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1. How often do you use the internet?

- Kiến thức: read books, online newspaper, search/ seek for information / documents …….
- To be honest, I’m always hungry for knowledge, so I try my best to read books every day.
As you know, our knowledge is just a drop in the ocean. In fact, I usually go online to
read medical books. Thanks to that, I can dig deep into medicine / health care. I hope
that I will become a great/ good doctor in the future.
- Well, I am a history lover. So I usually go online to search books or documentaries about
history in not only Vietnam, but also many countries in the world. This kind of
knowledge helps me to open my mind and satisfy my passion for history.
- As you know, we are suffering from Covid 19. So I usually update news about Covid in
online newspaper. I want to know what is happening around the world and in Vietnam. I
hope that people can deal with this problem soon in the future.
- Well, sport is my thing. So I usually go on Youtube or some websites to read news and
watch videos about sports. Thanks to that, I can satisfy my passion and gain knowledge
about sports and different events.
- At the moment, I am having a lot of exams at school. For that reason, I go online with my
laptop every day to search for documents and useful information to prepare for the
exams. The internet is a wonderful place for me to get a lot of knowledge and helps me
a lot to have good marks.

2. What do you do in the evening?

- Before I go to bed, I usually read books. I usually choose / pick up a funny story to read
because it helps me to let my hair down and get my mind off things. Thanks to that, I can
have a good sleep.
- To be honest, I am a book lover / am always hungry for knowledge. So I usually spend
most of my free time at night to read my books. I know that my knowledge is just a drop
in the ocean. For that reason, I try my best to read book every day. Thanks to this
hobby, I have gained a lot of knowledge and opened my mind.
- Well, to prepare well for this B1 exam, I had to study very hard in the evening. Actually, I
don’t have much free time during the day, because I have to go to school. The evening
was the time for me to practice English skills. I hope that I will pass this B1 exam and
have more spare time at night to relax.
- Well, if I have a lot of spare time at night, I will watch the latest films like Movies of
Marvel and DC. These films are so interesting that I never get tired of watching them.
Moreover, this kind of English movies helps me to make a lot of progress in English
listening skills and learn many interesting words / expand my vocabularies / learn daily
life vocabularies.
- When it comes to what I do in the evening, I usually spend time for my family. After I
come home from school, I go into the kitchen to help my mother to the cooking. After
that, my whole family have a meal together. It is a good way for us to tighten our family
3. Tell me about the things you like to read.
Science books => gain knowledge about nature
Detective stories / books => sharpen my mind
English books => make progress in English
- Speaking of my favorite kind of book, science book is my thing. Since I started studying
Science at school, I have had a deep passion for this subject. For that reason, I read
books and magazines about science like nature, wildlife and environment. When doing
so / thanks to this hobby, I can get insight/ dig deep into science and gain a lot of useful
knowledge for life.
- Since I was young / a child, I have been very keen on detective books. One of my favorite
is Conan which is a very famous detective comic book and popular with young people all
around the world. This one is not only fun but also very thrilling/ attractive. Thanks to
that, I can let my hair down……. As well as improve my logical thinking / sharpen my
- I am always hungry for history knowledge. Actually, I usually go to the library in my
school to find history books to enjoy. Not only do I want to find out about Vietnamese
history but also other countries’ history. I love this subject because it helps me to open
my mind about the world and get a lot of traditional values.
4. What do you read in English?
Comic book => giải trí / hoc tiếng anh
- Well, I read medical book in English on a daily basis. The reason is that I want to get
insight into/ dig deep into medical knowledge. It is a good way for me study well at
school and become a good doctor in the future. Moreover, when reading in English, I can
make progress in Reading skills and expand my vocabularies.

- Well, in fact, most important medical books are written in English, so I have to read this
kind of book every day. As you know, I’m a medical student. If I want to get insight in to
my major / medical knowledge and become a good doctor in the future, I need to
get/gain/ enrich my knowledge from medical books. What’s more, thanks to reading
book in English, I can ……………..

- I usually go online to read News on some online newspapers like BBC news. When doing
so, not only can I update events happening around the world, but I also learn a lot of
new words. I really fancy doing this every day / on a daily basis, because I can open my
mind and make huge progress in English skills.

- Well, whenever I have free time, I will pick up some comics in English to enjoy. To be
honest, I have to study around the clock every day. Thanks to funny stories in English
comics, I can ………………….. As well as/ Not only having fun, I can learn loads of English
words and daily life conversation thanks to this hobby. I find that my language skill has
been growing a lot.
5. Tell me about the TV programmes or films you like to watch.
- I am a big fan of Discovery channel which is famous show about animals / wildlife. At the
weekend / when I have free time, I usually turn on TV and enjoy the programmes. When
doing so, I can open my mind/ find out about nature / different animals = creatures.
- Well, detective film is my thing. At the weekend / when I have spare time, I usually go on
the Internet to enjoy some interesting detective movies like Sherlock Home and Conan
cartoon. Thanks to that, not only can I get a lot of pleasure but I also improve my logical
thinking as well as sharpen my mind.
- History documentaries.
- American shows like American got talent / Master chef => fun / learn English / open my
mind about cooking recipes / make progress in cooking skills.
6. Do like getting useful presents or fun presents?
Useful presents: book / laptop : kiến thức
Fun present: toy / clothes / flower / cinema tickets: giải trí.
- If I have to choose between useful presents and fun presents, the former is my better
choice. The reason is that useful things like laptop, and books are very important/
necessary for our daily life. For example, with a laptop we can not only work and study
but also go online to update news. I hope that on my next birthday, I will get a new
laptop from my parents.
- Useful present is my choice. I hope I will get a motorbike as present on my next birthday.
To be honest, I am studying pretty far from my school, and I have to take a bus or cycle
to school every day, it is very inconvenient. Sometimes I got to school late. With a
motorbike, I will travel easily. It helps me a lot, and makes my life more convenient.
- I prefer receiving something useful like books on my birthday. To be honest, I’m always
hungry for knowledge………………………………….. On my last birthday, I got a lot of
interesting books from my friends. I really appreciate that. / I felt very happy and feel
grateful for wonderful presents / gifts.
- I’m always seeking for / searching for fun. So I would like to get something interesting as
present if I can. Last year, I got a new computer game from friends. I was so happy/
pleased with this present. Thanks to this kind of gift, I can have a lot of pleasure in my
free time and never feel down or bored.
7. What kind of music do you like listening to?
- Folk music => giải trí / dig deep into / get insight into Vietnamese culture / tradition
- English music =>
- Not many young people are keen fork music, but I’m different. Vietnam has a lot of
beautiful fork music such as Tuong, Cheo, and Cai Luong. I usually enjoy this kind of
music on the internet when I have no thing to do. It is a good way for me have fun and
dig deep into Vietnamese culture / learn a lot of traditional value.
- Well, most young people are keen on Pop music and I’m no exception. However, the
kind of Pop music I like most is Pop music from US and UK. the melody is so lively and
catchy that I can let my hair down and dance along the music. Not only that, the English
lyrics are a huge source of vocabularies for me to learn. To be honest, my English skills
have been improving / growing a lot since I took up this hobby.
8. What do you enjoy about learning English?
- There are a lot of things that I fancy when learning English. First, I can challenge myself
with a new language, it’s something really worth trying. Second, English helps me a lot
with study. To be honest, I am studying medicine at school, and most important medical
knowledge is written in English. Thanks to learning English, I can dig deep into my major
and follow my dream to become a good doctor in the future.
- Last but not least = finally, if I am good at English, I can have a chance to make friends
with other people from other countries. In the future, I will travel abroad to have new
experience and explore different cultures. I’m trying my best to improve my English on a
daily basis to make my dream come true.
- When I travel abroad, I can communicate with foreigners and make a lot of friends. It is a
good way to learn more / find out more about the local cultures and open my mind.


9. What’s the best holiday you have ever had?

- Well, last summer, I had a trip with my family to Da Nang which is very famous for
beautiful beaches in Vietnam. The trip is once-in-a-lifetime holiday for me. Personally
speaking, I’m a big fan of beach. So when I got to Da Nang, I was so happy with the
amazing beaches there. Not only could I immerse myself into the beauty of nature there,
but I also played some new water sports like surfing and sailing. It was such an great
time for me.
- Last year, I had a chance to travel to Sapa which is very well-known for amazing nature
and mountain. This place is very popular with everyone, especially the young like me,
because when you go there, you can immerse yourself into the beauty of nature.
Actually, when I got there last year, I went camping in the mountain and went
sightseeing in the countryside. Thanks to that, I could escape from the hustle and bustle
of the city life and find peace of mind.
- The trip to Thailand a few years ago is the most wonderful trip in my life. I went there
with my family in summer after a long year of hard work and study. This was also the
first time I set foot on other country. When staying there, we could go sightseeing in a
number of beautiful places / places of interest like beaches and pagodas. What’s more,
we could enjoy loads of delicious food to dig deep into their cuisine and have new
experience. Best of all, it was a great time for my family to bond together. I found that
we got along better and have better relationship after the trip. For all the reasons, I think
the trip to Thailand is the best one for me.
10. What kinds of places do you like visiting?
- Well, I always dream of travelling broad someday. And the first destination will be
England. I want to go there because I’m a big fan of football. I would like to see a
football match between famous team clubs in real life. It would be an amazing
experience for me. I hope that my dream will come true soon in the future.
- When I go to England, I can practice English with native speakers and make loads of
friends. I believe that if I have a trip there, I will make a lot of progress in English
speaking and expand my circle of friends.
- I’m a big fan of street food, so I would like to go to China which is the paradise of street
food. If I have a chance to go there, I will enjoy loads of delicious dishes and dig deep
into Chinese cuisine. When doing so, I can satisfy my passion and open my mind.
- I’m a history lover, so I always look for a museum to visit when setting foot on a new
place / city. When getting into a museum, not only can I see a lot of old / antique things
on display but I also learn a lot valuable lessons from the old days. Thanks to that, I can
enrich my knowledge and have a deeper understanding of history and different cultures.
11. Where do you like going on holiday?

12. What’s the most interesting place to visit in your city?

13. Where in the world would you most like to visit?

14. Do you prefer visiting hot countries or cold countries on holiday?

The weather is sunny => nature is beautiful =>
I’m a big fan of beach

- I have never travelled / paid a visit to / set foot on any old cold countries. So I hope that
in the future, I will have a trip to one like Japan => have new experience / see snow /
play winter sports like skiing / snow boarding. / swim in a hot spring.
- Speaking of places on holiday, If I have to choose between hot and cold countries, the
former is my better choice. I’m a big fan of sunshine and beaches, so I usually pick up a
beach city for my vacation / holiday. When going there, I can play a lot of water sports
and immerse myself into the beauty of nature.
Cold country is not my thing. The weather is so freezing that we can’t do many outdoor
- As you know, I live in Vietnam, a hot tropical country. Although we have winter, it is not
cold enough to have snow. So I would like to travel to a very cold country some day.
Maybe I will choose Japan. When going there, not only can I see snow in reality but I also
can dig deep into their culture.

15. Have you ever been on a really long journey?

We spent 1 week / 1 month in Sapa
We have a long trip to…….

16. Is it important for schools to take students on school trips?

Giải trí
Spend time having fun together => relationship
- Why not? School trip is a great chance for students to let their hair down after stressful
lessons and exams at school. Whenever I have a trip with my class, not only can I have a
lot of fun, but I also learn loads of interesting things. For example, last week, we went to
a museum in our city. The trip was great because we could find out about different old
things on display and open our mind about the lives in the old days.
- The school trip is also a great time for students to hang out together. Thanks to that, not
only can they balance work and life, but they also do some teamwork to tighten their
17. What do you think is the best time of year to go for a day out?
- Summer
When it comes to the best time of year to go out, I think it is the summer. There is no
doubt that nature is very beautiful at that time with yellow sunshine. You can go picnic
in the mountain to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and take a lot of nice /
cool photos. Moreover, the hot weather is also very suitable to go swimming. For me, I
would love to go to the beach to cool off in the sea. It is so amazing.
- Spring
Well, actually, Vietnamese people usually go out or have a holiday trip in Spring. The
reason is that the weather is so warm and nature is beautiful with sunshine and
beautiful flowers. What’s more, it is also the same time as Tet holiday, the biggest
festival in Vietnam. There are a lot of activities to do outdoors to have fun and
everywhere is decorated beautifully. At this time, I usually visit my relatives, go to
pagodas and go sightseeing.
18. Do you like summer or winter more?
- Winter is not my thing. the reason is that it is so cold that I can’t stand and I can’t go out
much. I have a preference of summer, as the weather is suitable for outdoor activities
like sport or going sightseeing. Personally, I’m a big fan of beach, I always look forward
to summer when I can travel to the beach to swim, play water sport and enjoy cool
breeze from the sea.
- Well, I can’t stand summer in Vietnam. It is so hot that I can’t stand. To be honest, I’m a
student and don’t have money to my name, so I can’t afford an AC / Air conditioner. In
summer hot/ boiling/ baking days, I can’t sleep as well as focusing on study and work.
I fancy the cold weather in winter, I can sleep better and make loads of hot delicious
food to enjoy like hot pot.
19. Which do you prefer, travelling by car or travelling by bus?
20. Have you ever been on an areoplane?
21. Do you like traveling by train?
22. How do you usually travel to school?
23. What do you take with you when you travel somewhere?
- Money is a must to bring whenever I go travelling. There is no doubt that without
money, we can’t buy food, pay for hotel and leisure activities. Moreover, on my trip, I
usually go to a local market to buy gifts for my friends and family at home. So in
conclusion, money is of paramount importance on my trip to anywhere.
- It is the camera, of course. Camera plays an important part in my trip, so I never forget
to bring it. To be honest, I’m a big fan of photography / taking photographs. If I have a
good camera with me when going sightseeing, I can take a lot of beautiful photos.
Thanks to that, I can save unforgettable moments on the trip and show off on Facebook.
- I can’t have a perfect holiday without a camera.
- Well, it is clear that we have stay on bus, train or plane for hours when travelling. So a
book or headphone is very useful. We can read some interesting stories or listen to our
favorite music to kill time. I usually feel very upset if I have to wait so long for

1. Is it better to go on holiday in your country or in other countries?

- Well, for me, I have a preference for travelling in my country. To be honest, I’m a
student and don’t have a deep pocket, so I can’t afford a trip to foreign countries.
Instead, on my summer holiday, I usually choose a new place in my Vietnam to travel to.
My country not only is very beautiful with nature and beaches, but also has different
cultures for me to explore and open my mind.
- Other country is my better choice. I have travelled to different places in Vietnam but
have never set foot on any foreign countries. So I always dream of travelling abroad to
discover other culture, cuisine as well as making friends. My dream country is USA,
where I can practice my English speaking skill and visit / go sightseeing in many big
beautiful cities. I hope that I can make my dream come true soon in the future.

2. Is it better to visit a big city or the seaside?

- Seaside: I’m a big fan of beach. In summer, I usually choose a beach city for my holiday.
I’m a seafood lover, I would love a trip to the sea to enjoy different seafood like shrimp
and fish which are delicious. So I can satisfy my passion and feel happy to be alive.
- Big city: If you want a lot of fun, you should choose a big city. There are a number of
things you can do there. For example, you can go to the cinema to enjoy the latest
movies or go to a shopping mall to spend money and immerse yourself in the paradise of
fashion. Moreover, a bar club in the big city is also a great place which is popular with
young people. In conclusion/ all in all, when having a trip in a big city, you will never feel
I can’t swim, so the seaside is not my thing. I’m afraid that I would be in danger if
travelling on boats.
3. Which do you think is more interesting: a day out in the city or a day out in the countryside?
It is because / the reason is that I’m young and very active girl/ boy, so I fancy the lively
atmosphere / life in the city.
- Well, most young people are keen on going out/ hanging out in a big city, and I’m no
exception. At the weekend, I usually get together with my friends in the heart of the
city to have some fun. We fancy enjoying music in a bar then going to the cinema to
watch the latest movies. it helps us to get a lot of pleasure and get our minds off things.
Besides, if we have some money to burn, we will go the biggest shopping mall in the city
to buy loads of fashionable clothes. When doing so, we can not only satisfy our passion
for fashion but also keep up with the latest trend.
- Well, most young people are into going out in a big city, but that is not my case. To be
honest, I can’t stand the noise in a bar or the crowd in a cinema. For me, if I have a day
off, I just want to go to the countryside where I can completely find peace of mind. Last
week, I went to Coc lake in the mountain after so much work and exams at school. Coc
lake is the most beautiful natural lake in my hometown with green and amazing scenery.
When going there, I could immerse myself into the beauty of nature and escape from
the hustle and bustle of the city life.

If we live a big city, it is very expensive to have entertainment.

For example, when you go shopping, you have to spend so much money for clothes, food and so on.

Moreover, if you are a big fan of movie but you don’t have money, you can’t go to the cinema. As
you know, the tickets are very expensive.

1. What do you want to study in the future?

- Well, speaking of what I want to learn, it is a new language like Chinese or Korean. To be
honest, I always dream of traveling abroad to Korean to see my K-pop idols. I think it is
useful if I know some Korean, then I can talk and make friends with local people.
Moreover, I would like to take part in a live show of my idols. I hope that I will be good
at Korean soon and have money to make my dream come true.
- From my point of view, with the development of technology, computer skill is of
paramount importance, so computer skill is a must if I want to have a good job.
Honestly, I think this skill is not my strength at the moment, so I will learn more about it
in the future.
- I’m a Kungfu lover and I would like to take part in Vovinam which is Vietnamese
traditional Kungfu. I have seen a lot of films about Vietnam’s Wars in which our people
used this kind of Kungfu to fight and protect our country. I believe that if I learn
Vovinam, I will get a lot of traditional values and dig deep into our culture.
- Well, there is a sport that I always want to try. It is swimming. I know that swimming is
something very common with everyone, but not for me. I’m very scared of water, so I
can’t swim in the sea on holiday. But I think, it’s time to change. I will take part in a
swimming class next summer to deal with my fear. I hope that, I will be able to swim to
immerse myself into cool water when I travel to the beach.
- To be honest, I have to study and work around the clock on a daily basis and hardly play
any sport. That is not good for my health. So I would like to take up a sport like
badminton in the future. I can play badminton with my friends or my family at the
weekend when I have a lot of free time. Thanks to that, not only can I have a good
health, but I also have a lot of fun with my beloved ones.
2. Is it useful to learn new skills in your free time?
- Of course, it is. It is always good if we know many skills in life. For me, I’m taking up a
new sport, soccer. Although I’m just a beginner, I’m trying my best to practice it every
weekend. Thanks to soccer, not only can I have a shape, but also make lots of new
friends who have the same hobbies.
- There’s no doubt that learning new skills is very good for our lives. We need to develop
ourselves day by day. Take me for an example, I’m trying to learn cooking skills because I
know if I’m good at cooking, I can make loads of my favorite dishes without spending
much money in a restaurant. Moreover, when I cook for myself and my family, I can
ensure that my food is safe, clean and good for health.
4. What job would you like to do in the future?
- I always dream of becoming a good doctor. The reason is that I want to help as many
sick people as possible. Although it is not easy to become a good doctor, I’m trying my
best to learn at school and get more experience at the hospital every day. Moreover, if I
work as a doctor, I can earn a lot of money and have a comfortable life / enjoy high living
- Teaching is my dream job. To be honest, I want to teach young children and help them
to go on the right path in their life. Teaching is a meaningful job that I want put every
effort into. I’m try my best to make my dream come true.
5. Is it better to work indoor or outdoors?
- I have a preference for indoor/ office jobs. The reason is that it is more convenient
because I don’t have to go out much. Moreover, some office jobs like doctor and teacher
can make good money. Thanks to that, they can have a stable life and enjoy high living
- I’m not keen on being in the sun, so I don’t want to do an outdoor job. In the future, I
would like to become a doctor / a teacher. I can have an AC/ air conditioner in my office
and don’t have to worry about the weather.
- No matter it is rainy or sunny, I can work very well.
- I’m a travelling lover, so I would like to have outdoor jobs like tour guide or
photographer. When I work as ……………, I can set foot on different places in Vietnam as
well as the world. Thanks to that, I can open my mind and enrich my knowledge.
-I can’t stand sitting still (ngồi yên) at one place/ spot and looking at the computer for a
long time. I think that is so boring/ dull. For me, I would like to become a photographer,
so I can travel to different places and meet different people. Thanks to that, I can open
my mind about various things every day. Moreover, being a photographer allows me to
go into nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
6. Would you like to have your own business?

7. Is it better to work on your own or with lots of other people?

- Well, working alone is my better choice. To be honest, I’m not an open person. I find it
very difficult to work and make friends with other people. So I prefer to work by myself
and avoid conflict.
- There is nothing better than teamwork when it comes to working. As you know, many
hands make light work / 2 heads are better than 1. Take me as an example, whenever I
have a project at school, I usually invite some friends of mine to work with me. Thanks to
that, we can deal with every problem very fast and have good results.
8. What’s more important: having a job you enjoy or making a lot of money?
- If I have to choose between having my favorite job or a job to make loads of money, the
latter is my better choice. I believe that if I have a lot of money, I can enjoy my life better
and have a high living standard. Then I can do a lot of hobbies, so my life is still fun.
- From my point of view, money is not every thing. So I would like to do my favorite job.
When I do something I love, I can put every effort into it. Although it is difficult and I
can’t earn much money at the beginning, I believe it will be better soon. For example,
my Dad was very poor when he became a doctor. But he always loved his job and after
many years of hard work, he became one of the best doctors in the town and made a lot
of money. He is a good example for me to follow.

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