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Artur Nowak-Far (c) a business transaction;

(d) a liability transaction.

Warsaw School of Economics
4. Misrepresentation involves:

(a) improper representation of

Business Law (Early exam) somebody’s interests giving rise to
Please put X on the answer you consider (b) improper representation of
correct or most accurate. There is only somebody’s interests which can be
one correct/most accurate answer to corrected/confirmed by that person;
each question. You can change your (c) unserious promise made in public
mind indefinitely – however, please which then has been confirmed;
make sure that you have indicated your (d) untruthful assertion by one of the
final answer in any comprehensible way. parties to a contract about a
During the exam, you are allowed to use material fact.
language dictionaries (yet no legal or
law dictionaries) 5. Whenever someone bears strict
liability, it means that:
You have 40 minutes. (a) her/his liability is limited to an
amount of money specified in
EXAMINATION TEST applicable statutory law,
(b) she/he cannot be relieved of her/his
Name and Surname: liability by providing evidence of
lack of fault
(c) her/his liability is unlimited as to
the amount of damage payable to
1. Allocation function of law is those for whom he/she is liable, but
about: limited to only those who suffered
(a) informing people what their rights directly because of her/his fault
and obligations are; (d) her/his liability is strictly specified
(b) allocation of rights between sellers by applicable statutory law so that
and buyers; no customs or other non-statutory
(c) endorsement of negotiable rules could intervene.
(d) liability of insurers. 6. In order to be suitable for a
copyright, a product of human
2. Merchandability is an aspect of: intellect should:
(a) negotiable instruments; (a) be genuine, commonly considered
(b) liability for defective products; to be an artwork and have fixed
(c) liability in delicts/torts; form
(d) warranty in the context of sales of (b) have fixed form, be original and
goods. creative,
(c) be original, have a literary character
3. A person who purchases goods in and have at least one readable
a grocery store and requires an version
invoice instead of a regular (d) be patentable
receipt concludes a:
(a) a consumer transaction;
(b) a bad faith transaction;
7. Purchasing a complex enough d. this reservation is considered,
fixed asset or a set of fixed assets so called, remainder, i. e. a
fit to create a basis for a viable clause which would have to be
business activity is likely to give resolved by a court (having
rise to the same effects as: jurisdiction over the issue) on
(a) creating a limited liability company any reasonable date after the
(b) purchasing an enterprise/making an conclusion of the contract.
en bloc purchase of an enterprise
(c) creating a de facto partnership with 10. Buyer will waive both implied
the vendor of these assets and expressed warranties, if
(d) a trust. she/he:
a. fails to properly protect the
8. Whenever two or more debtors goods during their
bear joint and several liability, shipment;
this means that: b. fails to examine goods for
which express warranty was
a. creditor(s) can require created or fails to comply
settlement of a total amount of with the sellers request to
debt from either debtor or from inspect goods;
all of them and that paying off c. fails to pay the price for the
the debt by one of them relieves goods sold in due time and
all other debtors of their debt to properly unpackage the
with respect to the creditor(s) goods;
b. creditor(s) must require d. fails to pay the price for the
settlement of a total amount of goods sold in due time;
debt from all debtors together
(in equal parts)
c. the amount of the debt 11. In the case of a limited liability
attributable to each debtor can company, the company is liable
be treated (e. g. accounted for in to the limit of:
creditor’s books) jointly despite a. the net market value of its
of the fact that there are many assets and liabilities
different situations which gave b. the net value of the capital
rise to their respective debts initially contributed to this
d. they owned stock in one joint company
stock company c. the net value of its
shareholders’ shares at a
9. In most of European jurisdictions given moment
as well as in the Vienna d. the net market value of its
Convention on International subscribed capital
Sales, whenever an offer is –
generally speaking – accepted, 12. In merger law, appraisal right
yet with a small reservation means:
concerning e. g. quality of goods: a. the right to have the value of
a. this offer is considered companies partaking in the
conditionally accepted merger properly appraised by
b. this offer is considered chartered accountants
accepted, b. the right to have the value of the
c. this reservation constitutes a company created as a result of
counter-offer the merger properly appraised
by chartered accountants (to b. onto her/his household
make it possible to execute the members
so called “fine-tuning” c. onto any future second-hand
monetary settlement between buyer of the object having been
the companies partaking in the originally sold to that buyer
mergers) d. only if the buyer dies as a result
c. the obligation to properly of the transaction
appraise the difference between
the market and book value of all 16. Piercing-through-the-corporate-veil
assets and liabilities of the doctrine allows debtors to:
merging companies a. seek repayment of their debt
d. the right of a shareholder regardless of any corporate
dissenting the merger to have structure used to make such a
her/his shares appraised and to relief impossible
receive monetary compensation b. sue all the shareholders of a
from the corporation for their company regardless of whether
value they were active or passive
13. Automatic stay in bankruptcy c. receive any information about
proceedings means that: the company to which they have
a. a company filing for bankruptcy lend money
must not assume any new d. receive shareholding in the
liabilities debtor company if this company
b. a company filing for bankruptcy is in serious default.
must immediately stop its most
debt-producing business 17. In continental law, the equivalent of
activities piercing-through-the-corporate-veil
c. the management of a company doctrine is:
filing for bankruptcy is to stop a. Claudial action;;
its operations and turn the b. Paulian action:
company over to the receiver c. desuetudo;
d. all creditor litigation against a d. joint and several liability.
company filing for bankruptcy
must stop 18. In a discriminatory case, where a 30
years old man was rejected a job in a
14. An arbitration award will not be theatre – which was role of Ophelia
recognized by a court on the grounds (i. e. main teenager female role) in
of its inconsistency with: Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”:
a. public order a. plaintiff must provide evidence
b. the court’s policy in that the decision had a
adjudicating similar cases legitimate business reason, and
c. the court’s understanding of its the defendant must demonstrate
merits a prima facie discrimination;
d. frustration of the contract b. the burden of proof of all
doctrine material circumstances on
which the case is based is with
15. In law of sales, warranty given to the the plaintiff;
buyer is extended: c. quid pro quo test should be
a. indefinitely as to the content but made;
definitely as to its time-span
d. the plaintiff must demonstrate a
prima facie discrimination and
the defendant must provide
evidence for a legitimate reason
for the decision.

19. In unjust enrichment:

a. enriched person should give
back all unjustly received
b. enriched person can keep all
unjustly received assets;
c. enriched person should give
back all unjustly received assets
unless they have been
consumed in any way;
d. enriched person can keep all
unjustly received assets
provided that she/he has used
them in any substantial way.

20. Under most of continental

jurisdiction (such as e. g. Polish one)
donation is:
a. a unilateral legal action;
b. a contract;
c. a bilateral legal action;
d. a multilateral legal action.

21. In the European Union, door step

selling to a certain customer makes:

a. a definite sale, provided that

there are no grounds for
exercising warranty rights;
b. non-definite sale as the contract
can be revoked at any
reasonable time by the
c. non-definite sale, as the contract
can be revoked at any
reasonable time by the seller;
d. temporarily non-definite sale, as
the contract can be revoked by
the customer within a certain
time limit.

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