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Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies

Department of CSE(Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
Report on “BHR Case Study”

Class: SY(AIML)
Roll No. : AI2139
Name of Student: Komal Dattatray Shinde
Topic: Pulwama Attack

1. Case Background
The 2019 Pulwama attack occurred on 14 February 2019, when a convoy of vehicles
carrying Indian security personnel on the Jammu–Srinagar National Highway was
attacked by a vehicle-borne suicide bomber at Lethapora in the Pulwama district of the
erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir The attack killed 40 Indian Central Reserve Police
Force (CRPF) personnel as well as the perpetrator—Adil Ahmad Dar—who was a
local Kashmiri youth from the Pulwama district .The responsibility for the attack was
claimed by the Pakistan based Islamist terrorist group, Jaish-e-Mohammed . India
blamed neighbouring Pakistan for the attack, while the latter condemned the attack and
denied having any connections to it.The attack dealt a severe blow to India–Pakistan
relations , consequently resulting in the 2019 India–Pakistan military standoff
Subsequently, Indian investigations identified 19 accused. By August 2021, the main
accused along with six others had been killed, and seven had been arrested.[1]

2. Human Rights Violated

Human rights violations can be observed in various aspects surrounding the Pulwama
Right to Life: The attack resulted in the loss of innocent lives, which is a clear violation
of the right to life as enshrined in various international human rights instruments.
Right to Security: The security personnel targeted in the attack were entitled to protection
and security while carrying out their duties. The failure to provide adequate security and
prevent such an attack could be seen as a violation of their right to security.
Right to Justice: Following the attack, there were reports of retaliatory violence against
Kashmiri civilians, including arbitrary arrests, detentions, and harassment. Such actions
violate the right to justice and due process.
Right to Peaceful Assembly: In the aftermath of the attack, there were restrictions
imposed on the right to peaceful assembly in certain areas, limiting freedom of
expression and peaceful protest.
Right to Access Information: There were allegations of internet shutdowns and
restrictions on media coverage in the aftermath of the attack, which impeded the right to
access information and freedom of the press.
It's important to recognize that addressing human rights violations requires a
comprehensive approach that ensures accountability, justice, and respect for human
dignity for all individuals affected by such incidents, including victims and their families,
as well as ensuring that measures taken to prevent further violence uphold human rights

3. My Observation
The Pulwama attack as a tragic manifestation of the ongoing conflict and tensions in the
region of Jammu and Kashmir. It was a stark reminder of the devastating consequences
of terrorism and the profound impact it has on innocent lives and communities.
Preventing incidents like the Pulwama attack requires a Strengthening intelligence
networks. Implementing robust security measures, including regular patrols, checkpoints,
and surveillance, can help deter and detect suspicious activities. Enhancing border
security measures, including the use of technology such as surveillance drones and
sensors. Raising awareness among the public about the threat of terrorism and the
importance of vigilance can help mobilize communities to report suspicious activities and
prevent attacks. Ultimately, promoting peace, reconciliation, and dialogue among
conflicting parties is crucial for addressing the root causes of violence and preventing
future attacks. As youth, we have a significant role to play in shaping the response to the
Pulwama attack and contributing to efforts aimed at preventing similar incidents in the
future. Call for transparency and accountability in the investigation and legal proceedings
related to the Pulwama attack. Advocate for justice for the victims and their families,
including fair trials for those accused of involvement in the attack. Engage with local
communities, especially in conflict-affected areas like Jammu and Kashmir, to
understand their concerns and grievances. Support initiatives that address socio-economic
disparities, promote education and employment opportunities, and empower marginalized
groups. Build solidarity with youth and peace activists around the world who are working
towards similar goals. Join international networks and campaigns that promote peace,
human rights, and social justice.

4. Reference used

1. 2019 Pulwama attack - Wikipedia


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