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AB - 1805 First Semester M. E. Mech, CAD/CAM Examination COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Paper - 1 MCC 1 Time ; Three Hours ] { Max. Mar! 80 NBL Separate answer book must be used for each section in the subject Geology, Engineering rnterint of civil branch nnd, separate unswer book must be used for section A and B in Pharmacy and Cosmetic Tech.. @) Answer three questions from section A and three questions from section B. (Due credit will be given to neatness and adeepiate dimensions. (#) Assume suitable data wherever necessary. (S) Mustrate your answers wherever nevessary with the help of neat sketches. (6) Use pen of BlueiBlack ink/refill only for writing the answer book, SECTION A 1 (a) Explain the steps in computer aided design process, 8 (b) Discuss any five specification parameters of display devices in CAD. systems. s 2. [a) What are the advantages of implementing CAD system 7 ; 6 AB-1805, Contd. (©) Explain ICG and give its importance. 7 3. @ Explain the three types of coordinate systems needed in onder to input, store and display model geometry and. graphics. 9 (@) What are the points to be considered while implementing CAD system.? 4 4. @) Explain DDA scan conversion line algorithm with the help of suitable example, 8 (b) Explain ‘concatenated transformations’. 5 5. A triangle is represented by its vertices (3, 5), @ 7) and (3, 5)..Pesform the following transfor- mations using homogenous representation. ) Translate the triangle by 2 units in x direction and by 3 units in y-direction. Gi) Scale the translated triangle by 2 factor of 2 in x direction and by a factor of 3 in y direction. (@ Rotate the scaled triangle by 30° about the origin in counterclockwise direction. ‘The three transformations. may be performed using concatenated transformation method. ir AB-1805 2 Cond. SECTION B 6. (a) What are the functions of graphics package? 7 () Explain the coucept of layers in the CAD package 6 t ~ (@) Explain the boundary representation approach of solid modeling with the help of suitabic cxample, 8 (©) Explain how computer aided drafiing is different from CAD. 6 (a) Explain the software configuration in CAD system. 5 (b) Describe the features of parametric solid modeling graphics package & 9. (@) What is SOLIDWORDS ? What are the distinguishing features of SOLIDWORKS 2 6 4b) What is IGES ? Explain. 7 10. (@) List out the commands required 1 generate 2 ‘model of splined shaft by using a CAD package. @y What are surface mo AB-1805 3 130

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