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Psychodrama is a deep action method developed by Jacob Levy Moreno (1889-1974) in which people
enact scenes from their lives dreams or fantacies . In an effort to express unexpressed feelings ,gain
new insights and understanding and practice new and more satisfying behaviours .another way to
define psychodrama is to look at the 2 roots .”psycho” comes from Greek root psyche and means
breath,spirit,soul and mind .the word ” drama”is more straight forward and means a story ,play
movie or radio program,then psychodrama is quite literally a drama of the mind ad soul.

Psychodrama is most often conducted in groups,where group members join in the re enactment of
an event from a single persons life .in this way psychodrama differs from socio drama,which looks at
a group issue or a bibilodrama ,which reenacts a story from bible,a psychodrama focuses on a single
individual who is called protagonist.

Psychodrama is the concept of role,which refers to the way in which indviduals act out different parts
in their lives such as parent,friend,worker and so psychodrama participants are encouraged to
explore these roles through dramatic which they can experiment with new way of being
and expressing themselves.

Psychodrama is guided by the principle of group dynamics with the therapists serving as a director or
facilator who helps participant work together in a supportive and non judgemental environment .the
group dynamic is seen as an important part of the process ,as it allows indviduals to learn from
support each other in their personal growth and self discovery.

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