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Grade 1

Math Practice Sheets

Review of Lesson 1 to 14

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Practice Questions
Review of Lesson 1 to 14


1. Write the number or number names.

a) b)
1 = _____ 7 = _____

c) d)
_____ = Two _____ = Eight

e) f)
3 = _____ 9 = _____

g) h)
_____ = Four _____ = Ten

i) j)
5 = _____ 11 = _____

k) l)
_____ = Six _____ = Twelve
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2. Count and write the numeral in the small box. Then write the number
name on the larger box.

a) b)

c) d)

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


3. Draw the missing dot pattern.

4. How many days are there in a week?

Draw the dots.

5. Fill in the correct symbol ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’.

a) b) c)
8 6 4 7 10 10
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d) e) f)
3 3
5 9 13 12

6. Use the number line below to fill in the blanks.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a) 5 comes before .

b) comes between 1 and 3.

c) 8 comes after .

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


7. John has 9 apples.

Jina has 5 apples. <

Who has more apples? _______

8. Count and add.

a) b)

+ = =

9. Write the sum.

Change the order of the addends.
Write the new addition sentences.
a) b)
4 + 5 = 7 + 3 =
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5 + 4 = + =

10. Write the number of objects inside the oval and the number of objects
outside the oval. Then write how many balls are in all.

___ inside ___ outside ___ in all 1 + 5 =


___ inside ___ outside ___ in all 5 + 3 =

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


11. Write the numbers to match the picture. 9

9 is ______ and ______.

12. Use the number line to help you add.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

+ =
13. Answer the following.

a) Sara has 4 dimes and 5 pennies.

How many coins does she have in all?
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+ =
Sara has ______ coins in all.

b) There are 1 teacher, 3 boys, and 4 girls in a classroom.

How many people are in the classroom?

+ + =

There are ______ people in the classroom.

14. Put a cross (x) on the things that you take away.
How many are left? Write the answer in the box.

7 - 4 =

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


15. Write the difference. Change the position of the subtraction.

Write the new subtraction sentence.
a) 8 - 2 =
- 2

b) 6 - 5 =

16. Find the missing part. Write the subtraction sentence.

a) 9 tigers

9 - 5 =
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Part I know Missing Part

b) 5 books

- =

Part I know Missing Part

17. Read the given problems. Circle the correct answer.

There are 7 children.

4 of them are walking.
Which number sentence shows how many children are not walking?

a) 7 - 3 = 4 b) 7 - 4 = 3

c) 7 - 5 = 2 d) 7 - 6 = 1

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


18. Use the number line to help you subtract.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

- =

19. Write the subtraction sentences for the model.

Then write the addition sentence.

9 - = 6

9 - = 3

3 + = 9
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20. Write subtraction sentences for the model. Then write an addition

a) b)
8 3

8 - 6 = ___ ___ - ___ = ___

8 - 2 = ___ ___ - ___ = ___

6 + 2 = ___ ___ + ___ = ___

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


21. Draw counters in the ten-frame to show each number.

a) b)
6 4

22. Write the number shown on each ten-frame.

a) b)

_________ _________

23. Write the numbers that show ways to make 10.

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10 is ____ and ____.

24. Draw the missing part. Write the numbers.

a) 10 b) 10

_________ _________ _________ _________

Part I know missing part Part I know missing part

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


25. Find the missing numbers.

10 - __ = 6 10 - 3 = __


__ - 5 = 5 10 - __ = 8

26. Find each sum.

a) 6 b)

+2 9 + 1 = _____
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27. Rosa wants to buy 5 balloons.

She can pick from green and red balloons.
Show the ways she can pick the balloons.

5 0


Review of Lesson 1 to 14


28. Is 8 + 4 a double? Circle ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Yes No

29. How does knowing the sum of 5 + 5 help you find the sum of
5 + 6?

30. Look at the ten frames. Write an addition fact with 5. Then write an
addition fact for 10.

a) b)

5 + 1 = ___ 5 + ___ = ___

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6 + ___ = 10 ___ + ___ = 10

31. Write the missing numbers.

a) 8 10 b) 7 10
+ 4 + 2 + 3 +

32. Draw a picture. Then write the number sentence.

Sarah buys 6 apples. Then she buys 5 oranges. How many fruits
does Sarah buy in all?

Review of Lesson 1 to 14
____ + ____ = ____ fruits


33. There are 6 trees altogether.

1 of them is cut down.
Which number sentence shows how many trees are left?

a) 6 - 1 = 5 b) 6 - 5 = 1 c) 6 - 4 = 2 d) 6 - 3 = 3

34. Complete the following subtraction facts. Also fill in the blanks to
finish the sentences.

a) b)

- -

2 less than 5 is ______ 1 less than 9 is ______

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35. Among 12 students in a classroom, 6 are girls.

Which of the following shows the number of boys?

a) 6 + 6 = 12 b) 6 + 0 = 6 c) 12 - 6 = 6 d) 12 + 6 = 18

36. Write the missing parts of the following.

a) b)

12 10

7 6

7 + ___ = 12 6 + ___ = 10

12 - 7 = ___ 10 - 6 = ___

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


37. Sophia has 7 stars. Kim has 4 stars.

Draw a picture of the total stars.

Also, complete the following number

sentence to show how many more
stars Sophia has.

____ - ____ = ____

38. Color red, green, blue, and b lack color.

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Review of Lesson 1 to 14


39. Write name of the following shaded parts.

a) b)

____________ ____________

c) d)

____________ ____________
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40. Circle each correct answer.

a) b)

Flip Flip

Turn Turn

Slide Slide

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


41. How many edges and vertices do the following shapes have?

Shapes No. of Edges No. of Vertices



42. Draw the same shape and size of each of the following shapes.

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Review of Lesson 1 to 14


43. Do the following shapes have two equal parts?

a) b)
Yes Yes

No No

44. Write the geometric name for each of the solid figures below.

a) b) c)

________ ________ ________

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45. Draw four lines of symmetry to the each of the following figures.

a) b)

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


46. List the names of 2 different 2-dimensional shapes and 2 different 3-

dimensional shapes.

2- Dimensional 3-Dimensional

a) _____________ a) _____________

b) _____________ b) _____________

47. Draw what comes next to continue each pattern.

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______ ______ ______

48. Complete the following sentences.


16 is ____ and ____.

____ is ____ and ____.

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


49. Count and write the numeral in the small box and the number name in
the longer box.

50. Write the numbers in the blank space.

a) 2 more than 45 is

b) 5 more than 70 is
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51. Complete the following pattern by skip counting in hundred chart.

a) Skip count by 5s.

10, 15, 20, 25, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __

b) Skip count by 10s.

10, 20, 30, __, __, __, __, __, __, __

Review of Lesson 1 to 14


52. On the number line below, circle the odd numbers and put a square
around the even numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

53. Taylor has an odd number of fruits. Which of the following could
be the number of fruits he has?

a) 22 b) 36 c) 17 d) 34

54. Circle the objects in the indicated position.

a) 9th

b) 14th
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55. Write the numbers to complete the following pattern.

Number of 1 2 3 4 5
Number of 4

Number of 1 2 3 4 5
Number of 5

You have finished a lesson. You should be very proud of yourself.
Now it is time to progress to the next lesson.
Your next assignment is notated by a green arrow.

Lesson 1 Numbers Exploration to 12

Lesson 2 Number Comparing and Ordering
Lesson 3 Addition Exploration Part I
Lesson 4 Addition Exploration Part II
Review 1 Review of Lesson 1, 2, 3, and 4
Lesson 5 Subtraction Exploration Part I
Lesson 6 Subtraction Exploration Part II
Lesson 7 Introducing Five and Ten Relationship
Lesson 8 Learning Addition Facts up to 12
Review 2 Review of Lesson 5, 6, 7, and 8
Lesson 9 Learning Subtraction Facts up to 12
Lesson 10 Introduction to Geometry Part I
Lesson 11 Introduction to Geometry Part II
Lesson 12 Understanding Patterns
Review 3 Review of Lesson 9, 10, 11, and 12
Lesson 13 Exploring Number Patterns and Counting to 100 Part I
Lesson 14 Exploring Number Patterns and Counting to 100 Part II
Lesson 15 Understanding Tens and Ones
Lesson 16 Number Comparison and Ordering to 100
Review 4 Review of Lesson 13, 14, 15, and 16
Lesson 17 Introduction to Money Counting
Lesson 18 Counting Money
Lesson 19 Measurement Concepts Part I
Lesson 20 Measurement Concepts Part II
Review 5 Review of Lesson 17, 18, 19, and 20
Lesson 21 How to Tell Time Part I
Lesson 22 How to Tell Time Part II
Lesson 23 Introducing Addition Facts to 18
Lesson 24 Introducing Subtraction Facts to 18
Review 6 Review of Lesson 21, 22, 23, and 24
Lesson 25 Data and Graphs Exploration
Lesson 26 Identifying Fractions
Lesson 27 Addition and Subtraction Using Tens and Ones
Review of Lesson 1 to 14

Next Review of Lesson 15 to 27

Answer Key of Review of Lesson 1 to 14

1. a) one b) seven c) 2 d) 8
e) three f) nine g) 4 h) 10
i) five j) eleven k) 6 l) 12
2. a) 6; six b) 5; five c) 12; twelve d) 10; ten
4. 7
5. a) > b) < c) = d) <
e) = f) >
6. a) 6 b) 2 c) 7
7. John; 5<9
8. a) 4+3=7 b) 3+2=5
9. a) 9 b) 10; 3+7=10
10. a) 1,5; 6 b) 5,3; 8
11. 5 and 4 12. 5+2=7
13. a) 4+5=9 b) 1+3+4=8
14. 3
15. a) 6 b) 1
16. a) 4 b) 5-1=4
17. b 18. 6-2=4
19. 3; 6; 6
20. a) 2; 6; 8 b) 3-2=1; 3-1=2; 1+2=3
22. a) 5 b) 9
23. 3 and 7
24. a) 8; 2 b) 4; 6
25. 10; 4; 7; 2
26. a) 8 b) 10
27. 4,1; 3,2; 2,3; 1,4; 0,5 28. No
30. a) 6; 4 b)5+3=8; 8+2=10
31. a) 12; 12 b) 10; 0,10
32. 6+5=11 33. a
34. a) 3 b) 8
35. c
36. a) 5 b) 4
37. 7-4=3
39. a) triangle b) circle c) square d) rectangle
40. a) turn b) flip
41. a) 3; 3 b) 4; 4
43. a) yes b) no
44. a) cylinder b) cube c) cone
48. a) 10 and 6 b) 19 is 10 and 9
49. a) 17; seventeen b) 26; twenty-six
50. a) 47 b) 75
52. odd: 1,3,5,7,9 even: 2,4,6,8,10
53. c
55. a) 8; 12; 16; 20 b) 10; 15; 20; 25

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