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Jeleny Yodong
Mr. Rooney Aries Yodong
33 Coverton Hights NE
Calgary AB T3K 5B1

Dear customer,
We are very excited to announce that we are embarking on something new and we want to
share it with you!

Our goal is, and always has been, to help you and your student navigate what is truly needed
out of your education savings. But your needs and expectations are changing and evolving
with your student. We recognize that you need more, and we are designing products and
services that align with these changing needs. In doing so we aim to help you and the
480,000 students we currently serve to be as successful as possible throughout the post-
secondary education journey.

As you’ll soon see, this mission will influence many aspects of our business, but the most
obvious will be our new name and logo, Embark.

Embark is to begin, to take the first step and to chart a course – something that you’ve
already been doing, everyday, across the many milestones of raising and supporting your
student. For our part, Embark will strive to engage, inspire, and support you and your student
as you save for, prepare and journey through their post-secondary education experience.

More detailed information will be coming soon, but you will begin to see our new brand in
your plan documents and other communications.

We are looking forward to embarking on this journey with you!

Starting in 2024, your annual statement and plan information will be delivered to your secure online account.
Help ease our environmental impact -- and enjoy all the benefits of your education savings:

• Track your progress against your goal

• Change or increase the amount you’re saving with no-fee, self-serve options

• Keep your customer profile and account information updated – it’s an important ‘to do’ each year


If you haven’t created an online account yet, follow these simple steps to sign up:

1. Scan the QR Code

2. Create your login information (email address and password)
3. Enter your information

Prefer traditional paper? You can at any time request paper documents for a fee by
contacting our Customer Success Team.


Your Contributions and Sales Charge

When you enrolled in your Plan, we explained that the one-time, up-front Sales Charge paid to your sales
representative and to provide ongoing service and advice, is deducted from your initial contributions. In
comparison, a “trailer fee” -- which many other investments pay to their sales representatives -- is charged
regularly on your contributions and savings for the entire life of the plan.

Rest assured that while you are paying the sales charge, you are still eligible to receive government grants
and earn interest on those grants and are helping your child achieve their education goals.
Family Single Student Annual Statement for Agreement # 19471815

Reporting period: January 01, 2022 to December 31, 2022

If you have other education savings plans with Knowledge First Financial, you will receive a statement for each agreement.
Plan Information
Plan Type Family Single Student Plan Contribution Frequency Not applicable
Subscriber Mrs. Jeleny Yodong Contribution Amount $0.00
Joint Subscriber Mr. Rooney Aries Yodong Start Date March 01, 2022
Beneficiary Conyap Jelarene Yodong

Plan Activity and Details

January 01, 2022 to Total since Start Date, $
December 31, 2022, $

CONTRIBUTIONS $4,377.96 $4,377.96

Less Sales Charges Paid $0.00 $0.00
Insurance Premiums ($5.12) ($5.12)

Other Fees** ($1.70) ($1.70)

SUBTOTAL (net contributions) $4,371.14 $4,371.14
INCOME earned on net contributions $143.37 $143.37
Canada Education Savings Grant $1,165.00 $1,165.00
Canada Learning Bond $500.00 $500.00

INCOME earned on government grants $95.32 $95.32

TOTAL MARKET VALUE OF YOUR PLAN† $6,274.83 $6,274.83

Knowledge First Financial Inc. is proud to be your education savings partner. Learn more about the benefits of your Family Single Student Plan and
how we can help you plan and save even more for your beneficiary’s post-secondary education at

Illustration of Potential Funds Available

This illustration is provided to assist you
st with your education savings planning. It is
TABLE 1: Net contributions and grants on July 31 of the year your beneficiary turns 18
based on information we currently have
Contributions less fees (net contributions)1 $4,371 about this plan and on certain assumptions
Canada Education Savings Grant2 $1,165 we are making about the future. *For
example, it assumes that the beneficiary will
Canada Learning Bond2 $500
withdraw funds from this plan over the
4-year period in approximately equal
installments. Please refer to the Assumptions
and Explanatory Notes section of this
statement for further details.
SUBTOTAL 1: Net Contributions and Grants $6,036 *There are other ways to withdraw funds to
maximize the total benefit of your RESP. For
TABLE 2: Potential income on July 31st of the year your beneficiary turns 18 example, you may request income and
At 3% rate At 4% rate At 5% rate government grants first leaving your net
Income on net contributions3
contributions to continue to generate income. Visit
$223 $250 $277
us at for more
Income on government grants3 $126 $137 $147 information on withdrawals.
SUBTOTAL 2: Income $349 $387 $424
This illustration provides information
TOTAL on July 31 of the year your
about potential funds available for post-
$6,385 $6,423 $6,460
secondary education and is not meant to be a
beneficiary turns 18
prediction about the actual value of this plan in
the future. The actual funds will be
TABLE 3: Further plan growth after the first PSE and/or EAP withdrawal different from what is illustrated here
Assumes equal withdrawals over 4 years* At 3% rate At 4% rate At 5% rate and cannot be predicted.
Income on net contributions3 $214 $290 $369
Income on government grants3 $83 $113 $144
GRAND TOTALS4 $6,682 $6,826 $6,973
Important Information about Your Government Grants

If you have completed a Grant Application(s) and there are no Grants collected in your plan, please contact Customer Service.

Your Beneficiary’s Social Insurance Number (SIN) - Received

Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) - Application completed: we are applying for grant.
Additional CESG - Application completed: we are applying for grant.
Canada Learning Bond (CLB) - Application completed: we are applying for grant.

Standing Instructions and Important Disclosures

Standing Instructions Annual Management Report of Fund Performance, Audited Financial Statements and Interim Financial
Statements are available on our website at and at We notify our customers of
the availability of these documents based on standing instructions obtained at the time of enrollment. If you wish to change
these instructions you can do so at any time in your secure customer site at

Important Disclosures The latest copies of the Knowledge First Financial Relationship Disclosure Information document, which includes the
Conflict-of-Interest disclosures, is available on our website at

Contribution Details for This Statement Period (January 01, 2022 to December 31, 2022)
Date Transaction Amount, $

March 01, 2022 Contribution Receipt $4,000.45

March 21, 2022 Contribution Receipt $76.28
April 21, 2022 Contribution Receipt $76.28
May 23, 2022 Contribution Receipt $76.28
June 21, 2022 Contribution Receipt $76.28
November 03, 2022 Contribution Receipt $72.39
Illustration Assumptions and Explanatory Notes
1. Total contributions anticipated under this agreement, less any withdrawals and fees deducted, might not include contributions made in the current month. If
you are currently making contributions via pre-authorized deposit (“PAD”) this number assumes that all future contributions will be made in accordance with
the contribution schedule in effect for this agreement at this time. Contributions missed in the past are not included here. If you have temporarily stopped
making contributions OR, if your contributions are made by means other than PAD, this number assumes that you will make no further contributions to this
education savings plan.
2. Government grants received to date, plus anticipated grants based on (a) expected future contributions to this plan, see note 1 above, and (b) assumption
that current grant eligibility will continue. Assumptions about future Additional CESG and Additional QESI (where applicable) qualification are based on
historical transactions. Other government grant assumptions are based on the legislation and regulations governing the federal and provincial government
education savings grant programs. This number might not include (a) “pending” grants that have been applied for, but not yet received, such as CESG on
current month's contribution or QESI in respect of contributions made in the reporting period or (b) grants on contributions made to a non-registered education
savings plan.
3. Total income earned on contributions and government grants to December 31, 2022 and projection of future plan earnings compounded monthly through to
July 31 of the year your beneficiary turns 18 years of age based on a 3%,4% and 5% annual net rate of return. Future plan growth represented by income on
contributions and government grants is calculated based on an assumption that the beneficiary will withdraw available funds from this plan over the 4-year
period in approximately equal installments, such as 25% of plan value in the year the beneficiary turns 18 (first withdrawal year), 1/3 of remaining plan value
in the second withdrawal year, ½ of remaining plan value in the third withdrawal year and the remaining balance in the plan in the fourth withdrawal year.
Projected income compounds monthly based on a 3%,4% and 5% annual net rate of return There are other ways to withdraw funds to maximize the total
benefit of your RESP. For example, you may request income and government grants first leaving your net contributions to continue to generate income. Visit
us at for more information on withdrawals. Return assumption is based on historical investment return experience for this
Plan. Actual returns will vary; past performance is not an indicator of future results. Please refer to your Plan’s current prospectus for the rate of return, to help
you assess the overall performance of the Plan’s assets.Our current prospectus is available on our website or on SEDAR at
4. Potential funds available for the beneficiary’s post-secondary education from this education savings plan agreement.

Other Important Information

Total: The Total reflected on this statement is a sum of contributions less fees (principal), government grants, income earned on principal and income
earned on grants. This total can be used to estimate the market value of your agreement since there is no active market for this investment. Please note that
entitlement to Government Grants and Income is dependent on the beneficiary’s qualification for Education Assistance Payments (EAP). Any income not
issued as an EAP may be transferred to your RRSP or withdrawn as an accumulated income payment (subject to the Income Tax Act (Canada)).
As December 31, 2022, the total contribution amount is $4,377.96 (this includes fees and sales charges). If you cancel the plan after 60 days since it was
opened, you are entitled to receive the net contributions (please see prospectus for full details). At the end of the statement period, the net contributions are
As at December 31, 2022, the outstanding amount of sales charges is $0.00.
Other fees, if applicable, may include miscellaneous transaction fees and/or depository fees.
Terms of the plan that, if not met by you or your designated beneficiary, might cause a loss of contributions, earnings or government grants in the plan,
include, but are not limited to, the beneficiary failing to attend a qualifying post-secondary education program.
Securities held within KFF accounts are not eligible for coverage under an investor protection fund.

If You Need to Contact Us

Knowledge First Financial Head Office

50 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W., Suite 1000, Mississauga, Ontario L5B 4A5

Customer Success Centre: 1 800 363-7377 Email:
Live Chat:

Knowledge First Financial is a registered trademark of Knowledge First Financial Inc.

E. & O.E.

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