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Lecture 1: Chapter 1

- Concepts:
o Open System approach
o Mintzberg Organiza on
- Organiza on is:
o social en ty
o goal directed.
o deliberately structured and coordinated.
o linked to environment.
- Organiza on dimensions:
o Structural: internal
 formaliza on
 specializa on
 hierarchy of authority
 Centraliza on
 Professionalism
 Pesonnel ra os
o Contextual: external
 Culture
 Tech
 Size
 Environment
 goal and strategy
- Closed system
o environment assume stable focus on internal efficiency
- Open system
o must interact with and adpt to environment
o environment gives:
 raw material
 people
 financial
 info
o step 1: input
 subsystem: boundary spanning
 responsible for obtain input from environment
o step 2: transforma on
 subsystem: produc on, maintenance, adap on, management
 produce product or service and help innovate or adapt
o Step 3: output
 transfer product or serve to environment (sales and advetsing)
o Mintzberg 5 org part
 Top management
 provide direc on, strategy, goal and policy
 Technical Support, Middle, Admin support
 tech:
o help org adapt to environment
o create adaotpion
 middle:
o responsible for implement strategy at department
 admin
o smooth opera on: HR, accoun ng, finance
 Technical care
Lecture 2: Chapter 3 (88 to 104) Chapter 9 (330 to 348)

- Three type of goals

o Official:
 Mission Statement
 No $
 iden fy value and belief
 purpose and iden ty,
 dis nct strength
 stakeholder and sa sfy
o Opera ve
 actual goals
 measurable
 quan fiable
 types: overall performance, resource, market, employee develop, innova on,
produc vity (balance score card)
o Informal
- Strategy Model
o plan ingteract with comp environment
o Porter: Compe ve Scope (Market) and Compe ve Advantage
 Low Cost Leadership -> Market: Broad, Advantage: Low Cost
 Differen al -> Market: Broad, Advantage: Uniquness
 Focused Low Cost Leadership -> Market: Narrow, Advantage: Low Cost
 Focused Differen a on -> Market: Narrow, Advantage: Uniquness
 find examples
o Miles & Snow
 Prospector:
 learning, flexible, fluid, decentralized, strong capability, crea vity, risk
taking, innova nve
 Defender:
 effiency, centralized authority, ght cost control, low overhead, close
supervision, low employee empowerment
 Analyzer:
 balances efficiency and learn, ght cost control with flex and adapt, rist
take on innova on
 Reactor:
 no clear org. approach, design characteris cs may shi depending on
- Culture Model
o culture eat strategy/mission for breakfast
o culture = informal organiza on
o observed: symbol, cermony, dress, physical ac vity
o inferred: value, assump on, belief, a tude
o Oganiza onal rites and consequence
 passage: transi on into social role/status new
 enhancement: increase status/social iden ty
 renewal: refurbish social structure and improve func on
 integra on: encourage and revive commong eeling
o Culture/Strategy Topology: Strategic Focus and Need of environment
 Adaptability Culture : external focus and flexible need of environment
 Clan Culture: internal focus, flexible need of environment
 Mission culture: external focus, stability enviornemtn
 Bureaucrac c: internal focus, stabile environemnt
Lecture 3: Chapter 4 ( 141 -148)

- Key concepts:
o Key element of org. structure
o org group impact output
o func onal vs divisional structure
- Organiza onal structure:
o division of labour
o pa er coordina on
o communica on
o formal power
- element of org structure:
o formal repor ng rela on
 level of hierarchy
 span of control
o grouping
 depart within org
o Systems for
 communica on
 coordina on
 integra on
- Departmenalize: establish chain of command and encourage specific people and work to
o when to use
o will be short-answer
o func onal
 ac vi es grouped together by common func on: HR, accoun ng, marke ng
 pro: max economy of scale, max in depth knowledge and skill, efficient
 con: slow response me, poor horiztonal , restricted view of org goals
o divisional
 type:
 geographical: based on region
 matrix: row = product, column = vp
o pro: coordina on meet dual demand, flexible hr, compelex
decision, unstable environment, medium sized with mul ple
o con: dual authority, require good interpersonal, me
consuming, greater effort
 horizontal,
o Process owners, each process has teams
o pro: promot flexibility and rapid reposne, a en on toward
delivery of customer, view of org goals, focus teamwork,
improve quality of life
o con: core process difficult and consuming, change in culture,
tradi onal give up power, significant train, limit indpeth skill
 virtual,
o Strategic hub connected to accoun ng, marke ng, distribu on,
o Pro: small org obtain talent worldwide, immediate scale, enable
org to flex, reduce admin overhead
o con: no hand on control, great deal manage rela on, risk of org
failure, low loyalty
 hybrid
 holacracy:
o one person mul ple teams
o pro: focus teamwork, rapid innova ve response, close to work,
share responsibility
o con: determine individual/team responsibili es, change in
cukltre, give up power, train
 group by products
 pro: flexible, client sa sfac on, high coordina on, adopt to region difference,
 con: limit economy of scale, poor coordina on product lines, limit in depth
exper se

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