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7 Minute Workout

User Manual
Step by Step Instruction for utilizing
Our program and site
Home Screen
Click to
Navigation of our access
Community and support
interaction with desk
members of 7
Minute Workout

Click to set
video from
Joel Therien
Home Screen Cont’d


Business Webcasts
Tools containing
Step #1 – Customize your Program

Read Our Unique and Proven approach to understand more about 7

Minute Workout.

Read Joel and Chris to learn about their history together.

Click My Fit Profile to answer questions and unlock your customized

programming to utilize the program. Here is where you will set-up your
training to begin at beginner, intermediate or advanced level. As well
as whether you will be training at home (non equipment) or in a gym
(with equipment)
Filling Out My Fit Profile

The information
gathered in step #1
will determine your
Resting Metabolic
Rate and daily Fit
Credit Allowance
Choose option #1
if your goal is to
lose weight

Choose option #2 Choose option #3 if

if you are close to you are only
an ideal weight interested in
but would like to following the
track food and exercise program
utilize Fit Credits and not tracking Fit
(this option gives Credits and when
more daily Fit first starting out
Credit allowance)
Information filled out in Step #1
determines your daily Fit Credit

We recommend that you eat

within a 40% Protein, 40% Carbs
and 20% Fat daily ratio. *This will
be tracked in a pie chart in your
food tracker.

Fit Credits are determined:

8 grms of Protein= 1 Fit Credit
4 grms of Carbs=1 Fit Credit
1 grm of Fat = 1 Fit Credit

We recommend that you not

worry about tracking food with
Fit Credits until you have
completed 3 cycles of the
Question #1 and #2 are
the most important to
customize your exercise
You will see a
Results Page
recommended selection.
You can change this
selection. As you
advance in the program,
this is where you will
return to change

Be sure to click SAVE

at the bottom of this
page to save all your
programming. You
can return to My Fit
Profile to edit at any
Step #2 – Do Your First Workout
Your current
intensity level,
you can edit in
My Fit Profile

Click to
videos Click to change from
equipment to non-
equipment videos or
vice versa
Follow the
listed. For this
workout, you
would choose 4
of the videos
listed. You can
click to preview

Some workouts
will have alternate
exercises. You can
select and
customize your
Click to return
to your Click to connect to your Facebook
workout account. You will need to login
schedule and allow the app to access your
account. This is a 2 step process
to post to your wall that you have
Click to reset programming finished your workout. More info
of any alternate exercises on next page.
Step 2. After connecting you will
be brought to your workout
Step 1. Click to Connect,
schedule. Click your current
login to Facebook
workout to access next step.
account and allow app
Facebook Connect

Step 3. Click to access pop-up

to post to Facebook wall.

Step 4. You can edit the

text in pop-up box. This
will post to your Facebook Step 5. You will
wall automatically with receive message when
your affiliate URL successfully posted to
Facebook wall
Click to preview

Click to select video

and save in your
custom programming
Click to return to
your current
workout videos
Click controls to Click to expand
play, pause, and video to full
stop video screen

Click to add weight Click to load

and reps to track activity tracker
progress data to see last
Step #3 – Track Progress Click drop down
to change chart
You can click to change the date range
for view in chart

Click a checkpoint in chart to

see info below. You can edit
or delete a checkpoint
Fill in required information to add a checkpoint that will be
entered in your chart. You can change the date accordingly. You
can also add any notes such as Weight Tracker #1 in the note box.
Be sure to click add checkpoint after filling in required fields.
Click workout to see list of
exercises drop down. All
exercises listed in tracker are
those you have customized
in your programming.
Click to watch
exercise video

Click on exercise to add

to tracker

Fill in required
information and click add.
You can also edit and click
update or remove.
Click to watch video on how
to use this feature

Step #4 – Log and Track Food with Fit Credits

Will show
daily total of
Fit Credits
week. You
can change
dates to

Select meal
time to track
food. You
can search in
The system will track % of database,
protein, carb, and fats eaten select from
throughout day. Aim to eat favorites
40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% menu or
fat. saved recipes
You can search our database of
recipes. Enter a keyword and/or
select a category. You can even
select nutritional requirement. You
can print out a shopping list of
ingredients in a recipe.
Click to watch video on how to use this feature.

Any saved recipes with be

saved under My Recipes. You
can click a saved recipe to edit,
delete or share in social
Add ingredients from food community.
database or your favorites list.
Be sure to fill in all required information to save your recipe.
Step #5 – Interact in Community
Click to access
and interact
with members.
This home We will post
page is like announcements in
Facebook you this section
will see latest
interaction of

Click to edit and set-up

profile in community
Welcome new
members to the
See who is presently community
online in the
Post and read topics
about our program.
Post and read Get answers and
blogs from opinions from other
members members

Click to view all email notifications

Click and send
private Search for members of the
messages to community using information
members they have filled out in their
Click to accept
friend and group

Chat with accepted

Newest friendships who are
members to online
Step #6 – Mark Your Calendar with LIVE
Webcast Schedule

Next scheduled
webcast will always
show at the top

Our webcasts are

recorded and posted in
members area for later
viewing. You will receive
email notification when a
NEW replay is added
Step #7 – Set Up FREE Buddy Account
Click to watch video on how to use this feature
List of invites,
active and
Buddy accounts

You can re-

invite or delete
an inactive

You can cancel an active Buddy

You can change from Name and account at anytime. They will
From email receive email notification that their
account was cancelled.
Enter name and email address
of your invitee You can edit the default template
before clicking invite
You can edit the
template and subject
line to contain any
information you wish
to share with your
invitee. Many
members like to state
in the email the length
of time that they are
giving this FREE
membership for such
as 2 weeks or 30 days.
You may also want to
include personal
contact information. You MUST keep this
HTML tag in your
email. This is the link
your invitee will click to
create their account.
Step #8 – Edit Your Account
of the
amount of
These are your
email options.
you want
Selecting the
visible to
top will stop
members in
ALL emails.
Other options
will stop from
receiving email
from upline or
downline. You MUST have this section
filled out to receive
commissions. Please watch
video for further instruction.

*Be sure to enter your account password and click update at the bottom of the page when updating
any information in this section. You will receive email notification of any changes made.
Step #9 – View Organization As your
grows, you
will need to
Top member is
click here to
yourself. Any
load your full
tree. You may
below are your
need to click
on the last
Free member
member in a
status, these
Member is leg to load
members do not
currently more of your
count towards
suspended for 6 organization
binary commissions
failed payments as it grows
Active and on their too big to
paid member account view in 1
screen. There
is also a print

These are members who come directly from your affiliate URL. These active members will
first go in your holding tank for placement in your organization.
Click to watch video
about placing
members from
holding tank
Any active direct referrals will
go in your holding tank for
placement in organization

Your direct sponsor. You will most likely be contacted by your direct
sponsor upon activation of your account. This is should be the first
person you contact with any questions.

Your sponsor list is your upline.

Your list of direct referrals will

show here.

Any direct referrals who create an account but haven’t processed payment to activate will show
Step #10 – Promote Your Business

You can post banners on

your own blog or website.
You have 2 options to
copy and paste:

Java script
HTML code

There are also many sizes

to choose from.
This feature allows you to send
invite to your contacts in your
email account. These contacts
will then become your leads.
Click to watch this video on how to
use this feature.
You will be able to view stats on sends and
opens after inviting your friends.

Enter your email address and

email account password. Then
select from the drop down.

You can edit your from name and email

address. By default it shows your name
and email address associate with your 7
Minute Workout account.

You can choose from a selection of

templates and subjects lines. These
templates can NOT be edited. Click next at
Your list of contacts will load in
this screen. By default all are
selected. You can unselect any as
you choose. When finished click
next. You will then see the screen
below. You can click statistics to
see sends and opens. You will
then find your contacts in Your
Leads section under Affiliate Tools.
You can copy and paste
various ad copy for email or
for article posting on
websites or blogs.
There are various affiliate urls
to advertise your business.
There is a description of what
each page is designed to target
Step #11 – Support Your Organization You have the ability to
email, your direct
referrals, buddies and
pending affiliates at

You have the ability to

email all downline 1x
every 7 days.

Be sure to copy and

paste content from
HTML box into text box
below. Then click send
at the bottom.

You will see a screen

with red text at the top
stating your email has
been to XX number of
Step #1 Select your date period of leads. This will then select leads generated between those

Step #2 Leave as default All

leads if you want to send to all
leads generated between dates
selected upon. If you want to
send to just a certain lead
name, you can select from the
drop down. Step #3 Write the content of your email in the HTML
box and then copy and paste the content into the
text box below. You also must enter a subject line.
You can view stats such as open and send above.

*You can hyperlink text in

the HTML box by
highlighting then click link
icon. Enter URL in pop-up
Step #12- Track Stats on Your Business
Step #1 – select domain from drop

Step #2 – Create a campaign name

Step #3 – copy link into a new browser

and click enter to activate (shown on
next page)

Step #4 – select domain from drop

down and campaign name from drop
down to look at specific stats after
activation in step #3.

You can look at various stats to track

how well your campaign is doing. You
may want to make changes based on
your stats.
Copy and paste link created at bottom of page into a new browser and click enter to activate.

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