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Detailed Lesson PLAN IN Cookery 9

Community and Public Health (University of the East Ramon Magsaysay)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Lubao, Pampanga

School Year: 2017-2018 Date: February 20, 2018

Year & Section: Grade 9 (Batch 1) Time: 10:00AM 3 11:00AM


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify the tools, utensils, equipment and ingredients needed in preparing Veggie Flan;
b. realize the importance of eating tasty yet nutritious dessert; and
c. prepare a nutritious Veggie Flan.
II. Subject Matter:


Reference: Learning Module in Cookery 9 pages 166-170

Internet ( for the pictures

Tools and Materials: Visual aids; PowerPoint presentation; the actual tools, utensils, equipment and
ingredients needed in preparing the Veggie Flan.

III. Procedure


A. Daily Routine
a.1. Opening prayer (One of the students will lead the prayer)
a.2. Classroom management
a.3. Checking of the attendance
a.4. Greetings

<Good morning, class!= <Good morning, ma9am!=

a.5. Review of the past lesson

<Let9s have a recapitulation about the lesson that

we9ve tackled yesterday. <

<Can you give some ingredients used in making <Chocolate, ma9am!=

desserts? Yes, ________?=

<Very good!=

<Another? Yes, _____?= <Sugar, ma9am!=

<Very good!=

B. Motivation
<Before we start our new lesson, I have prepared
a game and we call it Pop to Construct. You will
be grouped into two (2) and each group should
have two (2) representatives. All you have to do
is to pop the balloon; arrange the puzzled picture;
and jumbled letters inside. Paste your answers on
a cartolina and explain how did you come up with

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that answer. You9ll be given 3 minutes to finish

the game.=

<Did you get it class?= <Yes, ma9am!=

C. Presentation of the Lesson

<Based on the activity that you had, what do you <It9s about preparing leche flan, ma9am!=
think is our topic for today?=

<Very good! For today, I9ll teach you how to

make leche flan with a twist with the help of the
different vegetables, we are going to make a new
variant of leche flan.=

D. Presentation of Objectives
<For this lesson, we have our objectives that we
must achieve. So, at the end of our lesson, you
should be able to:

a. Identify the tools, utensils, equipment and

ingredients needed in preparing Veggie
b. Realize the importance of eating tasty yet
nutritious dessert; and
c. Prepare a nutritious Veggie Flan.=

<Did you get it class?= <Yes, ma9am!=

d.1. Discussion

<What is Veggie Flan? Yes, _____?= <Veggie Flan is a new variant of leche flan. Its
main ingredient are vegetables which are rich
sources of different vitamins and minerals.=

<Thank you! That means, Veggie Flan is a

healthy dessert.=

<Let9s identify first the tools, utensils, and <Yes, ma9am!=

equipment needed in preparing the Veggie Flan.
I9ll say the name of the tool and you9ll state its
use/s. Is it clear class?=

<The first one that we need is the mixing bowl. <It is used as a container where all ingredients
Who can go in front and identify it and its uses? are being used, ma9am!=
Yes, ____?=

<Excellent! How about the whisk? Yes, ____?= <It is used for mixing and blending ingredients,

<Definitely! How about the strainer? Yes, ____?= <It is used to filter the mixture, ma9am!=

<Very good! How about the puto molder? Yes, <It will be used as the molder of the Veggie Flan,
____?= ma9am!=

<Excellent! How about the aluminum foil? Yes, <It is used to cover the Veggie Flan while
_____=? steaming, ma9am!=

<Precisely! How about the steamer? Yes, ___?= <It is used for steaming the Veggie Flan,

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<Very good! For the last one, we have the range. <It is a kitchen appliance used for cooking the
Kindly identify it and its use. Yes, ___?= food, ma9am!=

<Excellent! It seems that all of you are familiar <154ml of Evaporated milk=
with the tools and equipment, class. Let9s now
move on with ingredients. Group 1, kindly read
the first ingredient.=

<Thank you! Does every group have their 154ml (The students will show their evaporated milk)
evaporated milk? Let me check them.

<Very good! What9s the next ingredient, group <168ml of Condensed milk=

<Thank you! Do you have your 168ml evaporated <Yes, ma9am!= (The students will show their
milk, class? Kindly show it to me.= evaporated milk)

<Excellent! What9s the third ingredient, group 3?= <5pcs. egg yolks=

<Thank you! Did you bring 5pcs egg yolks, class? <Yes, ma9am!= (The students will show their
Let me check them.= 5pcs egg yolks)

<Very good! What9s the next ingredient, group <1 cup grated cheese=

<Thank you! Instead of using sugar, we will be (The students will show their grated cheese)
using cheese. Kindly show me if you have grated

<Excellent! Group 1, what9s the next ingredient?= <1/8 tsp. lime zest=

<Thank you! Kindly show me your lime zest, (The students will show their lime zest)

<Very good everyone! And for the main

ingredient, we have 1/8 cup of mashed veggie.=

<Cooking is fun, but kitchen safety is a priority.

That9s why before doing the procedure, we have
to know first some basic rules of kitchen safety.=

<Kindly read the first one. Yes, _____?= <Never cook in loose clothes and keep long hair
tied back.=

<Thank you! That9s why we always have to wear <Personal Protective Equipment, ma9am!=
our PPE. And PPE stands for? Yes, ____?=

<Very good! Kindly read the next one. Yes, <Always pay attention to what you9re doing in the
___?= kitchen.=

<Thank you! Why should we always pay <Because one slip can cause serious injury or
attention?= Yes, ____?= accident, ma9am!=

<Very well said! Kindly read the next one. Yes, <Wipe up spills immediately.=

<Thank you! We should always clean our <Be careful in using the steamer and the range.=
working area. Kindly read the next one. Yes,

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<Thank you. In using any equipment, make sure

that you are familiar on how to operate it. And
always use potholders when you need to hold hot

<Is it all clear to you, class?= <Yes, ma9am!=

<Okay! So, let9s move on to the procedure. I want <Yes, ma9am!=

you to pay attention, because you9ll be doing
every step after me. Did you get it, class?=

<What9s the first thing that we have to do? Yes, <Prepare all the materials and ingredients
____?= needed, ma9am!=

<Very good! After doing that, what9s the next <On a mixing bowl, add the egg yolks followed by
step? Yes, _____?= the evaporated and condensed milk. Mix it well.=

(The teacher will observe if each group are doing

it the right way.)

<What9s the next step? Yes, ___?= <Strain the mixture.=

<Thank you! We have to strain the mixture so that (The students will strain the mixture.)
we can make sure that it is smooth.=

(The teacher will observe if each group are doing

it the right way.)

<Very good! We can now add the mashed veggie (The students will add the mashed veggie in the
to the mixture. We do it like this.= mixture.)

(The teacher will observe if each group are doing

it the right way.)

<Very good! What9s the next step? Yes, ___?= <Add 1 tsp. grated cheese on the puto molder.=

<We should just add the right amount of grated (the students will add the grated cheese)

(The teacher will observe if each group are doing

it the right way.)

<Very good! We can now pour the mixture on the (The students will pour the mixture.)
puto molder.

(The teacher will observe if each group are doing

it the right way.)

<Very good! What9s the next step? Yes, ___?= <Cover it with aluminum foil and steam for 30
minutes until it is firm.=

<We make sure that we covered it properly. We (the students cover and steam the Veggie Flan)
can now steam it for 30 minutes.=

(The teacher will observe if each group are doing

it the right way.)

d.2. Activity
d.3. Social Integration 3 Program of the
government for diabetic people.
d.4. Valuing 3 Importance of eating
nutritious dessert.

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<Are there any questions you want to ask, class?= <None, ma9am!=

<Have you learned something, class?= <Yes, ma9am!

IV. Output Presentation/Evaluation

Instruction: Each group will present their finished product in front and will be given 1 minute each to tell
something about their finished product.


Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs No Points
(4 pts.) Satisfactory (2 pts.) Improvement Attempt Earned
(3 pts.) (1 pt.) (0 pt.)
1. Use of tools Uses tools Uses tools Uses tools and Uses tools and No
and and and equipment equipment attempt.
equipment. equipment equipment correctly but less incorrectly and
correctly and correctly and confidently most less
confidently at confidently of the time. confidently
all times. most of the most of the
time. time.
2. Application Manifests Manifests Manifests Manifests No
of Procedures very clear clear understanding of understanding attempt.
understanding understanding procedure but of the step-by-
of the step- of the step- sometimes seeks step procedure
by-step by-step clarification. seeking
procedure. procedure. clarification
most of the
3 Safety Work Observes Observes Observes safety Not observing No
Habits safety safety precaution safety attempt.
precautions at precaution sometimes. precautions
all times. most of the most of the
time. time.
4. Final Output is very Output is very Output is Output is not No
Output presentable presentable presentable and so presentable attempt.
and taste and taste taste meets the and taste is
exceeds the meets the standard. within the
standard. standard. standard.
5. Time Work Work Work completed Work No
Management completed completed ___(mins./hours) completed attempt
ahead of time. within beyond. ___(days)
allotted time. beyond.

V. Generalization/Summary
<Pop-up Recitation=
Let9s see how much you have learned.
Complete any of the following statements by popping up. That means you do not have to raise your hand
if you want to answer. Just stand and state. Anyone who will be able to complete any of these statements
will be given three points for their recitation grade. As I say the word <Pop-up=, you stand and answer.
I have learned that ___________________________________________.
I have realized that ___________________________________________.
I discovered that _____________________________________________.
From now on, I will ___________________________________________.

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Very good! All of you learned a new variety of leche flan which is the Veggie Flan. We9ve also
discovered that some vegetable like potato, carrot, squash, and taro can be made or added to desserts. We
realized that we can prepare a tasty yet nutritious dessert.
And for this lesson, you were all able to identify the tools and equipment that are needed in
preparing Veggie Flan which are the mixing bowl, whisk, strainer, aluminum foil, puto molder, steamer
and range. You were also able to observe and follow the Basic Rules of Kitchen Safety and have known
that it is a good habit to develop. And above all, you were able to prepare Veggie Flan.
E. Recapitulation of the objectives
<Were you able to identify the tools, utensils, equipment, and ingredients needed in preparing Veggie
Flan, class?=

<Were you able to realize the importance of eating tasty yet nutritious dessert, class?=

<Lastly, were you able to prepare nutritious Veggie Flan, class?=

VI. Assignment
February 21, 2018 (Wednesday)
1. Give one healthy dessert aside from Veggie Flan.
2. Give at least two (2) variety of Sauces.


(Student Teacher)



(Cooperating Teacher)

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