SNF Rehabilitation Assessment Form

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Skilled Nursing Facility and Inpatient

Rehabilitation Assessment Form
Please Expedite*
Submit requests to:
Justification for Expedited Request:
Fax: 866-422-5120
Phone: 877-399-1671
If no justification given, request will be processed as standard

*Please ONLY check this option if the provider believes that waiting for a decision under the standard time frame
could place the enrollee's life, health, or ability to regain maximum function in serious jeopardy (CMS definition)
1. Member Information & Background

Patient Name: _____________________________________ Previous auth # (if applicable):_________________________

Member/Patient ID Number:_______________________ Requesting Provider: ________________________________
Patient DOB:______________Pt. phone: ______________ Requesting Provider NPI#:_____________________________
Patient Address: ____________________________________ Treating Provider:_____________________________________
______________________________________________________ Treating Provider NPI#: _______________________________
ICD10Code(s):________________________________________ Admitting Provider: ___________________________________
CPT Code(s):______________________________________________ Admitting Provider NPI#:____________________________
Date of Admission: ___________________ TBD Servicing Facility:_____________________________________
Type: Inpatient Rehab SNF Svc Facility NPI#: _____________________________________
# Visits/Units/Days:__________________________________ Facility Reviewer Name: _______________________________

Authorization Date Span:______________-_____________ Phone #: __________________ Fax #: __________________

Admitting diagnosis with summary of acute hospital admission:

Past Medical History:

Surgical/Procedures and Dates:

This form must be filled out completely. Chart notes are required and need to be submitted with this request.
Incomplete requests will be returned to the requester.
This communication may contain confidential Protected Health Information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which
it is addressed. The authorized recipient of this information is prohibited from disclosing this information to any other party unless required to do so by law
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If you have received this information in error, please notify the sender immediately and arrange for the return or destruction of these documents.
NE SNF-IPR PA 02152022

Member Name: _______________________________________ Chart notes are required to be submitted

Member ID: ___________________________________________ with this request, including:
• Hospital admission H&P
• Therapy notes (PT/OT/ST/wound)
Today’s Date: _______________ • Care coordination notes to include
social worker notes.
Initial Assessment For SNF members, fax a signed/dated
Reassessment Last approved date: ______________ NOMNC form prior to member
concurrent) and current IV and
SQ medication lists.
2. Clinical Information

Weight: __________ Diet: NPO Oral TF TPN

Height: _________
Rate/Frequency/Type: _______________________________
BP: ____________ HR: ______________
Bladder: Incontinent Catheter ______________
Respiratory Rate: _____ Temperature: ________
Pulse ox: _______% Bowel: Incontinent Ostomy________________
NC / Liters: ____________
Dialysis: Yes Acute Chronic
A & O x: x1 x2 x3 x4
Hemodialysis Peritoneal Dialysis
Tracheostomy CPAP BiPAP
Type:___________________________ Size: ________ Dialysis Access: ____________ Freq/Days: ____________
Pain Location: ______________________________________
Suction Freq: ___________________________________
Pain Treatment: _____________________________________
Color & Amount: _______________________________
Respiratory Tx: Yes No _________________

3. Medications

IV medications, with ending dates: Vascular Access/Central lines:

Significant medications that affect functioning:

Member Name: _______________________________________
Member ID: ___________________________________________

4. Skin

Skin Intact? Yes No Wound /Incision #2: Stage: __________________________

Wound/Incision #1: Stage:_______________________ Location: ____________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________ Wound Vac: Yes No
Wound Vac: Yes No Size (L x W x D in cm)/Description: __________________
Size (L x W x D in cm)/Description: ______________ ______________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Treatment/Frequency: _______________________________
Treatment/Frequency: __________________________ For additional wounds use section 11

5. Prior Level of Function

Prior level of function ADLs: ______________________________________________________________________________

Resides: Alone W/ Spouse W/ Other ___________________________________________________________
Support: Spouse Children Others ___________________________________________________________
Home Description (steps to enter, levels, bed / bath location, etc.):

6. Key for Mobility and Self-Care Functioning

I Independent Min Minimal

MI Modified Independent Mod Moderate
Sup Supervision Max Maximum
SBA Standby Assist Total Total Assist
CGA Contact Guard Assist

Member Name: _______________________________________
Member ID: ___________________________________________

7. Physical Therapy

Bed Mobility: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Transfers: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ambulation: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Distance: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Assistive Devices: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Stairs: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Occupational Therapy

Feeding: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Bathing (Upper Body): ___________________________________________________________________________________
Dressing (Upper Body): __________________________________________________________________________________
Bathing (Lower Body): ___________________________________________________________________________________
Dressing (Lower Body): ___________________________________________________________________________________
Grooming: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Toileting / Hygiene: ______________________________________________________________________________________
ADL/Toilet Transfers: _____________________________________________________________________________________

9. Speech Therapy

Dysphagia Evaluation

Modified Barium Swallow

Aspiration Risk

Results/Risks /Recommendations:

Member Name: _______________________________________
Member ID: ___________________________________________

10. Discharge plans

D/C Date: _________________ Tentative Actual Discharge To __________________________________

D/C Follow-up Appt Date: ___________________________ Provider Name/Specialty: _____________________
D/C with: HHC Provider _________________________ HHC Phone: ________________Fax _______________
Outpatient Provider __________________ OP Prov. Ph#:_______________ Fax:
DME __________________________________ DME Phone: _______________ Fax:_______________
Contact Person at D/C: ______________________________ Contact Phone # at D/C: _______________________
Barriers to Discharge:

11. Additional Comments


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