur, Tangaltı, etc. is spread around the villages and is represented
by Thecosmiliammoraviensis, T. kiliani, Pentatyxisaustriaca, Chaetetopsis-
krimholzi, Phaneroptyxisrugiferamicrofauna.
Currently, microfauna studies of Jurassic sediments and clarification
of the stratigraphic scheme remain relevant and research works in this direc-
tion are continued.

1. Kangerli T.N., BalamedovSh.R., Sadikhov E.A., Mekhtieva Z.N. Sedimentary
and geodynamic settings for the formation of the Upper Jurassic complex in the
Southeast Caucasus.Article 1-Malm of the Lateral Ridge Zone.Proceedings of

the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.Earth Sciences. No. 3, 2013,
p. 3-15.
2. Babaev R.G. Late Jurassic crinidarians of Azerbaijan.dok.diss. Baku, 1995, 45 p.
3. Khain V.E., Shardanov A.N. Geological structure of the northern slope of the
South-Eastern Caucasus. Ed. AN Azerbaijan.SSR.Baku, 1957, 380 p.
4. Mekhtieva ZN Facies analysis and paleogeographical scheme of the southeastern
Caucasus in the Upper Jurassic (Azerbaijan). Earth Science, 2019, p. 288-295
5. Geology of Azerbaijan, volume 1, part two, Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic. Nafta-
Press. Baku, 2007, pp.47-49


Ahmedova G.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

The Goycha-Hekari ophiolite zone is located south and southwest of

the Lok-Karabakh zone on the lying flank of the Murovdag and Karabakh
uplifts. Having a very complex tectonic structure, it is characterized by ex-
tensive development of ophiolite association rocks forming elongated al-
lochthonous plates. The zone extends to a distance of 210 km in the Trans-
caucasus direction (within the borders of Azerbaijan), and its maximum
width (27-28 km) is marked at the Tutgunchay crossing, and its minimum
width (1.5-2.0 km) is noted at the Kecheldag (Lisogor) pass. The structure
of the zone includes Jurassic, Cretaceous, and in some places Paleogene and
Neogene rocks. The oldest of them is the Basalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite
formation, which was opened at the intersection of the positive structures in
the southeast of the zone.
The studied ophiolite association of the Lesser Caucasus is a joint,
classically expressed belt of hyperbasites, gabbroids and effusive-radiolarite
complexes in a spatial and temporal framework. It consists of a narrow
trough and is most fully and widely developed in the Goycha-Hekari zone,
which is controlled by the Murovdag and Karabakh thrusts in the north, and
by the Lachin-Bashlibel fault in the south. Starting from 1960 - the period of
development of the new global theory - "plate tectonics", a significantly dif-
ferent approach to the "ophiolite" problem was observed. According to the
provisions of this theory,the ophiolite complexes of the folded provinces
correspond to the modern oceanic crust in terms of composition and struc-
ture. The zone has a complex structure and is characterized by the complex-
ation of intensively dislocated material complexes of different ages with lin-
ear compressional folds bounded by overthrusts and counterfaults.

1. Academician Ak.A. Alizade Geology of Azerbaijan, volume III. Baku, "Science"
publishing house, 2015 - 382 p.
2. Abdullaev Z.B., Huseynova S.F. 1987. Geochemistry of hyperbasics of the Lesser
Caucasus. Baku: Elm, 168 p.
4. Ismail-Zade A.D. Gabbro-hyperbasics and the problem of ophiolites of the Lesser
Caucasus. Baku: Nafta-Press, 2007, 262 pages


Mustafaev K.F.
Exploration and Research Center "AZLAB", Baku, Azerbaijan

The Cheyldere, located in the south of the Gobustan region, is one of

the largest bitumen-bearing areas of Azerbaijan. The Paleogene, Miocene
and Pliocene deposits are characteristic of the geological structure of this
area. Here, oil-containing surface outcrops make it possible to
comparatively study the reservoir characteristics of the Miocene sediments
of the western side of the South Caspian basin, as well as the factors
controlling their oil-bearing capacity. For this purpose, 20 rock samples
from both stratigraphic units were collected and investigated in this study.
The results of mineralogical studies revealed the absolute superiority
of Middle Miocene rocks over quartz. In addition to quartz, calcite
predominates to some extent in oil-bearing rocks of the Lower Miocene. The
Upper Maykop samples are associated with siliceous carbonates, and the
Chokrak samples are associated with argillaceous-siliceous compositions
(see Fig.).
The presence of a high concentration of moisture in the samples was
assessed as a negative factor for oil saturation due to the hydrophilic nature
of clay minerals. Thus, in comparison with Maikop, which attracts attention
for its carbonate content, the significantly higher moisture content in
Chokrak deposits is due to the mineralogical nature, especially the specific
role of quartz and clay minerals. The fact that the richness of samples in
montmorillonite can negatively affect their oil saturation was evident when
determining the oil content of the analyzed samples. From this point of
view, it is also explained that the Chokrak samples, which contain more clay
minerals and moisture, contain less bitumen (8.82 and 11.48%) than the
Maikop member.

Figure. Ternary diagram showing the mineral composition of the

investigated samples.



Anvarova S.
Institute of Seismology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The creation of local catalogs and the organization of work with them
in calculations of the frequency of earthquakes in nearby faults is important
in assessing technogenic seismicity. Based on this, studies were carried out
to study the earthquake in the zone of influence of the Chimkurgan reser-
voir. The creation of local catalogs and work with it in calculations of addi-
tional deformations and stresses in nearby faults arising due to the exploita-
tion of technogenic objects has been and remains one of the priority tasks.
Therefore, we have previously compiled catalogs of local earthquakes for
the near zones of the Chimkurgan reservoir for the period from 2011 to
2022 [1]. Local catalogs have been created to assess seismicity over the area
of both reservoirs, using registered complex measuring instruments.
The factors that cause an earthquake are the formation of folded struc-
tures in the basement (Paleozoic) and its general displacement along earth
faults [1]. The process of mountain building in the southwestern part of Gissar
is associated with Quaternary (Pliocene) tectonic events; numerous earthquake
sources are distinguished. The reservoirs are located near several faulty tectonic
structures. Among them, the Kirghiz-Terskey geosuture passed through the
western part of the Chimkurgan reservoir, and its genesis belongs to the Cale-
donian tectogenesis. Tables show that the number of earthquakes in the local
zone of reservoirs has sharply increased in recent years [1].

The number of earthquakes for 2011 to August 2022 in the wobble zone
of the Chimkurgan reservoir
years N lgN К=7 К=8 К=9 К=10 К=11 К=12
2011 6 1,7918 0 1 5 0 0 0
2012 18 2,8904 1 9 6 2 0 0
2013 14 2,6391 0 5 8 1 0 0
2014 11 2,3979 0 4 6 1 0 0
2015 13 2,5649 1 5 6 1 0 0
2016 18 2,8904 2 10 4 0 0 2
2017 28 3,3322 5 14 7 1 1 0
2018 38 3,6376 3 19 13 3 0 0
2019 58 4,0604 11 40 6 1 0 0
2020 73 4,2905 29 40 3 1 0 0
2021 48 3,8712 22 10 12 3 0 0
2022 68 4,2195 27 26 12 3 0 0

The geological position of the Chimkurgan reservoir and adjacent areas

is covered by a complex folded Paleozoic basement and Meso-Cenozoic
sedimentary layer. The Gissar-Mangyshlak fault (Gissaro-Mangyshlak rift)
separates from the Chimkurgan reservoir, which is directed to the northwest
and connects with the Kyrgyz-Terskey geosuture. This fault zone crossed
the Meso-Cenozoic age plate.
Based on the available actual data (selections from earthquake cata-
logs for 2011-2022), the frequency of earthquakes was determined accord-
ing to the Gutenberg-Richter law [2] (Fig.) separately: within a radius of
R100 km from the dam sites of the Chimkurgan reservoir. According to
the compiled local catalog, within a radius of R100 from the site of the
Chimkurgan reservoir, during 2011-2022, 393 earthquakes occurred in the
range of energy class 7К12.

Fig. The frequency of earthquakes according to the Gutenberg-Richter law [2],
within a radius of R100 km from the dam site of the Chimkurgan reservoir
The regional network of seismic stations operating during the period of
our studies did not always make it possible to obtain complete information
about weak local earthquakes in the area of the objects under study. It should be
noted that in the area of possible active influence of the Chimkurgan reservoir
of southern Uzbekistan, from 2018 to 2022, regional seismic stations of the Re-
publican Center for Seismic Predictive Monitoring (RCSPM) operated under
the Ministry of Emergency Situations: Kitab (KTB)-100 km NW, Pachkamar
(PCHK)-110 km S, Baysun (BSN) -85 km SW, where seismic stations Guralp
CMG-6TD and Vebtrongs were used [1].
The results of seismic monitoring for all these observation systems are
summarized in a separate catalog of earthquakes. For earthquakes that oc-
curred from 2018 to 2022, the magnitude indicator is also indicated. The
magnitude values presented in the catalogs are recalculated to the value of
the energy class K based on the classical formula K = log E. In certain peri-
ods of time and in the first approximation, the course of seismicity in the
area of the Chimkurgan reservoir can be characterized by the number of
shocks and the total energy released during this.

1. Anvarova S.G., Ganieva B.R., Khamidov L.A. Local catalog of earthquakes in
the near zone of large reservoirs in Central and Southern Uzbekistan (in Rus-
sian)// XXIV-Ural Youth Scientific School in Geophysics - UMShG-2023,
Perm, March 22-24, 2023.-Perm.-Russia.-2023.-P.3-7.
2. Gutenberg B., Richter C.F. Seismicity of the Earth and associated phenomena,
2nd edition. – Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1954. – 310 p.

Bluashvili V.
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Mining of gold and non-ferrous metals has been conducted in Georgia

since ancient times. Archaeological excavations clearly demonstrate that
people extracted the necessary ore in this area even in the prehistoric era.
Mining activities have acquired large-scale form since the 30-ies of
the 20th century. A number of vertical tunnels have been made (mine) to ex-
tract mainly coal and manganese ores. Gold, non-ferrous metals, and build-
ing materials are extracted from quarries. The construction of horizontal
tunnels (shaft tunnels) has been specially developed. More than 5000 ex-
ploration tunnels (shaft tunnels) have been constructed since the above-
mentioned years on the territory of Georgia which is quite a big number for
our country. Nowadays, many of the mentioned wastes are abandoned and
pose a great threat to the ecological environment of our country and the lo-
cal population as well.
Studying and evaluating the ecologically dangerous objects are envis-
aged in this research:
1. Arsenic ores were discovered on the territory of Georgia in 1929
and their extraction started in 1932. The mentioned ores are Lukhuni-in Ra-
cha and Tsana-in Svaneti. The procession of Lukhuni arsenic ore (Ore en-
richment, roasting, and refining of white arsenic) was carried out in the min-
ing and chemical plant of Racha located in the village of Uravi, 27 kilome-
ters away from the ore. Toxic gases received from the thermal procession of
the ore spread over the nearby area and due to the non-existence of burial
ground the toxic deposits were thrown on the plant area. Therefore the de-
posits containing arsenic and other wastes were washed by the river Lukhu-
ni and then to the River Rioni. Arsenic ores and their wastes are scattered in
the areas of Tsana-Lukhuni arsenic ores and Uravi enrichment plant, which
poses an ecological threat to the local population and environment as well.
2. Chiatura manganese ore has been in operation for 135 years. 260
million tonnes of crude ore have been extracted during this period and only
130 million tonnes have been realized in the form of final products. Today,
the enrichment plant of Chiatura manganese ore is not equipped with proper
environmentally friendly cleaning techniques. Its wastes are flown into the
River Kvirila in great amounts and create environmental problems for the
population of the region and the River Rioni (since the River Kvirila is the
tributary of the River Rioni) and Black Sea ecology as well. Medical studies
conducted in the mentioned region confirm the fact that manganese affects
negatively the local population, which is reflected in the deterioration of
their health.
3. The waters, enriched with heavy and toxic elements, flow from the
horizontal tunnels (shaft tunnels) located in the territory of Georgia. The
mentioned currents flow into the rivers and the settlements, agricultural and
pastoral lands located on embankments of the mentioned rivers. Contami-
nated water is consumed by the local population for drinking and irrigation
purposes which causes different kinds of diseases among the people.
Despite the waters flowing from shaft tunnels, proper attention shall
be paid to the shallow rocks brought from the mentioned tunnels that are
located at the edge of the mentioned tunnels and occupy quite a large area.
Over time these rocks are dissolved due to atmospheric precipitation and
wind. As a result, minerals existing in them (in the form of heavy and toxic
elements) as well as the waters flowing from the shaft tunnels contaminate
agricultural soils and drinking water systems.
The source of natural radionuclides in the area of Racha-Imereti, are
magmatic rocks of different ages (Granite, trachyte, syenite, andesite, and
their clastic material). A high radioactive condition is noted within the area
of their spreading. Herein, increased amounts of radium and radon in some
underground thermal waters and uranium in saline ground waters shall be
noted as well. Special attention shall be paid to the fact that natural radiant
abnormality related to the Paleozoic granites of the River Dzirula, was stud-
ied during the Soviet era in regard to military usage. The abnormality has
not been studied in regard to the ecological impact on the local population.
As for the evaluation of the studied territory, we can conclude: It is
known that the value of each territory is determined in accordance with its
resource potential on one side (mineral resources, areas of agricultural lands,
river recreation zones, and so on) and through its ecological condition on the
other side, that determines safe and comfortable living conditions for human
beings. Both of these factors are nearly antagonistic in the modern world.
The complex-systemic approach can be the most optimistic concept for the
solution of social-ecologic problems.

1.K. Aroshidze, I. Kalanarishvili, Geoecological monitoring in the west territory of
Georgia; 1988-1990
2.D. Andjaparidze, Report of Lukhumi geological team about surface mapping
works; 1958-1960 (In Russian)
3. M Yu Filatova, L T Krupskaya, Yu G Kocharyan, A V Leonenko, E A Romash-
kina. Mining and environmental problems of Dalnegorsk, Primorye territory, and
ways to solve them.2022.
5. Uraskulov, M. R. Bogush, I. A. Cherkashin, V. I. Gazaliev, I. M. Yusupov, A. R.
Geoecological Problems of Zones of Ore Mining Technogenesis in the North
Caucasus. 2018



Mammadov A., Tashviqi G.

Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Maykop sediments are widespread in Azerbaijan, including the South-

Eastern Caucasus. Although the stratigraphy of Maykop sediments was
studied, its generalized stratigraphic scale was not drawn up, and paleomag-
netism was studied with very weak separate fragments (one or two sec-
tions).To conduct paleomagnetic studies, it is necessary to obtain infor-
mation about the carriers of magnetic minerals in the rocks. Accurate infor-
mation about the magnetic minerals in the rocks is determined by thermo-
magnetic analysis. Therefore, thermomagnetic analysis was carried out on
40 samples taken from Siyaki and Jangi section(1).
Lithologically, these sections are sheet clays, argillites, sands, clayey
sands, marl, etc. consists of.
One of the most important features in the study of the chemical com-
position of ferromagnetic minerals is the determination of their Curie tem-
perature, which, after passing the Curie point, the orderly arrangement of the
magnetic moment is disturbed and turns into a ferromagnetic paramagnet.
Such a transition is not observed either by a chemical change or by a change
in the crystal structure of substances, and it refers to a second-order phase
transition. This transition is observed in the samples as a whole, both when
heated and when cooled.
Depending on the composition of minerals, a widely used method of
magnetic research - thermomagnetic analysis (TMA) - is used to determine
the Curie point.(4,5,6).
According to the existing thermomagnetic method, temperature de-
magnetization curves of residual saturation magnetization Jrs (T0) and total
(inductive) saturation magnetization Js(T0) are established, as a result of
which Curie point and phase transition temperature Tn are determined. De-
pending on the composition of minerals, a widely used method of magnetic
research - thermomagnetic analysis (TMA) - is used to determine the Curie
point. Thermomagnetic studies were conducted on more than 50 samples.
Irs(T) versus temperature curves of saturated remanent magnetization were
plotted. As a result of the analysis of the samples, we can say that the rocks
are divided into 2 groups (Figur 1).

a) b)
Figure 1 Thermomagnetic curves constructed for the first (a)
and second (b) group of samples

In the first group, during initial heating, 100-150oC, 300-4000C bend-

ing is noted, hematite phase is detected at 6750C. Thus, the results of the
first heating show that the carriers of magnetization are iron hydroxide and
hematite (titanomagemite passes into hematite). These bends are repeated
during the second heating (Fig.1,a).
In the second group of thermomagnetic curves, the magnetite phase is
clearly visible (580-6000C). The first and second heating curves show iron
hydroxide at 175-2750C, titanomagnetite at 2000C, titanomagnetite transi-
tions to magnetite (Fig. 1, b).
It can be said that the magnetic minerals in the studied samples have a
good resistance to temperature, which was reflected in the stability of the
temperature curves during rotation. It should be noted that during the ther-
momagnetic analysis of the curves, the blocking value of Jrs-saturation rem-
anent magnetization and Tb-temperature is defined as the moment when the
Jrs(T) curve drops quickly and this value becomes zero (2,3).
Magnetic minerals, i.e. residual magnetization carriers - magnetite and
hematite were identified in the rock samples studied by thermomagnetic
studies. The existence of magnetite and hematite magnetic minerals identi-
fied in the Miocene sediments is also confirmed by the mineralogical re-
search conducted in the "Analytical Center" of our Institute..
Thus, taking into account the complex results of geological and min-
eralogical studies, it can be said that they complement each other well, and
as a result, we can say that these or other minerals belong to In carriers.

1. Geology of Azerbaijan, Volume I, Stratigraphy, Lithology, Tectonics, 2015,
"Elm" publishing house, Baku, page 531.
2. Isayeva M. I., Garayeva T. C., Novruzov Z. A., Bagyrova A. A. 2019, Paleo-
magnetism of the South-eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus during the Paleo-
gene, Geophysical Innovations in Azerbaijan, Centralized Press of the "Oil and
Gas Research Project" Institute,№4, s. 50 – 54
3. Garaeva T.SD., Isaeva M.I., Novrizov Z.A. 2019, Deep structure and paleomag-
netism of the Paleogene deposits of the northern part of the Absheron Peninsula.
VII International Conference "Hazardous Natural and Technogenic Processes in
Mountain Regions: Models, Systems, Technologies", Vladikavkaz, Publishing
House RFI VSC RAS, s.17 – 22
4. Pavlov V.E. 2015, Paleomagnetism of the Siberian Platform. Auth. Doctor of
Dissertation. Moscow,47с.
5. Trukhin V.I. 1969, Rock magnetism and paleomagnetism. Sat. abstract articles.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
6. Khramov A.N., Goncharova G.I., Komissarova R.A. et al. 1982, Paleomagnetology.
Moscow, 312 s.


Tashviqi G., Mammadov A.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

The Miocene sediments of the South-Eastern Caucasus are considered

the main sedimentary complex after the world-famous Prolific layer series
in terms of oil-gas content. Chandagar-Zorat, Siyazan-Nardaran, Saadan and
others of North-Eastern Azerbaijan. It is already known that oil and gas are
produced from Maykop and Chokrak deposits in the areas of Gobustan and
Umbak area (1).
Miocene sediments also contain other mineral deposits, the exploitation
of which is important for the development of the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan's
industry. This region has been studied both from the stratigraphic point of view
and paleomagnetism almost in separate fragments. Therefore, it is appropriate
to conduct paleomagnetic studies on the southern slope of the Greater Cauca-
sus. Taking into account all that has been said, the article presents the results of
paleomagnetic studies of the Jangi section (2).
Cengi intersection - located near the village of Cengi. Lower, middle Mi-
ocene sediments were found here. Lower Miocene (Sokaraul, Kotsakhur),

Middle Miocene (Tarkhan, Chokrak). The intersection is located at latitude
40°31'53.9"N and longitude 49°15'22.2"E.
Magneto-mineralogical studies are conducted in magnetism and pale-
omagnetism according to general rules. The conducted complex magneto-
mineralogy studies revealed the carriers of residual magnetization in the
composition of rocks, Curie point, demagnetization of samples by constant
and changing magnetic field, etc. made it possible to determine The magnet-
ic properties of Miocene sediments have been carefully studied and found to
vary widely in the value of natural remanent magnetization and magnetic
susceptibility. The reason for such a change in the magnetic property is the
content of ferromagnets in their composition (3).
The composition of the ferromagnetic fraction and the contribution of
each magnetic mineral to the natural residual magnetization were studied.
According to the complex paleomagnetic research in Jangi sediments, as
well as the nature of the natural residual magnetization curves, it can be said
that the carriers of magnetization in the studied rocks are iron hydroxide,
magnetite, hematite.

The table shows the magnetic properties of the Mosen-aged sediments

of the Jangi section
The Examples of Magnetic properties
studied what χ = 10 -3
Until clean After cleaning
district No BS In D J In D J
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
JANGI 300 3,1 32,0 238 11 15,0 198 -50
308 2,3 38,0 21 28 18 200 -45
317 2,1 4,5 27 18 6,0 5 30
324 3,0 19,6 128 -14 15 25 23
333 0,6 33,0 205 -66 1,7 230 -55
341 0,9 2,4 135 -56 2,6 210 -44
349 3,3 22 200 -50 3,9 76 30
351 3,6 39 198 59 2.8 189 -36

The value of the magnetic susceptibility along the cross-section varies

between χ =(0,4-3,5).10-3BS and the value of the natural residual magnetiza-
tion In =(5,9-13,0).10-3A/m.

Figure 1. Paleomagnetic scale of Jangi section

As a result of paleomagnetic studies, two flat magnetizations were

found in the middle Miocene Chokrak sub-floor reverse magnetization zone,
one of which was found at the border of Tarkhan Chokrak. The Tarkhan
half-floor belongs to the flat magnetic zone, where a reverse magnetization
zone was discovered in the lower part of the floor. The Lower Miocene Ko-
tsakhur half-floor belongs to the reverse magnetization zone, and one flat
magnetization zone was found in the upper part of the half-floor. A reverse
magnetization zone was discovered in the Sokaraul half-floor flat magneti-
zation zone (Figure 1).

1. Geology Azerbaijan, volume 1, Stratigraphy, Lithology, Tectonics, 2015, "Elm"
Publishing House, Baku, p. 531
2. Garaeva T.SD., Isaeva M.I., Novrizov Z.A. 2019, Deep structure and paleomag-
netism of Paleogene deposits in the northern part of the Absheron Peninsula. ,
VII International Conference "Hazardous Natural and Technogenic Processes in
Mountain Regions: Models, Systems, Technologies", Vladikavkaz, Publishing
House RFI VSC RAS, s. 17 – 22
3. Khramov A.N., Sholpo L.E. Paleomagnetism. Principles, methods and geological
applications of paleomagnetology. L, Nedra, 1967, 252 s.
4. Berggren W.A., Kent D.V., Swicher C.C., Aubry M.-P. 1995. A revised Cenozoik
geochronology and chronostratigraphy // Geochronology Time scale and Global
Stratigraphic Correlation. SEPM Spes. Publ. Oklahoma, USA, №54, p. 129-212

Isayeva G.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

The rapid development of industry requires intensive consumption of

natural resources, which leads to a sharp decrease in rich ore resources in-
volved in exploitation. Taking into account the modern development of pro-
cessing technologies, in addition to the main ore components, other metals
are also present in the exploited ore deposits, the reserves of which can
sometimes be compared with the reserves of the largest deposits.
Taking into account the foregoing, it is one of the urgent issues to
consider as a new direction the assessment of the prospects of the industrial
potential of these mixed elements in such deposits for processing traditional
and new types of mineral raw materials and extracting useful components,
paying attention on the innovative development of local mineral-raw mate-
rials complexes.
The Dashkasan deposit is located in Middle and Upper Jurassic volcano-
genic-sedimentary rocks in the Dashkasan syncline extending in the Pan-
Caucasus direction in the Lok-Karabakh structural-formation zone of the Lesser
Caucasus. If we consider the geological structure of the Dashkasan deposit, we
will see that each of its ore areas differs from each other to some extent.Skarn ore
layers lie on marbleized limestones only in the west of the northwestern area
(Kashkay, 1965). Layered ore bodies are found in the southeastern part, which
are often combined with the main ore bodies.
The skarn-iron ores of the Dashkasan deposit are characterized by 3
morphological types and their material and mineralogical composition is
approximately the same (Kulikov A.I., Girigoryev A.I. et al. 1984). If we
compare the dashkesan iron ore deposit with other deposits of the same type
in many countries of the world, we will see that, in addition to iron, gold,
silver and other noble, non-ferrous and rare metals are involved in many of
these deposits. As a result of the analysis of local and foreign researches, it
was found that non-ferrous, noble, rare metals (gold, silver, etc.) are used in
ore-forming processes in addition to iron, the presence of mineralization of
non-ferrous, noble and Rare Metals has been widely investigated in skarn
type iron deposits around the world.
As in Dashkasan field, magmatic complexes with granitoid composi-
tion, especially when polyphasegranitoid massifs are formed, gold is col-
lected together with a number of elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Sb, Bi, Fe, As,
Te., etc.) in post-magmatic hydrothermal solutions.
It is likely transported through these solutions in the form of complex
combinations of polysulfides, hydrosulfides and chlorides, resulting in con-
centrations in gold skarns and other ores.
From this point of view, the presence of noble and non-ferrous metals
as elements in the Dashkasan deposit is possible (section of the report).
Thus, as a result of the research, it was determined that it is possible to
simultaneously extract cobalt and copper from the ores of the northwestern
part of the Dashkasan deposit.It can be noted that the process of scarifica-
tion in the Dashkasan iron deposit occurred in the contacts of both lime-
stones and volcanogenic rocks, as in similar deposits. Based on this criteri-
on, it is possible to consider the prospects of other elements (Au, Ag, Co,
Cu, Mo, etc.) in the ore of the deposit along with iron.

1. Karimov R.B. and others. “Prospects for industrial use of Dashkasan field waste
for complex extraction of rare, noble and non-ferrous metals” report (in Azer-
baijani), p. 97, Baku, 2022
2. Исмаил-Заде А.Д. Уникальные рудные геологические объекты Дашкесан-
ского прогиба. Журнал «Природа». РАН 2014 №10, с. 11-17.
3. Ashley, P.M., and Willott, B.R., 1997, Zinc-lead skarn deposits at Leadville,
New South Wales, Australia, and their distinction from volcanic-hosted massive
sulphides: MineraliumDeposita, v. 32, p. 16–33


Agarahimov M.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

The purpose of the presented work is to determine the geological-industrial

types of the mentioned deposits: gold-quartz-sulfide, gold-polymetallic
Kolchedan and gold metasomatites. The practical importance of the work to be
carried out is that the mineralogical and chemical composition of the ores was
taken into account during the enrichment and processing of each gold ore depos-
it. For the first time, a comparative description of the gold ore deposits was given
according to the set of geological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics.

Dagkasaman gold deposit is 60 sq.m. in the south-east of Gazakh depres-
sion. It is located in an area of more than km, mainly composed of Upper Cre-
taceous, partially Paleogene sedimentary and volcanic sedimentary rocks. In
terms of genetics, the Dagkasamen deposit belongs to the "vein zones" type of
gold-polymetallic ore formation. The deposit was opened and tested by surface
mountain drilling, mainly by trenches and partly by pits, in a terrain covering
absolute heights of 520-600 m above ground. In addition, the zones were stud-
ied up to a depth of 300 m by means of wells in the stretching and lying direc-
tions. From the morphological point of view, the following texture types are
distinguished in the Daghkasaman field: Massive, breccia, veined (porphyry-
like), mottled, vein-veined, veined, veined. The mineral composition is quite
simple. 95% of which is quartz and the rest consists of kaolinite, dickite and
pyrite. The Gosha gizli deposit is located in the Shamkir uplift of the Lesser
Caucasus, entering the Gadabey ore region. The geological structure of the re-
gion consists mainly of Lower and Middle Jurassic rocks. In addition, Paleozo-
ic rocks consisting of metamorphosed crystalline schists are also found in a lim-
ited area. Lower Jurassic rocks consist of basalt conglomerates, sandstones,
clay shales. Volcanogenic and volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks are common in
the Middle Jurassic. According to the mineral composition of ores in the Gosha
deposit, pyrite is a widespread mineral and is characterized by three genera-
tions, accounting for 85-90% of the total volume of all ores. Pyrite I, Pyrite II,
Pyrite IIIThe Gizilbulag gold deposit is located in the Mehmana ore region and
is located at the junction of the Karabakh and Aghdam anticlines of the Lok-
Karabakh structural-formation zone of the Lesser Caucasus. The geological
structure of the region includes Middle-Upper Jurassic volcanogenic, volcanic
sedimentation and Cretaceous terrigenous-carbonate sediments. During the Ju-
rassic period, intense volcanic processes took place. At this time, many volca-
no-structural facilities and related ore formations were formed. The most prom-
inent of them is the pluton-type Janyatag unit. It has been determined that cad-
mium in the ores of the deposit is closely related to sphalerite. Selenium and
tellurium are characteristic alloying components of the ores of the deposit. For
pyrite-chalcopyrite ores, positive relations of selenium with thallium and indi-
um, and tellurium with bismuth are typical. The Chovdar ore field is located in
the upper reaches of Kheirachay, the left branch of Goshgarchay, 15-20 km
north of Zaylik alunite and Dashkasan iron ore deposits. Middle Jurassic vol-
canogenic-sedimentary rocks are involved in the Geological structure of the
area. In their turn, they are cut by the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in-
trusive and dyke formations of medium and medium-acid composition. The
Chovdar gold deposit is located in the Dashkasan administrative district, in a
medium-mountainous area with a harsh relief, at an altitude of 1300-1500 m

above sea level. There are 2 genetic types of ores in the Chovdar deposit: oxi-
dized and primary sulfide ores.
The mineral composition of oxidized ores is mainly quartz (80%), clay
minerals - kaolinite, dickite (10%), iron hydroxides (4-5%), Fe-Ti oxides (1-2),
alunite-barite (1-2 %) contains a small amount of pyrite. The mineral content of
primary sulfide ores differs from oxidized ores. Here, the amount of sulfides,
especially pyrite, is high (10%), and on the contrary, the amount of iron oxides
is low (1-2%). Sulfides are mainly represented by copper sulfide compounds -
chalcopyrite, chalcosine, bornite, covelline, pale ores and pyrite. Quartz is on
average 60%, clay minerals are more than 20%. Carbonates and harmful com-
ponents are insignificant. The specific gold deposits that have been found as
fossils from the Jurassic to the Mio-Pliocene age are manifested in different
geodynamic conditions - in the arc of islands (the northeastern part of the Less-
er Caucasus), riftogen (the central part of the Lesser Caucasus) and in the colli-
sion zone (the south of the Lesser Caucasus). According to the formation condi-
tions and scale, gold-bearing complex ore deposits and manifestations are
grouped into three geological-industrial types;
1) Gold-quartz-sulphide - (Gosha, Tulallar, Dagceyir, Soyudlu, Tutkhun,
Agduzdag, Agyurd, Piyazbaşı, Vejnili)
2) Gold-polymetal-colcedan - (Daghkasamen, Kyzylbulag)
3) Golden metasomatites - (Chovdar, Shekardara, Kalaki)
The indicated types of special gold deposits are genetically related to
three multi-serial developed volcanic-plutonic complexes. Analyzed gold
deposits, their formation conditions, location, one or another magmatic and
metasomatic formations, and the characteristics of their connection with
paleostructure form the basis of the forecast and evaluation of gold ore de-
Along with all this, we can note that this specific approach can be ap-
plied in the discovery and in-depth study of other gold deposits.

1. Shirinov Y.R., Gurbanov N.A. "Compilation of the atlas of gold deposits of
Azerbaijan Baku, 2013. Geofond.
2. Gurbanov N.A., Adilov A.A. Mammadova AQu Goygol, assessment of the pro-
spects of the hidden quartz-sullid manifestation group, BSU materials, 2011.
3. Gurbanov N.A., Mammadova L.B., Mammadova A.G. The role of the geological
features of the Rye red deposit in mineralization. Materials of the Republican
scientific conference on "current problems of geology". BSU, 2011


Alimammadzadeh N.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

The South-Eastern Greater Caucasus is the corresponding segment of the

Greater Caucasus mountain-fold system, located in the far eastern region. The
geological structure of the South-Eastern Greater Caucasus and the composition
of its structural units have been established through the efforts of several gener-
ations of researchers. The northern flank of the Greater Caucasus is formed by
the Yan Sirt tectonic uplift. From the north, it is bounded by the Puya-Tendi-
Keydi fault dislocation zone, while from the south, it is delimited by the Greater
Caucasus fault zone, which developed as a result of the Mesozoic rifting of the
Greater Caucasus marginal sea on the northern shelf and the separation of the
Miogeosyncline External Zone of the Talysh Range and the Evgeosyncline
Subzone of the South Slope (1, 3).
The widest portion of the South-Eastern Greater Caucasus within
Azerbaijan's borders is located in the Shahdag district and spans over 32
kilometers. The formation of the subsiding uplift, which is dipping towards
the east, is characterized by four tectonic zones in Azerbaijan from north to
south: the uplifted Tayrjall, the transition zone of Sudur, the subsided
Shahdag-Xizi, and the uplifted Quton-Qonaqqend (1).
The far northern zone of the uplift, known as the Tayrjall zone, represents
an uplift composed of stacked Jurassic sandstone-clayey shale formations,
which accumulated during intensive tectonic compression. The Sudur zone is a
subsiding southern wing of the previous zone and is characterized by a trans-
gressive shelf of the Malm-Neocomian and barrier reef facies, formed by evap-
orite and carbonate sulfates. The Shahdag-Xizi zone is the most deeply buried
zone of the Yan Sirt uplift and consists of upper Jurassic-Cretaceous carbonate-
terrigenous-shale sediments. The Quton-Qonaqqend zone is a large unbroken
anticline formed in the hanging wing of the Main Caucasus thrust and repre-
sents the southernmost zone of the Yan Sirt uplift. Its geological structure con-
sists of lower-middle Jurassic terrigenous-sulfur complexes of the subsurface,
separated from the southern-eastern periclinal thrust zone of the Malm-
Neocomian terrigenous-carbonate sediments. The Tayrjall and Sudur zones
contrastingly underlie the incoherent Miosen-Pleistocene sulfur complexes of
the Qusar-Davachi depression. The Quton-Qonaqqend zone terminates in the
eastern direction at the Girdimanmay-Velvelachay flexure, the right arm of the
Gilgilchay river, without reaching the Qizilchay river. Among these zones, only
the Shahdag-Xizi zone extends along the surface, reaching the shores of the
Caspian Sea, where it is buried beneath modern marine molasses.
The main characteristic of the Yan Sirt uplift is the presence of the
Shahdag-Beshbarmag tectonic cover (allochthonous) along its northern
margin. The cover consists of the Shahdag and Qizilqaya massifs, composed
of Early and Late Jurassic ophiolites, as well as smaller ophiolitic slabs ob-
served in the Yerfi and Tenga frontal ranges along the Caspian coast in a
chain-like manner. The autochthonous complex of the cover mainly consists
of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous terrigenous derivatives, including
Albian-Aptian strata. The roots of the allochthonous cover are aligned with
the Siyazan deep fault zone. The formation of the tectonic cover is associat-
ed with the alpine phase of the Caucasus geological development

1. Geology of Azerbaijan, volume 5, Baku, 2005
2. Kangerli T.N. Features of the geological structure of the Azerbaijani part of the
Lateral Range of the Greater Caucasus. Abstract Diss. cand. geol.-mineral. Sci-
ences. - Baku, 1982.
3. Sholpo V.N., Rogozhin E.A., Goncharov M.A. Folding of the Greater Caucasus.
– M.: Nauka, 1993


Khalili R.
University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

Some accumulating trees are special elements that could be used for
the biogeochemical explorations. In this method, type and concentration of
accumulating elements in plants can be obtained by the analysis of the plant
organs. Normally those trees which grow in warm and dry environments
have long roots which use them to reach the underground waters and the
minerals which form in the bottom and may not appear on the surface will
save them in their leaves. In this research the eucalyptus trees of Bam area
were sampled. The depth of roots in these trees will sometimes reach 40 me-
ters. For this reason, the samples of leaves were collected and after drying
and placing in the acidic solutions, the concentration of each element was

determined. To compare the two methods, there was spectroradiometer in
the range of 400 nm to 2500 nm and the curve of spectrum reflectance of the
plants leaves accumulated for Copper and Gold have absorption spectrum.

Fig. Identifying and Mapping Alteration Minerals Using Hyperspectral Data

1. Liu Y, Chen H, Wu G, Wu X. Feasibility of estimating heavy metal concentra-
tions in Phragmites australis using laboratory-based hyperspectral data – A case
study along Le’an River, China. Int J Appl Earth Obs. 2010;12, Supplement


Yunusov S.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

The Duruja zone occupies an intermediate position between the

Zagatala-Govdag and Vandam zones on the southern slope of the Greater
Caucasus, and is bounded by the Gaynar and Zangi deep faults extending
from the north and south in the direction of the entire Caucasus.
Mineralization areas in this zone differ from each other due to the ac-
cumulation of rare and noblemetals in the ores, depending on their geological
structure. Aspid and terrigenous-filishoid formations of the Aalen floor of the
Middle Jurassic are involved in the geological structure of the zone. Sedi-
ments of the Aspid Formation are represented by monotonous graphitized
black shales with rare layers of siltstones and polymict sandstones. Sandy-
siderite, clayey-siderite, pyrite-siderite and pyrite nodules and concretions
play an important role in cutting. In this horizon, thin (5-10 cm) layered and
often separate-grained, fine-dispersed pyrite accumulation lenses are found,
enriched with organic remains.
If we look at this structure lithologically, the clay siderite layer is rep-
resented by dark gray and black sometimes graphitized clay schists, and as a
rule, the sediments of the clay-siderite layer keep the remains of organic
compounds. Fossilized shells of organic compounds are represented by
graphite and bitumen. Sediments of the clayey siderite layer are more wide-
spread mainly in Galacık, Solguca, Küngutchay areas.
The terrigenous-flyschoid formation consists of alternation of polmicite
sandstones.Lens-like layers of syngenetic pyrite are replaced by sand-shale
layers due to the regressive character of siltstones, siltstones and shales-
filishoid formation rocks.
From the point of view of mineralization, the Duruja zone differs from
other sustructural-formation zones of the Greater Caucasus due to the high
concentration of noble and rare metals in the areas cut by meridian faults
along the northern and southern flanks. The hot and Zangi deep faults are
important in the structural position of the Duruja zone and also in the for-
mation of the morphogenetic features of the ore fields. Along the faults, as
well as at their junctions, the parent rocks undergo intense metamorphism to
graphitization, and quartz-carbonate mineralization is replaced by pyrite in-
clusions and lenses.

Ores of gold-sulphide, molybdenum-vanadium colchedan-polymetallic
formations are found in the Duruja zone, Gum-Lakit, Kizilgaya, Agalig-Filfilli
and Galacik areas can be considered promising from the point of view of
The Gum-Lakit mineralization zone is located in the northwest of Du-
ruja zone, around the villages of Lakit Malakh and Gum. The mineralization
in this area consists of pyrite-bearing sandstone layers, and the mineraliza-
tion zone is characterized by a high amount of rare earth elements such as
Se, Mo, V, and La in addition to copper, zinc, and lead.
The Gizilgaya mineralization zone is located on the right branch of
Kungutchay, in the upper reaches of Goturchay. The zone of mineralization
on the surface is followed for 2.0 km and differs according to the composi-
tion of ore minerals and is characterized by marcasite, sphalerite, galena,
arsenopyrite mineralization. Local anomalous zones of copper, zinc, gold,
Cd, Ag, La and other rare and rare earth elements are separated in this min-
eralization area.
The Agalig-Filfilli gold sulphide mineralization area is located in the
eastern part of the Shinchay-Filfilichay block in the middle reaches of the
Khalkhalchay. Mineralization here mainly consists of aspid and flyschoid
schists, and changes such as limonitization, pyrotization, quartzization, car-
bonation, and sometimes chloritization and sericitization are observed in the
side rocks. Conglomerates consisting of pyrite, pyrite-clay schists, siderite,
pyrite-perlite and clay schists are widespread in the Agalig-Filifli area. In
this area, anomalous values of rare elements such as Sn, Cd, Sb and Mo,
characterized by high concentration peaks, are observed.
The Galajik mineralization area is located in the east of the Duruja
structure. Here, other rare metals and trace elements such as Mo, Se, La, etc.

1. R.Karimov "Geochemical evaluation of the potential of rare and rare earth ele-
ments in Duruca structural-formation zone" Scientific research report Baku-2022
2. R.R.Nazarova "Meganticlinorium of the great caucasus perspective discovered
in duruca suture zone zones and precious metals search criteria" Baku university
news, 2015

Heydarli S., Garashova R.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Deposits of the Maikop suite are widely developed within Azerbaijan.

They are expressed by gray and chocolate-brown massive, sometimes lay-
ered, varying degrees of calcareous clays with fish and plant remains and
thin interlayers of marls, dolomites, clay shales, as well as siderite concre-
tions. In a number of districts, a noticeable role belongs to sand-siltstone
formations and coarse-clastic rocks.
Shamakhy-Qobustan district. Here, deposits of the Maikop suite have
a wide development and stretch in a wide strip from the borders of the
Western Absheron in the southeast to the Girdimanchay River in the north-
west. They are also opened by Sundi boreholes and others. Deposits of the
Maykop suite of this area are expressed in the northern part of it by clayey
facies, and in the southern part by sand-clay. Carbonate rocks account for
0.1-0.3% of the section.
The presence of elements with lower mobility in the composition of
the rock, as well as intensive removal of other mobile elements that make up
it, provide the necessary information for predicting the paleoclimate envi-
ronment. In particular, since alkali metals such K and Na are among the el-
ements that leave the rock composition quite undisturbed, their high concen-
trations in the studied samples are associated with arid paleoclimatic condi-
tions.Transitional climatic conditions, such as subarid and subhumid, can
seriously affect the solubility, accumulation and other characteristics of Ca
element. It is noted in the published literature about the listed that the
amount of Al, Fe, Mg and Ca is predominant in rocks containing arid and
semi-arid paleoclimate environment. Taking into account the above, the
analysis of the quantitative distribution of the oxides of the mentioned
chemical elements in the analyzed rock samples of the research areas shows
that a number of basic oxides, including Fe2O3, CaO, etc. amounts are high.
Such a result allows us to consider the arid, semi-arid environment as typical
for the paleoclimate formation conditions of those samples. Suttner and Dutta
(1986) created a classification diagram based on the amount of SiO 2 and
Al2O3, K2O, Na2O among the main oxides that make up the rock, and that
diagram was used to reconstruct the paleoclimate conditions of sedimentary
rocks. In order to specify the paleoclimatic conditions of the studied rock
samples, the results of the application of the above diagram show that the
named samples are indeed associated with arid climatic conditions.

Figure 1. Diagram of paleoclimatic conditions of the samples

1. Əlizadə Ak.A., Quliyev İ.S., Azadəliyev C.Ə. Azərbaycanın geologiyası, I cild.
Bakı, "Elm" nəşriyyatı, 2015, 532 s.
2. Abbasov Orhan, Aliyev Adil. Mineralogy, major and trace element geochemistry of oil
shale (Middle Eocene), Shamakhi Gobustan and Absheron regions, South Caspian Ba-
sin, Azerbaijan: implications for provenance, palaeoenvironment and tectonic setting //
21st EGU General Assembly, Proceedings from the conference held 7-12 April 2019,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, id. 4095. ‒ Vienna, Austria


Abdullayeva U.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

As one of the main tectonic disturbances controlling the geological

structure of the South-Eastern Caucasus, the Siyazan deep rift serves as a
boundary between the zones of sharp uplift (Yan Sirt zone) and subsidence
(Gusar-Devachi zone) on its northern edge. As a result of the intense
stretching process that took place in the early Kimmerian tectonic phase of
the Oceanic phase (Leyas-Aalen) of the Alpine tectogenesis, the fault was
formed on the northern edge of the Great Caucasus outer sea basin, which
was formed on the northern flank of the Mesotethys, and separated the shelf
of the basin from its slope and deep bed parts.
During the transitional stage of tectogenesis (Late Aale-Oligocene),
stretching processes were replaced by long-term compression, sharp tectonic
deformations occurred in the Siyazan rift zone, and it acted as a counter-
fault for a long time. The main tectonic deformations in the cleavage zone
are related to the Shahdag-Beshbarmag tectonic cover, which was formed
during the Austrian phase of tectogenesis. Formation of this cover is related
to intense Early Alpine movements. These movements caused the detachment
of the Shahdag barrier reef and the lagoonal-shallow-water Malm-Neokom
limestones located behind it from the Middle Jurassic basement and their
injection onto the continental slope through the Sian rift, thereby allochtho-
nously covering the earlier disharmoniously folded Early Cretaceous clay lay-
ers of the Khizi zone, resulting in the Shahdag - It led to the formation of
Beshbarmag tectonic cover.
The Valakh phase (Eopleistocene-Pleistocene) of the next continental
stage of tectogenesis (Late Miocene-Quaternary) was accompanied by the
formation of folds and tectonic covers along its periphery in parallel with
the intensification of orogeny in the central part of the South-Eastern Caucasus.
In particular, the Shahdag-Beshbarmag tectonic cover consisting of Malm-
Neokom age limestones on the northern edge of the region formed the retro-
charge of the same name, which was injected to the north along the Siyazan


I.T. Kangarli,
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Key words: geoheritage, geosite, geopark, Azerbaijan

Territory of Azerbaijan Republic is characterized by rich natural re-
sources, biological diversity, various climatic conditions landscapes. One of
the important segments of the natural heritage of the country are the spec-
tacular and valuable geosites of national, regional and global importance.
Topped by the world’s highest concentration of mud volcanos, famous ge-
osites of Azerbaijan are represented by healing oil deposits, thermal and
mineral water outcrops, unique lithology-stratigraphic sections, magmatic
and tectonic structures, relict mountain lakes, etc.
Considering spatial distribution and value of the geosites, Azerbaijan has
a significant potential for creating global geoparks. One of the most promising
areas is Nakhchivan region, on a relatively small area of which (5,364 m2) there
are 150 unique geosites, including 22 stratigraphic, 25 hydrological and hydro-
geological, 18 magmatic, 14 petrographic, 68 geomorphological and 5 history-
geological sites. Rich geoheritage of the region is represented by spectacular
river valleys, terraces and alluvial cones, cirques, u-shaped valleys and mo-
raines, exotic rocks, mountain peaks, ancient volcanic structures, and different
age peneplains. Supplemented by rich biological and landscapes diversity,
presence of important archaeological and historical monuments and well-
developed infrastructure, Nakhchivan has all which is needed for establishing
global geopark. With the potential considered, Azerbaijani government decided
to establish Geopark “Ilandagh”. Additionally, once established, the geopark
can be integrated into a transboundary geopark together with Julfa geopark in
the neighbouring province of Iran.

Rashidov T., Kangarli T., Kangarli I. The prospects of geoparks crea-
tion in Azerbaijan. In: 8th International Conference on UNESCO Global
Geoparks; 8-14 September, 2018; Madonna di Campiglio, Italy
Kangarli, T., Ibrahimov, V., Rashidov, T. et al. Feasibility Study of
the “Ilandagh” Geopark Creation in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
(Azerbaijan). Geoheritage 11, 1973–1980 (2019).

Tectonic control of fluid manifestations on the western flank of the South
Caspian basin

Aliyev N.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, AR Ministry of Science and Education,
Baku, Azerbaijan

Due to from the geodynamic and geotectonic structure of the South

Caspian Basin (SCB), located in the collision zone of African and Arabian plates,
this region is characterised by thick sedimentary cover, rich oil and gas reserves,
and numerous mud volcanoes (Fig) [1, 2]. On the western side of the basin,
including areas such as Absheron, Gobustan, and Southeastern Shirvan, the
distribution and activity of mud volcanoes significantly differ (fig) [2-3]. In this
regard, attention is drawn to the consistency and activity of fluid manifestations
associated with volcanic structures related to different geological and tectonic

Fig. Mud volcano areal extent in Azerbaijan

The current research aims to evaluate the assessment of geotectonic and

geological factors that dictate the distribution of fluid manifestations in the
studied region, and to determine some regularities. The research also

encompasses a strategy for currying out isotopic-geochemical study with the
purpose of investigate the genesis, including evaluating the complex geological
and geochemical factors contributing to the occurrence of volcanic water, oil, and
gas, including their genesis, particularly in terms of stratigraphic depth, and
identifying the volcanic structures (objects) to be involved in further studies .

1. Ad.A. Aliyev, O.R. Abbasov Mineralogical and geochemical proxies for the
Middle Eocene oil shales from the foothills of the Greater Caucasus,
Azerbaijan: Implications for depositional environments and paleoclimate //
Mineralia Slovaca, ─ 2019. 51 (2), ─ p. 157-174.
2. Ad.A. Aliyev, I.S. Guliyev, F.G. Dadasov, R.R Rahmanov, Atlas of mud
volcanoes in the world, Baku: Publishing house “Nafta-Press”, “Sandro Teti
Editore”, 321 p.
3. A.A.Feyzullayev ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences 1 / 2019, 3-10.
4. А.А.Feyzullayev et al. / ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences 1 / 2022, 68-80.



Aliyev Z.V.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Ministry of Science and Education,Baku, Azerbaijan

In this research, we attemptded to carry out seismic hazard analysis to

estimate and define the expected hazard in the Absheron peninsula (Azerbaijan). We
integrated analysis of seismicity, geology, seismic parameters and magnetic
properties of rocks. By using the magnetic properties of rocks such as magnetic
susceptibility, we tried to find any connections between seismicity and
rockmagnetism based on PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration) values, intensity and
amplification factor.
The area of the study was meshed into 30 cells. with the grid steps of 10x10 m
using 1:500000-scaled geology map. Within the computation process, seismic
parameters such as hypocentral and epicentral distances of the target earthquake to
each cell were determined.
In this study, the target earthquake of the area was 5.3 magnitude Caspian
earthquake which occurred near Khachmaz region in the north (Azerbaijan). For
magnetic properties, we used magnetic susceptibility of rocks and based on the
magnetic susceptiblity values of the Absheron peninsula, the map of magnetic
susceptibility was plotted.
Seismic parameters including PGA (peak ground acceleration) for bedrock
and surface, amplification factor and intensity were determined. Based on these
values magnetic susceptibility and seismic intensity maps of Absheron peninsula
were plotted and overlayed (Figure).

Figure. Overlayed maps of the values of magnetic susceptibility and seismic

intensity of Absheron peninsula for the event with a M5.3 and a depth of H53

In conclusion, the computed results of the overlay map, depicting the intensity
of target earthquake and the magnetic susceptibility distribution, reveal a discernible
pattern. Specifically, the intensity map of the 5.3 magnitude earthquake indicates
areas with an intensity of 5.4, wherein a corresponding magnetic susceptibility of
0.1 values is observed. This correlation suggests a noteworthy association between
high seismic intensity and high magnetic susceptibility in the Absheron peninsula.
So in the areas of high intensity we have such high values of magnetic susceptibility
based on its data which acertains that magnetic properties of rocks can be used as a
tool for seismic hazard analysis.

1. Babayev, G. R., Agayeva, S. T., Ismail-Zade, T. T., Muradi, I. B.,& Aliyev,
Y. N. (2019). Seismic effect assessment of the southern slope of Greater
Caucasus (Azerbaijan) based on the earthquake scenarios: Ground
parameters and acceleration models. Geophysical Journal, 3(41), 152–170.
130 24028/gzh.0203-3100.v41i3.2019.172471. (original in
2. Babayev, G. R., Akhmedova, E. V., & Kadirov, F. A. (2017). Analysis of
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4. G. Babayev, L. Telesca, S. Agayeva, T. Ismail-zade, I. Muradi, Y. Aliyev,
and M. Aliyev Seismic Hazard Analysis for Southern Slope of the Greater
Caucasus (Azerbaijan) Pure Appl. Geophys.2020 Springer Nature
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Elnazer A. Flash flood hazard in Egypt review: problems and solutions ..... 5
Algur B.S., Kayın S., Dokuz A., İşseven T., Hisarlı Z.M. New paleomagnetic
data from early Jurassic to late Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks
in the Eastern Pontides ................................................................................ 7
Ibrogimov F., Muhammadkulov N.M. Geological description of the nearest
ground faults that cause earthquakes affecting the Andijan reservoir .................... 9
Guliev R. Using deep learning for waterflooding optimization in condition
of high geological uncertainty and reservoir heterogeneity ........................ 12

Aliyev F. Application of nuclear physics methods to determine the
stratigraphic age of solid emissions from mud volcanoes ........................... 15
Mindiashvili G. Ore potential zones within the frame of the Okriba ore
field. Using ASTER data (remote sensing) ................................................ 15
Asgarov I. Modern approaches in the prospecting for new hydrocarbon
assemblages in the Absheron archipelago .................................................. 17
Bluashvili L. Determination of landslide features, morphology, and
dynamics by GIS technology case of study within Adjara region. Georgia ...... 19
Pinaeva M., Chascshin A., Mudrykh N. Combination methods of
geostatistics and visualization based on web-cartographic technologies ..... 20
Garuchava M. Use of MWD telemetry system during horizontal
drilling on Rustavi oil-and-gas-bearing area .............................................. 23
Subbotina M., Chaschin А.N., Azizov S.R. Internet mapping of the
agrochemical condition of soils of fallow areas.......................................... 25
Aydın N.G., İşseven T. Using polyhedrons to model a sedimentary basin:
Gezin, Elaziğ-Turkey ................................................................................ 27
Krukowskaya O., Kakareka S. Modelling of Tropospheric ozone
precursor emissions from road transport with high spatial resolution
in Belarus .................................................................................................. 29
Bayramova A. Mineralogy and geochemistry proxies of terrestrial
and island mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan: origin of fluids and mud............. 32
Zeynalov S. The results of the research of therapeutic Naftalan oil
by modern methods ................................................................................... 33
Mamishova T. Machine learning-based monitoring and assessment
of coastal geomorphological changes in the Azerbaijan sector of the
Caspian Sea............................................................................................... 36

Bobrik A. Role of permafrost-affected soils in sustainable development
of Arctic region ......................................................................................... 39
Aliyeva A.R., Karimli Kh.M., Jumayev J.M. The study of the
radioecological situation in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan .............. 40
Khairiddinov B., Rakhmatov A. Geological structure of the
Beshkent bowl .......................................................................................... 41
Ganieva B., Khamidov L. Seismicity of the zone of influence of the
Pachkamar reservoir in Uzbekistan............................................................ 43
Zhulidova D. Analysis of soil diagnostics by color in world reference
base of soil resources................................................................................. 46
Rzayeva E.V., Asgarov T.E., Hamzayeva T.I., Murtuzayeva A.O.,
Mirzayev K.I., Sabirli N.I., Safarli K.R., Aliyeva A.I. Microfauna
complex of Sarmatian deposits of the Sungurdag section (Gobustan OGR) ....... 48
Suleymanova F. Biostratigraphic studies of core material from
Quaternary deposits Holocene deposits of the Kura river delta .................. 51
Khamidov Kh.L. Creation of a seismological database on the territory
of large reservoirs of Uzbekistan ............................................................... 52
Khandolishvili L. Climate change and geoecological problems in
Karst terrain .............................................................................................. 55
Makaridze M., Churgulia E. Study of atmospheric air purity and
soil acidity in Georgia, Shidakartli region .................................................. 55
Dolidze N., Guruli T. Coal processing technology accumulated
in reservoir of Tkibuli hydroelectric power station for ecological
situation improving ................................................................................... 57
Badina S. Economic consequences of permafrost degradation
for the coastal zone of the Russian arctic ................................................... 58
Guruli T., Makadze M. The impact of waste produced as a result
of the beneficiation of Chiatura manganese ore on the ecosystem .............. 60

Maltsev A.S., Zhilicheva A.N. Study of Slyudyanka apatite genesis
using modern methods of elemental analysis ............................................. 64
Mammadova A., Humbatov A. Numerical simulation of low salinity
water flooding assisted with polymer flooding for enhanced oil recovery
in a reservoir model based on Fasila formation .......................................... 65
Valiyev D. Advanced exploration techniques ............................................ 67
Guliyev E. Geochemical evidence for paleo-redox conditions during depo-
sition of the Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian) deposits
of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus ............................................ 70

Mahammadaliyeva F. Geothermal energy and resources in Azerbaijan ......... 72
Bluashvili I. Technogenic waste of Tsana arsenic deposit as an alternative
source of metallic raw materials (Georgia) ................................................ 73
Kvirkvelia M. The potential of the Fanaga placer gold deposit
(Georgia, Svaneti region) .......................................................................... 75
Junussov M. Geochemical research progress on ion-adsorption type
REE deposit in north Kazakhstan .............................................................. 76
Huseynli R., Khavtasi G. Oil and gas geological zoning of the Kura
and Iori (Gabyrry) interfluves .................................................................... 79

Greben A., Izmailova Ye., Velichko S. Using Hansen Global Forest
Change dataset for investigation dynamics of forest cover losses ............... 82
Giorgadze A., Alania V., Gorgidze L., Enukidze O. Structural and
engineering geological conditions of the Tekhuri River gorge,
southern slope of the Greater Caucasus...................................................... 84
Ozer C. Observations of misconceptions in determining suitable
settlement areas in high seismic hazard zones ............................................ 86
Muradi I., Babayev T., Aliyev Y., Aliyev M. On the possibility of
using space sounding methods for a deterministic assessment of the
seismic hazard of the Absheron peninsula ................................................. 86
Mammadov P. Application of geothermal systems in Absheron
oil and gas region ...................................................................................... 88
Babayev T., Aliyev Y., Muradi I., Aliyev M. Post-seismic activity
review of 06.02.23 Kahramanmaraş Türkiye earthquake ........................... 91
Dudarov Z. Research of mud volcanoes by microseismic sounding .......... 93

Pankratov A., Badina S. Economic and geographical features of
production and consumption of soil thermal stabilization systems
in Russia ................................................................................................... 97
Aliyeva A. On stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic sediments of the
Greater Caucasus ...................................................................................... 99
Ahmedova G. Goycha-Hekari ophiolite zone of the Lesser Caucasus ..... 101
Mustafaev K.F. Reservoir characteristics and factors controlling the
petroleum potential of Miocene sediments in the western part of the South
Caspian basin: A case study of the Cheildere area, Azerbaijan ................. 102
Anvarova S. Local earthquakes in the zone of influence of the
Chimkurgan reservoir .............................................................................. 103

Bluashvili V. Geo-ecological problems of the Lukhumi and Chiatura
ore deposits. Georgia ............................................................................... 106

Mammadov A., Tashviqi G. Thermomagnetic analysis of Maykop
sediments of the South-East Caucasus ..................................................... 110
Tashviqi G., Mammadov A. Magnetostratigraphy of miocene
sediments at Jangi crossing...................................................................... 112
Isayeva G. Prospects of rare, noble and non-ferrous metals
of Dashkasan iron ore deposit .................................................................. 115
Agarahimov M. Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of
Dagkaseman, Gosha, Gizilbulag, Chovdar gold deposits of the
north-east part of the Lesser Caucasus ..................................................... 116
Alimammadzadeh N. Characteristics of the geological structure of the
northern flange of the South-East Caucasus (side surface megazone) ....... 119
Khalili R. Comparison of the two methods of biogeochemical and
hyperspectral remote sensing for the exploration of gold and copper ....... 120
Yunusov S. Duruja structure – formation zone ore areas and their rare
metals prospectivity ................................................................................ 121
Heydarli S., Garashova R. Paleoclimatic conditions and geochemical
characteristics ofdeposits of the Maikop suite of Lagic zone .................... 124
Abdullayeva U. Deep riving of Siyazan and the southeast Caucasus its
role in geological development ................................................................ 126
I.T. Kangarli. Perspectives for the establishment of geoparks
in Azerbaijan: Ilandagh case .................................................................... 127
N.R. Aliyev. Tectonic control of fluid manifestations on the western
flank of the South Caspian basin………………………………….……....128
Z.V. Aliyev Seismic hazard assessment through integrated analysis
of rock magnetism in Absheron peninsula……………………………..…129

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