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Chapter 1 (Short Syllabus)

Topic: Virtual Reality

 Virtual Reality:
 A technology that allows an environment to be created by combining
hardware and software to present a virtual perception that the user
perceives as real.
 Some machines and technology are used to replicate the human five senses
and feelings to trick the brain into thinking the virtual world to be real.

 How to create virtual reality:

Virtual reality can be created in multiple ways:
 By wearing special glasses or a helmet:
 3 dimensional image is created in our brain by showing two different
 By projecting a 3D scene onto a screen:
 A combination of hardware and software is used to create a 3D
dimensional imaging of a particular environment or a scene.

 How virtual reality differs from regular computer graphics:

 Virtual reality involves the sense of touch and sound.
 Head Mounted Display (HDM) is used to create the perception.
 Specially made gloves and boots are sometimes used in conjunction to
improve user interaction with virtual reality.
 Telepresence allows the entire process to be controlled remotely and utilizes
real sound effects to enhance user experience.

 Impact of virtual reality in everyday life:

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