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Ri WON Was the fundam states betuccn he ee 3. Trade was a ma} Christian rilers. influenced by the legend of “p The battle of Shimbea k Ferigin bes ithe an Made 1 F 6 Punt wus he eailiest recorded sume in northern E Emperor Suseniyos was converted Catholi 8. The Oromo popolation mov and languages between 0 ei" ncighh 9 ‘The teaching of Ewostaiewos was the strict ob 10, The Oromo imegrated non-Oromes through Cuditta ‘ Part Il: Mateh the items listed under column “A” by selecting appropriate answer alternatives listed under column “B” and {il in the separate answer sheet.(10P() A B 1 Ellen A ‘om the ficially announced Ca as 0 a 2. Libne Dingil B, A dominant woman in Gonderine « i Ib w 1768, 3/Bati Del Wanbera. The first Christian monarch whe agre thoricis 4.Ze Dingit 1D. The wife of [ynso I and sh he growin Wollo Orem Gonderine oor 5. Seble-Wongel B. His death marked the 6.Gelawdewor F. A mother and regent of Libne Dingit played major med polities of Christian kingdom. 7. Susenyos GA. Queen marher, who advised Gelawdewos to prepare an march to Wo: Dega. 1 Wie of imam Abo and encournged her husband to avenge the death of ber tater Defeated by Ahmed \Grngn at Shimbers Kure in 1529 4, ip 1559 killed by wsheanate of Adal lod by Nur bo al-Waaric Majid V1 The ey WiPhe'even Aa strenght oa W Tehition bety bist A. The arn 2 Me arrival. GP the (Otioman Turkey in B The B The revival of relations tswroen the cere nthe Cheistiun Kisigdomm and $. vulry between the Christan Kinggxn und Mt yedotn and Muslin § The religious relies of fin per no . A. Menagesha B. Zeqwah f 13. The too imediowal mntirket centres in Ma A. Mandalay and Wavet Ee db Wase C/Wer-Gebeyn and t Diabrawa ind Asmara 1). Garidabato and Sq Way 14, Among the following one is m : correct about the Lithio-Furapean relat Adniiration and request of Fiiiopian monarchs for European technic B, Ruropeans démand for'a Chis : i Ruropenns demand for'n Chistian allies against the Mustins ©. Bxchange of detepations and mi {delegations and missions between Fthiopin and Europe European colonial interest in Ethiopia 15. tn the medieval Ethiopia ihe renowned philosophieal work belong (A. Abba Giyorgis Ze-Gasicha © St Yared B. Abuna Tekichaymanot D. Zara Ya'igab 1b. The Perioit of Zemerie Mesafint tn Evslopian history is marked following except: A: the decline of the power of Kings B, the rise of power/il regional lors €. the complete ubolitian of the ecatral povernment 1D. the domination of the Yeju lords over the to opi 14. Why did empetor Susenyos abdicate hix throne in favor of his son, Fasidadas ‘A. The existing controversies and rebellions against his religions p B. The conflict between Su e His attempt is continue power transfer along tke “Solon” Hines 1D. His atten to-enercise demoeracy’in Ethiopie 18, Which one al'de following i not true about the consequences of the war of Ahmad Gr ‘A. The Christion kingdom emergod stronger than cver before BA coy inilatiom and suceess ofthe Oromos io ther population movement €. The weakening of the Muslim sultanate of Adal cultural interaction among the peoples of skis 19; The Onda uystem i the Oromo society is characterized by al the ftlowing ane seen ‘A. periodic suecession , Leadership for life B, Elective leadership , power sharing Mare H THose Parry, 8. Reliability of sources refers to B. Consistency C. Dependability D. Creqiy, A, Authenticity E.All 9. The professionalization of History is related to A, Herodotus (¢, 484-425 B.C) B. Leopold Von Ranke (1795-1886) ©, Herodotus and Thucydides (c.455-400 B.C.E.) D. Sima Qian (145-86 B.C.E.} 10, Primary sources of history are A. Closer in time and space to the event B. Removed in time from the event C. Can be trusted instanteously D, created after the event 11. According to Periplus of Eritrean Sea A. Adulis was the major port of Axum B. The major export item of Axume was glassware and jewelry C. description of trade between Aksum and Sasu D. AandB 12, Christian Topography A. Axumite inscription published in Cosmos"s book B. Was written by . Zoscales/Za Hagel/c. 76-89, €. describes about the commercial activities of the Red sea D. All E. AandC oct 1D.No. Dept PART .ILTRUE /FaLse | FOLOWING Item wer “FALSE TEMS (11) MARKS EACH, FOR EACH OF THe : TE” TRUE” IF THE STATEMENT IS CORRECT a IF IT IS INCORRECT ——|. Lower Omo and middle ND Awash River valley are productive ir terms of evidence related to agricultural revolution 2. The pursuit of the historian is to understand the present with Scientific sources. ——3. Archives as a source may lose its originality and authen due to distortion through time . 4. Non-literate societies’ do not own written history 5. Population movements, warfare, trade, religious and territorial expansion, have served to preserve languages in Ethiopia 6. The professionalization of history in Ethiopia isa post— colonial phenomenon. PART .II MULTIPLE CHOICE ITEMS. CHOSSE THE BEST ANSWER FROM THE GIVEN ALTERNATIVES AND WRITE THE LETTER ON THE SPACE PROVIDED (1) marks Each. 7.Historial data can be collected through all except? A. Interview B. Document analysis C, consulting secondary sources _D. projection __8. Primary sources of history ? A. Are closer in time and space to the event” B. Are removed in time from the event C, Can be trusted instanteously . D. help access historical data in the present 9. According to Periplus of Eritrean Sea | A. Adulis was the major port of Axum B, The major export item of Axum was glassware and jewelry C. Description of trade between Aksum and Sasu D. AandB 10. Christian Topography A. Axumite inscription published in Cosmos’s book B. Was written by Zoscales/Za Hagel/c. 76-89, C. Describes the commercial activities of the Red sea D. All E. AandC PART Ill. MATCHING, MATCH THOSE ITEMS LISTED UNDER COLUMN “8” WITH THOSE ITEMS UNDER COLOUMN “A”. j 11, Hagiography A. Point of view A __12, Syneretism B, Francisco Alvarez £ 13, Futta -al Habesha C. Travels to Discover the Source of the Blue Nile D. Life and Times of saints E. | | | 15. The Prester John of indies €. can be good source of oral tradition F, Shiha- ab -din G. Chroniclers |. The history of historical writings J. Mixing of religions Part lv. Fill in the blank Space provided. 16. Technological changes that brought socio-economic transformation On terpenes ke wre etated to . 17. The main feature of the next stage of human evolution, which produced the genus Hom, fs i 4 18. The history of Ethiopia and the Horn has been shaped by and —— 19.In Ethiopia, evidences related to both biological and cultural evolution have been discovered _———— 25. Emperor Hallessilassie’s fore igh policy aad following; iplomacy was not tryered at on A. Maintaining the territorial ix B. "erty Of the Ethiopian si + Ethiopia's security and access to the sen ¢ a - Ensuring his domestic power at consol idation-s D.. Granting slfedctermination for Frivean and 0 E,-Both BED are answers {8-8 Conecept thatthe main drying force determines the co tents of foreign policy A, Diplomacy ~/ 3B. Military Aid C-- National intecest D. Embargo 25. With which one ofthe following historical event do concep in the principle o Gemocmicy like ‘Equality’, Liberty’ and ‘Fratemity” are associate n/ A. The treaty of Westphalia (1648), . American wit of independence (1776), B. English Civil war (1688), D-French Revolution of (1789), at factors f 26, The existence of the state and its political tits is the deten A. Middle range objective” By Short range objective ~ C. Long range abjective D. All iterion that determines the national int of the » 27, One of the following is x the geo-polities and the political hist ‘A. Operational philosophy » Se B. Pragmatic criteria C. Partisan eriteria D.-Legal criteria Money isthe currency for eeono: Politics, Me elt of ctersationa A: Sovereignty B-Power © Aun D. Anarchy 14 Liberal intemationalist prefers all, bue A. Collective security systers B. Free trade C-Balaice of Power System D. Democracy ~~ 15, Which one ofthe following isthe carr element of diplomacy? A: Bretking off diplomatic reato ms F B. The expulsion of diplomats (7 ©. Cancellation of official visit (2 D.-An invitation to membership of 1G) . itreat peoples through referendurn 20, ldentify the wrong sisternent about realism and liberalism ‘A. For realist war is more common than peacer ~C B.-Realist, unlike Idealist, consider sate asthe dominant actor of International Relations ¢ The former is deseriptive where 2 later is prescriptive 7 fi D. For realist international politics is primarily about domination whereas for beret itis about coopetions 21. A levels of analysis in international relations that requires x careful consideration of the kind of state, its political structure, geographical position, historical ties, and economic satus is known as; Av System evel analysis B, State level analysis, . Individual level analysis D, Group level analysis 22. Whieh of the following is nor carreet about the past-1991 regime’ foreign policy and objective? ‘A. Considering domestic problem as the main challenge to ensuring iy national interest B, Peace, develop pillars of the state Ca Addressing external issues fitst (outside-in) first so as to address dome: problems next ¢ D. Adopting economic diplomacy to strengthen domestic efforts of poverty + E, Both B and C are answers nent and democracy as the foreign policy objectives and ghting He Meade fllong states anc identi rong one Intemational retetions : out levels o Atbiemationel relations prior 0 the iat World War h fanilysis had a concern about level Fan Fin aos cat may ig vous eso analysis 4 = ' > Analyaingintratinva lg levels, dating post Word None ofthe above With eo the owing is core A. Individuals as noting B. The psy; ‘of analysis started D. it individual level analysis 10 do with giy ‘ns analysis 0 Intemational relations (= hology and emotions of a in affecting @ panicular int Wy, C_A Statesman’s ideological background, his inter Problem’ phenomenon, bis decisions on Perception of a given his carcer can be used to analyze the cause, luEse and consequence oj D. All oF the above 48; One among the following cannor be A. International Rel foreign poliey 3B, Poltt taking process v #4 war broke out between ncighboring counties, — analyzed using group level analysis, lations Egperts.assiel ‘of a given country influence decision mak ing pr rocess” geo al patties of Country “x? Put pressuce on theit national political decision The Cabinet member of a giver ; ~ their neighboring State py D.- The Secretary General of United Nations calls tor COVID-19 pandemic 19. Who decided Eritrea to be feverated with Ei iopia in 19529 A. The Great Powers Commission 8. Both the USA and Great Britain C. The UN D, - Eritrean political parties international order? A. United States of America of B. Russia C. China D. India B. Aandc 2 Wi Concept ‘the state’? A- Strong central goveranient,imemationsl recognition end sovereignty B.-Detined territory, permanently settled population and goverment : International recognition, sovereignty and defined teritory. D. Sovereignty, permanently settled oe A. Favorable trade poliey B., Freezing of cccess to lending inst ©. Debt cancelation D. Foreign aid One of the following is status quo presving Sao abot the prevailing liberal ch ofthe following sre the tee tangible and coneret elements ofthe political Which one of the following is coercive economic instrument of foreign poliey? Population and government. tutions 9. entity the correet statement shout International Relations GR), A. In its modem definition, IR studie oply about the diplomatic relationships or Interactions between sovereign states? E ~/ _-B. Traditionally IR was defined a9 th Actors, and amid sovereign state Con its contemporary definition, IR slates, including activities of natio D, Inits conventional defini 'e study of relationships between soy ereign state and non-state actors ‘is the study of interactions between sovereign mal governments and different non-state actors the scope of Twas too much broader and jt includes state and non-state actors, 10, Which one oF the following 8a classic e A. The Warsaw Pact B. Asti Union ©. Arab League ~xamnple of military alliance? D.NATO EPA and D What was the core argument of Semuet P. Hunt a's thesis “The Clash of Civilization"? ass A With the revival of nationalism, peoples culun the basic sources of conflict in the and religious identities will be Post-cold-war world, True B. Following the end of cold ‘War ideology will resume to be at the heart of divisions ‘among different states of the world pate ©. Alter the cold war this world will never see any ideology that would challenge Capitalism, the victor inthe cold war. 08° D. Ideology witl replace nationalism [ethn force in the post-cold-war period, fis‘ oe a The two power ity, culture and religion) as influential nities that held important polit cal influence over the European Continent before the emergence of the Sovereign modem State in the medieval times were: The holy Roman empire C, Feudal lords and Duchies D. None A./ The Catholic Chureh and B, Feudal Lo: ds and cities ePreciatioy 7 rest of th ol © World = 159 4 aah eS OO ag to decline while, busi i rent bei ess eyole unemploy™ ase of business © 2. Inthe contraction ph called public debt. is ent spending adjustment and Sxed aodpricetevolar O"iBE: saver nent tax at of living Seca of gem Taps who recive 2 <= ‘nanticipated inflation bu : < ee increased, whereas nominal income recipient a and services has inereaseG> wat increased 10a GD xo en a oe ‘GDP can rises either because output has increased of Part tH: = Workout 4 1. Consider the following information for a particular economy. san Total population = 100 million Number of employed = 40 mi si = 15% ‘Total labor force ~ 60 million Natural rates of unemployment 4. Find the total unemployment rate? (1 pt.) >. Calculate the cyclical unemployment rate? Opt) 2. Consider the following short run production function: pt) O=6l) -0,4 1. Find the value of L that maximizes output 4. Find the Value of L that maximizes MP dif. Find the value of L that maximizes AP

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