Unit 3

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Put on the Gloves, Please.


1. Work in pairs. Discuss why you need to do these things before you carry
out a procedure.
a. Obtain consent from the patient for the procedure.
b. Introduce yourself
c. Prepare the trolley
Discuss what else you need to do?
2. Work in groups. Discuss these tips for a first ward round with a consultant.
Decide why you think each tip has been given.

a. Make sure you know the names of your patients and where they are.
b. Find out from the bed manager if any patients and where they are.
c. Check that all the case notes, investigations, an so on are on the ward.
d. Invite a nurse who knows your patients to come on the ward rounds.
e. Record case histories and results clearly and consicely.


Read and practice the script below.

Ann : Jack, have you done your first ward round?

Jack :. Yes,I have
Ann : Do you have some tips for me? I’m doing it soon.
Jack : Sure. There are many things that will become obvious once you
have done your first ward round, but I can give you a few tips that
help me on my first day. The first thing is make sure you know the
names of all your patients and where they are in the ward.
Ann : OK. What’s the next step?
Jack : The next step is always check with the bed managers if any patients
have been moved and if so where to in order to avoid wasting time,
especially the consultant’s running around looking for patients. Also
make sure you have all the case notes,X-rays, and so on on hand so
that you can refer to them quickly. It is useful to invite a nurse who
knows your patients to come on rounds with you, because they may
be knowledgeable about the patients on the ward than you are.
Ann : Right.
Jack : As regards the case histories and results, record them clearly and
concisely. In that way you can access information easily.
Ann : Alright Jack. Thank you for the tips
Jack : You’re welcome.
Answer the questions.
1. What tips is Jack given to Ann?
2. Complete the table below by providing the reason for each tip.

Tip Reason
Check with the bed managers if any
patients have been moved
Make sure you have all the case
notes,X-rays, and so on on hand
Invite a nurse who knows your patients
to come on rounds with you
Record the case histories and results
clearly and concisely.


Giving Instructions

The imperative form of the verb can be used for giving clear and direct instructions.
It is very direct, and in certain contexts ( fr example a doctor speaking to a patient),
it can sound abrupt or even rude.

 Listen
 Keep still
 Complete the drug charts.


 Don’t move.
 Don’t get out of bed.
 Don’t forget to complete the drug charts.

The full negative form Do not is more emphatic and is more common in signs and

We can however use always and never + imperative to make an instruction

stronger. Note the always and never refer to a general rule rather than an
instruction that applies only on one occasion.

Always wash your hands.

It is common to use Remember to + infinitive, Don’t forget to + infinitive and make

sure to + infinitive in instructions.
Remember to check the equipment.
Don’t forget to complete the form.
Make sure to complete the drug charts.

One way to soften the effect of the imperative is to add please, either at the
beginning or end of the instruction.

Don’t get out of the bed,please.

Please don’t get out of the bed.

Explaining procedures

When we want to explain a procedure, we put you before the imperative.

You wash your hands and put on the gloves.

You don’t need to put the instruments away yet.

When describing any sequence of events, it is often clearer to use words such as
first, next, before, before that, after, after that.
Note the difference between after and after that.

After you wash your hands, you put on your gloves.

First you wash your hands. After that, you put on your gloves.

After refers forward to the next action while after that refers back to the previous
action. This is important to understand in order to explain precisely the correct
sequence of events.

Making polite requests to patients

Giving instructions to a patient by just using the simple imperative can sound very
harsh if a patient is ill. To soften imperatives, add for me,please.

Bend your head forward for me, please.

Use can / could to make instruction gentler by changing it into a request. Could is
slightly gentler than can.

Can/ Could you (just) + infinitive without to + (please)?

Can/ Could you just bend your head forward for me, (please)?

You can also use if you can/ Could you just + infinitive without to+ (please) and
infinitive without to + if you can/ could.

If you can / Could you just bend your head forward for me?
Just bend your head forward for me, if you can/could.

You can also use I’d like you to + verb1

I’d like you to just bend your head for me, please.

Useful expressions for softening:

 Now…
 Just
 OK
 That’s fine
 That’s it
 Good
 Fine

1. Use the words to complete the instructions for a procedure.

prepare mark attach wash

obtain sterilize withdraw drain

1. __________ the stylet.

2. __________ 10 drops of CSF into the three specimen tubes.
3. __________ the point between L 3 / 4 where the needle is to be inserted.
4. __________ your hands and put on sterile gloves.
5. __________ consent for the procedure.
6. __________ the area of the patient’s back.
7. __________ the equipment on the trolley.
8. __________ the manometer.

2. Work in pairs. Decide which of these instructions are inappropriate to use

with a patient.
a. Could you just lie on your left side for me?
b. If you could just pop off your clothes and then ...
c. On your left side, please.
d. Just bring your legs up to your chest. Yes, like that and relax. I’m going
to ...
e. Can you just bend your knees towards your chin and curl your neck?
f. I’d like you to stand up for me, if you can.
g. Take off your shirt.

3. Complete the sentences with these words and your own.

make tilt pop keep
stand up cough turn

1. Can _______ screen and undress for me, please?

2. I need to examine your lower back, so if you _______ .
3. Just ______ for me. And again. That’s fine.
4. I’d like _______ . Do you need any help getting up?
5. Could you _____ head to the left? Yes, that’s it.
6. Can you ______ tight fist for me? Fine.
7. I _______ still for me if you can. OK

Use the words and the diagram below. Write instructions (using the imperatives) on
how to wash your hands.
dry soap (up) paper towel dispose ogf
forearms wet rub rinse
fingers interlaced massage bin
handle thoroughly fingertips palms
locked thumbs hands touch
take ratationally dsipenser

Choose one of the topics below. ( You may use your own topic). Make
instructions and procedures. Then share it to the class.

a. How to brush the teeth

b. How to keep the environment clean
c. How to stay healthy
d. How to overcome obesity
e. How to prevent influenza
f. How to cope with stress
g. How to have a healthy eating
h. How to cope with sleep difficulties
i. How to prevent dengue fever

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