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5.4 First Moments of Areas and Lines


Shape ⎯x ⎯y Area

h h bh
Triangular area C 3 2
b b
2 2

Quarter-circular 4r 4r ␲r2
area 3␲ 3␲ 4
Semicircular area O 4r ␲r2
O 0
⎯x 3␲ 2

Quarter-elliptical 4a 4b ␲ ab
area 3␲ 3␲ 4
C C b
O 4b ␲ ab
Semielliptical O
⎯x a 0
area 3␲ 2

Semiparabolic a 3a 3h 2ah
area 8 5 3
C C h
Parabolic area O 3h 4ah
O 5 3
⎯x a

y = kx 2
Parabolic spandrel 3a 3h ah
C 4 10 3

y = kxn n+1 n+1 ah

General spandrel h a h
n+2 4n + 2 n+1
C ⎯y

␣ 2r sin α
Circular sector 0 αr2

O ␣ C


Fig. 5.8A Centroids of common shapes of areas.

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226 Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers

of Gravity

Shape ⎯x ⎯y Length

Quarter-circular 2r 2r ␲r
arc ␲ ␲ 2
⎯y C r
O 2r
Semicircular arc O 0 ␲r


a C r sin a
Arc of circle 0 2ar
O a a


Fig. 5.8B Centroids of common shapes of lines.


In many instances, a flat plate can be divided into rectangles, triangles,
or the other common shapes shown in Fig. 5.8A. The abscissa X of its
center of gravity G can be determined from the abscissas x1, x2, . . . , xn
of the centers of gravity of the various parts by expressing that the
moment of the weight of the whole plate about the y axis is equal
to the sum of the moments of the weights of the various parts about
the same axis (Fig. 5.9). The ordinate Y of the center of gravity of
the plate is found in a similar way by equating moments about the
x axis. We write
©My: X(W1 1 W2 1 . . . 1 Wn ) 5 x1W1 1 x2W2 1 . . . 1 xnWn
©Mx: Y(W1 1 W2 1 . . . 1 Wn ) 5 y1W1 1 y2W2 1 . . . 1 ynWn

z z

y y W3
ΣW = W1 W2
⎯X G2
G G1
O ⎯Y O

x x

ΣM y : ⎯X Σ W = Σ⎯ x W
ΣM x : ⎯Y Σ W = Σ⎯ y W
Fig. 5.9 Center of gravity of a composite plate.
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Shape ⎯x Volume

C 3a 2
Hemisphere ␲ a3
8 3


Semiellipsoid 3h 2
C ␲ a2h
of revolution 8 3


Paraboloid h 1
C ␲ a2h
of revolution 3 2


C h 1
Cone ␲ a2h
4 3


b h 1
Pyramid C abh
4 3


Fig. 5.21 Centroids of common shapes and volumes.


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