Psych Term Project

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Miami Dade College – Kendall Campus

Social Sciences Department

PSY 2012

Complete ALL TEN of the following assignments. Each item must be at least one full page ( double
spaced, typewritten, 10 or 12 point type, standard margins) You will receive a score of 0 – 100 points
based upon the quality of your work and thoughtfulness of your responses. Use a word processor for your
term project. It is also highly recommended that you use the grammar/spell check option included in most
word processing software.

Each item must begin on a separate page and have the appropriate heading. The heading should be a
single line at the very top of the page, followed by a double- space and then the beginning of the text.
Paragraphs shall be separated by no more than a standard 10 or 12 point double space.

A cover page with you Name and Date submitted is required. Some form of Binder for your work is
highly recommended.

These questions are meant to stimulate thought and allow you to form connections between the text and
your own experience in life.

1. Why Psychology ? What are your reasons for attending a class in psychology? What interests
do you have in the study of the human mind? Are you considering a career in Mental Health, if so,
why? What examples of psychology are you aware of in your everyday life?

2. Self Esteem - How high or low is your sense of self –worth? What are your strengths and
weaknesses? What would you like to change most about yourself? How would you go about
making these changes?

3. Your Personality - Describe your personality. What factors in your childhood influenced and
shaped who you are today? Were aspects such as birth order, parenting styles, divorce, addiction,
etc. an important factor in the development of your personality? How so? Has your personality
been influenced heavily by movies, books, music, or other media? Identify individuals who have
left their mark on your personality.

4. Feelings - There are many words that describe various aspects of human emotion. But the big
categories are Happiness, Anger, Sadness, and Fear. Rank these emotions based upon the
prevalence of each in your life, and give reasons why they are ranked the way they are.

5. Psychology in the Media. Analyze both a magazine advertisement and a Television commercial.
What is the psychological appeal? Who is the target audience? Do you think the psychological
component to the advertisement/ commercial has added to the success of the product?
6. Relationships. Describe your idea of an ideal relationship. What type of person do you think
would be a perfect fit for you? What are the main qualities you would look for in a life-long
partner? What makes relationships work or fail? What is your definition of love? Do you have
many friendships in your life? Why or Why not?

7. Reaching Your Potential - In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we are all striving to get the top of
the pyramid, self-actualization. Where do you feel you are on Maslow’s pyramid? What can you
accomplish in your life, beyond satisfying your own needs. At the end of you life, what do you
wish you will be able to say you accomplished? What legacy will you attempt to leave to your
children and grandchildren?

8. Stress and Illness - What are the key causes of stress in your life. How do you attempt to handle
stress? What are your favorite activities or hobbies? Do you feel stress has caused problems with
your physical health? What would be some more efficient ways of dealing with the stress that you
do experience?

9. Psychological Disorders - Do you have any direct experience with depression, anxiety, and other
disorders studied in Chapter 14? Do you have direct experience with anyone who suffers from a
psychological disorder (no names please). How has your life or another’s life been affected by the
presence of a psychological disorder? What type of treatments have you seen or heard about from
either your own experience or another’s ?

10. Research - Choose a psychology related topic that you would like know more about. Find some
credible books (not our textbook), journal articles or internet sites about this topic. A minimum of
3 references are required. No encyclopedias please !. Describe why you have an interest in this
topic and what you have learned that you did not already know.

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